Reg for staff of police force - Institute for International and

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is hereby approved Regulation under Law No. 21,965 , for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police, as amended by Law No.
Decree 1,866 22,668
Bs. Ace. 26/7/83
seen the Law No. 21,965 to the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, as amended by
Act No. 22,668 , and
that it is necessary to regulate its provisions according to what is commanded in the
above-mentioned legal body.
the President of the Argentine Nation
Article 1. the regulation of the Law Nº 21,965 for the staff of the Argentine Federal
Police, as amended by Act No. 22,668 , that forms the Annex I to the present.
Art. 2nd - repealed the books II, III and IV of the Decree No. 6,580 dated 30 April
1958, the Decree No. 532 of 27 February 1975, 2094 of 17 September 1976, 76 of
the 10 of January of 1976, 2710 November 14 of 1978 and 931 dated 26 April 1979.
Art. 3Or - Please Contact, published, transmitted to the National Directorate of the
Official Registry and Archives. - BIGNONE - Llamil Reston.
- 21.965ACT TITLE I
police State
Article 1 - The staff is subject to the police state in the terms of article 3 of the act for
the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 2nd - The duties, obligations and rights set forth in the act created between the
members of the staff a situation of dependence, based on the discipline, the
hierarchical scale, the age and the post.
Art. 3Or - Will Have police state: (
a) The senior staff and the junior, in activity or withdrawal, and
b) The staff of students referred to in Annex I of the act for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police.
Art. 4th - The aspirants to cadet will have police state, where they meet the
adaptation period that attach to each incorporation the Cadet School "Colonel
Ramón L. Falcon", in the opportunity that they will be granted the high effective.
Art. 5th - The aspiring junior staff will have state police since the time of its
incorporation into the training institutes. Approved courses will receive the
appointment as agent or firefighter.
Art. 6th - The discipline is the basis of the institution. The subject to the disciplinary
regime is manifested by the subordination, respect and obedience to orders from a
superior, at the same time that by the desire to reach the order that these orders
are proposed.
The duty of obedience to a superior in the order of the service is carried out in any
place and at any time.
Art. 7th - the regular channel for the fulfilment of any order of service is the
hierarchical path. Where it is not transmitted by such means, which receives it will
know to his immediate superior, prior to comply, with the exception of urgent cases
in to inform him immediately after i obeyed.
Art. 8th - the police officer who receives an order contrary to another need to run or
to prevent or delay their implementation, will present this at the top of the one who
had received and if this repeat them here, it will obey by informing the upper that
issued the previous order.
Art. 9th - the junior should not comment on the orders it receives, but you can ask
for clarifications when you have not understood; however, when I think that the
execution of an order received can be detrimental to the service because of
circumstances ignored by the superior, should warn you respectfully.
Art. 10. - The top shall be responsible for the orders given by him.
All subordinate and junior will be responsible for the accurate execution of orders
received, and it is his duty to report to the superior that the have been taught of
how they have been fulfilled or the obstacles that have prevented its compliance.
Art. 11. - The higher you need to know about all of his subordinates personally, get
an idea of their professional preparation and moral, correcting them when necessary
and successfully use their skills.
Art. 12. - All top must maintain between their subordinates a strict discipline; shall
refrain from any display preferences toward, trying to always proceed with equity
and justice; use with all equal firmness and courtesy by avoiding in the treatment
both the rudeness as familiarity. 1/78
Art. 13. - All police must manifest itself always in keeping with its status and
situation. If you are dissatisfied, you must do it know to his superior.
Any attitude that might instill cringing in the service or lukewarmness in the
enforcement of orders, shall be deemed needed, the more serious the greater the
degree of the police that what motivates.
Art. 14. - The provision that decreed the low will occur without the need of any
clarification, the loss of the police state.
Art. 15. - The staff at activity will integrate the permanent box and in line with its
situation of magazine, will play the duties set forth in the law for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police and in this rulemaking.
Art. 16. - The staff at retreat, which come from the permanent box, will retain its
degree and the police state being limited their duties and obligations to what
specifically sets the law for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police and this
General rules
Article. 17. - Must be understood as duties those aspects that are indivisible
personality police, penetrating into the realm of the moral as indispensable and
They are common for police personnel in activity or in withdrawal.
Art. 18. - The obligations made to the provision of the service, such as compliance
with regulatory requirements and are not common for the staff at activity or retired,
limitations exist or extensions that differentiate them.
Art. 19. - The rights are the attributes given to the staff for their status of police and
the support that the institution offers through the social and welfare services, with
the limitations and extensions set forth in the law for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police and this regulation.
Art. 20. - Any change of destination shall be made by resolution of the head of the
Argentine Federal Police, in the following manner: (
a) By appointment to occupy a leading position, which will be called appointment,
b) to provide services to its inherent degree in one unit, without specifying office,
which shall be fixed by the head of the same. This change of destination will be
called pass.
Art. 21. - The appointments and passes, will be designed and submitted to the head
of the Argentine Federal Police, by the Office of the Superintendent of personnel;
shall be made known by means of the order of the day for his compliance, except
that it will be ordered immediate realization.
Art. 22. - All police can apply for private reasons which are justified by the track of
intermediate hierarchical that appropriate, change of destination.
Art. 23. - Police in equal degree may seek swap destination, service or commission.
Such requests must be made in writing and by both of them, to his direct superiors.
No action shall be taken on the orders of swap when the appellants do not have a (1)
year in their respective destinations, except in exceptional cases duly justified.
Art. 24. - The staff appointed or with passes within the Federal Capital or up to a
distance of sixty (60) km will be submitted to the new destination in the twenty-four
(24) hours.
The staff members appointed or pass for or to the provinces, will be presented in the
term of fifteen (15) days, except that for urgent reasons of the service term will
determine lower than the level set. In this case should be specified such
circumstances by order of the day and be given the time to complete the fifteen (15)
days when the urgency is gone.
Art. 25. - Will be considered disciplinary offense, bring influences or use nonregulatory procedures to request a change of destination, promotions, commissions
or services.
These efforts will be added as background in the personal files, without prejudice to
the sanctions.
Art. 26. - Compulsory is the presentation of farewell to the superior of those who
depend on for the entire staff that change of destination.
Art. 27. - The chief or the deputy chief of the Argentine Federal Police will be in
possession of his office to the heads of superintendents' offices; these in turn to the
heads of supervisors or heads or directorates-general, who itself or through, the
officials to designate, do so with the heads of dependencies that are subordinated.
The personnel of the interior of the country may assume his post without fulfilling
the requirements above.
Art. 28. - Staff, before accepting any designation of an official nature or take part in
unofficial acts, fair sports, scientific meetings or of any kind, in which their presence
or intervention may give rise to a presumption that represents the Institution,
require prior authorization from the head. Your registration and action must comply
by prepending always in his own name and surname, the hierarchical degree it holds
and destination address. When the circumstances permit, you must carry out its
regulatory submission wearing uniform.
Art. 29. - The retired personnel may use the denomination hierarchical in its social
activity and in public offices, which deal with.
The staff with police state in retired status that has been played as head or deputy
head of the Argentine Federal Police, may be used in protocol order the mention of
those charges with the prefix "ex".
Art. 30. - TO his admission to the institution, the staff must carry out an affidavit of
the goods that has extended to the belonging to his wife and children. It will consist
the origin of the same and will go the subset staff.
Art. 31. - This statement will be renewed when the leadership deems it necessary, in
which case the demonstration will cover from the date in which it was made the
previous one, even when at the time that was done, the well is no longer possessed
by sale, exchange, donation or other reason.
Art. 32. - The staff incorporating goods, whose amount exceeds the sum of the
assets earned during the last twelve (12) months, you must update your affidavit
indicating the detail of the same.
Art. 33. - In all cases the Superintendency of staff may request clarifying information
about the origin of the goods and form of obtaining.
Art. 34. - Except with the express authorisation of the leadership, staff in the activity
or withdrawal may not be given to stories or publicly issue its opinion in matters of
official character or linked to the function or to the police interests. Such
authorization shall be channelled in all the cases through the Superintendent's
Secretary General.
The staff see mentioned in the chronicles or newspaper articles, against the above
provisions shall be immediately by note to its 2/78
greater than, formulating the disallowance or clarification.
Art. 35. - They will be unable to perform the same fate or in direct relationship of
dependency, the staff if this linked up to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity
or by adoption.
Art. 36. - The retired personnel, view or non-uniform, is bound to observe, and save
the respect and consideration due to the members of the institution in activity.
These in turn, are obliged to observe and save to all retired police officer, the
consideration that corresponds to its police state, rendering him the honors any
creditor by their degree, when uniform view, or when it does happen if vistiere
recognize civilian.
Hierarchy, superiority and precedence
Art. 37. - Superiority is the police which has a police with regard to another for
reasons of hierarchy, charge or seniority.
Police The superiority, involves the exercising of the disciplinary powers.
Art. 38. - Greater Than is the policeman who has with respect to another higher level
in the hierarchy, or that in the same degree is older, or takes precedence as
determined by the law for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police and this
regulation, or it is higher for the office or function that plays.
Art. 39. - Junior is the policeman who has, with respect to a minor degree in the
hierarchy or that, in the same degree, is less old.
Art. 40. - Subordinate with respect to another is the police, regardless of their
degree or seniority, which provides services to orders from the one.
Art. 41. - Hierarchical superiority is the one that has a police with regard to another,
by the fact that they possess a higher degree within the scale set out in annex I of
the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 42. - Superiority by position is derived from the organizational unit and in virtue
of which, a police official has superiority over another by the role or the position one
occupies within a same police agency.
The charges and the dependencies of these will be those that determine the tables
of organization.
Art. 43. - The police personnel may be called upon to perform functions of the
immediately higher degree. This requirement gives the disciplinary powers
pertaining to that grade.
Art. 44. - The succession in the accidental command, when circumstances prevent
the holder cannot exercise this right, albeit momentarily, shall be exercised
immediately by the subordinate him to follow.
Art. 45. - Superiority by seniority is equal grade is determined, successively, by the
age in the same, by the age and general by the age.
Art. 46. - The original age of the senior staff and the subaltern, will be given by the
order of merit achieved upon graduation from the training institutes or by the
obtained in the respective competitions of admission. TO equal order of merit will
deprive the greater age.
The seniority in the successive degrees will be given by the dates of promotions, and
to equal them, by the order set out in the ordinances or resolutions of ascent.
Art. 47. - The order of merit in the training institutes will be determined as follows:
a) by adding the averages of the final rating of the materials and of intellectual and
professional military training of all cycles of studies, and
(b) In case of equality, the order of merit will be determined by the sum of the
averages obtained in the last cycle, and before new parity, of the previous cycle, and
so on.
Art. 48. - The order of merit in the competitions of admission or in the training
courses, will be determined in accordance with the provisions of articles 46 and 47
of this Regulation.
Art. 49. - The order of precedence among the staff of different situation of magazine
and degree, is set without taking into account the seniority or the years of service.
Art. 50. - Taking into account the situation of magazine sets the following order of
precedence: (
a) Staff in situation of activity;
(b) Staff in retired status called to provide services;
c) Staff in retired status.
Art. 51. - Superiority by seniority among the staff of the echelons security, fire and
communications, among themselves, who possesses equal degree and seniority in
the same, shall be established in accordance with the following order of precedence:
a) incremental point security;
(b) Career firefighters, and
(c) communications career.
Art. 52. - For the senior staff of the same degree of different echelons, whatever the
length of the degree, governs the following order of precedence: (
a) security echelons, firefighters and communications at the same level;
(b) incremental point female, specialty security;
(c) ranks health and related specialties of the incremental point female;
d) legal career and related specialties of the incremental point female; 3/78
e) musician and specialty ladder of the hierarchy related female;
f) technical Ladder and ladder related specialties of the female, and
g) ladder and veterinary related specialties of the female ranks.
Art. 53. - For the specialities of the professional echelons of the grouping, category
senior staff, the precedence will be given in the order set in Annex I to this
Art. 54. - For the junior staff of the same degree of different categories, regardless of
the length of the degree, governs the following order of precedence: (
a) security echelons, firefighters and communications at the same level;
(b) incremental point female, specialty security;
(c) ranks health and related specialties of the incremental point female;
d) ranking musician and specialty of the affine female ladder; (
e) Ladder arsenals;
f) technical Ladder and ladder related specialties of the female;
g) veterinary Ladder and ladder related specialties of the female, and
h) Roster clerk and related specialties of the female ranks.
