CQC Internal (Mock) Inspections What do we mean by CQC Internal (Mock) Inspections Comprehensive unannounced programme of internal visits to all sites including community to assess compliance with the CQC Essential Standards CQC Essential Standards Outcome Regulation (From the Essential Standards) 1 (From the Health & social Care Act 2008) 17 2 4 5 6 7 18 9 14 24 11 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 12 13 15 16 21 22 23 10 17 21 19 20 Description Respecting and involving people who use services Consent to care and treatment Care and welfare of people who use services Meeting nutritional needs Cooperating with other providers Safeguarding vulnerable people who use services Cleanliness and infection control Management of medicines Safety and suitability of premises Safety, avialabilty and suitability of equipment Requirements relating to workers Staffing Supporting workers Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision Complaints records Why do we need to do them? Quality and safety are key objectives Assurance Compliance against Essential Standards Identify good practice but also to highlight areas where improvements need to be made Staff awareness of process Engaging staff in the process is key Staff understanding the process and what to expect Staff understanding the reason why we do them and the benefits to the patients, the staff and the organisation How do we do them? Processes already in place – Consistency of process across business units Including scoring processes Including reporting processes and format What do we inspect? Horizon scanning Hot spots Priorities Link closely with Quality and Safety When will we do them? Frequency? Timings – day/ night What happens in between? Who should do them? Teams already in place Pool of people that can take part? Training? External stakeholders? Cross business units? Results Monitoring themes Celebrating best practice Making improvements – action planning Feeding back to teams Sustainability and review Sharing and benchmarking Market success of outcomes The way forward?