Ventilator Management Modes of Mechanical Ventilation: Pressure and Volume In volume targeted: ventilator delivers a certain volume of gas in a set time In pressure targeted: ventilator delivers a certain level of pressure for a set time Both pressure and volume targeted modes are TIME CYCLED. The time cycle is controlled through setting the inspiratory time. Exhalation is passive Flow Cycling: Inspiration ends when flow gets to be a certain percent of max. This only occurs in patient triggered modes Minute ventilation: RR x Vt. Desired minute ventilation to match patient’s metabolic needs is usually 3-4x BSA. Can be estimated at 100ml/kg. Normally 57L/min. This will also increase 9% for each degree C above normal. Tidal Volume: volume with each spontaneous breath normally 5-7ml/kg. Calculated based on IBW. Normally start at 8-10ml/kg. For ARDS or patients with poor compliance, 4-6ml/kg. PEEP: positive end expiratory pressure. Pressure set to keep lungs from collapsing at end of expiratory phase so that pressure does not drop to zero. Besides the mode of ventilation used, there are 3 other concepts to understand: 1. Control Variable: what triggers, limits and cycles the breath a. Triggers: time, patient effort b. Targets: pressure, volume c. Cycles: time 2. Breath Sequence: full vs partial support vs spontaneous a. Full: Ventilator delivers all breaths at full support -- CMV b. Partial: ventilator delivers set breath at full support and patient can trigger extra breaths at variable pressure/volume limits -- SIMV c. Spontaneous: patient regulates rate and volume for breath 3. Target Feedback: response of ventilator to lung and patient -- CPAP/PS a. PRVC b. SIMV with autoflow: automatic flow adjustment to get set tidal volume at lowest possible pressure. Pressure and flow automatically adjusted based on resistance and compliance Ventilator Concepts to Understand: 1. Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP): measure of large airway resistance 2. Plateau Pressure: measure of pressure at alveolar level. Can assess by doing inspiratory hold – when flow is at zero, measure of the pressure. 3. Autopeep: PEEP generated when next breath started before patient finishes previous breath. Can be measured (along with volume trapped) by doing an expiratory hold on the vent. 4. Mean airway pressure: Calculated automatically by the ventilator. (PIP-PEEP) xTi/Ttotal +PEEP CMV: control mode ventilation. Can be volume or pressure targeted. - triggered by time and patient - flow can be constant in volume targeted modes; descending in pressure targeted - time cycled SIMV: synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation. Set volume or pressure targeted breaths. Patient triggered breaths can be of any volume/pressure (up to limits set) - patient and time triggered - volume/pressure targeted - time cycled Pressure Support: delivers an inspiratory pressure above the set level of PEEP. Often set with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) which acts like PEEP. Can be added in modes where patient can assist with breaths - patient triggered - pressure targeted - flow cycled APRV (airway pressure release ventilation): Set a Phigh (high CPAP) and Plow (low CPAP, usually 0) and Thigh (Inspiratory time) and Tlow (expiratory time). - time triggered, pressure targeted, time cycled - Tlow is most important to prevent derecruitment - Patient able to breathe spontaneously at Phigh Other Variables that are set on Ventilator PEEP: Positive pressure set at end of exhalation. Prevents premature alveoli collapse and promotes oxygenation FiO2: fraction of inspired oxygen - try to keep <50% as higher levels of oxygen can lead to nitrogen washout in lungs, free radical formation and rebound atelectasis - can lower to 21% Inspiratory Time: control variable of respiratory cycle. - normal I:E ratio is 1:2 to 1:3 (inspiratory time 25-33% of total cycle time) - cycle time = Itime + Etime - frequency of breathing = 60/cycle time