Action Partage kengittä Pierre Levesquen valmentama Action

Action Partage kengittä
Pierre Levesquen valmentama Action Partage juoksee ensimmäisen kerran urallaan kengittä, jotes se on
todennäköisesti alle 190 000 euroa voittaneiden 6-vuotiaiden Prix de Maisons-Alfortin suosikki. Kovimmat
ulkomaiset haastajat ovat Rosemary Gar ja Ninepoints Lucy. Näille molemmille kahdessa ensimmäisissä
Vincennesin starteissaan hävinneellä suomalaistamma Stoneisle Lilianilla on myös hyvät mahdollisuudet
sijoittua kärkipäähän.
7. lähtö: Prix de Maisons-Alfort
2700 metriä volttilähetys
14 Action Partage on kolmessa viimeisessä talvimeetingin startissaan ottanut voiton ja kaksi kakkosta.
Kuukausi sitten tamma juoksi lyhyessä voltissa ennätyslukemat 13,1. Kolmannessa parissa ulkona juossut
12 Rosemary Gar eteni viime startissaan Prix Fosse-sur-Merissä ylämäessä vahvasti ja otti viimeiseen
kaarteeseen tultaessa keulat, jotka italialaistamma piti maaliin saakka. Kaikissa neljässä Ranskan startissaan
kahden parhaan juokkoon sijoittunut 15 Ninepoints Lucy oli toissa viikon tiistaina Prix de MarennesOléronissa suosikki Akayaman takaa toinen.
Seuraaviksi samassa lähdössä sijoittuivat viidennestä parista ulkoa hyvin kolmanneksi noussut 11 Aigrette ja
kärkikolmikon tuntumassa toisella radalla juossut 8 Stoneisle Lilian. Lisäksi kannattaa huomioida
italialaistamma 16 Roxane Bar, joka pärjäsi viime vuonna alkukaudesta sekä kärry- että montélähdöissä
Vincennesissä ja 17 Glad T. Hall. Eric Raffinin ajama norjalaistamma debytoi Ranskassa ja starttaa
ensimmäisen kerran kengittä.
A: 14, 12, 15
B: 11, 8, 16, 17
3. lähtö: Prix Léon Tacquet, m (Gr II,5)
2175 metriä volttilähetys
Päivän päälähtö Vincennesissä on 5-vuotiaiden montéhevosten kauden ensimmäinen suurkilpailu Prix Léon
Tacquet. Koska mukana on vain seitsemän hevosta, siihen pelataan troikkaa. 7 Booster Winner palasi
tauolta Critérium Continentalissa yli kolmen kuukauden tauolta ja sijoittui ennätyksellään kuudenneksi.
Sébastien Guaraton suojatti oli viime kesänä 4-vuotisikäluokan pääkilpailussa Prix du Président de la
Républiquessa toinen. Booster Winnerin tässä kilpailussa kukistanut 4 Bibibili jää haastajan rooliin, vaikka
se voitti kahden laukkastartin jälkeen toissa sunnuntaina juostessaan ensimmäisen kerran ilman takakenkiä.
Guaraton tallin toinen osanottaja on 5 Bocage d’Ortige, joka juoksee ensimmäisen kerran montéssa
kengittä. Totosijoista kykenevät taistelemaan myös 1 Brainstorm ja tamma 6 Beauty Turgot.
A: 7, 4
B: 5, 1, 6
4. lähtö: Prix de Breteuil
2100 metriä autolähetys
Ranskan valtakunnallisen quinté-pelin kohteena on vanhempien alle 215 000 euroa voittaneiden
ranskalaishevosten ryhmä. Suurimmat odotukset kohdistuvat 1 Unbridled Charmiin, joka viime startissaan
tuli lopun todella lujaa, mutta hylättiin kakkosssijalta epäpuhtaan ravin takia. 3 Ustou sijoittui viimeksi
samalta lähtöpaikalta kolmanneksi ennätyksellään 11,9. Tamma 10 Union des Prés lähtee takarivistä kuten
edellisessä ryhmässään joulukuun alussa, jossa se sijoittui kolmanneksi. Thierry Duvaldestin luottaa
takarivin lähtöpaikasta huolimatta 15 Vivaldo Belloon ja veikkaa sen Paris-Turfin ajajien/valmentajien
vihjekilpailussa toiseksi. Kärkipäähän pystyvät sijoittumaan myös tammat 8 Ulula Bella ja 4 Uraba du Pont.