Art. 55. - For the specialities of the professional echelons of the grouping, category
junior staff, the precedence will be given in the order set in Annex II of this
Art. 56. - The male staff shall take precedence over females of the same degree and
specialty irrespective of their length in the degree and years of service.
Art. 57. - The staff of cadets will, to equivalence of degree, precedence on the junior
staff. The cadets in the 1st and 2nd year will have on the agents or firefighters.
Art. 58. - The cadet of the last course that meets an act of service exercising official
functions, shall have the obligations and rights of the assistant.
Art and reinstatement. 59. - The low determines the untying of the institution and
the loss of the police state.
Art. 60. - The low occurs due to the following reasons:
a) for the staff at activity or in retreat at the request of the interested party
b) for the staff at activity must be separate, when you do not have appropriate
(c) for the students and aspiring agent or fireman on the grounds that they do not
meet the conditions, do not comply with the requirements or for violating the duties
established in the internal regulations of the training institutes; (
d) for the staff at activity or retired, and have been declared the dismissal; (
e) for the staff at activity or withdrawal, as it has been decreed the exoneration, and
f) for the staff at activity or withdrawal, due to the loss or suspension of the rights
inherent in the Argentine citizenship not Taking into consideration the amount of
years of service.
Art. 61. - The staff to request their low he will do for note signed, stating the reasons
and following the hierarchy.
Art. 62. - The process will go through the following process: (
a) Prior to the submission of the application, the applicant must cancel any debt that
he has with the institution, or any other whose discount efectivizare through the
Argentine Federal Police. Be attached to such effects the records that match:
b) the staff that does not prove the minimum time of your discharge from services of
the training institutes, shall reimburse the expenses that any defendant of its
professional instruction in the cases and forms that determine the articles 188 to
195 of these regulations;
(c) In the request should indicate whether or not you are judicial preliminary
investigation can result or administratively, whether or not the Government is
fulfilling condemnation or disciplinary sanction, and if you have satisfied or not its
commitment to service. If the petitioner shall be found in any of these situations, the
head of the unit will not rise to the request, stating that such a resolution. Does not
preclude the granting of low the process by vehicular traffic offenses when they
have been detached from the qualified police custody service.
d) received the request shall be entered in upper elevations if there are impediments
to grant it. In addition they shall inform its concept and their opinions about their
skills and whether or not to grant the same, and (
e) The head of the unit where the petitioner, simultaneously with the receipt of the
application separately reported this fact to the Superintendency of staff.
Art. 63. - The application of low does not alter the speed of service and the applicant
may not leave their functions until the same be granted. The processing of urgent
low shall be deemed executed in the institution, not impediments exist, must be
completed in fifteen (15) consecutive days.
Art. 64. - The areas falling within be delivered with a sense of urgency to the
concerned the certifications to prove the safeguards required in article 62. 4/78
Art. 65. - The management of the procedures that should be cited in the previous
article will review and personal records issued shall be valid for fifteen (15) calendar
days from the date of their issue.
Art. 66. - The low only shall take effect as of your notification.
Art. 67. - To be notified of the low, the petitioner must take delivery of the
institutional elements in their custody. The receiving units delivered the records of
the case and must communicate any novelty to the respective Superintendent.
Art. 68. - Faculty of the national executive power or the head of the Argentine
Federal Police, as appropriate, the current state of siege, or not to grant the
casualties that are requested.
Art. 69. - The petitioner may request the interruption processing of low, being
optional favorable resolution.
The instances founded opinion issued in this regard.
Art. 70. - The request for the interruption processing of low does not constitute
disciplinary offense.
Art. 71. - Requests for reinstatement will be accepted only in cases of low at the
request of the person concerned and must be submitted in signed note addressed to
the head of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 72. - Requests for reinstatement will be processed by the Office of the
Superintendent of Personnel, which could require the reports as it deems necessary
to any official or private agency, and must report on the suitability or not to reinstate
the Applicant.
Art. 73. - No action shall be taken to any request for reinstatement when the
petitioner has been more than two (2) years away from the institution with the
exception of students and aspiring agent or fireman while complying with the
requirements established for their income.
Art. 74. - The reinstatements will be denied in the following cases: (
a) When during the time that has remained distant from the institution has been
criminally charged;
(b) When it is subjected to criminal proceedings;
(c) When the conduct of the applicant during the period referred to in subparagraph
(a) has affected their good name; (
d) When the low has been requested to evade a service or destination, and (
e) When it comes to senior staff "in commission" that has been given low to your
Art. 75. - The processing of reinstatement includes the updating of the requirements
for admission.
Art. 76. - In the recitals of the resolution in which the reinstatement is denied, will
indicate only that it is not considered appropriate the same, which shall be
communicated to the interested party.
Art. 77. - The staff reinstated must be located at the bottom of the ladder and
specialty of the degree that he possessed to his discharge. To this end requests will
be considered in strict order of presentation.
Art. 78. - The time spent by the staff away from the institution by low, will not be
counted for the purposes of seniority, promotion or retirement.
Art. 79. - The reinstatements shall be granted by the competent officer to provide
for the appointment in the degree in question.
police personnel activity in
Art box. 80. - The police personnel in situation of activity integrates the permanent
Art. 81. - Students and aspiring agent or firefighter shall be governed by specific
regulations in force.
Art. 82. - Function is called to the task assigned to the staff must meet mandatory,
taking into account the charge, grade, grouping, hierarchy and specialty.
Art. 83. - Is known as the destination to the area of work that is assigned to the staff
within the police organizational structures to carry out the functions of his office,
grade, grouping, hierarchy and specialty.
Art. 84. - The staff of the permanent picture, with the exceptions identified in the
present regulations in their articles 85 and 86, you may not, without express
authorization from the leadership, functions or tasks extrapoliciales, be they private
or official, paid or not.
Art. 85. - The professional staff of the grouping may exert its activity in the civilian
environment, provided that the same does not affect the police service.
Art. 86. - The law laid down in article 85 will also assist the senior staff of the
hierarchy of the female related specialties to the grouping of the professional.
Art. 87. - The junior officers and junior staff in activity, will be able to play additional
police service, granted, regulated and hired by the leadership, provided that this
does not affect the police service and only when revistaren in the actual service
provided for in article 47, paragraph (a) of the act for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police.
The performance of this additional task does not in any way their roles within the
Art. 88. - The staff at activity may play, prior authorization from the leadership,
teaching tasks in educational establishments, official or recognized by the competent
State body, exclusively in the following cases: (
a) When it comes to matters relating to the role of the police and the institution
granting the title or corresponding allotment, and
(b) When it has authorization certificate in accordance with the legal provisions in
force and the case of materials strictly linked to the nature of that title. 5/78
Art. 89. - In all cases shall be made via the request by hierarchical, entering the
following data: (
a) the establishment of teaching in which they will play;
(b) subject to issue;
(c) time distribution of its teaching activity, and (
d) Title or empowerment that possesses.
In the elevation, the higher will register their opinion on the desirability of access to
the requested and may confer in urgent cases the authorization "ad referendum" of
the approval of the head.
Art. 90. - The chief may designate a permanent staff to carry out courses or studies
of interest to the institution, with or without prejudice to its police service if
The expenses accrued their compliance shall be borne by the Argentine Federal
Art. 91. - The staff may take courses or studies in educational establishments,
provided that this does not affect the police service. With an appropriate degree or
diploma, you must raise to the Superintendency of Staff copy duly legalized by the
authority which issued for the purposes of their background.
Art. 92. - Will not be taken into account or no applications will be accepted based on
studies, whose records not held by the subset staff, even when the course has been
prepared by the leadership.
Art groupings. 93. - The police personnel is grouped into the categories of senior
staff, junior staff and students. Within these categories are classified in the manner
determined by the Annex I of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 94. - Classification is the law that has the staff within their category and in
accordance with the grade achieved.
Art. 95. - Hierarchical Scale is the succession of existing the degrees in the Argentine
Federal Police.
Art. 96. - Is called degree to each of the various levels of the hierarchical scale.
Art. 97. - The Grouping Security is composed of police personnel who will fulfill the
mission that corresponds to the Argentine Federal Police as an institution of the
Art. 98. - The Clustering Support is composed of police personnel who will perform
the specific functions of the hierarchy to which he belongs, concurring with them to
the achievement of his own mission to the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 99. - The Professional grouping is composed of police personnel who will
perform the specific functions of the hierarchy to which he belongs in support of the
other groupings. For these purposes will require title, rating or special knowledge.
Art. 100. - Each grouping integrates with the echelons that secures the law for the
staff of the Argentine Federal Police in its annexs II and III.
Art. 101. - The destinations of the senior staff will be willing, in general, taking into
account the following principles: (
a) The professional qualifications and special for a given charge;
(b) to allow a comprehensive knowledge of the various aspects of police work,
through an organic rotation;
c) to achieve an adequate retention of the staff in the same function, and (
d) ensure that the personnel possessing title deal with, preferably, charges related to
their specialty.
Art. 102. - The senior officers and heads will be given preference for degree as
follows: (
a) Commissioner General of the security ladder: Deputy Chief of the Argentine
Federal Police;
(b) Commissioner general: head of Superintendency;
c) Chief Commissioner: 2or head of Superintendent, chief of Directorate General; (
d) Commissioner inspector: Head of Department, head of area, area manager, head
of constituency, head of the body, director of school; (
e) Commissioner: Head of division, chief of police, head of delegation, deputy
director of school, 2or head of the body, and
f) Deputy Commissioner: 2or head of division; 2or head of delegation, 2or chief of
police, head of section, 3or chief of police station, 3or head of delegation.
Art. 103. - The senior staff of the career health, medical specialty, you can achieve
the maximum charge of director of the hospital complex.
The senior staff of the legal career, specialty, a lawyer, you can achieve the
maximum fee of 2or head of the Directorate General of Legal Affairs.
Art. 104. - The senior staff of the remaining categories and specialties of the
professional grouping, may reach a maximum, the charge that it is the professional
level of the structural unit or professional service in which they operate as a result of
the title that you possess.
Art. 105. - The junior officers occupy the destination by grade that attach the head
according to the needs of the service.
The principal may be designated as heads of section.
On leaving school of cadets, the assistants of the career ladder safety, will be aimed
at all the cases by the end of two (2) consecutive years as commissioner.
Art. 106. - The destinations of the junior staff will be willing, in general, taking into
account the needs of the service, trying to keep a 6/78
adequate stay integral advantage of their skills.
Art. 107. - The junior staff deal with the destination that attach the head according
to the needs of the service.
The agents of the ladder and fire safety, to his discharge from the training institutes
will be aimed at all the cases by the end of two (2) consecutive years exclusively to
police stations, bodies or barracks, as appropriate.
Art. 108. - The staff are obliged to accept the destination and play the charge
assigned to it by the head of the Argentine Federal Police, whatever the nature of
the same, provided that they are consistent with their degree, in agreement with
what determined the tables of organization.
Art. 109. - The number of staff it considers that the charge for which has been
designated differs from the rightful, after assuming his duties, you may request by
following the hierarchy, this designation will be varied and is assigned one of the
charges to which by its grade is entitled.
Art. 110. - The permanent staff will be able to play positions or functions not
provided for in laws or regulations of the Argentine Federal Police, when so ordered
by the national executive.
Art Categories. 111. - Ranking is the registration of the police personnel intended to
meet equal functional goals, sorted by specialty, grade and age. This arrangement
will vary year to year and, for reasons of income, promotions, reinstatements,
retreats, low or other causes of hospitalization, due to which annually must be
published that record, updated to December 31.
Art. 112. - Specialities are the certain in annexs I and II of this Regulation.
Art. 113. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police may propose to the national
Executive Power the creation of new categories or the modification of the existing
ones, when reasons for service so require. Such proposals should consider forms of
recruitment, income and career plan.
Art. 114. - The specialty organizes the police personnel who has equal instruction,
title, rating or special knowledge.
Art. 115. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police may create new specialties or
modify existing ones, when reasons for service so require.
Art. 116. - Senior staff cannot change incremental point except in the case of
creation of new categories, whose initial integration must be carried out according
to the guidelines for the case dictate.
Art. 117. - The senior staff of the male security echelons, firefighters and
communications, only you can access the unestablished whose entrance
requirement is the competition, after obtaining their low prior to the initiation of the
new procedure.
