Patient Participation Group

Patient Participation Group
Notes of meeting held on 23 April 2013
Present: Lesley Asque; David Roberts; Doreen Saunders; Paulette Unwin; Barbara Horner; Joan
Blackledge; John Thynne; Franca Liguori; Carolyn Boyd
Apologies: Brian Stevens; Jean Harlow
Notes of last meeting:
Joan and Barbara updated the group on the feedback from waiting room visits.
The following issues are commonly raised:
Patients want to see their own doctor within a reasonable time
Parking can be a grumble
Some patients would like music in the waiting room at De Parys
The waiting room visits are useful for catching younger patients, which are less
well represented on the Group, and the Reference Group, eg by visiting during
mother and baby clinics.
The book sale has proved very successful, and it was suggested that Carolyn
contact local libraries to invite them to donate books they wish to dispose of.
Changes in the NHS:
Carolyn gave a brief overview of the changes which have taken place in the NHS
with effect from 1 April 2013. The main impact is that GPs will have much greater
influence in the design of local services. The Primary Care Trust has been replaced
by the Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group which operated through 5
localities in Bedfordshire. De Parys doctors are actively engaged in these processes
with Dr Walters sitting on the Bedford Locality Board and Executive.
BCCG Locality Group Meeting:
Lesley fed back from the meeting she attended. There was not good
representation from the PPGs across Bedford, except for one Kempston practice
and Queen’s Park. The aim is for the PPGs to work together to develop a Bedfordwide approach, however at the moment it feels a little uncoordinated.
Lesley would like to set up a meeting specifically about befriending and recruiting
new befrienders. Some ground rules need to be set to manage expectations.
Referrals from doctors have slowed. Carolyn reported that she had been unable to
process CRB checks due to the changes in the scheme as it transfers to the vetting
and barring scheme. Lesley to pass names of prospective befrienders to Carolyn.
Carolyn to arrange a meeting.
Care Quality Commission:
The practice is now successfully registered with the CQC. CQC sets minimum
standards of safety and quality which all NHS service providers must meet. The
CQC has the power to make unannounced visits.
Suggestions for the spring newsletter were discussed, including:
Explaining nurse triage
Befriending service
CQC registration
Appointment system
Introducing the PPG – short profile of members
PPG report and survey results
The new NHS
Health promotion – the “lifestyle hub”/get fit for summer
Hay fever advice
Updating personal details
The INR clinic
NHS Choices website
Mobile numbers for teenagers:
CB reported that the practice’s IT system sends automated text messages to
patients who have registered a phone number, for example to confirm an
appointment booking or cancellation. When parents register a child they will often
give their own mobile number, however this becomes problematic when they
become teenagers and may wish to consult a doctor or nurse without their
parents’ knowledge. The question arises about when is the right time to stop using
a parent’s mobile number.
The situation was briefly discussed. It was felt to be an issue for the doctors to
decide, although the group recognised the need for young people to be afforded
£xxx has been raised through the sale of books. Ideas for spending these funds
were briefly discussed, with agreement that toys for the waiting room would be
appreciated. Barbara and Joan are in touch with charities from whom we could
purchase some toys quite cheaply.
Carolyn thanked the group for their ongoing support and work done on behalf of
the practice
Next meeting:
Patient survey 2013