how i got to egypt - Toorak College Blogs

I woke up on an average normal cool day, it was 18 degrees. The surf was great a perfect 4-5 foot with a
light offshore breeze. I grabbed my board and hit the waves, I was having a great surf then a 8 foot wave
was rolling in everybody started paddling I popped up and then somebody dropped in on me then he
pushed me off the wave. I was under the water for what I felt was forever. I was running out of breath and
then pushed my way up to the surface. When I came through the water it felt really warm, the sun was
brightly shining and the ground was all sand, I wasn’t in victoria anymore, but where was I? I wasn’t surfing
at the beach anymore I was on the bank of a river, wait I’ve seen this river in books, it’s the Nile river!
That must mean I’m in Egypt!
Everybody was wearing tunics or robes I asked a young man what year it was and he said something I
couldn’t really understand so I asked him to write it down, luckily at home I learn Arabic so I could read
what it said, which was 31st century BC, which meant I was in ancient Egypt! The young man than told me
his name was emad, he had a boat and offered to show me around, I accepted to ride on the boat until I
saw how small it was and I had to sit next to a create and a goat. The man paddled down the river and
said we were in a place called Cairo we paddle across to the other side of the Nile which was 6 miles, as
we came closer to the banks of the Nile I saw 3 giant
pointy sand dunes , then I was told that they were
the pyramids of Giza and then the further we got I could also see the Sphinx! The pyramids were amazing
for their time there was three of them, the smallest was the Pyramid of Menkaura and was 213 feet, the 2nd
was the pyramid of Khaefra and is 471 feet and the biggest one was the great Pyramid of Khufu, and was
a massive 481 feet! The pyramids lines were so perfect its so amazing how perfect it is for its time.
After seeing the pyramids we went back to the boat and Emad opened the create, he grabbed a sharpened
piece of wood with some sort of string attached. Then he threw it into the water several times and finally
he pulled out a fish, he then cut it open and cooked it and we ate it for lunch. After lunch we left the boat
back at Cairo and hoped on a camel and started heading towards the red sea. It was boiling! I wasn’t used
to such hot weather. We finally made it to the tombs of Beni Hasan, after going over a billion sand dunes
and falling of the camel twice. Emad said he was travelling to the Temple of Rameses II and he asked
where I was travelling too, I thought for awhile, I was thinking if I told him he wouldn’t believe me, and he
hasn’t even heard of Australia so I said as best as I could in Arabic ‘ I’m on a holiday’ that was all I could
think of. After that I started wondering about Australia, I thought I’m going to be famous when I get back
home the first person to travel back to ancient Egypt, but how will I get back? I started to feel a great
sickness in my stomach, I wanted to go home.
I decided to stay with Emad because he was really nice, and was helping me learn my way around Egypt.
We kept travelling by camel to the obelisk of thumosis. It was 75 feet tall and weighed 160 tons. It was
made around 1530 BC during the new kingdom. We were in an area called Luxor when we met a woman
called Maha, Maha was very nice she was travelling to the Hypostyle hall to study it. We hoped on Maha’s
boat and travelled up river I slept for a few hours on the trip. We arrived at the Hypostyle hall, there were
134 columns, I think it was one of the most impressive sites I have seen in Egypt other than the pyramids.
We left Maha back at the temple of carnak and Emad and I hoped back on the camels and were off. Emad
was talking about the Temple of Rameses (the next destination) he said that it was made in 1250 BC by
King Rameses the 2nd,in order to show his domination. We stopped to sleep on the side of the Nile we
slept under the stars, it started pouring with rain so we slept with the camels to keep us warm, I fell asleep
instantly. The next thing I remember was waking up swimming in water, the Nile had flooded my foot was
stuck under something and the water was rising fast I took a deep breath and dove under to free my foot, I
pulled and my foot got released, I pushed the ground and came up, it was freezing again. I saw some
stairs so I swam over and got up.
I looked around and I saw tall buildings, big boats, the smell of nice hot food I was back in Melbourne!!! I
saw federation square which meant I’m on the bank of the Yarra River. It felt great to be back, I was kind
of startled to be back and was scared to be honest, I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to go back and if
people would believe me? I decided not to tell anybody, but eventually somebody will find this journal with
my encounters. On the upside nobody can ever say they travelled back to the mysterious land of ancient
Egypt, but me!