Billie de Montfort päivän tähti Nelivuotisikäluokan tammatähti Billie

Billie de Montfort päivän tähti
Nelivuotisikäluokan tammatähti Billie de Montfort on Prix Aristé Hemardin suosikki. Sébastien Guaraton
suojatti ei ole hävinnyt tammalle yli vuoteen. Päivän toinen Groupe II-lähtö on 3-vuotiaiden montéhevosten
Prix Raoul Ballière, jossa on vain seitsemän hevosta, joten siihen pelataan myös troikkaa. Ohjelmassa on
myös 5-vuotiaiden Groupe III-lähtö Prix Narquois ja vanhempien EU-hevosten Prix d’Hautefort.
5. lähtö: Prix Ariste Hémard (Gr II, 4t)
2700 metriä volttilähetys
11 Billie de Montfort on voittanut kauden aikana Solvallan ja Bjerken 4-vuotiseliittien lisäksi neljä Groupe IIlähtöä Vincennesissä. Tamma on jäänyt neljässä startissa toiseksi, mutta kaikissa niissä oli edellä vain
tallitoveri Bold Eagle. Billie de Montfort ei ole kilpaillut Wolvegan UET GP-finaalin kakkossijan jälkeen.
Sébastien Guaraton mielestä tamma on erittäin hyvässä kunnossa, vaikka ei ole vielä aivan
sataprosenttinen. Kovimpana vastustaja valmentaja pitää Blue Grassia. Philippe Allairen valmentama 7 Blue
Grass palasi voittokantaan viime viikon keskiviikkona hieman helpommassa lähdössä. Lopullisesti keulat
ylämäessä keulat ottanut tamma lopetti viimeiset 500 metriä aikaan 10,8.
5 Belina Josselyn on voittanut tällä kaudella viisi kertaa Vincennesissä. Kahdessa viimeisessä startissaan
Jean-Michel Baziren tamma on lähtenyt ravilla, mutta laukannut alkumatkasta. Kolmen kuukauden tauolta
palanut 9 Bardane du Houlbet oli huhtikuun alussa Prix Paul Leguerneyssä maalissa ennen Billie de
Montfortia, mutta hylättiin epäpuhtaan ravin takia. 2 Begum Fromentro on juossut alemmissa sarjoissa
neljä kertaa kengittä ja voittanut joka kerta. 3 Bianca des Iles aloitti talvimeetingin lupaavasti kuukausi
sitten voittamalla ennätyksellään.
A: 11
B: 7, 5, 9, 2, 3
2.lähtö: Prix d’Hautefort
2100 metriä autolähetys
Alle 236 000 euroa voittaneiden 7-9-vuotiaiden oriiden ja ruunien EU-ryhmässä suurimmat odotukset
kohdistuvat ranskalaisiin hevosiin. Kahdessa ensimmäisessä talvimeetingin startissaan kolmanneksi
sijoittunutta Sébastien Ernaultin 9 Urasi de la Valléeta suosii autolähtö, vaikka sen lähtörata on eturivin
uloin. 6 Ultra de Vindecy kukisti edellä mainitun marraskuun alussa Prix de Cognacissa kymmenyksellä. 3
Ustou oli viime sunnuntaina kolmas kuolemanpaikalta häviten vain Tell Me No Liesille ja Oliver Kronokselle.
Tanskalaisruuna 11 Pingus Vang otti ensimmäisen voittonsa Fabrice Souloyn valmennuksessa marraskuussa
Mauquenchyssä. 8 Urus juoksee kengittä kuten viime kuussa Vincennesissä, jolloin se hävisi Urasi de la
Valléelle kymmenyksen. Kolgjinin tallin 10 Orione Spin pystyy myös sijoittumaan kärkipäähän hyvän
juoksun jälkeen.