Art. 118. - The senior staff of the ranking female, specialty security, only you can
access the related specialties to the grouping of the professional, after obtaining
their low prior to the initiation of the new procedure.
Art. 119. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police may provide for the exchange of
personnel roster junior male, when the following requirements: (
a) only when the change out of a career ladder of the grouping or security support to
another ladder whose entrance requirement is the contest for admission or the
training course;
(b) When at the request of the party concerned;
c) When i shall approve the examination of ability to perform in the new ladder; (
d) when such exist vacant positions in the career ladder requested, and
e) When police needs warrant the change.
Art. 120. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police may provide for the exchange of
specialty of junior staff of the career ladder female, when the following
requirements: (
a) only when the change regardless of the specialty to another whose security
requirement of income is the contest for admission or the training course;
(b) At the request of a concerned;
c) When i shall approve the examination of ability to function in the new specialty; (
d) when such exist vacant positions of the specialty requested, and
e) When police needs warrant the change.
Art. 121. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police may provide for the exchange of
specialty of senior staff and junior male tories when the following requirements: (
a) only when both specialties are of the same ladder;
(b) When at the request of the party concerned;
c) When i shall approve the examination of ability to perform in the new specialty; (
d) When vacancies exist in the specialty requested, and
e) When police needs warrant the change.
Art. 122. - The request for a change of career or specialty must be made in writing by
following the track hierarchical. The Superintendency of staff, will consider each case
in particular and an opinion on their provenance and convenience.
Art. 123. - The change of career or specialty, the applicant shall proceed to occupy in
its degree the last place of the career ladder or specialty. 7/78
Art. 124. - During the career ladder of the change shall be permitted in a single
opportunity and an application may not never be older than fifteen (15) years of
service with simple police state.
Art. 125. - The staff of students and aspiring firefighter or agent shall not
Art. 126. - The senior and junior staff cannot change category, with the exception of
the junior staff male that meets the admission requirements for the ladder safety,
fire and communications, which may apply to join as cadet.
Art. 127. - Equal procedure will be followed in the case of junior female staff who
prescribes its incorporation as a cadet in the female ladder, specialty security.
Art. 128. - The male junior staff that meets all the conditions for access to a
personnel roster whose upper entrance requirement is the contest, will be given low
in his previous role once obtained the "high commission".
Art. 129. - Equal procedure will be followed in the case of junior female staff, when
you want access to a specialty senior staff, related to the professional of the
Art. 130. - The Argentine Federal Police will have the strength necessary for the
fulfilment of its mission, whose collection will receive the name of organic plant.
Art. 131. - These troops will be calculated on the basis of the needs for the operation
of the basic organization approved.
Art. 132. - The effective thus calculated, shall be nominated annually to the national
executive power in the draft budget of the institution.
Art. 133. - Adopted the law of the general budget of the national administration, the
national Executive shall communicate to the Argentine Federal Police the approval of
your project or restrictions to which must be adjusted.
Art. 134. - Known the number of troops available, it is faculty of the head of the
Argentine Federal Police carry out the distribution of staff.
Art. 135. - The allocation of functions within the different areas, corresponds to the
respective heads of dependency, in accordance with the tables of organization
approved for each one of them.
Art. 136. - The National Executive, on the proposal of the chief of the Argentine
Federal Police, you will be able to complete effective at any time by "called to serve"
personnel in retired status.
This power should be reserved for cases of emergency, understood as the serious
and allegedly prolonged disturbances of public order, armed movements against the
authorities, disasters caused by natural phenomena or similar situations of manifest
Art. 137. - When reasons for urgency so require, the head may call to provide
services to retired personnel to carry out the functions of actual service, and should
immediately require the corresponding authorization.
Art. 138. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police may seek permission for a socalled restricted in the cases of poor recruitment, to fill vacancies, shortage of
specialized personnel or other reason service fully justified.
Art. 139. - The "called to serve" referred to in articles 136 and 137 is mandatory and
inexcusable while the laid down in article 138 is voluntary.
Article. 140. - The National Executive shall have the entry in the category of senior
staff of the groupings security, support and professional, being reserved to the head
of the Argentine Federal Police do so in the categories of junior staff and students of
the same clusters.
The Superintendency of staff will be in charge of recruiting the staff according to the
needs of the various echelons.
Art. 141. - Are general conditions for admission to the staff: (
a) Be argentine native;
(b) demonstrate a history of conduct is beyond reproach and enjoy good social
concept, understand these demands on the family group and the cohabitee;
(c) does not have integrated, participated or acceded to the actions of political
entities, cultural or religious, that would attack or violate their tradition, the
institution, the Homeland or its symbols;
d) Possess good health, has been tested by the dependent services of the
Directorate General of Police Health; (
e) having complied with the legal provisions in force on military enlistment and
service, having fallen, and
f) To approve the capacity tests and competition set for each of the income.
Art. 142. - Applicants to cadet male echelons of the security, fire and
communications, should gather and meet the following special conditions: (
a) be between the age of seventeen (17) and twenty-five (25) years, which must be
fulfilled in the year of enrollment;
(b) being single without children or widower without children;
(c) having a metro with sixty-five centimetres (1.65 ) to a metro with ninety-five
centimeters (1.95 ) of stature; (
d) have approved the cycle complete secondary school, in official establishments or
recognized by the competent State body, and (
e) The staff of the Institution, in addition, having observed during his stay, good
conduct, dedication, support and professional skills relevant. 8/78
Art. 143. - Applicants to cadet, female ladder, specialty security, should gather and
meet the same requirements as the aspirants male, with the following differences:
a) Be understood among the nineteen (19) and twenty-five (25) years, which must
be fulfilled in the year of registration, and
b) have a metro with sixty centimeters (1.60 ) to a metro with eighty-five
centimetres (1.85 ) of stature.
Art. 144. - The staff of the institution that is incorporated as a cadet, once obtained
the high will be given effective low in his previous appointment or degree.
Art. 145. - Applicants to cadet who meet and meet the conditions required in the
preceding articles, submit your registration in writing, accompanied by the following
a) birth certificate legalized, original and photocopy;
(b) Identity Card of the Argentine Federal Police, including those of his family group;
c) National Identity Document of the postulant, with home updated and annotations
on the military service dates of high and low, weapon, aptitude, period of
instruction, if any;
d) certificate of good conduct of the compulsory military service, in your case; (
e) vaccine Certificates issued by official institutions that determine the competent
body; (
f) of analytical studies certificate duly notarized and recorded;
g) Certificates from previous jobs If practicable, and
h) personal photographs of four by four centimeters (4 x 4 cm) from the front and a
white background.
Art. 146. - Met the requirements, the applicants will be subject to the review of
health referred to in subparagraph (d) of article 141. The eligible will yield in the
Cadet School "Colonel Ramón L. Falcon", the physical aptitude tests and approved
these, the intellectual examination which will be based on written tests,
anonymously, in accordance with the programs in effect that will be delivered to the
applicants in the Institute.
Art. 147. - The average of the ratings obtained by the applicant to cadet in the test of
intellectual character, shall determine the order of merit and in consequence, their
precedence for income. TO equal average preference will be given to the possessing
best physical skills; if persisted parity will be defined by age.
Art. 148. - Once incorporated, will review as an aspirant to cadet during the period of
adaptation that attach the Cadet School "Colonel Ramón L.
Falcon". Satisfied the same you will get the high effective as a cadet, which shall be
deemed retroactive to all its effects to the date of its incorporation.
The cadets that adopt the established course, will train with the grade of Assistant.
Art. 149. - Applicants to agent or male firefighter, unestablished security, fire and
communications, for their entry to the training institutes should gather and meet the
following conditions: (
a) be included among the nineteen (19) and twenty-nine (29) years, which must be
fulfilled in the year of enrollment;
(b) Having a metro with sixty-five centimetres (1.65 ) to a metro with ninety-five
centimeters (1.95 ) of stature;
(c) have adopted the primary school cycle complete, in official establishments or
recognized by the competent State body, and (
d) The staff of the Institution, in addition, having observed during his stay, good
conduct, dedication, personal assistance and relevant skills.
Art. 150. - Applicants to agent for the female ladder, specialty security, for their
entry to the training institutes, should gather and meet the same requirements as
the aspirants male with the following differences:
a) Having a metro with sixty centimeters (1.60 ) to a metro with eighty-five
centimetres (1.85 m) tall;
(b) have approved the third full year of secondary school in official establishments or
recognized by the competent State body, and
(c) being single without children or childless widow.
Art. 151. - The staff of the institution that is incorporated as a candidate agent or
firefighter, will be given low in his previous role from the time of its incorporation
into the training institutes.
Art. 152. - Applicants to agent or fireman that meet and meet the conditions
required in the preceding articles, submit your registration in writing accompanied
by the following documentation: (
a) birth certificate legalized, original and photocopy;
(b) Identity Card of the Argentine Federal Police, including those of his family group;
c) National Identity Document of the postulant, with home updated and annotations
on the military service, dates of high and low, weapon, aptitude and period of
instruction if they correspond;
d) certificate of good conduct of the compulsory military service in his case; (
e) vaccine Certificates issued by official institutions that determine the competent
body; (
f) of analytical studies certificate duly notarized and recorded;
g) Certificates From previous work if appropriate, and
h) personal photographs of four by four (4 x 4) cm from the front and a white
Art. 153. - Met the requirements set forth above, the applicants will be subject to
the review of health referred to in subparagraph (d) of article 141. The eligible, will
perform in the respective training institute the physical aptitude tests and approved
these, it will be added to the respective courses as aspirants to agent or fireman. 9/78
Art. 154. - Applicants who satisfy the requirements of the prescribed courses will
receive the appointment as agent or firefighter. The courses will have the duration
to be determined by the leadership.
Art. 155. - Applicants for senior staff of the echelons male health, legal, musician,
technician and veterinary contest will join through intake and subsequent course of
adaptation for obtaining the skills of the police state.
Art. 156. - Applicants referred to in the previous article for its income should gather
and meet the following special conditions: (
a) Be understood among the nineteen (19) and thirty-five (35) years of age, which
must be fulfilled in the year of enrollment;
(b) Having a metro with sixty-five centimetres (1.65 m) to a metro with ninety-five
centimeters (1.95 ) of stature;
c) Possess a license for the exercise of the profession, and (
d) The staff of the Institution, in addition, having observed during his stay, good
conduct, dedication, support and professional skills relevant.
Art. 157. - Applicants for senior staff of the female ladder, related specialties to the
echelons health, legal, musician, and veterinary technician, for its income should
gather and meet the same specific conditions laid down in Article 156 with the only
difference of having a metro with sixty centimeters (1.60 ) to a metro with eightyfive centimetres (1.85 ) of stature.
Art. 158. - Applicants to enter that meet and meet the conditions required in the
preceding articles shall submit its registration in writing accompanied by the
following documentation: (
a) birth certificate legalized, original and photocopy;
(b) Identity Card of the Argentine Federal Police, including those of his family group;
c) National Identity Document of the postulant, with home updated and annotations
on the military service, dates of high and low, weapon, aptitude and period of
instruction, if any; (
d) certificate of good conduct of the compulsory military service, in your case;
e) vaccine Certificates issued by the official institutions that determine the
competent body; (
f) Title and certificate of analytical studies duly legalized;
g) Background related to His professional activity, and
h) personal photographs of four by four centimeters (4 x 4) from the front and a
white background.
Art. 159. - Without prejudice to the requirements set forth above, applicants must
also meet the specific requirements that attach each contest.
Art. 160. - The competitive examinations for admission to the senior staff will be
carried out in the last quarter of each year, with sufficient time to allow the high "in
commission" with date December 31.
Art. 161. - The competitions of admission will be processed by the Superintendency
of staff and the various areas of the institution you will get to know their needs in
advance and details of competitions, which will be published in a timely manner.
Art. 162. - The jurors will be as follows:
a) For the ranks health; president: director general of police health; two (2)
practitioners of the specialty and one (1) official head of the ladder as security ier for
(b) For the legal ladder; president: director general of legal affairs; two (2)
practitioners of the specialty and one (1) official head of the ladder as security ier for
(c) to the career ladder musician; president: 2or head of the Superintendency of
General Secretariat; two (2) practitioners of the specialty and one (1) official head of
the ladder as security ier for leadership; (
d) for the technical ladder; president: director-general of skills; two (2) practitioners
of the specialty and one (1) chief officer The safety ladder as ier for leadership, and (
e) to the veterinarian ladder; president: general manager of urban order; two (2)
practitioners of the specialty and one (1) official head of the ladder as security ier for
Art. 163. - The jurors will raise to the Superintendency of staff the outcome of the
tests by saying:
a) Order of Merit, and
(b) Staff proposes to incorporate in accordance with the vacancies available.
