Meeting Place - The Sussex County Genealogical Society.

Sussex County Genealogical Society
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Meeting Place:
Rehoboth Beach Public Library, Upstairs Meeting Room
226 Rehoboth Ave.
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
October 1, 2007
Time: 10:30AM
Call to Order:
Jeanne Davis, President
Jeanne Davis, Jim Blakeslee, Audrey Sensale, Carolyn
Miller, Francis Frampton, Gene Chap, Ralph Nelson, Sally Nelson (Quorum present)
The minutes of the September Board meeting were approved as presented.
Jim Blakeslee reported a balance of $421.04 in the General Fund; a Book Fund Balance
of $93.86; a Contingency Fund Balance of $618.19. . Ending Balance: $1,133.09
The report was received subject to audit
Membership cards for our 2007-2008 year have been distributed to all current members.
For members who did not attend the September meeting, the cards were mailed with a
thank you letter for their renewed membership, a listing of upcoming programs, and a
listing of books we have contributed to the Rehoboth Beach Public Library.
Ralph did a follow up on the September General Membership meeting program and
announced we have the information to prepare PR for the October 20 General
Membership Meeting. Scott Sipple from Sipple Monuments will be the speaker and
speak on tombstones.
The Roadhouse Steak Joint fund raiser is set to go. Discussion about host shifts took
place. The event has been announced in several area newspapers.
He has been contacted by the Milton Public Library about doing two Speakers Bureau
presentations. He and Carolyn are working out the logistics.
Carolyn Miller reported that 31 people attended the September General Membership
meeting. This included a record number of 11 guests. Two of those guests joined and
another has expressed interest in joining.
Speakers Bureau: On September 5 we gave our presentation to the Lord Baltimore
Lionesses Club. Marge Calabrese gave us a check on their behalf to be used as we felt
best. Two suggestions were considered. (1) use for future membership program speaker
stipends and (2) use for expenses needed by the Speakers Bureau committee.
Jim Blakeslee moved that undesignated contributions to the SCGS Speakers Bureau
be entered as a line item in the Treasurer’s accounts for expenses associated with
the Speakers Bureau. Carolyn Miller seconded. Motion carried.
The November/December Searcher has been posted on the SCGS web site. The deadline
for next issue is the November Membership meeting. We started the new Query section.
A letter to Sussex County libraries was sent with the Searcher to see if they would like to
submit an article on their library’s genealogical collections. Gene Chap spoke on the
article he has submitted for the next issue.
Public Relations:
No replacement for Ralph as committee chair has been
appointed yet. The Board discussed the possibility of Tom Roche and Norm Montigny
working together on this.
It was announced that the October 16 bus trip to Washington, D.C. is still scheduled.
Several Board members are going and will get together to arrange car pooling to the bus.
One lapel pin was sold at the last membership meeting.
Francis discussed the Genealogical Information Group (GIG) series and concerns about
attendance. A lengthy discussion took place about how to bolster attendance and it was
decided to discuss later. Concern was also raised about the October 16 meeting—should
we cancel because of bus trip. Also to be decided at the next day’s GIG meeting.
Francis announced that he and Audrey would meet soon to work on the new Book of
Motions. He has also heard there are some revisions to be made to the OCCH and these
will be considered at the end of the year.
Past President:
Audrey worked with the librarians and distributed a listing of books the SCGS has
donated to the Rehoboth Beach Public Library. We need to check to see how accurate it
is. This may be something someone on the Service Committee could do.
She checked the FGS Strategy series that we donated to the library a few years ago.
Several of the strategies are missing from the binder and we need to see if anyone has
borrowed them.
Audrey has received a brochure that mentioned a sale on books on archival methods.
There is one, the Archival Sourcebook, that looks especially good. The sale price is $1.
After discussion, it appeared that we could get them for free if they could be used in a
workshop setting. Gene said he would try to order several copies to be used in
conjunction with the GIG.
Old Business:
As reported earlier, the Downstate Genealogy Group’s October 16 bus trip is still
Ralph mentioned that he would be meeting with the Sussex County 4-H advisor about
setting up future programming with their groups.
New Business:
Carolyn Miller spoke about the Pennsylvania History Day she attended in Harrisburg.
She was very impressed with it. While there she picked up the initial brochure for the
2008 FGS conference in Philadelphia. Since this will be so close, it is worth
consideration either as a 1-day trip or even the full conference.
Ralph passed out fliers for the upcoming Delaware Genealogical Society’s Anniversary
Carolyn mentioned that our September speaker, Margaret Dunham, unfortunately
received a parking ticket the day she spoke to us. Carolyn paid the ticket and asked for
reimbursement. Francis moved the cost of the ticket be reimbursed to Carolyn
Miller from SCGS funds. Audrey Sensale seconded. Motion carried.
A motion to adjourn was made by Audrey and seconded by Francis. Meeting adjourned
at 12:00 PM.
Sally A. Nelson
Action Items:
For possible consideration—SCGS golf shirts
Ralph to report on different types of membership categories that could be offered
to members in addition to the Individual and Family memberships already
offered. (Tabled until closer to the end of the year)