A: 9, 6, 3
B: 11, 8, 10
3. lähtö: Prix Raoul Ballière, m (Gr II, 3)
2175 metriä volttilähetys
Lyhyellä matkalla juostava Gr II-kisa on 3-vuotiaiden monté-hevosten viimeinen testi ennen kahden viikon
päästä juostavaa ikäluokan pääkilpailua Prix de Vincennesiä. Alkukaudesta hienosti menestynyt 8 Che
Jénilou on epäonnistunut kahdessa viimeisessä startissaan. Prix des Elitesissä hevonen hylättiin
kakkossijalta epäpuhtaan ravin takia ja viimeksi marraskuussa se sai tyytyä viimeisiin rahoihin. Kaiken pitäisi
olla taas kunnossa, sillä hevoselle on vaihdettu kuolaimet. Tamma 5 Câline des Plages hävisi ikäluokan
edellisessä lyhyen matkan Gr II-kilpailussa Prix de Baslyssa syyskuun alussa kaksi kymmenystä Che
Jéniloulle. Samassa lähdössä oli kolmas 7 Carlos des Caux, joka on ollut jalkavaivan takia tauolla kolme
kuukautta. Tammakriteriumissa viimeisille rahoille sijoittunut 6 Câline Elde debytoi montéssa. Lisäksi
kannattaa huomioida alemmissa sarjoissa hyvin menestynyt 3 Chiricahua.
A: 8, 5
B: 7, 6, 3
6. lähtö: Prix Narquois (Gr III, 5)
2700 metriä volttilähetys
Alle 305 000 euroa ansanneiden 5-vuotiaiden lähdön suosikki on Jean-Michel Baziren 7 Aubrion du Gers,
joka tavoittelee jo kolmatta voittoa talvimeetingissä. Lokakuun komean voiton jälkeen 5 Alderman sortui
kaksi viikkoa sitten Prix de Chenonceauxissa lähtölaukkaan. Tamma 12 Altesse du Mirel juoksee
ensimmäisen kerran kengittä. Tamma 11 Adélia de Mélodie oli kolmas Chenonceauxissa ennätyksellään
12,6. Sille hävisi kaksi kymmenystä tamma 9 Aloa de la Mortrie. 13 Artiste de Joudes nousi viime
sunnuntaina 50 metrin takamatkalta seitsemänneksi kirimällä viimeiset 500 metriä alle 1.10-vauhtia. Hyvä
esitys viime startistaan on myös tamma 10 Adélialla, joka hävisi vain Red Rose Americalle.
A: 7, 5, 12
B: 11, 9, 13, 10
Päivän pankki: 11 Billie de Monfort (lähtö 5). UET Grand Prixissä ainoastaan tallitoverilleen Bold Eaglelle
hävinnyt tamma on ollut koko kauden vahvassa vireessä. Billie de Montfort vieraili alkukesästä Solvallassa
ja Bjerkessä, joissa se saavutti 4-vuotiseliiteissä maililla helposti tulokset 10,7 ja 10,8.
Päivän ulkomainen hevonen: 11 Pingus Vang (lähtö 2). Tanskalaisruuna debytoi Ranskassa viime vuoden
maaliskuussa Nicolas Enschillä ottamalla kaksi voittoa. Pingus Vang palasi loppukaudesta takaisin Flemming
Jensenille. Tänän kauden muutaman startin jälkeen ruuna myytiin syksyllä Ranskaan, jossa se aloitti Fabrice
Souloylla lokakuussa.
Päivän yllättäjä: 10 Orione Spin (lähtö 2). Lutfi Kolgjinin tallin hevoset ovat menestyneet Ranskassa viime
aikoina niin hyvin, että niitä ei voi jättää huomioimatta, etenkin ohjissa on Dominik Locqueneux. Toissa
talvimeetingissä parhaimmillaan kolmanneksi sijoittunut ruuna aloitti uuden Ranskan visiittinsä
Mauquenchyn kakkossijalla.
