Scotland Kadri Kalve

Kadri Kalve
Key points:
Clans of Scotland
Scottish Flag
Scottish Castles
1. Capital
The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Edinburgh is named after King Edwin of
ancient Northumbria. It has been Scotland’s capital since the fifteenth century.
Certainly, one of the most popular attractions in Edinburgh is Edinburgh Castle.
Another great place to visit is the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Edinburgh is a
really beautiful city and worth the visit.
2. Geography
Geographically, Scotland occupies the northern section of the island of Great
Britain, and is surrounded by the Irish Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the North
Sea. A little known fact is that Scotland is comprised of more than 600 islands
Kadri Kalve
including the Hebrides and famous coastal areas such as Isle and Man. Scotland
is divided into approximately three dozen regions or council areas.
3. Clans of Scotland
The Scottish clan system has been in place throughout the history. People of
Scottish descent identifying with their clan, no matter where they may live in the
world. Each clan has its own unique tartan and coat of arms. Clan gatherings
take place throughout Scotland as well as in other countries. Initially, clans were
identified by the geological area they originated from. As hundreds of years
have passed, people have moved around, nevertheless the clan system and the
sense of identity it provides remains alive.
Kadri Kalve
4. Scottish Flag
The national flag of Scotland is the Saltire. It is made up of a great white cross
which spans diagonally across the flag on a blue background. This was the
supposed shape of the cross that St. Andrew was put to death on. Therefore the
flag is also known as the 'Cross of St. Andrew'. There is another Scottish Flag
which is called the 'Royal Flag' of Scotland or the 'Rampant Lion'. This flag is
only supposed to be used by Scottish monarchs.
5. Scottish Castles
For centuries the inhabitants of Scotland have been building fortifications and
strongholds of one kind or another. It wasn't long before magnificent castles
sprung up. It has been estimated that there were once about 3,000 castles
Scotland and plenty of evidence remains to suggest this is true. Some of these
buildings have disappeared over time, others have become crumbling ruins, and
many have been maintained in superb condition.
Kadri Kalve
In my opinion Scotland is a very beautiful country with interesting culture
and history. I sure would like to visit Scotland for it’s lovely landscapes and
magnificent castles.