File - Olympia Marine Corps League Detachment 482

The Straight Skinny
Detachment #482
May 2013
Vol. 12 #2
Olympia, WA
Commandant: John Moysiuk (360) 584-8373, Sr. Vice Commandant: Jim Sims (360) 432-8195, Jr. Vice
Commandant: Gary Waer (360)705-1049, Sergeant At Arms: Chuck Lang (360) 264-4190, Paymaster: John Britcher
(360) 888-4475, Judge Advocate: Bill Watkins, Adjutant: Bryson Langel (360) 352-9912, Chaplain: Dave Grundl
(360) 786-8052, PAO/Editor: Ken Clark (253) 964-8326, Quartermaster: Gary Waer (360)705-1049. COMMITTEE
CHAIRMEN: BOY SCOUTS – John Sager, COLOR GUARD – Russ Russell and Gilman Pelkey, PARADE MARSHAL –
Russ Russell, ROSE PROGRAM – Russ Russell, AWARDS COMMITTEE – Tim Collins, FUNERAL COMMITTEE – Jim
McCallum, Dept. of WA Representatives to the WA Veterans Legislative Coalition: Primary – Dick Marcelynas,
Secondary – Ev Brown, Toys For Tots – John Moysiuk, Web Sergeant – David Ball.
From the Commandant
Ooorah All,
Well, looking at the weather it looks like spring is finally here, just in time for summer. As is the season, flowers
are in bloom and there is an abundant supply of pollen. As the season rolls towards us, I reflect on the upcoming
events which have taken place in our past years and are planned for the Marine Corps League this year. We have
our Department Convention this June while National is in August. During all of this time, there will be parades,
ceremonies and fund raisers to support. Then once again we’re back into the ToysForTots campaign. Is it me or
does this year seem to be flying by too fast? Anyways, I want to challenge each of you to see what you can
support to ensure that our Marine Corps League is leading the way in our communities. I know everyone has some
time available to assist our Detachment even if it’s only for a short time or one or two events but even these little
events speak louder than words and contribute immensely. An example of this was recently our Marines provided
the firing detail at the burial of Marine Harry Bertelsen our 40th & 41st Past Department Commandant’s burial.
Marine Ronald Black officiated as the pastor while active duty Marines from 4 th LSB folded and presented the flag
to surviving family members. This support is what makes us who we are. The family was hoping the Marine Corps
League could support but with so short of notice they didn’t know if it was going to be possible. The burial was
held with full Marine Honors and we were graced with beautiful weather as well. It should also be noted that this
burial detail has just responded to the call after just coming off a previous detail and that it was very short fused. I
want to thank each of the Marines which participated personally from our Detachment. Thank you for carrying the
flag on this Russ Russell, Dr. John Britcher, and Gilman Pelkey. Because of their selfless act in providing such
support to Harry’s family and other family’s requesting this type of support during their times in need, I am
awarding each of the Honor Guard Detail members the Distinguished Service Award. Recognition is overdue for
those which step forward to support this Detachment and our Marine Corps League even though they may not
want the recognition, they deserve it. Thank you and Semper Fidelis!
John “Moose” Moysiuk
Detachment Commandant
Olympia Detachment #482
Marine Corps League
The Chaplain's Corner
Dear Marines,
It seems like time speeds by faster every month. I try to stay with the plans I have made for the future, but they
never seem to get completed.
How about your plans for the future, have you been able to reach your personal goals? Do you know that God has
plans for each one of us? God said in His word in Jeremiah 29: 11-13, "for I know the plans that I have for you,"
declared the Lord, "plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon
Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with
all your heart."
How nice to know even though our plans may fall through that God's plans for us are for our benefit. This may be
the right time for all of us to make peace with the call of God on our lives, and live our lives for Him.
God Bless each one of you.
- David Grundl, Chaplain, (360) 786-8052
Muster Minutes
Minutes of May 4, 2013:
Commandant John Moysiuk opened the meeting at 0834. Sergeant At Arms Chuck Lang secured the quarters and
led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chaplain Dave Grundl offered an opening prayer.
Previous Minutes. Jim Sims moved that the minutes of April 6, 2013 be approved. Chuck Lang seconded the
motion, which passed with one “nay” vote; thanks Ev.
Guests. Sergeant Chapman of the Olympia recruiting office introduced his two guests. Private Kyle Kircher
recently graduated from boot camp in San Diego, and PFC Jeremy Pogue has graduated from boot camp and
infantry school. John Sager introduced his guest Larry Bradeen, a 22 year veteran of the State Patrol.
New Member. We welcomed a new member, Jack Baldwin. Jack served in the Corps from 1959 to ’63 and
became Operations Sergeant in field artillery; he was stationed in Pendleton and Hawaii. Jack is now retired from
the Department of Transportation. Welcome aboard Sir!