Vihjeet: Risto Olamo
PMU:n vihjeet englanniksi
Vincennes 12th December
Race 1: Prix des Seiches-sur-le-Loir – 2175m – Mounted – 5-6yo – Grade A – 85.000€
1. ANGE FOR CARLA - Still a maiden after 37 starts. Banking on 92/1 course and distance 4th a month ago
not to be a surprise. Outclassed already
2. AUREA VIKLAND - Yet to stamp her mark at a higher level. Has had lacklustre season but encouraged in
harness race on comeback. Not a consideration
3. AND GIBUS - Unexpected winner of course and distance event in same category a month ago on return
following 1.5 months layoff. Place prospect on this occasion
4. VICTOIRE SMILING - Not a useful sort at this level all year. Better in lesser company and no threat
5. ALEXIA DU CHERISAY - Out of sorts in both codes and unlikely to scare the opposition
6. VINCENT DES OBEAUX - Always given realistic targets and usually comes close. Pleasing return at Rouen
last month unshod behind. Same formula here and big run forecast
7. AMIRAL DU POITOU - Has shown considerable improvement this year. Gr.II placed and recent strong
runner-up here in Class A last month. Claim
8. VERMEER JARZEEN - Does not often hit the bullseye but has some ability at this level however not in the
reckoning in this event
9. VIKING DE TREMAHOU - Relying on confirmation of winter form which appears a distant memory. Not a
lot to like of late
10. ARIANE DU GOUTIER - Turnaround in fortunes since taking to this code. Gr.II winner and 4th and 5th in
Gr.I's behind France's best. Should wrap this up on ridden return
11. VAILLANT CASH - Confirmed group class individual but has raced just once since January. Perhaps rusty
but will give good account of himself. Place prospect
12. VORIANE DE GUEZ - Been a long time since she has made the frame at a good level. Has capacity to
surprise and not to be ruled out
(10) ARIANE DU GOUTIER has demonstrated her class since taking to this code and at this level the
silverware looks hers. (3) AND GIBUS comes here off a smart win and will be an able rival. (6) VINCENT DES
OBEAUX has demonstrated good speed over this course and looks set to bring recent form here. (7)
AMIRAL DU POITOU can also boast decent form and both will be strong challengers for a place.
Race 2: Prix d’Hautefort – 2100m autostart – Harness race – 7-10yo – Course Européenne – Grade D –
1. JAGUAR BROLINE - Disqualified three times and unplaced once from all four starts in France since leaving
Sweden. Not easy to have faith
2. TSUNAMI - Third on last attempt over course and distance. Consistency issues but never to be ignored
3. USTOU - Has raced well in this category since return. Good record at the track and strong chance
4. RUBIS DE MORCHIES - 5th at last attempt in this category but does not appear up to the task here
5. UNDICI - Not devoid of ability but pleased at Chartres on last start. Needs to bring a good game in order
to compete
6. ULTRA DE VINDECY - Gives his all and has looked good in recent Quinte races over longer. Has solid
Vincennes record and should make an impact
7. SHERIF DE SILLY - Never the most effective here and in spite of pleasing run at Laval last time not a
consideration on this occasion
8. URUS - Has proven form but currently inconsistent. This time barefoot and Bazire in the driving seat.
Every chance
9. URASI DE LA VALLEE - In form of late and twice placed 3rd in Quinte races over longer on last two. Every
chance of lifting this event
10. ORIONE SPIN - Variable but respectable form in Sweden. Made decent French debut at Rouen and
expected to be in for a place
11. PINGUS VANG - Has put in some fair results since return from Sweden and looks a threat in this field
12. STARO FOOT LOOSE - Goes anywhere for a race and has merit but may find the opposition somewhat
tough. Not to be ruled out
13. RICO FOLLO - Consistent type in the Nordic region and not disgraced on French bow two weeks ago
however needs to improve
14. ONLY ONE GLORY - A good thing at home in Italy but has poor record at Vincennes. Worth a small
consideration nonetheless
15. DACKE HALERYD - Useful at a lower level but should pose little or no danger in this contest
16. STARO FENDI - Boasts solid Swedish form but three places from four outings in France have come
under the saddle. Could still feature however
17. LISTAS RAFIKI - Disqualified on lone French start this season. Capable sort in Sweden but faces better
opposition here
18. OKAY DEI RONCHI - Finished 4th on last two occasions over course and distance at this level. Not a
prime choice but capable of putting in decent effort
(9) URASI DE LA VALLEE comes here with form and last outing over longer was noteworthy despite placing
third. (3) USTOU has looked similarly tough of late and with his record here can prove an admirable rival.
(8) URUS is capable of competing at this level and the Bazire factor could make a difference. (11) PINGUS
VANG made a strong impression at Rouen last time and Eric Raffin's association with the able (6) ULTRA DE
VINDECY can only be an advantage.
