نموذج للملخصات البحثية إنجليزي: 1مرفق Title Comparison of two functional impression techniques for distal-extension removable partial dentures Author-s R. Diwan, F. Fahmi Contact lnfo fmfahmi@hotmail.com, Telephone # 77322 Department Prosthetic Dental Sciences Major Prosthodontics citation Year of Publication Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry; 60(4): 470-473 Publisher Elsevier Science Sponsor Type of Publication ISSN King Saud University URI/DOI Full Text (Yes,No) Key words http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3054069 Abstract 1988 Article in Scientific Periodical Specialized Journal 0022-3913 No Comparison; two functional impression; distal-extension; RPDs A widely accepted axiom of removable partial prosthodontics is that the prosthesis should be designed and constructed to preserve the oral structures as well as to restore function. In distal-extension removable partial dentures, support is derived from a combination of relatively rigid teeth, the resilient mucosa, and the underlying bone. Dual-impression techniques have been used to equalize, as much as possible, the support derived from the edentulous ridges and from the abutment teeth. The need for a physiologic or functional impression that registers the ridges in their functional form was recognized by McLean. He described a dual-impression technique whereby a functional impression of the distalextension ridges was made under closing pressure with a custom tray, and then a hydrocolloid impression was made with the first impression held in position with finger pressure to register the remainder of the arch.