Regular Expressions HW

HW – Regular Expressions
CMSC 208
Spring 2015
1) Problem 5 on page 75 of the book.
2) Problems 13 and 14 on page 76 of the book.
3) Problem 16 parts a, b, and c on page 76 of the book.
4) Problem 17 parts a-e on page 76 of the book.
5) Alphabet = {A .. Z}
a. Give a regular expression for all words that have two vowels in them.
b. Give an automaton picture for the same language.
6) Consider the rules for valid identifiers in the C++ language.
remember.) Give a regular expression for identifiers in C++.
(Look them up if you do not
7) Define a “simple HW inequality” to be an expression that compares two integers, with either
side of the operator being an integer. Assume all identifiers are integers For example:
varname < 15
15 >= varname
17 < 19
x2 < y3
var < 15.0 --- not an integer
var >> 19 --- not a valid operator
x == 4 + 5 --- the arithmetic expression considered not
valid for this exercise.
a. What is the alphabet?
b. Give a regular expression to describe the language of “simple HW inequalities”.
c. Give an automaton picture for “simple HW inequalities”.
CMSC 208
HW – Regular Expressions
Spring 2015
EXTRA CREDIT) Consider “compound HW inequalities” that allow for the Boolean
connectors (and, or, not) as well as parentheses involving “simple HW inequalities”. EG:
varname < 15
(varname < 15)
(15 < varname) and (varname <= 20)
not (x < y) or (z == w)
not ((x < y) or (z == w))
(varname < 15
--- mismatched parentheses
(varname << 15)
--- not a valid operator
not and (x < y) or (z == w)
--- invalid combination
a. Give a regular expression for “compound HW inequalities”. Use [ ] rather than parentheses in
the expression so that the () can be part of the alphabet.
b. Give an automaton picture for “compound HW inequalities”.
Try adding the parens first.
Then try adding the binary operators (and, or).
Then try adding the unary operator (not).
Partial credit available for each stage.