Loveland Scuttlebutt-3-13

Loveland Scuttlebutt
Marine Corps League, Loveland Colorado Detachment #1250
Tom Buchanan, Editor
March, 2013
910 W 8th, Loveland, CO 80537
Next Meeting March 14, 2013
Sr. Vice Commandant
Jr. Vice Commandant
Judge Advocate
Jr Past Commandant
Color Guard Commander
Tom Buchanan
Terry Willert
Steve Olson
Mike Schoonover
Doyle Biggs
Cloyd Rael
Abel Herrera
Joe Novak
Solomon Martinez
Mission Statement
Commandant’s Message
Members of the Marine Corps League join
together in camaraderie and fellowship for the
purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting
the interests of the United States Marine Corps,
banding together those who are now serving in
the United States Marine Corps and those who
have been honorably discharged from that service
that they may effectively promote the ideals of
American freedom and democracy, voluntarily
aiding and rendering assistance to all
Marines and former Marines and to their widows
and orphans; and to perpetuate the history of the
United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts to
observe the anniversaries of historical occasions
of particular interest to Marines.
The next meeting is March 14, 2013.
Regular Meetings are at the Associated
Veterans Club in Loveland at 305 N. Cleveland
Ave. on the second Thursday of every month at
1930 hours.
The website is You can
go there to get the latest information about the
Loveland Detachment.
First I want to say that I am
humbled and honored to once
again be elected as the
Commandant of the Loveland
Marine Corps League
Detachment 1250.
We have an exciting year of activities ahead and
we will need help from everyone to lighten the
load. There are several functions coming up in the
next few months that you can get involved with to
make the Loveland Detachment the proudest in
We have come a long way since 2005 when we
were forming the detachment. We have been
involved in many parades, flag folding
ceremonies, funeral details, fundraisers and many
community projects. This will not sustain us in the
upcoming year. We cannot stop. We cannot rest
on our laurels.
President Ronald Reagan said, “Some people
wonder all their lives if they've made a
difference. The Marines don't have that
problem.” From what I have seen from the
members of this detachment we know we are
making a difference! We are making a difference
to fellow Marines and our community. There is an
outstanding sense of pride after accomplishing a
volunteer task.
For instance, it is hard to believe that nearly four
years has passed since we painted the Howitzer at
Dwayne Webster Park. Now every time I and I
suppose all that took part drive by the cannon
there is a sense of accomplishment.
We have the honor of hosting the Department
Convention in May and plans are already
underway for another outstanding Marine Corps
Ball in November.
Life Membership
Have you considered becoming a Life Member?
Make 2013 the year you become a Life Member!
To become a Life Member, you must already be a
"Member in Good Standing". That means
becoming a member and paying your initial dues
first. Yes, according to the Bylaws, you could join
the League, pay your dues and then pay your Life
Membership Dues all in the same day.
If you would like to become a life member, please
contact Doyle Biggs.
New Meeting Location
If you have not been to a meeting in a while
please let us know how we can answer any
concerns you may have.
We have been discussing changing the location
for our regular meetings and we have found a
place that will suite our needs and be beneficial to
attracting more members to our meetings.
We are also launching a membership drive,
recruiting not only Marines and FMF Corpsmen,
but Associate members. If you have a family
member or a friend that would like to join us,
please bring them to a meeting. Associate
members work just as hard as our regular
members and many detachments have a large
percentage of Associate members.
Some of the items we considered were better
parking, something on the first floor and whether
we could store our colors and other items at the
facility. Cost was also a consideration.
We have found a great place! It is Grace Church
in the old Collins Cashway. The address is 240
Barberry Place, Loveland, CO 80537
Our Jr. Vice Commandant, Steve Olson will be
sending out an email soon requesting what you
can help out with. The message is included in this
There is plenty of parking right at the door and the
meeting room is just down the hall. The facility
has been completely remodeled and the meeting
room is about 20’ by 30’ with a large screen TV
and DVD player. There are plenty of tables and
We all have talents that we can contribute to
helping our veterans. We have a duty to ensure
that every Marine gets a proper burial with 21 gun
salute when they are no longer on our roster and
that our traditions remain intact.
Semper Fidelis,
Tom Buchanan
There is a full kitchen where we can make our
own coffee and prepare pot lucks.
There is a large storage area where we can have a
cabinet for our stuff.
With everything being right on the first floor we
will be able to better accommodate a Quarter
Master position.
We will have our first meeting there on April 11,
2013. If you have not been coming to meetings
because the stairs have been hard for you please
come and see the new facility.