Break in Proceedings. Commandant Moysiuk took a break from the regular proceedings to present awards to
those Detachment members who had served in appointed positions such as Adjutant or Paymaster; these
members received the Detachment Staff Appointed ribbon. John then presented the Distinguished Service Bronze
ribbon to Steve Ostrander, Dave Grundl, John Sager, George Paich, Ken Clark, Chuck Lang, Cecil Cheeka, JD
Augsburger, Dave Ball, Russ Russell, Dick Marcelynas, Paul Klenk, and Joe Coorough. This Detachment has been
noticed at Department and National levels for our work in the community doing things like musicals, Toys For Tots,
Boy Scouts, Veterans Legislative Coalition, parades, Honor Guard details, and flag folding ceremonies, and the
Distinguished Service Bronze ribbon recognizes that fact.
Report of the Paymaster. No report was available.
Report of the Senior Vice Commandant. Jim Sims had nothing to report.
Report of the Junior Vice Commandant. Gary Waer reported that he has brought the Detachment easy-up tent to
hand off to Russ Russell. Elizabeth Provine had brought in several jackets that belonged to her deceased husband
Carl. All had been sold but one, and Gary wanted to report that it had been given to a young Marine named Alan
who was down on his luck. Alan had wanted something to help him recapture what he’d had as an active duty
Marine so it was given to him. He is now a changed man who is now volunteering for Color Guard details. Marine
Carl Provine would be proud that it has gone to a Marine.
Report of the Judge Advocate. Bill Watkins had nothing to report.
Report of the Sergeant at Arms. Chuck Lang had nothing to report.
Report from the VLC. Dick Marcelynas listed 14 bills that had been signed into law recently:
Newly discharged Vets are allowed to sign up for college core courses before leaving the service.
Vets discharged in Washington get reduced costs for fishing and hunting licenses
There was a welcome home ceremony for Vietnam Vets
There is a new break on county taxes for Vets
There are new preferences for Vets who are seeking employment
There are county Veteran assistance programs
The lottery will no longer sponsor the VIP program following last year’s poor results; the Senate and
House have decided to make funding the VIP program a line item in the budget and has allocated
$600,000 for 2 years
- Disabled Vets will get a sales tax exemption on their modified vehicles
- Gold Star Mothers license plates are now available
- Washington State now requires colleges to give make-up exams to Vets who missed the exams due to
military commitments
- I-5 from border to border has now been designated a Purple Heart Trail. There is no money available, so
signage will have to be paid for by donations from Veterans organizations. Cecil Cheeka suggested asking
the tribes for donations.
- Highway 117 is now designated a POW/MIA highway
Report of the Web Sergeant. David Ball, who has taken over the Web Sergeant position from Gary Waer, is
working with Gary to get the website back up after it experienced a crash. He asked for everyone’s patience.
New Adjutant. The Commandant wants us all to work on communicating with one another. He intends to work
with the Adjutant on updating contact information. The Commandant proceeded to swear in the new Adjutant,
Bryson Langel. This was greeted with a round of applause. The Commandant asked if there were any members
who had never been sworn in; there were none.
There was no old business to conduct.
Honor Guard. Russ Russell reported that we will need an Honor Guard detail for the May 27 meeting of the
Oddfellows; the ceremony will commence at 1230. We will need the bugle and 5 rifles. Russ passed around a
sign-up sheet. The Honor Guard recently served at 3 funerals as well. Russ passed another sign-up sheet for those
who are interested in joining the Honor Guard.
Rose Sales. Russ Russell reported that we will be having a rose sale at Cabela’s on Saturday, May 25 th. He passed
around a sign-up sheet. Cabela’s is unhappy with money being exchanged on their property, so they now require
60 days warning to schedule such events.
- Tracey Lundquist’s students are doing a blues/jazz concert, and all of us are invited. It will be held on May 30 th at
1300. She will email everyone.
- David Ball and his wife Maggie ran into the wife of a former member, Bob Bakewell. She does embroidery now,
and Dave held up an example of her work. Anyone interested should contact David, and David will send contact
information to the Skinny as well.
- Ev Brown spoke to the two young Marines who were visiting us, urging them to keep copies of their medical
records if they get hurt. When they get out of the Corps the VA can help them if they have records. Ev said they
should notice how all of us get along so well, and that there is no rank in our meetings; we are all Marines. We had
and have warriors from Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, Saipan, Chosin Reservoir, Khe Sanh. Look at the history of our
Corps, and now we are kicking Jihadist butt.
- The Commandant has received a death notice for a life member of our Detachment, Art Gunderson. He passed
away on September 26, 2010 at the age of 88. He earned a Purple Heart on Guadalcanal and fought his way across
the Pacific including Tinian and Peleliu.
- Jim Sims reported that the “joy stick” medal proposed by the Air Force has been nixed by Secretary of Defense
Chuck Hagel.
- JD Augsburger humbly encouraged us to sing a more up-tempo Marines Hymn.
Following a prayer from Chaplain Dave Grundl and a rousing verse of the Marines Hymn, the Commandant closed
the meeting at 0943. Our next Breakfast/Muster will be held at 0800 at the VFW at 2902 Martin Way East on
June 1st of 2013.