January 2015 - Ernesford Grange Primary School

NEWSLETTER January 2015
Welcome back to all pupils, staff, parents and friends of the school. Happy New Year to you all. I
hope you had a very good Christmas and an enjoyable break.
Thank you
A big 'Thank you ' goes to all who supported our charity collections held at the
end of last term. A special ' Well Done' goes to the School Council who organised and ran a cake
sale at the beginning of December. Together with the donations given after the Christmas concerts, we have been able to give
an amazing £1006.53 to Bethany's Wish.
On December 12th some members of the school choir sang Christmas carols in the foyer of UHCW, raising money for the new
Breast Cancer screening unit. Their singing was beautiful and enjoyed by lots of people.
On the last day of term we all had great fun dressing in our Christmassy gear. (Miss Wilson definitely had the silliest costume!)
All together on that day we raised £267 for the work of ‘Save the Children’.
Well Done to everyone and 'Thank you' for your generosity.
Polite request
I must request that parents and carers do not enter the Key Stage 2 classrooms or corridors at the beginning
or close of the school day unless it is essential that they speak to the child’s teacher about a matter that cannot be conveyed via
the school office, a written note, an email or a telephone/text message. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Staff Vacancies We currently have vacancies for the positions of Dining Room Assistants/ Lunch time supervisors. If you are
interested in applying, please complete an application form which is available on request from the school office. Previous
applicants need not reapply.
Overall attendance for the academic year so far stands at 96.1%. I am delighted to report that last term there
were 117 pupils who had 100% attendance. Well Done to all of them. We know that the winter months are the time for bugs
and we understand that some pupils may need to be absent for genuine illness. Please let the office staff know before 10am on
the first day of your child's absence, giving details of the illness.
I would politely remind all parents that the school day starts at 8:55am. Please ensure that your child is present for morning
registration at this time.
I have received a request from the Coventry City Council Consultant in Public Health, asking me to advise parents that a free
influenza vaccination is available for certain children before the end of January. Eligible children are those with a chronic
condition), all 2-4 year olds, and all children in Years 7and 8. For more information please see www.coventry.gov.uk/flujab
Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs
As a school we have revised our procedures and have updated our policies for
Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs and the Management of Medication in School. Both of these new policies are available on
the school website or as paper copies from the school office. It is very important that we support all pupils to attend school
regularly and lead as full and active a school life as possible, regardless of their medical needs. Sometimes it is appropriate for us
to administer medication to pupils in school. We will always insist on written consent from a parent or carer before medication
is given to a child. We request too, that parents do not send children to school with throat or cough sweets to take themselves,
but instead ensure that they are handed to a staff member with written permission for them to be given to the child as required.
Thank you for your cooperation in this.
Forthcoming Events
School Choir to represent the school at ‘Young Voices’ in Birmingham
Football match at Woodfield School
Football match at EGPS
Severn Trent Workshop Day for Year 5
Year 6, Plas Dol y Moch Parents' meeting 6pm
School Nurse to see YR and Y6 pupils
Girls’ Cross Country Event at Kerseley Grange
Y5 Science group at EGCA
Debating Competition
e-safety week
12th January
14th January
15th January
19th January
15th January
22nd January
31st January
4th February
5th February
9th February
Half Term Break
Year 6 Residential Visit to Plas Dol y Moch,
16-22nd February
22nd-26th February.
Thank you,
Sue Andrews (Head Teacher)