The head of the Argentine Federal Police will rise to the national Executive, before
December 10 of each year, the relevant proposals.
Art. 164. - Applicants who were successful in the competitive examinations for
admission shall be discharged "in commission" and made the course of adaptation in
accordance with what for each particular case be determined.
Art. 165. - The high "in commission" will be awarded with the degrees that are as
a) incremental point health: Sub-inspector;
b) legal Ladder: Sub-inspector;
c) ranking musician: Assistant;
d) technical Ladder: Inspector, and
e) veterinary career: Sub-inspector.
Art. 166. - The "high commission" imposes the staff in that situation, the same
duties, obligations and rights as the rest of the senior staff of the permanent picture
of the same hierarchy and specialty. The right to use the uniform and weapons are
newly confer when, in the opinion of the head has a proper police training.
The high will be produced by 31 December of the year in which perform the contest
for admission.
Art. 167. - The high effective of the senior staff "in commission" shall be granted to
those who meet the following requirements: (
a) comply with two (2) years of effective service from the date of the high "on
(b) accredit in the judgment of the Board of qualifications that will meet the effect,
general skills compatible with their rank and status, and
(c) satisfy the requirements of the professional specialty and psychophysical activity
to the police.
Obtained the high effective recognizes all of its effect on the time spent "on
Art. 168. - The staff "in commission" that does not meet any of the conditions set out
above, it will be because of low without any right to indenmnizacion, may not be
submitted to a new contest for admission.
If by the number of years of simple services rendered in the institution should be
entitled to the credit of withdrawal, it will not be given low but what will happen to
situation of mandatory retirement.
Art. 169. - The senior staff "in commission" that is taken down to your request did
not enjoy the right of reinstatement.
Art. 170. - Applicants to agent in the male health echelons, musician, arsenals,
technical, veterinary and clerk will enter through competitive admission or training
courses, as the case may be, according to what determines the annex II of this
Art. 171. - Applicants referred to in article 170, for its income should gather and
meet the following conditions: (
a) be included among the nineteen (19) and twenty-nine (29) years, which must be
fulfilled in the year of enrollment;
(b) Having a metro with sixty-five centimetres (1.65 ) to a metro with ninety-five
centimeters (1.95 ) of stature;
(c) have been adopted by the primary school cycle and complete in official
establishments or recognized by the competent State body; (
d) possess title, rating or special knowledge to the exercise of the function that
requires the specialty, and (
e) The staff of the Institution, in addition, having observed during his stay, good
conduct, dedication, support, and professional skills relevant.
Art. 172. - Applicants to female agent of the hierarchy, related specialties to the
echelons health, musician, technician, veterinary and clerk, you will be entering in
the manner specified in article 170 and should gather and meet the same specific
conditions laid down in Article 171 with the only difference from having a metro with
sixty centimeters (1.60 ) to a metro with eighty-five centimetres (1.85 ) of stature.
Art. 173. - Applicants to enter in a contest of admission or training courses that meet
and satisfy the conditions required in the preceding articles, submit your registration
in writing accompanied by the following documentation: (
a) birth certificate legalized, original and photocopy;
(b) Identity Card of the Argentine Federal Police, including those of his family group;
c) National Identity Document of the postulant, with home updated and annotations
on the military service, dates of high and low, aptitude and period of instruction, if
any; (
d) certificate of good conduct of the compulsory military service in your case; (
e) vaccine Certificates issued by official institutions that determine the competent
body; (
f) of analytical studies certificate duly Legalized;
g) Title or enabling duly legalized if appropriate;
(h) Background Information related to their activity, and
i) personal photographs of four by four centimeters (4 x 4) from the front and a
white background.
Art. 174. - Without prejudice to the requirements set forth above, applicants must
also meet the specific requirements that are set in each contest of admission or for
training courses.
Art. 175. - The competitions of admission and training courses for the junior staff,
will be held twice per year with sufficient time to allow the high dates with June 30
and December 31.
Art. 176. - The competitions of admission and training courses will be processed by
the Superintendency of staff and the various areas of the Institution will get to know
their needs in advance.
Art. 177. - The jurors shall be provided in the following way: (
a) to the career ladder or specialty health related female of the hierarchy: President:
one (1) official head of the hierarchy of the security General Directorate of Police
Health; two (2) practitioners of the specialty and one (1) official head of the ladder
as security ier for leadership;
(b) for the musician or ladder of the hierarchy related specialty female: President:
one (1) official security chief of the hierarchy of the Superintendency of General
Secretariat: two (2) practitioners of the specialty and one (1) official head of the
ladder as security ier for leadership;
(c) to the career ladder arsenals: President: one (1) official head of the ladder safety
of the General Department of materials and goods; (2) official Junior safety ladder
"trainers of the drawbar" and one (1) official head of the ladder as security ier for
leadership; (
d) for the technical ladder or specialty ranks female affine. President; one (1) official
security chief of the hierarchy of the Directorate General of skills; two (2)
practitioners of the specialty and one (1) official head of the ladder as security ier for
e) to the career ladder or specialty veterinary related female ladder: President; one
(1) official head of the ladder safety of the General Directorate of Urban Order; two
(2) practitioners of the specialty and one (1) official head of the ladder as security ier
for leadership, and
f) to the clerk or ladder of the hierarchy related specialty female, president; one (1)
official head of the hierarchy of the Superintendency security personnel; two (2)
professionals or technicians of the specialty and one (1) official Head of the ladder as
security ier for leadership.
Art. 178. - The jurors will raise to the Superintendency of staff the outcome of the
tests by saying:
a) Order of Merit, and
(b) Staff proposes to incorporate in accordance with the vacancies available.
Art. 179. - Applicants who were successful in the competitive examinations for
admission will be discharged as agent and as such will be the course of adaptation in
accordance with what for each faculty position are determined.
Art. 180. - Applicants to enter through training course, be carried out, the same as
aspiring agent or firefighter training institute in the respective.
Art. 181. - The right to wear uniform and weapons to the staff of aspiring agent or
fireman, newly you will confer when in the opinion of the head holds a proper police
Art. 182. - The competitions of admission will be open or closed and shall be
governed by the tables of recovery that are contained in annexs III and IV of this
Art. 183. - The order of merit of the staff whose entrance requirement is the contest
for admission will be determined by the same.
Art. 184. - The juries of the competitions of admission will determine, in all cases, an
order of merit for each first without parity that may exist between them.
Also, when they consider it desirable, may declare the desert competition.
Art. 185. - The order of merit in the training courses shall be governed by the rules
laid down in article 47 of this Regulation.
Art. 186. - Applicants that submit to medical examination during convalescence from
an illness, will only be accepted when you check the total healing without
complications and evil experienced.
That, in order to be able to physical fitness to enter, have undergone surgery or who
have been the subject of medical treatments, dental or special, shall be deemed fit,
when it would refund the anatomical and functional body intervened, in such a way
that its incorporation are able to play the post without any restriction.
Art. 187. - For the purposes specified in article 142 of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police, the chief shall report annually to the military authorities
through the Office of the Superintendent of Police Institutes, the payroll staff
understood in that article.
Art Awards. 188. - Upon graduating from the School of cadets "Colonel Ramón L.
Falcon" senior staff will be bound by contract to serve for a term of four (4) years. At
his request and for cause may be relieved of this obligation by the head of the
Argentine Federal Police, in which case must reimburse the State the expenses to be
respondent of its preparation.
Art. 189. - For the purposes of the preceding article set forth as the amount of
compensation of expenses, the equivalent to the sum of six (6) times the total of the
monthly have helper to the date of termination of the contract, if the low available
during the first year of service for the four (4) that promised to comply with.
If you have during the second year, the amount will be the equivalent to seventy-five
percent (75) of that amount: During the third year will be reduced to fifty percent
(50) and in the fourth year will be the twenty-five percent (25).
Art. 190. - The junior staff of the echelons security, fire, communications and
women, specialty security upon graduating from the training institutes will be bound
by contract to provide services under the term of three (3) years. At his request and
for cause may be relieved of this obligation by the head of the Argentine Federal
Police, in which case must reimburse the State the expenses to be respondent of its
Art. 191. - For the purposes of the preceding article set forth as the amount of
compensation of expenses, the equivalent to the sum of three (3) times the total of
the monthly have agent to the date of termination of the contract, if the low
available during the first year of service of the three (3) that promised to comply
If you have during the second year, the amount will be the equivalent of the sixty-six
percent (66) of that amount and in the third year will be the thirty-three percent
Art. 192. - The senior staff of the echelons health, legal, musician, technician and
veterinary, upon graduating from the course of adaptation, will be bound by
contract to provide service for the term of four (4) years. At his request and for
cause may be relieved of this obligation by the head of the Argentine Federal Police,
in which case must reimburse the State the expenses to be respondent of its
recruitment and incorporation.
Art. 193. - For the purposes of the preceding article, the compensation shall be
equivalent to the sum of four (4) times the total of the monthly of the degree of
income that corresponds to your hierarchy or specialty, the date of the termination
of the contract, if the low available during the first year of service for the four (4)
that promised to comply with.
If you have during the second year, the amount will be the equivalent to seventy-five
percent (75) of that amount; during the third year will be reduced to fifty percent
(50) and in the fourth year will be the Veinticino percent (25).
Art. 194. - The junior staff of the echelons health, musician, arsenals, technical,
veterinary and clerk and of the related specialties of the ranking female, upon
graduating from the course of adaptation or training as appropriate, shall be bound
by contract to provide services for the term of three (3) years. At his request and for
cause may be relieved of this obligation by the head of the Argentine Federal Police,
in which case must reimburse the State the expenses to be respondent of its
recruitment and preparation.
Art. 195. - For the purposes of the preceding article, set forth as the amount of
compensation of expenses, the equivalent to the sum of three (3) times the total of
the monthly have agent to the date of termination of the contract, if the low
available during the first year of service of the three (3) that promised to comply
with. If you have during the second year, the amount will be the equivalent of the
sixty-six percent (66) of that amount and in the third year will be the thirty-three
percent (33).
Art. 196. - The staff scholarship by the institution to carry out training courses,
training or upgrade, you must make a commitment to
compensate the institution in the forms and assumptions that determines this
Art. 197. - This undertaking will be signed at the time of be designated and the
periods of validity will apply from the date of completion of the scholarship,
completed or not the studies.
Art. 198. - This commitment will create the obligation to provide services for the
following minimum times;
a) to the senior staff four (4) years, and
b) for the junior staff three (3) years.
Art. 199. - In the case of courses conducted in the country, the obligation shall be
effective when the same have been to the detriment of the service and its duration
exceeding three (3) months.
When they are carried out in abroad, that obligation will be effective regardless of
the duration of the course.
Art. 200. - To your request and for a just cause, the staff may be relieved of this
obligation, by the head of the Argentine Federal Police, in which case you should
compensate the State for the costs that you have sued their preparation, as follows:
a) courses abroad; the two hundred percent (200) of the total of the monthly have
the degree to which holds at the time of completion of the fellowship for each
month of the same, or larger fraction of fifteen (15) days, and
(b) courses in the country, in the institution or outside of it: one hundred percent
(100) of the total have the degree to which possesses at the time of completion of
the fellowship for each month Duration of the same, or larger fraction of fifteen (15)
For the purposes of the application of this article shall be deemed to be the be
updated monthly to the termination date of the commitment.
Art. 201. - If the fellowship referred to in article 196 is training, upgrading or
updating in aeronautical disciplines, the compensation from the State will be
determined as follows:
a) Courses for pilots in the abroad: The two hundred percent (200) of the total value
of hours of flight, which has accomplished during her stay in the course;
(b) Courses for pilots in the country, in the institution or outside of it: the one
hundred percent (100) of the total value of hours of flight, who has attained during
his stay in the course, and
c) courses for technicians and mechanics; will apply the rules laid down in article 200
of this Regulation.