A: 1, 3
B: 10, 15, 8, 4
Päivän pankki: 7 Booster Winner (lähtö 3). Sébastien Guaraton valmentama Love Youn poika on
saavuttanut montéssa kolme Groupe I- ja II-voittoa. Hevonen on voittanut seitsemästä montéstartistaan
Vincennesissä lyhyellä matkalla kuusi ja ollut kerran toinen.
Päivän ulkomainen hevonen: 12 Rosemary Gar (lähtö 7). Kolmevuotiskauden kesän jälkeen Stig H.
Johanssonilta Team Minopolin valmennukseen siirtynyt italialaistamma kilpaili viime vuonna pääosin
Vincennesissä ja kruunasi kauden voittamalla Prix de Fos-sur-Merin.
Päivän yllättäjä: 5 Geisha Sund (lähtö 7) Viime kaudella kuusi kertaa Ruotsissa voittanut Geisha Sund
laukkasi Vincennesin debyytissään Prix de Fos-sur-Merissä heti lähdössä, joten Robert Berghin tallin
tamman nykykunto jäi arvoitukseksi.
Vihjeet: Risto Olamo
PMU:n vihjeet englanniksi
Vincennes 9th January
Race 1: Prix de Sully – 2175m – Mounted – 7-8yo – Grade B – 70.000
1. UN FIRST - Has ample talent but suffers stride issues. Won Class D nicely on short course a month ago
and should make a good impression at this level
2. URSUS DE FOUQUE - Despite lower grade win at Vivaux last month is not without ability and can make a
go of it
3. VERACITY - Nothing of note in either code since the summer and not a player
4. UGO DES JACQUOTS - Third to Uros De L'Extreme (6) ten days ago. Better sort under the saddle and
potential to make good impression this time
5. UROS DE L'EXTREME - Showed ability a level down and recent victory fully shod augurs well in this event.
Good claim
6. VICTOIRE SMILING - Not as effective so far this term and suffering stride issues. Has talent and if
behaved can make impact
7. VERVEINE DU MONT - Very capable under the saddle and promising latest on short course. Steps up and
should finish in the mix
8. UKITA BARBES - Has not looked threatening in latest ridden outings and will need to find more
9. UCCIANI - Went close last time in competitive Class D. Not short of ability but needs to confirm
10. VERMEER JARZEEN - Not without ability at this grade but modest recent results. Place chance
11. ULTRA OR - Very regular of late at this grade. Made impressive return from long absence three weeks
ago. Every chance
12. UPSALA D'ATOUT - Been out of winning ways for some time but consistently in the mix. Big step up in
class and could have a good look in
Stride issues aside (1) UN FIRST has shown he is up to the task and should prove tough here. Consistency is
the watch-word for (11) ULTRA OR as he endeavours to gain his first success in this category. (12) UPSALA
D'ATOUT also has regular form albeit at a lower level but is more than capable under the saddle and should
make a positive impact. Despite having variable form (2) URSUS DE FOUQUE won nicely at Vivaux last
month and can challenge for a place.