Selections: (9) URASI DE LA VALLEE - (3) USTOU - (8) URUS - (11) PINGUS VANG - (6) ULTRA DE VINDECY
Race 3: Prix Raolu Ballière – 2175m – Mounted – 3yo – Gr II – 120.000€
1. CALINE DE FACO - Has shown potential despite lone win from 16. Capacity to mix it up but in this
company but first-five chance at best
2. CAMPUS DU RIB - First start at this level but well-thought of at home and looks to have the aptitude to
make a good impression
3. CHIRICAHUA - Has been in first-rate form since September and deserves a crack at this level. Not to be
4. CONGA - A group filly but not the most consistent. Can pull one out of the hat but question is when. Off
for over three months and this is not expected to be a rabbit moment
5. CALINE DES PLAGES - Gr.II fourth last month but well beaten. Previously spirited runner-up to Che
Jenilou (8) and not without good place opportunity in this contest
6. CALINE ELDE - Yet to strike at group level but is blessed with ability in harness discipline and expected to
make easy transition under the saddle. Every chance here
7. CARLOS DES CAUX - Posted excellent results in spring and summer including brace of Gr.II victories and
Gr.I win over Che Jenilou (8). Been off since tables turned in September and will be a strong challenger
though first race back
8. CHE JENILOU - Multiple group-winning colt with a number of course and distance victories under his
belt. Unexpectedly below par last time but out to make amends. Top claim
(8) CHE JENILOU has talent in spades and is set to add another group victory to her scoresheet. (6) CALINE
ELDE may be making her debut under the saddle but has ample ability and could well transition
successfully. (5) CALINE DES PLAGES has yet to score in this category but has proved her worth and will be a
tough place prospect while (7) CARLOS DES CAUX has previously beaten the favourite and could strike
despite not having raced for three months. A potential spoiler.
Race 4: Prix de Crécy-la-Chapelle – 2850m – Harness race – 6-8yo – Grade C – 75.000€
1. VIVA WELL - Despite recording a pair of good results of late faces a tougher bunch here and not in the
reckoning this time
2. UNIVALDI D'AVAL - Unexpectedly ran a thrilling 2nd in Class B event over course and distance a week
ago. Shod all four this time but must still be considered a possible
3. VERDI DE TILLARD - Keeps his best results for the provincial tracks and will not generate much interest
4. VALMAYOR - Decent sort at lower level and despite disappointment last time should go better but
unlikely threat
5. VULCANIA DE GODREL - Always gives her best and although not as classy as some of the others is an able
mare with first-five chance
6. VEMAX - Sprang 70/1 surprise winning a Quinte on the short course three weeks ago but not as effective
on the outer track and tough ask this time
7. VEDETTE DES LANDES - Has had three outings since return and expected to be fit enough to put in
possible place performance
8. VA VOLE DU LYS - Has shown decent aptitude at this level but lacklustre lately. Unshod behind but has
proved better barefoot. Arduous task
9. VOLCAN DU GARABIN - Has recently returned to form with impressive third in Quinte race 11 days ago.
Will be a tough prospect
10. VENUS DE BAILLY - Convincing Class A winner and recently runner-up at the same level. At her peak
and will be a serious threat
11. TUANITA D'OCCAGNES - Nice type under the saddle but a minor catastrophe pulling a wagon. Not a
12. TROU NORMAND - Won Class C over 2700m in fine fashion at 63/1 late last month and a repeat of that
form will see a dangerous challenger
13. USTIE HAUFOR - Has made good progress this year and despite recent blips has the ability to finish in
the frame
14. TZIGANE DU RIB - Has singularly failed to recapture previous form this year and despite 5th here on
penultimate start little expected
15. UNIVERSAL RIDER - Has lifted five good events when unshod all four and same formula again this time.
In top form and looks best in the field
16. VEA DU VIVIER - Won a Class A over track and trip this term although uninspiring from two since. Not
to be discounted however
17. UN POCO LOCO - Is a capable individual and placed twice from last three in the provinces. Unlikely to
affect the outcome
18. TEAM JOB - Is certainly a horse capable of surprising at this level but form simply too erratic to inspire
Nothing is a given in this event with a pair of top-tier horses in contention. (15) UNIVERSAL RIDER runs only
his second race since spell but will be shod to his favour while (10) VENUS DE BAILLY is going through a
purple patch and could well go one better than her last race at this venue. (9) VOLCAN DU GARABIN made a
noteworthy finish last time over the long course and does not incur the distance penalty. (12) TROU
NORMAND does however but a repeat of his last race would see him overcome that. (13) USTIE HAUFOR is
not lacking talent and looks to be headed back in the right direction.