For the purposes of the application of this article shall be considered the value of the
hour-flight current to the date of termination of the commitment;
Art. 202. - The calculation of the total flight hours will be made on the basis of the
carried out during his stay in the course, in accordance with the records legalized by
the aviation authority for the implementation of the country where it is done the
Art. 203. - The obligations of article 199, in the cases of training courses, training or
upgrade in aeronautical disciplines will come into force which want to irrespective of
the duration and the nature of the same.
Being exempted from this obligation, the pilot, technical or mechanical outside
disabled with definitive character.
If the disable out of transitional nature, the time spent in this situation will not be
counted for the purposes set forth in article 198.
Art. 204. - For the purposes of payment of the compensation shall take into account
the following percentage;
a) senior staff: One hundred percent (100) of the amount that arising from the
application of article 202, during the first year; seventy-five percent (75) in the
second; fifty percent (50) in the third and twenty-five percent (25) in the fourth year,
(b) ratings: One hundred percent (100) of the amount that arising from the
application of article 202, during the first year; sixty-six percent (66) in the second
and thirty-three percent (33) in the third year.
Art. 205. - The allowances provided for in the preceding articles shall apply in cases
of low to request, separation by abandonment of service or voluntary withdrawal, as
situation of
Art magazine. 206. - The staff will review activity in one of these three situations: (
a) actual service;
(b) Availability, and
(c) passive service.
Art. 207. - The staff in actual service shall perform functions in destinations that
designate the leadership, and may not be altered without the prior knowledge and
approval of the same.
Art. 208. - The sick leave of up to two (2) years referred to in article 47, paragraph (b)
of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police will be granted by the head of
the household, prior to the report of the Standing Board of Medical Examinations
should mediate in all cases administrative proceedings.
At the end of this license, the Board should inform about the psycho of the staff and,
if he considers it suitable for all service, declined in their physical skills and in case
percentage decline, or inept to any service.
Art. 209. - The maximum period of two (2) years referred to in the preceding article
shall be deemed effective on the date that the staff has begun its license linked with
the disease or with the accident that has dictated.
Art. 210. - The staff who are granted the license referred to in the previous articles,
also reviewing proposed alternative will continue at its destination until the end of
the same, even when the place of healing advised by doctors is another.
from the six (6) months may be replaced in his position if such exist availability of
Art. 211. - Whether as a result of the illness or accident linked to the service is
expected by prescription of the Standing Board of Medical Examinations, be assisted
out of the place of habitual residence shall have the right to return ticket.
If the act is qualified "in and by act of service" or "by act of the service", you will
correspond in addition compensation for transfer and per diem.
Art. 212. - The determination that the disease has been incurred or aggravated or
that the accident had occurred "in and by act of the service", "by act of service" or
"in service", shall be conducted in accordance with Title V, chap. XI of this
Art. 213. - The license by disease or accident unconnected to the service, referred to
in article 47, paragraph (c) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, will
be raised by the chief of the unit to the Superintendency of personnel, subject to the
prior written report of the respective medical service.
Its duration may not exceed two (2) months continuous or discontinuous and his
maturity, there will be a refund of the staff to their functions or your pass to
availability, subject to approval of the Standing Board of Medical Examinations and
intervention of the Superintendency of staff.
Art. 214. - The license by personal matters referred to in article 47, paragraph (d) of
the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, will be awarded by the
chieftaincy once in the race, for justified reasons and up to a maximum of two (2)
months in actual service.
The personnel to make use of this benefit, you must demonstrate a minimum of five
(5) years of service with simple police state.
Art. 215. - The license referred to the previous article, when does not exceed two (2)
months, will not be taken as an antecedent unfavourable to the staff that has made
use of this benefit in opportunity to the consideration by the Boards of
Art. 216. - The license by extraordinary age referred to in article 47, paragraph (e) of
the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, up to a maximum of six (6),
months, will be granted by the chief as a step prior to the withdrawal of the
This license is granted with the formalities established in the cap. XVI of this title.
Art. 217. - The staff that makes use of this license will depend on the head and at the
end will go down in the situation envisaged in article 48, paragraph (f) of the act for
the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 218. - The senior staff, in order to be able to access the charges or functions
referred to in article 47, paragraph (f) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal
Police service must be in cash and in a position to play the post.
Art. 219. - The time spent in actual service shall be considered as always to the end
of the ascent and retreat except in the "call to service" to your request.
Art. 220. - The cadets and aspiring agent or fireman revistaran always in actual
When an aspiring young cadet, during the period of adaptation contracts an illness
or suffer an accident linked to the service, shall be considered to all its effects as a
Art. 221.- The staff in availability will depend on the leadership through the
Superintendent of personnel.
Art. 222. - The staff considered in article 48, paragraph (a) of the act for the staff of
the Argentine Federal Police, will review in availability by provision of the leadership,
must be in a position to cover the charge or destination that is assigned to him at
any time.
Art. 223. - The situation referred to in the preceding article shall not exceed one (1)
year and his term will be submitted for consideration at the Board of qualifications.
In case of be deemed suitable for the actual service, should be assigned destination.
Art. 224. - The senior staff considered in the article 48, paragraph (b) of the act for
the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, will review in availability, whatever the
reason that would substantiate the appointment, when the departure of the actual
service is more than two (2) months and up to complete a maximum of six (6)
months. At the end, the situation will continue to check in passive service.
Art. 225. - In the event that the officer is designated more than once to carry out the
functions referred to in the previous articles, join the split times to determine the
situation of magazine.
Art. 226. - The license by disease or accident decoupled from the service, when
exceeds the two (2) months and up to complete a maximum of six (6) months, will
be granted by the chieftaincy, prior written medical report of the Standing Board of
Medical Examinations. At maturity, there will be a refund of the staff at the effective
service or your pass to passive service as appropriate.
Art. 227. - The staff that enjoyment of the license referred to in the foregoing article
may remain where the Standing Board of Medical Examinations as may be deemed
more convenient, but it will not have rights to any type of compensation for transfer.
Art. 228. - The license by personal matters, when exceeds the two (2) months and up
to a maximum of six (6) months, it will motivate the pass to availability.
Art. 229. - The staff disappeared referred to in article 48, paragraph (e) of the act for
the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, will review in availability, until both are
legally determine your situation.
This condition, in all cases will motivate the instruction of administrative proceedings
in the manner determined by the article 13, paragraph (f) of this Regulation.
Art. 230. - The staff that unsupported the voluntary withdrawal may jointly request
the pass to the situation of availability provided for in article 48, paragraph (f) of the
act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, request that will be considered and
resolved by leadership.
Art. 231. - The staff administratively preliminary investigation can result in serious
cases, you can check on the availability referred to in article 48, paragraph (g) of the
act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police when provided the leadership for if
or at the request of the disciplinary body instructor, in the manner determined by
the article 648 of this Regulation.
Art. 232. - The staff members detained by fact linked to the service or with a
preventive detention referred to in article 48, paragraph (h) of the act for the staff of
the Argentine Federal Police, will review in availability when so provided by the
Art. 233. - The time spent in availability will be computed for the purposes of
promotion and withdrawal, except the corresponding to the license by personal
matters that shall be calculated solely for the purposes of the withdrawal.
Art. 234. - The Superintendent of Personnel shall draw up lists of personnel revistare
in availability, with indication of article 48 of the act for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police and item corresponding to each situation, performing also the
communications and publications of the case.
Art. 235. - The staff in service liabilities will depend on the leadership through the
Superintendent of personnel.
Art. 236. - The staff covered by article 49, paragraph (a) of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police, must remain in a situation of passive service from the
moment that exceeding six (6) months and up to a maximum of two (2) years.
In case of not returning to the actual service, there will be withdrawal or low, as
Art. 237. - The license by disease or accident when detached from the service
exceeds the six (6) months and up to complete a maximum of two (2) years, the pass
to motivate passive service. It will be granted by the chieftaincy, prior written report
of the Standing Board of Medical examinations and to maturity will be available the
reinstatement of the staff at the effective service or his retirement compulsory as
Art. 238. - The staff that I will see the license referred to in the foregoing article may
remain where the Standing Board of Medical Examinations as may be deemed more
desirable, but will not be entitled to any compensation for transfer.
Art. 239. - The license by personal matters, when exceeds the six (6) months and up
to complete a maximum of one (1) year, motivate the pass to passive service and will
be granted by the leadership.
In case of not reintegrated into the staff at the effective service, there will be
withdrawal or low, as appropriate.
Art. 240. - The staff who were detained or with preventive detention or subjected to
judicial process, in the forms and circumstances referred to in article 49, paragraphs
(d), (e) and (f) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police will appointed in
passive service.
The implementation of passive service will not be effective in cases of arrest of staff
by competent authority, when the deprivation of their liberty is momentary and not¡
¯s to the service.
Art. 241. - If you would be dictated preventive detention followed by release and the
fact that has motivated the processing was linked with the service and not the¡ ¯s
institutional prestige, the originator will review service in cash but in compliance
with internal functions where does not exercise the police authority.
Art. 242. - When the act is alien to the service and the preventive detention, even
mediating release staff will review in service liability until both duration of their
Art. 243. - In cases of criminal process against staff by facts unrelated to the service,
culpable, not the service will be available passive, when the warrant for processing in
their respect, except for the period in which it has remained in detention.
Art. 244. - Where appropriate have the pass of the police personnel appointed in
disponibliidad service or passive, in virtue of having been arrested or affected by
preventive detention, has been released from prison or not, shall be taken as the
basis of the measure, the date that the effective deprivation of liberty or the date on
which you have been notified judicially.
Art. 245. - Where appropriate have the cessation of magazine of the police
personnel in service availability or passive in virtue of having been released or has
been revoked by the remand in custody, or for having fallen final court judgment
should be used as a basis of the extent the date on which it had been produced the
effective release, or the date the petitioner was notified of the procedural acts of
Art. 246. - The condemned, when by the nature and duration of the penalty or
nature of the fact or appropriate their separation, will review passive while in service
of the impediment.
Art. 247. - The police personnel for which it is requested the national Executive
Power the unemployment or exemption, will review in passive service.
The measure will take effect from the date of the request until the date of the final
Art. 248. - The time spent in passive service will not be counted in the promotion nor
for the withdrawal, except in cases where the staff has been in this situation have
seen by arrest or process and is acquitted or dismissed in the cause that it charged.
Art. 249. - The Superintendent of Personnel shall draw up lists of personnel in service
revistare passive with indication of article 49 of the act for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police, and subparagraph (corresponding to each situation, performing also
the communications and publications of the case.
Art. 250. - The staff "called to serve" may be considered in actual service, only in the
cases referred to in article 47, paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of the act for the staff of
the Argentine Federal Police. In availability, in the situations referred to in article 48,
paragraphs (e) and (h) and in-service liabilities in the instances of article 49,
paragraphs (d) and (e), the latter without perception of the assets of its conciseness
of "called to serve".
Art Homes. 251. - The staff at activity whatever the situation of magazine should fix
your home in the city where it provides service or up to a distance of not more than
sixty (60) kilometers of the same, when: (
a) The means of transport you ensure its presentation to the service in the term of
two (2) hours, and
b) To Own phone at his home near or at the same allowing their citation at any time.
Art. 252. - The staff when you want to secure your home at a distance of more than
sixty (60) kilometers away from the city where he was serving, shall require approval
by via hierarchical to the Superintendency of Staff, who shall be granted when
completion of the terms of the subparagraphs (a) and (b) of the previous article.
Art. 253. - With respect to the interested parties whose income is being processed
will be the responsibility of recruitment Division check the circumstances identified
in the previous articles.
Art. 254. - The police personnel in activity to change domicile shall do so know within
twenty-four (24) hours of the transfer, to the unit where it provides service, which
will proceed in the twenty-four (24) hours to carry out the communications that are
indicated as follows:
a) to the Office of the Superintendent of personnel;
(b) to the police station concerned the previous residence;
(c) to the police station that is set in its new home, for your registration; (
d) to the Superintendency of welfare, and (
e) to the Civil Defense Division. To this Division you will be notified in all cases, in
addition, of the change in the home, the that record in the
National Identity Document, using for this purpose, the corresponding form, where it
entered the second preceded by the initials "D. N. I. ".
Art. 255. - The staff in situation of withdrawal may be set and will change to its
domicile in the territory of the Nation, communicating, personally or by note to the
Superintendency of Staff, any change within three (3) days of any change.
Communication shall be equal to the box of retreats, Retirement and Pensions of the
Federal Police.