Selections: (1) UN FIRST - (11) ULTRA OR - (12) UPSALA D'ATOUT - (2) URSUS DE FOUQUE
Race 2: Prix de Gontaud – 2700m – Harness race – 4yoC+G – Grade C – 38.000
1. CLEZIO JOSSELYN - Showed remarkable aptitude during the spring. Pleased on return last month and will
be easy to back
2. CHANTELOU LIGNERIE - Facile Class E winner nine days ago. Step up should pose no problem and will be
a contender
3. CALL ON ME RANAIS - Progressing the right way. Beat number of others here when 3rd at this level last
time out. Frame prospect once again
4. CIRIO - Still a maiden but has made his mark one level down. Course and distance 5th in Class C last time
but never threatening. Minor place prospect
5. CHARME DU POIRIER - Has placed at this grade but not getting home of late. Needs to improve to
6. COLONEL - Has done almost everything right but unfortunate disqualification last time here. Top chance
at redemption this time
7. CRACK DE PEBRISY - Came into his own during the autumn and ran solid second over course and
distance a month ago. Ignoring recent disqualification will be a competitive element
8. COCKTAIL DE DUSSAC - Winner of four from ten and has earned his spot here. First time long course and
one to note
9. CIRRUS ATOUT - Pleased on first attempt over track and trip but left lacking last time. Is a decent sort
and not to be ruled out
10. CEDRE DES VAUCHAUX - Four wins from five. Recently tough in Class E but is capable sort with strong
claim at this better grade
11. CARLTON DE VIETTE - Won over course and distance a year ago but has looked ordinary since. Not
without small chance however
12. CELTIC COMMANDER - Has already made his mark here and at this level. recently out of sorts but tough
rival if back on form
13. CALIN DE MORGE - Good sort in lesser company but hit rough patch late autumn. Honourable 5th last
start but will need to confirm
14. CARTHAGO D'ELA - Made good progress and rarely out of the frame. Solid impact when 2nd over
course and distance a month back and should play a big part
15. CURLY LIGHT - Consistent colt with respectable form here. Unplaced on only start over the trip but
recently impressive runner-up over shorter. Claim
It is hard not to like (10) CEDRE DES VAUCHAUX who has won 80% of his races and was striking first time
out here a month ago. (3) CALL ON ME RANAIS may not be able to boast quite as good a record but his
performance over course and distance last month left a good impression while (6) COLONEL was similarly
convincing on his winning start early December. (9) CIRRUS ATOUT may have placed just once from three in
better company but he has coped with these conditions well and could be in for a place.
Race 3: Prix de Léon Tacquet – 2175m – Mounted – 5yo – Gr II – 120.000
1. BRAINSTORM - Talented sort who has performed well at group level. Respectable 6th last time but
should make bigger impact this time. Claim
2. BISCUIT DELAVERA - Yet to win at this level but often goes close. Faces stiff opposition and unlikely to
make the frame on this occasion
3. BE MINE DE HOUELLE - Courageous and speedy Gr.II winner over course and distance last month but
ordinary at last attempt over longer. Not to be ruled out for that effort
4. BILIBILI - Gr.i winner who has already beaten Booster Winner. Overcame pair of disqualifications on
return to score convincingly in Gr.II fortnight ago over longer. Strong claim
5. BOCAGE D'ORTIGE - Has yet to reclaim last winter's form but has won Gr.II over course and distance.
Place prospect
6. BEAUTY TURGOT - Has made her mark at this grade and going well since return a month ago. Solid
chance of making first three
7. BOOSTER WINNER - Multiple group-winning horse in both disciplines. Very hard to beat over this
distance on the long course and set to continue winning ways
(7) BOOSTER WINNER is exceptionally resilient over track and trip and his record at this grade speaks for
itself. He was beaten to Gr.I victory last June by (4) BILIBILI who comes off a good win over longer and it
looks as if there could be a repeat duel on the cards once again. (1) BRAINSTORM may not have looked as
effective of late but he is a tough individual and more than capable of making the frame, as is (5) BOCAGE
D'ORTIGE who has been warmed up in harness competition.
Race 4: Prix de Breteuil – 2100m autostart – Harness race – 7-10yo – Grade D – 55.000