Race 5: Prix Ariste Hémard – 2700m – Harness race – 4yoF – Gr II – 120.000€
1. BODEGA CHENEVIERE - Has won just four from 22 and pleasing winner over track and trip ten days ago.
Expected to be well outclassed
2. BEGUM FROMENTRO - Five of her seven victories have come over course and distance. Looked sharp
dominating Class C here last month and warrants place in this lineup. Place chance
3. BIANCA DES ILES - Has more than earned her first foray into group class. Likes this course and could
make the first three if she avoids the stewards
4. BAHIA QUESNOT - Good runner-up to Blue Grass ten days ago. Consistent and capable sort. Fast runnerup to Billie De Montfort on lone Gr.II start and has capacity to do it again
5. BELINA JOSSELYN - Tough filly with Gr.III to her name. Disqualified last time but can bounce back and
could pose real threat
6. BALVA MONTAVAL - More suited perhaps to lesser category but generally gives her all. Unlikely to make
the frame
7. BLUE GRASS - Another good Philippe Allaire youngster. Yet to strike first group success but ran Billie De
Montfort close during the spring. Impressive in Class A over track and trip ten days ago. Good prospect
8. BAMBINA MAGIC - Although group-winning and placed filly has not looked threatening of late and must
be disregarded
9. BARDANE DU HOULBET - Capable filly at this level but does not often seal the deal. Returns from 3
months layoff and not expected to threaten on this occasion
10. BE MINE DE HOUELLE - Talented individual under the saddle and has not pursued harness code. Here
more for fitness purposes and can be ruled out
11. BILLIE DE MONTFORT - Top class filly only twice unplaced from 29. 9 domestic group wins. Being off for
almost two months will make little difference. Strongest claim here
(11) BILLIE DE MONTFORT has little to prove and with her record appears invincible in this contest. As for
possible threats (7) BLUE GRASS may be the one to go closest and Philippe Allaire does not race his horses
for the sake of glamour. (5) BELINA JOSSELYN is already a group winner with considerable ability and is
expected to go better here on the outer track. (4) BAHIA QUESNOT came close to the favourite on her only
group race outing and seems the sort who can give much more.
Race 6: Prix Narquois – 2700m – Harness race – 5yo – Gr III – 95.000€
1. ATTILA BERRY - Disappointed on first four starts this term and in spite of honest 6th in Class A nine days
ago must be regarded as an outsider
2. ANDALOUSE - Currently going through a rough patch and not expected to make much of an impression
3. ACCORDEON - Capable type but not at this level and unlikely to generate much interest
4. AMIRAL DU BISSON - Never threatening on first attempt in this class three weeks ago. Capable in lesser
company and despite new shoeing formula not in the reckoning
5. ALDERMAN - Has worked his way up the ladder and thrashed a decent field to land Gr.III at first attempt
on penultimate start. Disqualified early last time and will redeem himself. Strong claim
6. ALPINE DU RIB - Has struggled to close the deal this term but has twice placed at good level from last
three. Should improve on latest bid. Minor place prospect
7. AUBRION DU GERS - Comes here off the back of two successive victories latterly impressive at Class A.
Back in business and should secure this event
8. AL CAPONE JET - Benefits from unquestionable ability but has not been in the frame on last five in both
disciplines and not easy to support in this event
9. ALOA DE LA MORTRIE - Came close on all but one of her group races during the winter and with three
races under her belt since layoff and unshod all four should produce a good run
10. ADELIE - Sprang 85/1 surprise winning Gr.III over inner course on penultimate start beating a number
of others here. 2nd in Gr.III at 63/1 three weeks ago and must now be afforded more respect
11. ADELIA DE MELODIE - Effective mare with good speed but erratic. 4th in Gr.I last September and
finished good third in Gr.III over course and distance fortnight ago. Respectable place chance
12. ALTESSE DU MIREL - Successful last winter but not been as consistent of late. Never threatening last
time but can do much better on this occasion
13. ARTISTE DE JOUDES - Decent type but has never won at this level. Well beaten by Alderman over inner
track on last bid in this class. Place chance but cautious choice
Current form favours (7) AUBRION DU GERS and he has everything required to make it a hat-trick.