Art. 256. - The retired personnel that are absent to the outside of the country, you
should observe the following rules: (
a) When the absence does not exceed two (2) months, you should only
communicate this to the Superintendency of staff;
(b) When the temporary absence exceeds the two (2), months and up to one (1)
year, you must have authorization granted by the head of the Argentine Federal
c) When the temporary absence exceeds one (1) year shall have authorization
granted by the Ministry of the Interior, and (
d) When the absence from the country amount change of residence or domicile
final, you must have authorization granted by the national executive power or the
authority in which this delegated such authority.
Art. 257. - In all the cases mentioned in the previous article, the interested party
should be stated on the respective communication, departure date, duration, cause
and point of residence or domicile.
For its part, the Superintendency of staff will process the annotations and shall make
the communications due to the housing of retreats, Retirement and Pensions of the
Federal Police.
Art. 258. - When there are reasons of possible called to provide compulsory service
of the police personnel withdrawn, the enforcing authority can deny or restrict
temporarily authorizations, as well as suspend or revoke the already granted.
Art. 259. - The police personnel in activity or withdrawal, you need to fill out the
existing provisions on registration of home in its National Identity Document.
Art requests. 260. - To marry the senior staff make the request in a note headed by
vía hierarchical to the Superintendency of staff with a notice of sixty (60) days. The
head of the unit will review where the petitioner will accompany you in all cases, the
identity data of the person with whom you want to marry, his parents and brothers
and other members of his family group, with what might live.
Carried out the investigations and the findings of the case, the Superintendency of
staff will dictate the appropriate resolution, which shall be notified to the applicant.
Art. 261. - The applications of the junior staff for marriage will be presented by the
parties concerned to the Chief of the unit where i will be listening service, which may
grant the authorization previously observing the fulfilment of the requirements in
the previous article.
If your opinion is negative shall raise the proceedings by the hierarchical track for
consideration and resolution of the Superintendency of staff.
Art. 262. - In case to be resolved favorably to requests referred to in the preceding
articles shall be recorded expresses that the applicant shall raise within sixty (60)
days of the marriage, certified copy of the minutes and thereafter in the same way,
the documents that prove births, deaths or other changes in the legal existence of
the family.
If the marriage cannot take place on the scheduled date, the person concerned shall
inform the new date at the top of the body where revistare.
Art. 263. - When before the registration of Civil Status and Capacity of persons shall
be amended in whole or in part the registration data on amounts and last name of
the staff this must be communicated in a note to the Superintendency of staff.
Art. 264. - Prior to the course referred to in the previous article, the staff will
regularize its civil documentation, Enrollment Book, Address Book Civic, National
Identity Document, Book or marriage certificate - as appropriate - and Identity Card
and the exhibit to the head of the unit in which revistare. This will certify that
occasion and it shall be valid for the initiation of proceedings.
Shall be attached certified copies of the certificate or documentation that
correspond, with marginal notes evidencing the changes additions or corrections
Art. 265. - The Superintendent of Personnel shall make such changes of names and
surnames in the subset and other internal documentation of the institution. In
addition send communication to the box of retreats, Retirement and Pensions of the
Federal Police.
Art. 266. - In all cases, after the completion of the processing will be notified of the
decision to the interested party, and shall be published in the order of the day, the
modifications, additions or corrections produced.
Art. 267. - Will Be officially rewarded the staff to carry out acts of courage or of
professional skill whose consequences are of great importance moral or material and
in general the commendable that run actions worthy of award in the view of the
Art. 268. - The reward provided for in the preceding article shall be gradually: (
a) by acts of courage, selflessness, value, or other similar qualifications made with
personal risk, real and evident: Recommendation in the order of the day;
(b) for personal damages in actions highlighted the service or by acts that
demonstrate energy, serenity or extraordinary dedication, justified by the
importance of the procedure: publication in the order of the day;
(c) for actions taken in the performance of the service to accuse professional skill or
a greater commitment to the common to their duties; recommendation in the
subset staff, and
d) shots, kidnapping, or other special procedures made outside of the regular hours
of the service or by initiatives or projects which are approved; constancy In the
subset staff.
Regardless, when appropriate, will be awarded the prizes instituted by the chief of
the Argentine Federal Police or national or foreign entities, approved by the
respective regulations.
Art. 269. - The appreciation of the importance of acts performed by the personnel
proposed for the rewards provided for in the preceding article, shall be determined
by the head after hearing the opinion of the heads of the supervisors that they
belong to the same, with the intervention of the Superintendency of staff.
Art staff. 270. - The subset anti-communists staff will meet all the records of the
police personnel from their income to the Argentine Federal Police until his death or
low, relating to his professional life and particular in everything which is of interest
to the institutional purposes.
This will be of a confidential nature and exceptionally by order of the head or deputy
head of the Argentine Federal Police, will be delivered the same or copies of their
records that relate to the subject, to the competent authorities.
At the request of the senior officers will be copied to the background when
circumstances require service.
It will be produced by the Office of the Superintendent of personnel and at the
request of the person concerned may give you views of their records on the occasion
of remedy, claim or by cause duly founded in the view of the Superintendency.
Art. 271. - The files or documentation to be added to the subset staff must carry
previously written notice of its holder, except that the resolution comes to the
attention of the same by the agenda of the institution.
Foja CHAPTER XII of concept
art. 272. - The report of rating is the judgment in detail and as a whole on skills of
qualified, formulated in writing by the appropriate senior to those who qualify. This
report shall be referred to as the "concept of Foja" will be "confidential" and should
be drawn up in duplicate.
The trial of the above must be based on the ability to carry out police functions
found in the various tasks that you have played the staff and tending only to the
good of the service.
Must qualify inspired in the highest sense of justice especially considering that
erroneous by qualifications, may be up who does not merit it, or damage to valuable
elements for the institution.
The inability of the qualified and their moral failures, will be directly responsible the
superiors, who had qualified suitable, without having known discover or manifest.
All the superiors who accused shows errors, negligence or omissions that may favor
or disfavour unreasonably to the staff, should make effective the attendant
When the last instance has qualified will be about the interested its result, who must
be dated and signed for the record on the original and the duplicate.
Art. 273. - The coot of concept will be annual, dated June 30. The original will be
forwarded to the Office of the Superintendent of personnel within the time limits
and how that is determined and the duplicate will be on the unit of origin.
Art. 274. - The concept of Foja will, primarily, the personal skills, qualified,
professional knowledge, competence and dedication to their functions, skills for the
control and behavior, without prejudice to any other aspect that would allow for a
more accurate valuation.
Art. 275. - The Fojas concept shall be qualified by the direct superiors, requiring at
least two (2) instances and preferably three (3).
Art. 276. - For the purposes prescribed in the preceding article shall follow the
following rules: (
a) The senior staff will be described by the head and the 2nd head of the unit and in
the absence of one of them, by the immediate superior, and
b) the junior staff by the official who depends on, not below the rank of Inspector or
by whom he habitually these functions, and must be one of the remaining instances
the head or the 2nd head of the unit.
Art. 277. - In the rating of the official heads, main and inspectors, inevitably must be
instance, or the direct superiors of the chief of the unit where revistaren those.
Art. 278. - The numerical scores will be one (1) to ten (10) points, taking as
instrumental equivalency, the following: (
a) 1, 2 and 3; poor;
(b) 4 and 5; Regular;
(c) 6; Good; (
d) 7; very good; (
e) 8; Distinguished;
f) 9; excellent, and
g) 10; Outstanding.
Art. 279. - When the average of one of the ratings is less than six points, it will be
necessarily the intervention of the chief of the unit as an instance.
Art. 280. - If any change in the head of unit in the period to qualify, the outgoing
head of Foja make partial concept of subordinate staff up to the date of change;
from that date forward will head the depriving. In both cases, the period should be
long enough to allow an exact opinion, shall be compulsory qualification when that
period is greater than three (3) months.
Art. 281. - Also make Foja concept of partial when the official change of destination
except in the case of accidental or temporary commissions. This qualification will be
notified within five (5) business days of ordering the pass.
Provided that the concept remains unchanged and have not passed two (2) months
after the last Foja, not drawn up a new one.
Art. 282. - When there is a fundamental variation in the concept of some qualified
during the months of June to December inclusive, shall immediately be reported to
the Superintendent of personnel in a comprehensive manner and substantiated,
prior notification of the qualified, who may exercise the right that determines the
article 289, related to be taken into account by the respective boards of
qualifications if any.
This report shall be filed in the subset of qualified staff.
Art. 283. - When the staff has been designated for the performance of a commission,
the top of the person who has relied on the instructions or received after the closing
of the report to the Superintendent of Personnel and the destination of origin of the
designated how that would have played. The report will be added to the Foja of
Art. 284. - In all cases the staff must be qualified by superiors in activity with police
state or "called to serve", except when the instances are the head of the Argentine
Federal Police or the Superintendent of Federal Security.
When within the institution depends on the qualified or instructed by staff without
police state who should qualify seek that, conceptual, report on the personal and
professional skills highlighted during the period.
Art. 285. - When the staff had been played in commission outside of the institution
during the period that qualifies, they will proceed in the following manner: (
a) if it had been up to upper proper police to its ranks, will be described in the first
instance, and correspond in second, for those, acting always as a last resort the
immediate superior of its destination magazine, and
b) If the qualified would have depended on or received instructions from a superior
belonging to another ladder or other authority during the period referred to as the
corresponding hierarchical level conceptual report will be sought on the personal
and professional skills.
This report will be added to the Foja of concept and will be evaluated by the
instances which have to intervene in the qualification.
Art. 286. - The staff will be described by the head of the unit exclusively in the
following cases:
a) partial report;
(b) service availability or passive, and
(c) by the charge when it occupies or role, only the qualifier in first instance has
sufficient evidence as to an opinion.
Art. 287. - The concept of Foja annual and partial will be compiled in the respective
The annual numerical rating will result of averaging the discerned by each of the
instances that have been involved. In case of mediate partial qualification, this is
average; with the result the rating assigned to the rest of the period.
Art. 288. - Without prejudice to the particular guidelines that annually make know
the head to the clothing of the tabula rasa of concept, the unit heads will provide
precise directives so that the subordinate staff to act as a qualifier, will address this
task with a unified and harmonious approach aimed at safeguarding the spirit of
justice that should characterize the qualification detected and the trial that the
conceptual basis.
For the compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall be taken into account as
guiding standard, the provisions of article 11 of this Regulation.
Art. 289. - The staff, to be notified of its concept of Foja or partial annual, may
reclaim from the qualifications are discerned within three (3) days following the
signing of the learned, with the formalities established in the cap. XV of this title.
The complaints about rating shall be submitted to the immediate superior indicating
the authority to which they are directed.
It will raise the instances without an opinion.
The immediate superior must raise copy of the report of qualifications.
Art. 290. - Any authority to resolve a claim it will do so within forty-eight (48) hours
of its receipt. If it is rejected, it will turn the acted for notification of the claimant,
who may repeat in the higher courts following the hierarchical track, within three (3)
working days of its receipt.
If you do place, must be redone your score report and submit it together with him to
the Superintendency of Staff, to be added to the subset staff. In the reiteration by
this claim, you will be able to get to the head of the Argentine Federal Police that is
Art. 291. - This claim is specific and exclusive of the norms contained in the cap. XV
of this title, as far as deadlines and instances.
Art promotions. 292. - In order to meet the functional needs of the Argentine
Federal Police, annually occur the promotion of staff that it has satisfied the
requirements of the regulations or the elimination if appropriate. In addition, at any
time, promotions may occur as a result of acts of the relevant service.
Art. 293. - The promotion will be: (
a) Regular: When you have satisfied the requirements imposed by the career plan
and this regulation, and
(b) extraordinary: by outstanding event of the service, which may or may not affect
the physical or psychological integrity and "postmortem".
Art. 294. - The regular promotions will occur with date December 31 of each year
and the extraordinary in the opportunity that the head of the Argentine Federal
Police provided or propose to the national Executive, as appropriate.
In both cases, would be made known by the order of the day.
Art. 295. - The promotion will be granted provided the degree immediately higher
and will create the obligation to provide effective service during one (1) year as a
Art. 296. - The promotion shall be valid for category, hierarchy and specialty; his
succession is that contained in annex I of the act for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police.
In no case shall be granted honorary degrees.