1. UNBRIDLED CHARM - Rarely out of the action in these events and 3rd run after return. Should go well
and strong claim
2. UCRIN VENESI - In terms of prizemoney threshold this is a perfect entry. In terms of chances simply not
3. USTOU - Very consistent sort who has been going close of late. Always in the mix and has good draw.
Every chance
4. URABA DU PONT - Capable of making a good impression but form comes and goes. Unshod this time and
with Bazire as pilot a good place prospect
5. UP NANIE - Last six starts have yielded nothing but frustration and not expected to generate much
6. TWIST DES PLEIGNES - 2nd over course and distance on lone Vincennes start. Has been going well of late
and an interesting outsider
7. VERANO DU REYNARD - A trier with a certain capacity. Good position behind the car and could find
himself in the first five
8. ULULA BELLA - Consistent sort with good record here. Has overcome couple of recent bumps and
expected to make considerable impact
9. ULPIA DES JIPES - Has aptitude but is erratic. A poor draw will not help her cause
10. UNION DES PRES - Last two runs have seen significant improvement and looks to be competitively
placed again this time
11. VRAMDAO - Previous Souloy type recently successful in Netherlands. Better competition this time but
not to be excluded
12. TESACO DU PONT - Rather poor year 2015 and no indication this year will be any better
13. VANILLE DU DOLLAR - Generally gives a better account of herself in the provinces and needs to find a
lot more to prove any danger
14. UGOLINVIEL - Re-entry completed and first time unshod all four for this contest. Big expectations and
frame finish on the cards
15. VIVALDO BELLO - Has made progress of late following long layoff. May not be the horse of old but good
aptitude and could make the first five
16. SAPHIR DU PERCHE - At ten he still tries but results not to the same level. A difficult task in this event
17. UNA LATINA - Tends to prefer going right-handed and this outing looks more of a shot in the dark
18. VOELAND - Has yet to recapture his winning ways on last four and with shoes on may find the going
(3) USTOU has demonstrated great regularity in recent months and if he can repeat the form of his latest
start will be hard to beat. (1) UNBRIDLED CHARM is no slouch however and with two return races under his
belt could prove the most dangerous challenger. (14) UGOLINVIEL has been given a brace of easy runs since
comeback and unshod for this event he is expected to get back down to business. (8) ULULA BELLA for the
most part gives a good account of herself but will have to overcome a poor position though a place is still
within her grasp should the unshod (4) URABA DU PONT not fire on all cylinders.
Race 5: Prix de Châteaugiron – 2700m – Harness race – 5yoC+G – Grade D – 39.000
1. BALADIN DE BRAY - Has done everything asked of him in Class E and should have come closer last time
over course and distance. Strong claim on this occasion
2. BANCO DE MADKER - Looked threatening on both recent starts over track and trip. Hind shoes off again
and can make the frame
3. BLACK ROCK - Has great potential but stride issues get in the way. Never far from the action and should
be dangerous
4. BRAVO NECTAR - Does not lack ability but given current form not easy to trust. Others preferred
5. BARON DU BISET - Has failed to recapture last winter's form despite surprise glimmer of hope early last
month. Can be disregarded
6. BREAK DANCER - Looks out of his depth in this field and unlikely to influence the outcome
7. BEL URZY - Not disgraced last time over track and trip. Unshod all four for just second time and may
have a minor say
8. BOLERO DU PLESSIS - Has been going nicely but steps up in class and can make a modest impression
9. BRASIL DES VOIRONS - Decent sort one level down. First time long course and will need to raise his game
10. BOTZARIS - Little impact on any of last three outings here and unlikely to feature
11. BELLAGIO MONOI - Won both starts since taking off hind shoes but has been off since June and may
need the run. Potential place if race-fit
12. BRUNO BAKALAO - Disappointing since October return and unlikely to make much of an impression
13. BRANDEIS JET - Recent results not indicative of his ability and with small change in fortune could prove
a serious threat
14. BRIO DE FAVEROL - Respectable results twice from last three here but new shoeing formula could
prove a positive step
15. BAKCHICH - Class E winner ahead of Baladin De Bray (1)on last outing here. Resilient type and deserves
to take his chances here
16. BAHIZ DE FLORANGE - Not short of ability but below par of late. Trainer believes he can make up for
recent course and distance flop
17. BOTS DUB'S - Has not shown much depth of late and on this form looks unthreatening
18. BAD BOY DU DOLLAR - Just squeezed into this event and can make an impression if he reproduces last
(1) BALADIN DE BRAY is on an excellent run at present and considering he could not get a clear run last time
should prove a tough one to beat this time. (3) BLACK ROCK is blessed with considerable ability and the
only obvious drawback is his inexperience of the outer course here. (16) BAHIZ DE FLORANGE should not be
judged too harshly for recent disappointments and on a good day is a major player. Impressive on last two
starts (15) BAKCHICH could well be the surprise challenger on his Class D debut although (2) BANCO DE
MADKER has made steady recent progress and is expected to make an impact.
