One Step Inequalities Review

One Step Inequalities Review
One Step Inequalities Review
 Adding Negative Numbers:
 Same signs add and keep the sign
 Different signs subtract and keep the sign of the larger
 Subtracting Negative Numbers
 Same Change Flip
 Multiplying and Dividing Negative Numbers
 Same signs = Positive
 Different Signs = Negative
One Step Inequalities Review
 The “pac-man” always opens up to the bigger number!
 < (less than)
 > (greater than)
 < (less than or equal to)
 > (greater than or equal to)
One Step Inequalities Review
 Graphing
 When do you use an open circle?
 When do you use a closed circle?
 Flipping the sign
 You flip the sign when you MULTIPLY OR DIVIDE
One Step Inequalities Review
 Shading your line graph
 When the variable is less than the number shade LEFT
 Example: x < 9 or -2 > x
 When the variable is greater then the number shade RIGHT
 Example: x > 5 or -4 < x
One Step Inequalities Review
 Example:
 -2x > 12
One Step Inequalities Review
 Example:
 -17 < n – 9
One Step Inequalities Review
 Example:
 28 > -7y
One Step Inequalities Review
 Example:
 b < 15