Art. 297. - The regular or special promotions will be awarded: (
a) senior staff: by the national Executive, a proposal for leadership, and
b) junior staff: by the head of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 298. - When it comes to promotions "postmortem" or promoted is withdrawn or
"called to serve", will be awarded in all cases by the national Executive to proposal of
Art. 299. - For the regular promotions will be available vacancies as they occur by
promotions, low, retreats or deaths. They will take into account the fact that: (
a) The retreats in the pipeline will be considered as vacant, and
b) the existing vacancies in a given grade are those actually are in the same, more
the produced in the degree immediately higher.
Art. 300. - The staff will be grouped in "fractions" and in "outside of fractionation".
Art. 301. - The "fractions" will be variable in its number of players according to the
categories, career, specialty and degree, taking into account the following
guidelines: (
a) The number of fractions shall be set annually by the chieftaincy taking into
account the institutional needs and in order to maintain a proper proportionality
between revenues and expenditures;
(b) The number of fractions, preferably, shall not be less than the minimum time
required in each grade level for the promotion, plus one, and
(c) may in no case be less than the minimum time.
Art. 302. - To be considered "outside of fractionation", the staff having integrated
the previous year the first fraction of their degree and having been treated by the
Board of qualifications had not ascended by postponement of the same, lack of
vacancies, passive service, availability or other causes that have inhibited its
Art. 303. - The grouping by "fractions" and by "outside of fractionation" will be held
twice per year, taking the actual existing in each hierarchy and specialty to the
January 1 and September 1 and will be released by the order of the day.
Art. 304. - The composition of the fractions as of September 1, may differ from the
conformed to the January 1 of that year by causes of extraordinary promotions, low,
retirement, death, income, reinstatement, or passive service availability. If these
causes occurred after 1 September not modify that composition.
Art. 305. - The procedure to be followed for the formation of the fractions will be the
following: (
a) shall be the actual cash existing in each grade and will be divided by the number
of fractions to be determined for this degree;
(b) If the division is not accurate, you will begin to be added to a unit from the first
fraction until exhausting the rest.
Art. 306. - The promotion of the senior staff will be granted in order of ranks to the
level of commissioner including and by selection for the promotions to the ranks of
senior officer.
Art. 307. - The promotion of junior staff will be granted in all the degrees by order of
Art. 308. - The commissioners, commissioners and commissioners inspectors over
the first "fraction" and "outside of fractionation", shall be dealt with by the Board of
higher qualifications, which through selection be granted for each grade a priority
for promotion, independent of the order of ranks.
Art. 309. - Set the priority, they will cover the existing vacancies in the immediately
higher level, and may occur that the number of proposals exceed the vacancies, in
which case the surplus will be as "out of fractionation" for the following year.
On the assumption that the vacancy did not reach to be filled, shall not be resorted
to for another "fraction".
Art. 310. - In the decree of ascent are always respected the location of the selected
in the hierarchy and specialty, and may not be varied by the selection order
determined by the Board of higher qualifications.
Art. 311. - The deputy commissioners and junior officers of the first "fraction" and
the "outside of fractionation", will be dealt with by the Board of qualifications which,
discerned the qualifications, propose the payroll of the staff in a position to be
promoted while respecting the location salary.
Same procedure will be observed for the promotions of the junior staff.
Art. 312. - Are indispensable requirements for promotion:
a) Take the degree the minimum time fulfilled;
(b) be understood in the first "fraction" or the "outside of fractionation";
(c) collecting professional conditions and psycho;
d) have been approved by the corresponding courses at each grade level in
accordance with the plans of study approved by the leadership, and (
e) be suitable qualified for promotion by the Board of qualifications.
Art. 313. - The degrees to achieve maximum will be determined by each incremental
point in annexs II and III of the law for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 314. - The minimum time established for each grade will be determined for each
incremental point in annexs IV and V of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal
Art. 315. - In accordance with article 92, paragraph (d) of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police, annually the leadership will decide the minimum number
of vacancies that need to occur in the degrees of senior officers, officers, managers
and senior NCO.
When the vacancies by promotions, low, retreats, deaths or unfit for the actual
service is insufficient, the matter shall be referred to the qualified personnel suitable
for the grade in ascending order from the last post in the order of precedence. After
exhausting the totality of that cash, may be made to qualified personnel suitable for
promotion, following the same procedure of elimination.
Art skills. 316. - The treatment of the personnel will be valuing the moral skills,
vocational, physical and intellectual, behavior, concept, participation in regular and
special courses and any other background that will serve to assess the general
conditions of the qualified.
Art. 317. - The seals of qualifications will be advisory bodies of the head of the
Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 318. - The deliberations of the boards shall be secret and its members must be
imbued with the spirit of greater justice, be alien to all kinds of pressures and gather
as much background information which will allow it to be the most comprehensive
knowledge of the staff.
Art. 319. - The seals shall be constituted in accordance with the following order: (
a) Top Seal of qualifications:
President: Mr deputy chief of the Argentine Federal Police. In the absence of this
officer shall chair the commissioner general of the oldest ladder safety.
Members: All the commissioners general service in cash and the head of the
Superintendency of Federal Security.
Ranks: commissioners, commissioners commissioners and inspectors. In addition it
understands in the claims that arise under the qualifications are discerned by the
Boards of Qualifications Nos. 1 and 2
(b) the Board of Qualifications No. 1:
President: One (1) commissioner general security of the hierarchy.
Members: One (1) senior officer for each one of the Superintendents' Offices and
directorates-general dependent directly on the Institutional Command.
To qualify: Deputy Commissioners, main and inspectors, as and when it qualifies to
staff of the support and professional groupings, will be incorporated into a superior
officer or commissioner of the career ladder or specialty corresponding;
(c) the Board of Qualifications No. 2:
President: U (1) commissioner general security of the hierarchy.
Members: One (1) commissioner inspector or commissioner for each one of the
Superintendents' Offices and directorates-general dependent directly on the
Institutional Command.
To qualify: sub-inspectors and assistants.
When you qualify to staff of the support and professional groupings, will be
incorporated into a commissioner inspector or chief officer of the rank
corresponding or specialty.
In addition it understands in the claims that arise under qualifications are discerned
by the boards of Qualifications We 3 and 4
d) The Board of Qualifications No. 3:
President: One (1) commissioner inspector ranks security.
Members: One (1) chief officer for each one of the Superintendents' Offices and
directorates-general dependent directly on the Institutional Command.
Qualifies to: senior Non-commissioned Officers, sergeants and corporals 1o. When
you qualify to staff of the support and professional groupings will be incorporated
into a chief officer of career or specialty corresponding; (
e) The Board of Qualifications No. 4
President: One (1) commissioner inspector ranks security.
Members: One (1) chief officer for each one of the Superintendents' Offices and
directorates-general dependent directly on the Institutional Command.
To qualify: Los Cabos, agents, and firefighters.
When you qualify to staff of the support and professional groupings will incorporate
a chief officer of the rank corresponding or specialty.
In all the joints as secretary the representative of the Superintendency of Staff, who
shall have the same powers that the remaining members.
Art. 320. - The integration of the Boards of qualifications will be prepared by the
chieftaincy and will know through the Order of the day.
Art. 321. - Will be considered by the boards of qualifications that the staff in
accordance with the first "fraction" and the "outside of fractionation" of each of the
degrees and the senior staff of professional grouping in the second year of its "high
in commission".
Art. 322. - In addition, it will be dealt with the staff of the remaining fractions that
fall in any of the following situations: (
a) annual rating less than six (6) points;
(b) The that for the time spent in passive availability or service shall be considered;
c) separated from the regulatory courses or condemned in the same, and (
d) which in the view of the head or some member of the Boards of qualifications
need to be analyzed.
Order 20/78
Art. 323. - The personnel mentioned in the preceding article shall be considered in
order to determine their stay in the facility and will be described:
a) suitable for the actual service,
b) suitable for the actual service with observation, and
c) inept for the actual service.
Art. 324. - The seals of qualifications shall conform to the following rules: (
a) shall be the 1 of September of every year and be completed its work on October
They may also be convened extraordinarily if so available to the Head of the
Argentine Federal Police;
b) Decisions shall be by majority. The president will vote in the event of a tie;
c) during the first period of activity will meet the background and draw up a
statutory documentation; (
d) In the final stage, there will be a plenary for final analysis of the considered with
the assistance of the chief or the deputy chief of the Argentine Federal Police, realms
act of everything acted; (
e) in the worksheets of qualifications that compile the seals, it shall record the vote
of each of its members. When you have unfavorable votes will be based, and
f) may not reverse any rating unless there are new documentary evidence for your
Art. 325. - The Office of the Superintendent of personnel shall be forwarded to the
seals the following documentation: (
a) subset of the staff that should be considered;
(b) form on the indicating: Situation of magazine, general age, seniority, disciplinary
sanctions, embargoes, accidents, medical licenses, processes, administrative
proceedings, the qualification of the last five (5) years, outstanding events and any
other background that will help it to form concept;
(c) payroll staff with coot of concept with average less than six (6) points; (
d) any other information that may be of interest to the seals.
Art. 326. - The boards may require reports or clarifications that are best suited for
the treatment of staff and have the concurrency to verbal report of instances that
have occurred or qualified complementary report.
Art. 327. - Completed the treatment of the staff, the seals will raise to the leadership
the following information: (
a) qualified personnel suitable for promotion;
(b) qualified personnel suitable for the degree;
(c) qualified personnel inept for the actual service; (
d) orders of priority of staff covered under subparagraphs (a) and (b), and (
e) senior officers, heads and non-commissioned officers, senior practitioners in the
subparagraphs (a) and (b) to obtain the last posts in the order of priority, which
should go to situation of mandatory retirement for complete, with the remaining
causes of elimination, the number of vacancies to produce in each grade.
Art. 328. - The qualifications are discerned by the seals when appropriate, may be
accompanied by exhortations or recommendations that best lead to functional
recovery of the considered or constitute a warning to your future actions.
Art. 329. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police, once received the
documentation produced by the seals of qualifications, may ratify everything acted,
change the order of priority or modify reasonably qualifications are discerned.
Once ratified by the head of the Argentine Federal Police, the ratings may be
modified only by way of complaint.
Art. 330. - The senior officers and chiefs who in two (2) consecutive considerations of
the Boards of qualifications had not promoted, do so in change one more modern, it
will take to the situation of withdrawal.
Same situation will happen with the junior officers, having been considered for
promotion during three (3) consecutive years, had not been promoted so instead
one more modern.
Art. 331. - The senior officers and officers formulate heads directly to the chief of the
Superintendency of Staff follow-up reports on all the senior staff of lower degree,
only in relation to the unfavourable background that they should know and that
does not have been the reason for any disciplinary proceedings. These reports that
are aimed at filling out the information about the personal and professional abilities
of the senior staff, must be in the possession of the respective boards of
qualifications at the time of its first meeting.
Art. 332. - You can not climb the staff that is in any of the situations provided for by
article 66 of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 333. - The staff that this remedy not by application of the preceding article, may
be promoted with the date that he would have been had by holding their seniority, if
reinstated the causes and meet the requirements set forth in article 312 of the
regulations, previous treatment of the respective Ratings Board.
Art. 334. - The extraordinary promotions to senior staff must have been previously
considered by the Board of higher qualifications.
Art. 335. - The extraordinary promotions for the junior staff must first be considered
by a Board of qualifications of a permanent nature, acting in the following manner.
President: Director general for personnel.
Members: One (1) chief officer by the Superintendency of Planning, Institutes and
Police General Secretariat and the General Directorate of Legal Affairs and the Chief
of the Division Office of the area to which belongs the deceased.
in this Board will serve as a secretary (1) junior officer of the hierarchy of the
Superintendency security personnel.
Art. 336. - The Board referred to in the preceding article will adjust its procedure to
the following guidelines: (
a) shall meet when convened by the Superintendency of staff;
(b) The appointment of its members shall be annual;
(c) The members of the Board will have voice and vote, with the exception of the
chief of the Division Office of the area belongs to the deceased, who will act only as
member informant; (
d) The president shall vote only in case of a tie; (
e) The Office of the Superintendent of Personnel shall lay down the rules to be
obeyed by the units on request when the promotion of its extraordinary staff and
will provide the necessary background for a better assessment of the facts; (
f) may require the reports or the clarifications that Best suited for the treatment of
the staff, and (
g) of what has been done by making each file a record, rising the findings to the
Superintendent of personnel.
Art. 337. - The staff covered in article 327, paragraphs (c) and (e), which need to go
to mandatory retirement will be notified through the Superintendent of personnel.