Race 6: Prix d’Epinal – 2700m – Harness race – 6yoC+G – Grade D – 48.000
1. ANGEL DARK - Not without ability. Won low level race at Rouen three weeks ago but has performed at
this level and not to be written off
2. ARAVIS ROC - On form of last 15 months will be left entirely friendless
3. ALARO - Nothing to show for his efforts since resuming competition in September
4. ANGELROC FARCAP - Has made no impression at Vincennes for two years. Others preferred
5. AVATAR BATAILLE - Have seen little encouragement since last winter and can be ruled out
6. ATHOS DES VOLOS - Put in solid second earlier last month before being disqualified on next start. Every
chance to make amends
7. AMOUR DU LUPIN - Returned last month following ten months absence but is a classy individual. Fully
shod a negative sign and not part of the equation here
8. ASTERIX DE BOMO - Rarely makes any impression in this class and in this field looks outclassed
9. AFGHAN BARBES - This is his distance of preference and given recent form and with four shoes off looks
hard to beat
10. ARA D'OSTAL - Has looked somewhat ordinary of late and requires a little more application
11. ANISSIO BELLO - Overcame a pair of disappointments to finish 3rd over shorter nine days ago. On that
form will generate interest
12. ANGE DE LUNE - Has undeniable ability but not easy to trust. Can make a mark in this company. Place
13. ASKINO - Most consistent in the field and recent track and trip second in this class augurs well here.
Decent chance
14. ARTISTE - Has blotted his copy book too often to warrant any trust
15. AS BLUE - Poor record here but has form at better provincial tracks. Should not be ruled out especially
given current form
16. AUZIO DU CAUX - Has good form over this trip and recent second bodes well for another big run
17. ATOUT DE MONTBRUN - Competitive sort and comes here fresh. Expected to play an important role.
18. AS A WINNER - In the mix for the most part and could well have a say if at his best
(9) AFGHAN BARBES has progressed well of late and unshod all four over his favourite distance looks the
one to beat. (16) AUZIO DU CAUX is rarely out of touch and also boasts a fine record under these
conditions. (17) ATOUT DE MONTBRUN has already shown he is capable at this level and can play a major
role barefoot. Consistency may not be his thing but (12) ANGE DE LUNE has ample talent and in this field
could do well while the ever-consistent (13) ASKINO may yet prove the spoiler in this event.
Race 7: Prix de Maisons-Alfort – 2700m – Harness race – 6yoF – Course Européenne – Grade B – 66.000
1. TIRAMISU - Has yet to make a mark since leaving Sweden and not a consideration in this event
2. VALETTA STRIX - Runner-up to Rosemary Gar (12) last time and if she can repeat that form will be big
3. I AM UNIQUE - Previously classy Swedish type but better at lower level. Unplaced over course and
distance last month and needs to raise her game
4. ANNEES FOLLES - Nothing to show from two since return but better sort in the other code and not a
realistic proposition
5. GEISHA SUND - Consistent Swedish sort that has lost her way somewhat of late. Disqualified early last
time but has capacity to do well. Worth watching
6. AURORE DE CHLOEE - Drops in class but will still need to show improvement to challenge here
7. ANZA DU CARBONEL - Returning to form but faces better sorts this time and not an evident threat
8. STONEISLE LILIAN - Good Finnish mare who has looked more than capable from two so far in France.
Should progress from recent 4th over course and distance and every chance
9. AGRIPPA MESLOISE - Consistent of late in this code and should be able to handle the step up. Possible
10. ANDALOUSIE - Has form over the trip here and good capacity to make a difference however somewhat
erratic. Can bounce back
11. AIGRETTE - Showed good competence since returning from long break and possibility of going close if
she gets a clean run
12. ROSEMARY GAR - Made impressive winning comeback over course and distance one level down. On
that form will be major player
13. AMIE D'ANDY - Pleasing return in Class B after 4 months absence. Winless for some time but generally
in the mix. Place prospect
14. ACTION PARTAGE - Proficient so far this meeting and at this level every chance of playing a leading role
15. NINEPOINTS LUCY - Highly consistent mare who ran second on re-entry under similar conditions last
month. Beat others here on that occasion. Strong claim
16. ROXANNE BAR - Capable Italian type that made her mark here during the summer. Capable in both
codes and decent chance in this event
17. GLAD HALL T. - Dcent Norwegian mare making French debut. Will not be an easy introduction but could
represent decent place chance
There is a strong foreign contingent here but it could well be the domestic mare (14) ACTION PARTAGE who
has the best chance notably given her latest start here. The Italian (12) ROSEMARY GAR appears to be back
in business following her latest score over course and distance. Norway's entry (17) GLAD HALL T. makes
her French debut but did not make the long journey down for tourist purposes while neighbouring Swede
(15) NINEPOINTS LUCY is a model of consistency and looks dangerous under these conditions. (11)
AIGRETTE seems to be regaining her previous condition and has the wherewithal to make the frame.
