WELCOME TO THE FEDERATION OF YATTON SCHOOLS YATTON VOLUNTARY CONTROLLED INFANT SCHOOL YATTON CHURCH OF ENGLAND JUNIOR SCHOOL The Federation of Yatton Schools has used the following process to assist the Federation in identifying some of the barriers to their pupils in accessing education provision. Stage 1: Understanding Our School Community – Pupils What is the school profile? 509 Pupils in total How many children are on roll at the school? What information on pupils is collected by protected characteristics? Using the SIMs data the following information was available: Ethnic Categories White British 479 White & Black Caribbean 6 Indian 1 Irish Any other white background Traveller of Irish Heritage 1 3 White & Asian White & Black African 4 3 Pakistani Bangladeshi 0 0 0 Any Other Mixed Background 3 3 Gypsy/Roma 0 Chinese 0 White European 7 Any other Chinese background 0 Any other Asian background Black Caribbean Black African 15 2 Any Other Black Background Refugee Asylum Seeker 0 Any Other Ethnic Group Information Refused Information Not Obtained 1 0 0 0 0 Disability Categories Not Collected 159 Needs Medication 1 No disability 306 6 Problems with Mobility 7 Problems with Hand Function Problems with Personal Care Problems with Eating and Drinking 1 3 1 Problems with Incontinence Problems with Communication Problems with Hearing Problems with Vision Problems with ASD / Aspergers Special Educational Needs (SEN) No Specified Special Educational Need School Action School Action Plus Statemented Religion & Belief Anglican Baptist Buddhist Percentage (%) 21% 4% 105 21 1.2% 6 Church of England Jewish 10 5 3 Gender 377 Hindu 8 Actual No. 74% 0 0 0 Other Disability / Health Problem Girls Boys 0 0 0 Sikh No Religion Other Religion 250 259 0 124 0 13 Catholic 0 Methodist 0 Not recorded 89 Christian 293 Muslim 2 Refused 1 No Information was available on the following protected characteristics: Gender Reassignment - The school did not have any information on whether any of the children on roll had reassigned their gender. The school agreed to seek further support and guidance on how and when to monitor. Sexual Identity - The school did not have information on whether any of the pupils on roll identified as Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual or Transgender (LGBT) as the question had never been asked. The school agreed to seek further advice and guidance from local and national specialists on how and when to ask pupils this question and how to use the data sensitivity when collected.