docx - Mt Albert Badminton Club

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Minutes of Mt Albert Badminton Club Annual General Meeting
Held at Mt Albert Recreation Centre on Tuesday 13 November 2012 at 20:00
All reports tabled.
Adrian welcomed everyone.
Adrian Van den Anker, Alf Leetburg, Allen Han, Angus Robertson, Bill
Hansen, Bobby Makkar, Bodha Dey, Chung Mo Liew, Chris Humphries,
Clive de Vos, Diane Dorreen, Elise Schweitzer, Evan Hansen, Haley
Stewart, Izaac Ratahi, George Pearcey, Jill Bolland, Kishore Kumar
Thondam, Larry Zhu, Leo Zhu, Mark Wohlers, Melissa Thomson,
Michael Wu, Paula Brooke, Peony Tam, Romil Kajaria, Sam Tam,
Simon Perry, Sione Mau, Socheata Svay, Steve Xie, Wendy Li,
Judith Goldie
Minutes from
previous AGM
Motion carried to approve the minutes from 2011 AGM as a true and
correct record (1) Adrian (2) Diane.
Tabled. Adrian spoke on the President’s report and Junior report, Angus
presented the Club Captain’s report, Jill spoke on the treasurer’s report.
Adrian explained that the club membership is up slightly, challenges are
the same as the previous year, the club cannot rely on grants for future
income, the club has difficulty attracting and retaining higher grade
players, we need to encourage lower grade players to enter
competitions to improve skill levels. He thanked the committee for their
Angus advised that he and Bobby have both achieved successful results
in interclub play, the club ran fewer handicap tournaments this year, the
club championships were well attended and we intended to provide
more coaching next year.
Jill explained that rent and fixed costs will increase over the next two
years in particular liability insurance. The club accounts are not final,
being subject to an audit.
Motion to approve reports carried (1) Jill (2) Chris.
Election of
President: Adrian Van Den Anker
Club Captain: Angus Robertson
Secretaries: Clive de Vos / Judith Goldie
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Treasurer: Jill Bolland
Associate Treasurer: Irene Pearcey
Committee members: Bodha Dey, Diane Dorreen, George Pearcey,
Grant Paton-Simpson, Judith Goldie
Motion passed to approve appointments (1) Adrian (2) Diane.
General Business
ABA delegates
The club can appoint 7 delegates based on numbers of ABA affiliated
Adrian, Angus, Chris, Diane, George, Jill appointed as ABA delegates
and to authorise proxy votes if they are unable to attend ABA meetings.
Motion passed to approve ABA delegate appointments (1) Jill (2) Angus.
Motion to re-appoint Bridie Abley as auditor for 2013 carried (1) Adrian
(2) Diane.
Motion passed to appoint: Adrian, Angus, Clive, Diane, Irene, Jill as
cheque signatories from 11/2012 (1) Adrian (2) Chris H.
Fees for 2012
Senior fees:
$200 if paid before 1 April
$230 if paid after 1 April
$140 half year fee from 1 August
$10 visitor fee
Junior fees:
$80 half year fee from 1 August
$5 visitor fee
No sibling and no family fees in 2013
Motion carried (1) Adrian (2) George.
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Diane offered thanks for membership information and other
communications provided by the secretaries, thanks to the treasurer and
assistant treasurer, to Adrian for his work with the juniors, Angus for
organizing the interclub teams and club tournaments.
Also Diane, Jill and Judith were thanked for organising the catering at
the prize-giving.
2013 season
Senior season will start on Tuesday 5 February 2013
Junior season will start on Sunday 10 February 2013
Meeting closed at 20:27