
Instructions for Study Abroad Course Equivalency Form
College of Arts and Sciences Majors
Section 1: Before Students Departs for Study Abroad
Step 1. Print out the Course Equivalency Form. Print one form for each semester (term) you are studying abroad. Complete Section A and make sure you print legibly.
Step 2. List five (5) or six (6) courses, including the course number, if available, that you plan to take at your Institution Abroad in Part B under “Institution Abroad Course
Title.” If the courses for the semester you want to study abroad cannot be found, use the current semester courses as a guide. To assist with course equivalency, please
provide as much information about the course(s) as you can (i.e., course description, syllabus if available) and any other information that will help your advisor determine
credit equivalencies.
Step 3. Meet with your designated Advisor within your College or Department and take the Course Equivalency Form along with all the information you collected about your
course (descritpions, syllabus, etc). The Advisor will assist you with selecting NMSU equivalent courses and appropriate credit hours.
College of Arts and Sciences
Psychology – Dr. Dominic Simon
Communication Studies – Dr. Eric Morgan
Biology – Amanda Vescovo
For all other majors, please see:
Dr. Jeff Longwell
Step 4.
After your advisor approves your courses you will be responsible for hand-delivering the Course Equivalency Form to Student Records for the Dean’s signature. The
document will not be accepted if Sections A or B are not completed in its entirety and signature of your advisor. Student Records is located in Breland Hall, Room 354.
A copy of the original document will be kept in Student Records. *Graduate Students will ALSO need to take the form to the Graduate School to be signed before
returning it to the Office of Education Abroad. The original document will be submitted by the student to the Study Abroad office.
Step 5.
While abroad, it is very important that you save all course materials (syllabus, etc.) and bring them home with you to assist with determining final course
Note: Flexibility is very important since knowledge of your exact courses and schedule may not be determined until you are actually in country and have completed your orientation.
Please keep in mind that every country has a different educational system and course selection/registration varies depending on your program location.
Step 1.
Assist student with completing Part B-Proposed NMSU Equivalent Course section and determine appropriate credit hours.
Step 2.
In the event that there is insufficient information available on courses for the semester that the student will be abroad,
please work with student to develop a plan where course equivalencies will be determined at a future time. Many
students and advisors continue to work on Part B of the form through email while the student is abroad.
Step 3.
Sign and date under Part B.
Note: A majority of the courses students take abroad will be calculated by the U.S. credit system. However, many of our European partner universities/institutions use the European
Credit Transfer System (ECTS). European students are usually expected to earn 30 ECTS credits per semester and 60 ECTS credits per academic year. U.S. students are often
expected to maintain between 12-15 credit hours to be on track for timely graduation. This has given rise to the formula of converting ECTS credits to US credits on a 2:1 ratio.
Step 1. Sign and date under Part B. Student will return form to the Office of Education Abroad.
Note: The student’s study abroad course registration for the semester indicated will not be processed until a copy of this form is received by the Office of Education Abroad.
Section 2. After Student Returns from Study Abroad
Note: Official transcripts recording student’s work while abroad are sent directly to the Office of Education Abroad. Upon receipt, the Office of Education Abroad will forward the
original transcript to the Admissions Office and prepare a memo with an attached copy of the transcript for delivery to student, advisor, and Financial Aid. The Registrar will receive a
memo from the College.
Step 1.
Collect a copy of your transcript and Course Equivalency Form from the Office of Education Abroad and schedule an appointment with Professor Longwell to finalize
course equivalency and credit. Bring all course materials with you to your appointment (course description, syllabus, reading list, completed work etc.) This will assist with
determining final course equivalency. Note: The Office of Education Abroad will notify you by email when your transcript has arrived from your host institution.
Step 1.
A Memorandum with official transcript(s) from the Office of Education Abroad (Study Abroad) is sent directly to Professor Longwell for final transfer credit equivalency.
Professor Longwell will submit the memorandum and transcript(s) to the Dean’s office for college stamp. The memorandum will be sent directly to those departments that
have requested to work directly with students (e.g. Psychology) for final transfer credit equivalency and submit documents to the Dean’s office.
Step 2.
Complete Part C., sign, date and make a copy of the Course Equivalency Form for your records.
Step 3.
The Arts and Sciences Dean’s office will place memorandum with official transcript(s) in Student Records in-box. The memorandum with official transcript(s) will not be
accepted without the Dean’s stamp.
Step 4.
Student Records will process memorandum for Dean’s signature and submit to Registrar.
Note: It is highly recommended that students not take their Study Abroad during their last semester. Delays in final transcript may prevent the awarding of degree.
Note: The final transfer equivalency of course and credit is determined after completion of the Study Abroad which may also impact completion of degree requirements.
Study Abroad Course Equivalency Form
New Mexico State University
A. This section is to be completed by the student. Complete 1 form for each semester you are studying abroad
Last Name
First Name
Banner ID
Email Address
Cell Phone
Catalog Year
I plan to attend the Study Abroad program coordinated or approved by NMSU as designated below:
For Registrar office use only:
Institution Abroad
Institution Abroad Banner Code
Dates of attendance for the Study Abroad program: From
B. Pre-approved study abroad courses
Institution Abroad Course # & Title
Proposed NMSU Equivalent Course # & Title
Course Fulfill;
Maj; Min; GE;
Electives; VWW
Additional Comments:
Undergraduate Approval: A&S College Representative Signature/Date
Associate Dean Signature/Date
Graduate Approval: Advisor AND Department Head Signatures/Date
Graduate School Signature/Date
C. This section is to be completed once student returns from Study Abroad experience, with transcript. A student is required to meet with advisor upon return to obtain
credit. The following courses have been completed at the hosting University/Institution, and based on that institution’s official transcript, are recommended to transfer
to New Mexico State University:
Course Fulfill;
Institution Abroad Course # & Title
NMSU Equivalent Course # & Title
Maj; Min; GE;
Electives; VWW
Undergraduate Approval: A&S College Representative Signature/Date
Associate Dean Signature/Date
Graduate Approval: Advisor AND Department Head Signatures/Date
Graduate School Signature/Date
Registrar for Posting: Signature/Date
Form Revised: 10/15/2015