Prior Weston Primary School and Children’s Centre Curriculum Map 2014 - 2015 Whole School Events Y1 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Maths & Science Week – Thamestastic! Harvest Festival Eid (5.10.2014), Diwali (23.10.2014) Christmas Performances Chinese New Year Book Week Sports Day Project Week The Happening Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly TOPIC: London Calling! TOPIC: How Are You? (IPC) Subject Focus: Science – Animals and humans Computing TOPIC: Magic Toymaker (IPC) Subject Focus: History Science - Materials Computing TOPIC: Games and Gaming TOPIC: It’s a Jungle Out There! Mapping Our Local Area Keep a season diary throughout from half term Y2 Subject Focus: Geography Art Science – Intro to animals and humans. TOPIC: London Calling! London from Above Natural habitats and wild spaces in London Subject Focus: Geography History Science - Materials Y3 Subject Focus: Science –Living things Geography TOPIC: London Calling! Subject Focus: Computing Geography DT Science– Living things - habitats TOPIC: Stone Age to Iron Age Subject Focus: Geography Science – recap of materials/habitat Subject Focus: History Art Science – Anim/hum Subject Focus: Geography Science - Rocks Is a city the best place to live? How did the Stone Age help us? TOPIC: Active Planet (IPC) How can we protect ourselves from natural disasters? TOPIC: Buildings (IPC) Subject Focus: D&T Science–Materials project Geography History TOPIC: Olym-picked! TOPIC: Flowers & Insects (IPC) Subject Focus: Science - Plants Art TOPIC: From A to B (IPC) Subject Focus: Science - Seasons Geography TOPIC: Food TOPIC: What’s In the News? The history of the 2012 London Olympics Current affairs – child-led Subject Focus: History Art Computing Science– Animals and humans TOPIC: Paintings, Pictures and Photographs (IPC) Subject Focus: Science - Plants Art DT Subject Focus: History Computing Science – Project fair TOPIC: All about Bees TOPIC: Science Fair! Subject Focus: Art Science - Light Subject Focus: Science - Plants History Subject Focus: Science - Forces Computing Updated 24.10.2014 CW Why do we need bees on earth? Prior Weston Primary School and Children’s Centre Curriculum Map 2014 - 2015 Y4 TOPIC: London Calling! TOPIC: They Made Difference (IPC) Subject Focus: History Art Science-Matter Do you live around here? (IPC) Subject Focus: Geography History Science-Living things Y5 TOPIC: London Calling! TOPIC: Keen to be Green Our Planet (IPC) Subject Focus: History Computing Science-Materials Subject Focus: Geography Science-Forces TOPIC: London Calling! TOPIC: They See the World Like This (IPC) Subject Focus: Science and art: Light London Parliament Y6 a The Thames: Trading and Commerce Subject Focus: Geography Science-Living Things TOPIC: Fashion (IPC) TOPIC: What’s on the Menu (IPC) TOPIC: Digital Dynamos (IPC) TOPIC: What’s Going On? Subject Focus: Art History DT Science-Sound TOPIC: Mayans and Aztecs Subject Focus: Science-Animals and humans DT PSHE TOPIC: Mayans and Aztecs Subject Focus: Science-Electricity Computing Music Subject Focus: History Geography Computing Science-Project fair TOPIC: Earth & Space (IPC) Subject Focus: History Science-Living things Art Subject Focus: History Science-Project fair Subject Focus: Science-Animals and humans PSHE Art Subject Focus: Geography DT Science-Earth Space TOPIC: AD900 civilization TOPIC: Going Global (IPC) TOPIC: Out of Africa (IPC) TOPIC: The Second World War Subject Focus: Geography Science-Electricity Subject Focus: Science – evolution inheritance Subject Focus: History Science-Project fair Islamic Subject Focus: History Science-Animals and Humans TOPIC: Animals Express (IPC) Current affairs – topical issues Galore Yourself Please note: in line with good practice in the Early Years, curriculum planning is responsive and focuses on children’s spontaneous explorations of people and things of interest and importance to them. Throughout the school, teachers adapt plans and actions to meet the changing needs and interests of each child. Planning, therefore, should not be static: adaptation and change are critical parts of the learning process and should be anticipated. Responsive curriculum planning focuses on finding strategies to help infant-toddler teachers search for, support, and keep alive children's internal Updated motivation 24.10.2014 to learn, CW and their spontaneous explorations of people and things of interest and importance to them. This should begin with study of the specific children in care. Detailed records of each child's interests and skills are kept to give guidance to the adults for the roles they will take in each child's learning. It should also be realized from the start that plans should not be static. Adaptation and change are critical parts of the learning process and should be anticipated. Once an interaction with a child or small cluster of children begins, the teacher has to be ready to adapt his or her plans and and and