Selections: (14) ACTION PARTAGE - (12) ROSEMARY GAR - (17) GLAD HALL T. - (15) NINEPOINTS LUCY - (11)
Race 8: Prix de Marolles – 2200m – Mounted – 3yoF – Grade C – 35.000
1. DAPHNE PHIL - Made nice impression on debut before sent down by stewards at turn for home. Worth a
2. DAY NICE - Showed nothing from two with a wagon and disqualified first time under saddle. Too tough
an ask here
3. DEESSE DE FOOT - Quickly disqualified on racecourse debut last month but not to be ruled out just yet
4. DESTINA - Given form to date this looks a difficult task and little expected
5. DIVINA QUEEN - Early mistake on debut last week and pulled up. Good enough to make first steps in
Class D and worth watching
6. DREADLOCKS - Ordinary on both harness starts to date and not expected to generate much interest
7. DJANGA BEST - Not the fastest when 4th on Cabourg debut last month. Should progress
8. DARLING D'HERMINE - Made good impression first time in this code but disqualified early last time and
can redeem herself here. Claim
9. DIANE DU NORD - Looked a modest sort with a sulky. First time ridden and not an obvious choice
10. DIVA CHARENTAISE - Good racecourse debut in Class D last week when 4th over track and trip. Highly
regarded by trainer. Should come on for the run and every chance
11. DES NUITS D'AMOUR - Made decent racecourse debut last month but modest when stepped up. First
time in this discipline and can make a good impression
12. DOYOLSA DE CHENU - Made pleasing debut under the saddle at Cabourg beating others here. Should
make further progress this time
13. DAPHNE DU COGLAIS - Has shown solid aptitude under harness and every chance of doing similarly
well in this code. Claim
(13) DAPHNE DU COGLAIS looks a good filly in the making and her first steps under the saddle should
produce results. (11) DES NUITS D'AMOUR showed merit early on and although unplaced last time can also
do well in ridden competition. (10) DIVA CHARENTAISE has been talked up by her trainer and the nature of
her debut was more than encouraging while (8) DARLING D'HERMINE already has two ridden starts to her
name and can make up for her recent disqualification.
Race 9: Prix d’Acigné – 2200m – Harness race – 3yoF – Grade D – 33.000
1. DIANE D'HOULBEC - First time out for this filly. From modest yard and not an obvious selection
2. DUCHESSE DARLING - Racecourse debutante with top driver in the sulky. Big things expected and must
be respected
3. DALABAMA - Although disqualified on both outings to date made pleasing impression last time in Class C
and not without a decent chance on this occasion
4. DARLING DE CORDAY - Disqualified on lone start mid November. Not seen since
5. DERNIERE SEANCE - Made little impact on either start during the summer. Absent for 4.5 months and
not expected to play an important part
6. DIVA DES MARCEAUX - Pleased on last outing at Lyon and needs to be respected on Vincennes debut
7. DECADENCE - Looked a tough filly who kept on to finish 3rd in Class C on just second start. Strong claim
8. DIVINE DU FOSSE - Not disgraced on penultimate start over this distance but lacklustre over longer
since. Back down and can play a small role
9. DELICATESSE - 4th ahead of two others here over course and distance a month ago but disqualified twice
since. Has ability but just needs to behave
10. DOUBLE CROWN - Noteworthy finish at Rouen in Class D last time and can make an impact with repeat
11. DUBARA - Progressing nicely and made good impression on debut at this level. Claim
12. DYNA D'ERPION - Showed early on that she has aptitude but disappointed on last two. Not to be
13. DIVINE EMERAUDE - Has shown some promise here however not a top-drawer proposition
14. DRIKA DU SKY - Still a maiden from eight and made the frame just once. Lesser opposition and not to
be ruled out
(7) DECADENCE appears to be a filly with considerable talent and could take this contest given her latest
performance here. With all the talk and her association with big-name driver (2) DUCHESSE DARLING must
be afforded respect on her career debut. (9) DELICATESSE may have fallen foul of the stewards recently but
she has obvious aptitude and will be a player. (3) DALABAMA has yet to finish either of her races but she
showed good promise last time when settled and if calm can make the frame.