Challenge will come however from the very capable (12) ALTESSE DU MIREL who is expected to bounce
back from recent disappointment. (5) ALDERMAN looked every part the group horse when winning at first
time of asking at this level and is not just a place prospect although (9) ALOA DE LA MORTRIE may once
again have to content herself with a close-but-not-close-enough result.
Race 7: Prix de Cancale – 2850m – Harness race – 3yoF – Grade B – 48.000€
1. CASUALTY OF LOVE - When not disqualified gives good account of herself but not easy to have
2. CHACHOO BOND - Is capable sort and has won over course and distance but faces stiff opposition and
unlikely to shake things up
3. CHANA DU FER - Has ability but too seldom seen and not a consideration
4. CALIE DE PEBRISY - Runner-up to Callas Du Bouffey (11) in this category on third comeback run. Cheque
not in the offing however
5. COSETTE - Just 4 places from 34 starts does not augur well for this filly
6. CORAL SEA - High aspirations for this talented filly earlier in the season but has not been seen out since
August and unlikely to feature at the finish this time
7. CEYRA DE BELLOUET - First time on the short course but has impressed on the surface here and will pose
a threat
8. CUP OF SMART - Has not proved herself beyond Class D and on current run not in the reckoning
9. CARANCA - Won four in a row this term and good 4th in Class A last time out. Will play a key role in this
10. CLOANE DU VIVIER - Won four from five earlier in the year and made more than pleasing comeback last
month. Strong claim
11. CALLAS DU BOUFFEY - Mixed bag of results but has talent and recent Class D victory on outer track
particularly eye-catching. Good place prospect
12. CALY LOULOU - No disgrace finishing 6th behind Cova Josselyn (14) last time. Always consistent and
should make a good impression
13. CONCHITANA JENILOU - Has ample talent but too often the focus of the stewards. Did not go unnoticed
last time out but not a prominent prospect on this occasion
14. COVA JOSSELYN - Ample ability and made strong impression when runner-up in Class A on outer track
ten days ago. Every chance
15. CREATION - Very consistent type but recently out of sorts. No reason she cannot bounce back and must
not be ruled out
(10) CLOANE DU VIVIER has everything going for her and should go one better in this contest. (14) COVA
JOSSELYN is improving all the while and appears the greatest threat. (7) CEYRA DE BELLOUET has made
good progress and is expected to make her way into a place as is (11) CALLAS DU BOUFFEY who looked an
impressive Class D winner last time out.
