Weeks of May 29 & June 4th Teachers: Dena McFadden, Weather and Graphing Jennifer Singleton, Bethany Falls Science - Weather - Lesson 1 Objectives: K.E.1.3 Students will: Tier 1 – Use the vocabulary Sunny, Windy and Rainy to participate in making a graph and to participate in identifying the weather. Tier 2 – Create a graph of Sunny, Windy and Rainy weather. Identify characteristics of Sunny, Windy and Rainy weather. Tier 3 – Compare weather patterns using a graph. Identify Sunny, Windy and Rainy weather. Whole group: The teacher will introduce the lesson with a tour of Boston.com/bigpicture highlighting weather pictures. Revisit the five senses and explain we will be interacting with the weather using some of our senses. Then students will break into two centers. One using vision and hearing, and one using the sense of touch to create a Rain Stick to be used in later lessons. Centers: 1. Vision/Hearing Center Students will watch the video about weather on the Discovery Education website at http://player.discoveryeducation.co m/index.cfm?guidAssetId=5660F42F -3E5D-483F-99B7B0EEED2AEB60&blnFromSearch=1& productcode=DSCE 2. Craft Center Students will create a rain stick using the directions on Enchanted Learning at http://members.enchantedlearning.com/cra fts/music/rainstick/index.shtml or using Pringles cans. Students will fill the can with beans and aluminum foil. They will decorate the outside and keep them for a later lesson. Assistants will provide assistance, take data and lead a center. Lesson 2 & 3 Objectives: K.E.1.3 Students will: Tier 1 – Use the vocabulary Sunny, Windy and Rainy to participate in making a graph and to participate in identifying the weather. Tier 2 – Create a graph of Sunny, Windy and Rainy weather. Identify characteristics of Sunny, Windy and Rainy weather. Tier 3 – Compare weather patterns using a graph. Identify Sunny, Windy and Rainy weather. Lesson 3 Objectives: K.E.1.3 Students will: Tier 1 – Use the vocabulary Sunny, Windy and Rainy to participate in making a graph and to participate in identifying the weather. Tier 2 – Create a graph of Sunny, Windy and Rainy weather. Identify characteristics of Sunny, Windy and Rainy weather. Tier 3 – Compare weather patterns using a graph. Identify Sunny, Windy and Rainy weather. Whole group: -Review previous lesson and topics -Go through the SmartBoard Lesson -Break into the learning centers. Whole group: -Review previous lesson and topics -Go through the SmartBoard Lesson - Learning Centers Centers: 1. Vision/Hearing Center Students will interact with their rainsticks and watch the videos on Sunny Days and Rainy Days on Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvrG0S9WoNE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW6VIrlEmMs &feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0gsduLrfSU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf79tdy9qhs http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&src_vi d=Nf79tdy9qhs&v=0QO6k3fg9IU&annotation_id=M osquitoFood_annotation_227470 Centers: Assessment Centers: 1. Sunny Center Students will use vocabulary paired with pictures, picture symbols or objects to identify sunny weather. 2. Rainy Center Students will use vocabulary paired with pictures, picture symbols or objects to identify Rainy weather. 3.- Windy Center Students will use vocabulary paired with pictures, picture symbols or objects to identify Windy weather. 2. Sense of Touch Center Students will interact with a fan, heat lamp, water table, and a misting/spray bottle to simulate sunny, windy and rainy weather. A trip outside to enjoy the weather, rainy or sunny is encouraged. Assistants will provide assistance, take data and lead a center. Whole Group Students will come together and create a classroom graph of their favorite type of weather from the three that were covered. Assistants will prompt students and take data during whole group. Assistants will be leading and taking data at a center.