We will need a couple of people to get to the
meetings a half hour early to make coffee and set
up the room.
Volunteer Opportunities
Marines, FMF Corpsman and Associate Members,
I remember a couple of slogans during my
time in the Navy that have taken on special
meaning over the years.
“Marines – Looking for a few good men”
“There are NO former Marines”
“Once a Marine, Always a Marine”
“No Marine left behind”
I’m sure there are other slogans or statements that
resonate with you.
The purpose of this letter is to ask you to get
involved with Marine Corps League 1250.
The Mission of the Marine Corps League is as
“Members of the Marine Corps League join
together in camaraderie and fellowship for the
purpose of preserving the traditions and
promoting the interests of the United States
Marine Corps, banding together those who are
now serving in the United States Marine Corps
and those who have been honorably discharged
from that service that they may effectively
promote the ideals of American freedom and
democracy, voluntarily aiding and rendering
assistance to all Marines, FMF Corpsmen and
former Marines and FMF Corpsmen and to their
widows and orphans; and to perpetuate the history
of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting
acts to observe the anniversaries of historical
occasions of particular interest to Marines.”
Your involvement is essential for the Loveland
Detachment to fulfill this mission and service
Marines and their families in the Loveland area.
This isn't a drinking club or just a social club. It is
a "service" organization. As a Marine, you know
all about service. It's time to answer the call once
Below are the activities that are available. Will
you pick one or two activities that you are willing
to commit to as an active member of the Marine
Corps League.
I’ll do
Loveland Detachment 1250 Programs
Honor Guard
Color Guard
Fundraiser such as BBQ at Jensen’s
Arms – Seeking Business Donations
Flag Folding Ceremonies
Projects to Serve Our Community
Marine Corps Birthday Ball
Memorial Services / Dedications / Burials
Visiting Homebound Marines
Shooting Team
SOS Breakfast
Meeting Setup / Cleanup
Golf Tournament
Phone Tree
Event Planning
Garage Sales
Flag pole installation
National League Programs
Marines Helping Marines – Wounded
Marines Program
U.S. Marines Youth Physical Fitness
Young Marines of the Marine Corps
Scholarship Programs
Marine Military Expositions
Legislative Program
Veterans’ Service Officer Program
Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service Program
Marine Corps League Military Order of Devil
Your participation is what will make the
League a success and create awareness in the
community the service as a Marine is a
lifetime commitment.
You will be receiving an email with this
information that you will be asked to respond to.
With warm regards,
“Doc” Steven Olson
Former Hospital Corpsman First Class
Caregiver to the Marines
United States Navy, Retired
MCL Convention
We are hosting the 2013 Marine Corps League
Convention and we could use some help.
If you can secure some advertising for the
Convention book that would be great. We also
will need some help at the registration table
during the day on Friday, May 3 and Saturday,
May 4.
You are all urged to attend the convention and see
how the Marine Corps League operates at the state
level and see how big the League is throughout
Bob Jensen Sendoff Dinner
Bob Jensen will be leaving for Idaho on April 5,
2013 and we want to say good bye to him.
The Veterans Plaza of Northern Colorado, in Fort
Collins, will be hosting the traveling Vietnam
Wall, May 23rd - 27th. There will also be a major
motorcycle event Memorial Weekend. The
official ceremony will be held on May 25th. A
completely restored Huey gunship will be
displayed and there will be a Huey fly-over, along
with music, speeches, displays, and vendors.
Vietnam Wall, May 23rd - 27th.
There will also be a major motorcycle event
Memorial Weekend. The official ceremony will
be held on May 25th. A completely restored Huey
gunship will be displayed and there will be a Huey
fly-over, along with music, speeches, displays,
and vendors.
The back room at the Golden Corral has been
reserved for Monday, April 1st from 6:00 PM.
Please plan on getting an all you can eat dinner
and say goodbye to Bob and wish him well in his
future endeavors.
Flag Pole Fund Raiser
Our flag poles are selling very well and we have
ordered more for our spring time installations. We
now have them in stock.
We are offering them at $200.00. The suggested
retail price is $219.00. We can install them for an
additional $30.00 Order yours today and have it
installed before Veteran’s Day!
Here is more information about the Top Flight
flag poles.
Last year we sold and installed many flag poles.
We have been busy installing flagpoles. Can we
install one in front of your house in 2013?
Vietnam Wall Honor Guard
We have been asked to perform the Honor Guard
for the busiest day of the event on May 25 at
We will need 7 riflemen, 1 Taps player, 1 Chaplin
at a minimum. The Chaplin will give an evening
prayer no more than 3 min long, next comes the
volley or rifle salute, and then Taps to be played.