Race 8: Prix de Gex – 2850m – Mounted – 7yo – Grade D – 58.000€
1. UN FIRST - Has been in the money twice since being stepped up in class but can prove a difficult sort. If
on form can lift this event
2. URZO DU CAP VERT - Encouraging ridden debut a week ago in Class D and nothing to indicate he cannot
do better. Worth bearing in mind
3. URAGANO TURGOT - First outing in ridden competition. Boasts 26% win rate and must be a
4. ULKA DES CHAMPS - Has respectable form at this level and her Class B fourth in harness competition a
week ago augurs well for her chances here
5. UMBRELLA DE CHENU - Consistent in this code and has won last two starts under the saddle latterly in
impressive fashion. Solid chance
6. UXOR DE MORGE - Has earned his place here. Surprise runner-up on the long course here on
penultimate start in this class. Modest subsequent run and can make amends
7. UNICIA DU GUELIER - Gives her all but perhaps not up to the required standard
8. URANIE D'ALLOER - Made her comeback in this class late last month. Not disgraced and has capacity to
produce better performance on this occasion
9. URANIE D'OSTAL - Has yet to recapture autumn form but has scored more than once in this category and
will prove menacing if back in shape
10. URANIA DES BAULTS - Has previously shown her ability at this level and better but been
temperamental of late. If she keeps it together will prove dangerous
11. UVA JADOR - Consistency is not her strong suit and hard to take seriously given recent results
12. URSY RAFOULAIS - Consistent sort under the saddle and while not a typical prospect at this level can
take advantage of an opening to find a minor place
13. UP JULRY - Current form good of late in both codes. Pleasing 5th a week ago behind Ukija over shorter
and not without a better chance this time
14. UGO DES JACQUOTS - Showed good aptitude for ridden competition but has not raced under the
saddle for over a year. Not to be overlooked
15. UZBEK DU BOCAGE - Ended last season on a high note but nothing from 6 this term. Unlikely to affect
the outcome
16. UKIJA - Not always the most consistent but ample ability. Impressed when 3rd over shorter here last
week at 69/1. Will generate considerably more interest this time
17. UKITA BARBES - Having a rough time of it and has not won for 13 months. Encouraged on last start in
this code when 5th in Class D. Question is if she can repeat it a month later
(4) ULKA DES CHAMPS has already demonstrated her ability at this level and with her recent Class B outing
could well be the one to beat. (5) UMBRELLA DE CHENU however is consistent in this code and on the back
of two straight wins should be a capable rival. Despite his temperament (1) UN FIRST has proved he is up to
the challenge in this category and if focused could well upset the best laid plans. (3) URAGANO TURGOT
takes to this discipline with harness form in support and is a solid place prospect as is (6) UXOR DE MORGE
given last month's performance on the long course.
Race 9: Prix de Caumont – 2850m – Harness race – 4yoC+G – Grade E – 36.000€
1. BOSS I AM - Has failed to recapture spring form and not a consideration at this time
2. BELLOU DI SEMBLE - Not been in the frame for a year and unlikely to do so here
3. BAIKAL DE MORTREE - Win here would give this colt a 50% win rate but new to Vincennes and seems
more a good place prospect
4. BONHEUR DES VAUX - Disqualified on only start here to date. Otherwise highly consistent and effective.
Pleased on both comeback runs at lower level but expected to make decent impression
5. BOLT DE SANDRE - Has not raced in this code since February but is capable in this class. Opposition too
stiff in this event
6. BISTROT - Not his favourite track and form insufficient to make any impression
7. BANCO DU MARIN - Pleased on outer track nine days ago although expected to be outclassed
8. BIR HAKEIM - Decent aptitude for the game and not to be discounted. Unshod all four and possible place
9. BUXUS CALENDES - Placed on just one occasion here but form too erratic to warrant further scrutiny
10. BERYL DE BERCY - Will need to up his game to have any chance of making an impact
11. BLACK ROCK - Twice a winner before the break but disqualified over track and trip three weeks ago.
Not a first choice but can make an impact
12. BESAME MUCHO - Made good impression when surprising 4th behind Banco Du Marin (7) on long
course here 9 days ago. That form should serve him well
13. BOLT - Barring last start has proved consistent and has the wherewithal to make a good impression
14. BAGO DU PLESSIS - Has be going well of late and unshod all four appears a strong challenger
15. BANDIT DU COUDOU - Currently on a good run. Makes Vincennes debut but looks to have winning
claim with driver on form
16. BLASON DU BOSQUET - At the limit of prizemoney threshold but has failed to make any impression on
last seven starts. Forgettable
(15) BANDIT DU COUDOU has hardly put a foot wrong in recent months and comes here with deservedly
high aspirations. (14) BAGO DU PLESSIS is at his best in this company and barefoot on this occasion should
better his recent 3rd place at Graignes. Having proved his worth on more than one occasion in this category
(13) BOLT has every chance of challenging the favourites while the consistent and speedy (3) BAIKAL DE
MORTREE could yet prove the most dangerous if he takes to the Vincennes 'ashes'. (12) BESAME MUCHO
put in an unexpected but noteworthy effort last time and should race into a minor place.
Selections: (15) BANDIT DU COUDOU - (14) BAGO DU PLESSIS - (13) BOLT - (3) BAIKAL DE MORTREE - (12)