Please let us know if you can help with this short
Here is the scuttlebutt on the event:
Shirts, Vests and Jackets
We will be putting in an order for our screen
printed shirts, vests and jackets. You can order
your shirts in either red or black and they will cost
$12.00. The jackets will cost about $49.00.
If you have not signed up already, please let us
know if you want one.
Professional Development Program
We now have available a CD that covers the
not only the development program, but
includes rituals, uniform code, graphics and
much more. Get yours at the next meeting.
The Marine Corps League has a Professional
Development Program on the
national website that is an
outstanding resource for every
member of the Marine Corps
League, whether you are an
officer or not.
It covers everything from the duties of officers, to
uniforms, public relations, recruiting and so much
more. They are eight individual lesson plans that
you can view online at
Or you can download them all in one document at
Check out this program and make our detachment
This Date in History
2 March 1867: Jacob Zeilin, Colonel Commandant of
the Marine Corps from 30 June 1864, was this date
promoted to the rank of Brigadier General
Commandant, the first time Congress authorized this
rank for the Marine Corps. The statute, however, was
repealed in June 1874 so that the rank of Commandant
would again revert to colonel upon Zeilin's retirement.
8 March 1965: The 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
landed at DaNang, Republic of Vietnam as the first
U.S. ground combat troops to be committed to that
conflict. The 3,500 men arrived both across the beach
with Battalion Landing Team 3/9, and at DaNang
Airfield with Battalion Landing Team 1/3.
11 March 1778: Marines participated the action when
the Continental Navy frigate BOSTON, enroute to
France, sighted, engaged, and captured the British
merchant ship MARTHA. As the drum of the
BOSTON beat to arms, John Adams seized a musket
and joined the Marines on deck until the frigate's
captain, Samuel Tucker, sent him below for safety.
13 March 1943: The first group of71 Women Marine
officer candidates arrived at the U.S. Midshipmen
School (Women's Reserve) at Mount Holyoke College
in South Hadley, Massachusetts. The Navy's
willingness to share training facilities enabled the
Marine Corps to begin training Marine Corps Women's
Reserve officers just one month after the creation of the
MCWR was announced.
17 March 1967: The first woman Marine to report to
Vietnam for duty, Master Sergeant Barbara J.
Dulinsky, began her 18-hour flight to Bien Hoa, 30
miles north of Saigon. MSgt Dulinsky and the other
officer and enlisted Women Marines that followed
were assigned to the Military Assistance Command,
Vietnam (MACV) based in Saigon. Most worked with
the Marine Corps Personnel Section providing
administrative support to Marines assigned as far north
as the DMZ, but two Lieutenant Colonels, Ruth
Reinholz and Ruth O'Holleran, served as historians
with the Military History Branch, Secretary Joint Staff,
25 March 1945: After 35 days of bitter fighting, the
amphibious assault on the rocky fortress of Iwo Jima
finally appeared over. On the night of 25 March,
however, a 300-man Japanese force launched a vicious
final counterattack in the vicinity of Airfield Number 2.
Army pilots, Seabees and Marines of the 5th Pioneer
Battalion and 28th Marines fought the fanatical
Japanese force till morning but suffered heavy
casualties --more than l00 killed and another 200
American wounded. Nearly all of the Japanese force
was killed in the battle.
27 March 1953: The 5th Marines, supported by the 2d
Battalion, 7th Marines, in the first full day of fighting
after the Chinese assault the previous evening of
Outpost Vegas on Korea's western front,
counterattacked to regain enemy-held positions.
Companies E and F of 2/7 , down to only three
platoons between them, managed to regain partial
control of Outpost Vegas that day.
31 March 1801: On this date, LtCol Commandant
William W. Burrows rode with president Thomas
Jefferson to look for "a proper place to fix the Marine
Barracks on." President Jefferson was a personal friend
of the Commandant, and deeply interested in the
welfare of the Corps and accompanied Burrows on
horseback on the morning of 31 March. They chose a
square in Southeast Washington, bounded by 8th and
9th streets, and a & I streets, because it lay near the
Navy Yard and was within easy marching distance of
the Capitol.
Chances are you do business with people that you are familiar with and you may be able to sign them up as a sponsor
for the detachment’s newsletter and website. A suggested donation of $75.00 a year will get them a business card sized
ad in the newsletter and on the sponsor’s page on the website which will link visitors to their website.
The Loveland Scuttlebutt is made possible with the support of the following sponsors. Please use them and thank them
for making our newsletter possible. Be sure and tell them that the Marines sent you.