Within three (3) business days of receipt of the notification, request may be made
for reconsideration by a note of the person concerned to the head of the
Requests for reconsideration will be presented to the head of the Argentine Federal
Police, upon the intervention of the Higher Board of qualifications or the Board of
Qualifications No. 2, as appropriate. The decision that the burden will be notified by
the Superintendent of personnel. The resolution of the head of the Argentine
Federal Police will be ultimately and this claim is specific and exclusive to the
standards set forth in chapter XV of this title, as far as deadlines and instances.
Art. 338. - The favorable resolution of the claim will import the validity of the
reasons cited in the situations, cases or circumstances that contemplated and if
applicable, you will be able to produce the ascent.
The handling of this claim must be finalized unfailingly before December 1 of each
Art claims. 339. - The staff may request that you rescind the procedure or the
decision that it would harm or that you will remember, what is rightfully
corresponds, when it considered: (
a) That the ordinance, resolution or disposition of an administrative nature police
that is applied, it is illegal, unfair or wrong, and
b) That it is a credit to declare that you are covered by a right or benefit established
by a legal or regulatory requirement.
Art. 340. - The management established by the preceding article shall be renamed
the claim.
That they are considered with sufficient reason to claim, you must do so before you
publicly show their disapproval and incurring lack for it.
It is prohibited to submit collective complaints.
The submission of a claim does not obviate the requirement of due obedience nor
suspends the fulfilment of an order of the service.
Art. 341. - The staff to whom you are corresponding resolve a claim, may request the
reports as it deems necessary for the best resolution of the same.
The claim may be made only after you have had official knowledge of the superior
decision that motivates.
Art. 342. - So that you can be admitted a claim, they shall be filled the following
requirements: (
a) be submitted within the eight (8) working days from the time at which the person
concerned shall take cognizance of the official decision of a senior who motivates;
(b) be made in respectful terms that do not affect the authority or personal dignity
of those who are involved in their processing or are called to solve it;
(c) be founded on the facts that are being expressed, in the right alleged to or in the
reasons of equity that is sufficiently explain; (
d) to record if you previously has been made another claim with reference to their
background and resolution relapse.
Requests that do not fulfill the requirements mentioned in subparagraphs (a), c) and
(d) will be rejected.
Art. 343. - The processing of the claim will be adjusted to the following standards: (
a) be made in writing;
(b) direct it to the top that motivates the claim, presenting it to his elevation to the
top of who depends on;
(c) Any more than that involved in the claim for its elevation it will do so without an
opinion; (
d) If the superior that would motivate the claim is in a situation of availability,
service or passive withdrawal, shall be in the manner indicated in subparagraph (b)
and the superior of those who depend on the claimant, it will submit the claim
directly to the Office of the Superintendent of Staff, in order that by its intermediate
is turned to the officer that the incurred for an opinion in this regard; (
e) If the superior that would motivate The claim would have ceased to be a party to
the institution or for reasons of force majeure is i will find it impossible to consider
it, the first instance to understand in the same, it will be the official who replaced
him in the charge that it had at the time of adoption of the measure that would
motivate the claim, and (
f) shall constitute instance to consider the claim, first and foremost, the official who
had given reason to the same or who replaced in the
cases of subparagraph (e) and then the various direct superiors of these forming the
hierarchical track until you reach the Ministry of the Interior who will be last resort.
Art. 344. - Superiors that intervene in the elevation of the claims must be
discriminating with character of "urgent dispatch".
Art. 345. - For the resolution of the governing as maximum claims the following
terms: (
a) up to the level of commissioner, including two (2) working days;
(b) in the degree of commissioner inspector, five (5) working days;
(c) in the degree of chief commissioner, eight (8) working days, (
d) in the degree of commissioner general, ten (10) working days; (
e) to the deputy chief of the Argentine Federal Police, fifteen (15) working days, and
f) for the head of the Argentine Federal Police, thirty (30) working days.
Art. 346. - The first instance to resolve favorably a claim, interrupts your processing
and leaves without effect to the measure of the same object.
Art. 347. - Claims that make the staff, whatever their situation of magazine, will be
processed in the field of the Argentine Federal Police, with the corresponding
instances. The failure of this formality will constitute serious misconduct.
Art Licensing. 348. - The staff will be able to make use of the following licenses: (
a) ordinary;
b) extraordinary, and
(c) Special.
Art. 349. - In relation to where is makes use of the license, this will be agreed: (
a) to the place where it is found in the unit that provides service;
(b) to any other point in the country, and
(c) to leave abroad.
Art. 350. - The regular license will be granted once a year and will be granted taking
into account the years of service in the institution, according to the following scale: (
a) of one (1) to five (5) years of service, twenty (20) consecutive days;
(b) of five (5) to ten (10) years of service, twenty-five (25) consecutive days;
(c) of ten (10) to fifteen (15) years of service, thirty (30) consecutive days; (
d) of fifteen (15) to twenty (25) years of service, and thirty-five (35) consecutive
days, and
e) more than twenty-five (25) years of service, forty (40) consecutive days.
Art. 351. - The staff serving in delegations of the interior of the country, you will be
added to the terms referred to in the previous article, the time spent in direct travel
round-trip when the license will be granted with permission to move to any other
point in the country. That period may not exceed four (4) days in total.
Identical benefit will be given to staff to make use of that to visit parents, spouse and
children rooted in more than five hundred (500) kilometers from the place where is
the unit in which it serves.
Interested parties must prove the transfer delivered to his return to the head of the
unit, a duly certified by the police authorities of the place.
Art. 352. - The ordinary license not be cumulative and its use is mandatory.
The identified in article 350, paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) may be split up into two
periods in a year, when reasons for service permit and the statutory in paragraphs
(d) and (e), shall be usufruct on two occasions in the year and can not exceed any of
them the thirty (30) consecutive days.
Art. 353. - The use of the ordinary license may only be interrupted or conditioned by
the head of the Argentine Federal Police, deputy chief of the Argentine Federal
Police Superintendents or when service reasons so warrant.
When there are reasons that obligaren to suspend, reduce, stop or qualify this
license, the use of same must be normalized as soon as those causes have
Art. 354. - The license will be granted to the regular staff taking into account:
a) The needs of the service;
(b) That the percentage of troops in use of this license, do not affect the normal
development of the functional unit;
(c) that alternates its use in the different seasons of the year; (
d) be sure to all the staff annual rest,
23/78 and
e) that its initiation and termination is carried out during the year.
Art. 355. - According to the classification of the staff and to the place where it will be
the use of ordinary license, the same shall be granted by the following authorities:
I - to the place where you will find the unit that provides service and to leave at any
other point in the country:
a) to the superintendents and directors general dependent directly on the
Institutional Command: The head of the Argentine Federal Police;
(b) to the senior officers, the directors general superintendents or dependent
directly on the Institutional Command as appropriate:
c) to the official heads: The 2or heads of supervisors or directors-general; (
d) to the junior officers: The heads of units, and (
e) The junior staff: The heads of Dependencies.
II - to leave abroad: In all cases the head of the Argentine Federal Police Superintendent of personnel.
Art. 356. - When, for reasons of service does not click to place a request for regular
license and for the same reasons it is not possible to use it during that year, the
upper with powers to grant, based on existing detail the reasons and will be the
leadership who ultimately approve the possibility that such benefit was use the
following year.
Art. 357. - The staff reinstated to make use of the regular license, shall be required to
prove a (1) year of service back to cash his reinstatement.
Art. 358. - The extraordinary licenses are those set forth in article 70 of the act for
the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 359. - The staff that he finds himself in effective service with a minimum age of
services provided with police state in the Argentine Federal Police of twenty-nine
(29) years for the senior staff and twenty-four (24) years for the junior staff, may
apply for a license by the age of up to six (6) months, which will be granted by the
head of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 360. - To require this license, the deceased separately and simultaneously,
submit the application for voluntary retirement. The completion of the voluntary
withdrawal shall be initiated by the Superintendency of Staff once completed the
use of the license by seniority.
Art. 361. - Will not be granted this license in the first six (6) months of the promotion
to the grade or when in the same year calendar was made use of license for personal
Art. 362. - The license by personal matters shall be granted only once in the race
whatever the required time period, when Medien special circumstances of a private
nature that justify their granting
Art. 363. - The license referred to in the preceding article shall be granted by the
head of the Argentine Federal Police under the conditions specified in Title II,
chapter VII of this regulation, up to a maximum of one (1) year and may request the
concerned its interruption at any time. To make use of the same personnel must
have exhausted their regular license, may accumulate both benefits.
Art. 364. - The license by marriage of the staff shall be granted by the same
authorities that grant the ordinary license, with the formalities established in article
Its duration shall be fifteen (15) consecutive days and may accumulate with the
regular license.
Art. 365. - The license for the birth of a child shall be granted by the chief of the unit,
for a term of two (2) consecutive days.
Art. 366. - The bereavement leave shall be granted by the chief of the unit in
accordance with the following scale: (
a) death of spouse, father, mother or son; five (5) consecutive days;
(b) death of Brother: Three (3) consecutive days, and
(c) death of grandson, great-grandson, grandfather, great grandfather, uncle or
nephew direct, father, mother, son, brother, uncle or nephew by affinity, stepfather
or stepmother: Two (2) consecutive days.
Art. 367. - In the licenses by marriage, birth of a child or death, it does not include
the period that insumiere direct travel round-trip when the distance is greater than
five hundred (500) kilometers.
The same may not exceed two (2) days in total.
In all cases the heads of units carry out checks to correspond.
Art. 368. - The licenses by birth and death discontinues the use of the regular license,
which will reboot to finish those.
Art. 369. - The license by service affairs shall be granted in the following cases: (
a) On the occasion of having been appointed to represent the institution in cultural,
social activities, sports and others that can prestigiarla, and
(b) For examinations for courses that organize the institution without prejudice to
the regular service or that are carried out in agencies outside but whose assistance
has been promoted or authorized by the head for reasons of institutional interest.
Art. 370. - The license provided for in article 369, paragraph (a), shall be granted by
the head of the Argentine Federal Police by the time I sued the representation.
Art. 371. - The license provided for in article 369, paragraph (b) shall be granted by
the chief of unit up to a maximum of twenty (20) days per year, which will be
calculated by calendar days.
Art. 372. - The license by stimulus will be granted for outstanding acts of service in
the following manner: (
a) by the head of the Argentine Federal Police: Up to twenty (20) days;
(b) of the deputy chief of the Argentine Federal Police: Up to fifteen (15) days;
c) by the superintendents, directors-general and heads of departments: Up to five
(5) days, and
d) by the heads of dependency: Up to three (3) days.
Art. 373. - The license by study shall be granted to the staff that curse studies in
secondary schools or university official, or recognized by the competent State body,
the effect to take the exam.
Art. 374. - The license referred to in the preceding article shall be granted by the unit
heads up to a maximum of fifteen (15) days per calendar year, and can be obtained
in as many times as is necessary, but none of them more than five (5) consecutive
At the end of each of the periods, the recipient must present a receipt issued by
authority of the educational establishment, attesting that has yielded exam or that
the same has been postponed.
Art. 375. - The special licenses are those set forth in article 71 of the act for the staff
of the Argentine Federal Police and will be granted for health care.
Art. 376. - The staff ( domare ) work within blood, you will be granted one (1) day of
leave from the date of the removal, which will be granted by the Directorate General
for Health Police.
When the donation is effected in the complex Police Doctor "Churruca Visca", the
General Directorate of Police Health shall so inform the unit where the donor
magazine and to the Superintendency of staff.
In the case of the removal is effected in another health care institution, the applicant
will require a certificate showing their personal data, day and time of the removal
and amount of blood removed. This certification shall be presented in the unit where
it provides services, which will forward it to the Directorate General for Health Police
for approval and subsequent turn to the Superintendency of staff. If the General
Directorate of Police Health, founded by opinion, advise the non-approval of the
certificate, the Superintendency of staff will dictate the final resolution.
Art. 377. - The sick leave shall be granted for common conditions that impose short
health treatment, up to a maximum of two (2) months of continuous or discrete
license per calendar year.
This time period has elapsed, the Standing Board of Medical examinations to
determine whether it is application as determined in the following article or arrange
the reinstatement of the polluter to their functions.
Art. 378. - The license by disease or accident long treatment decoupled from the
service shall be granted by conditions that impose prolonged treatment of health or
for reasons that warrant hospitalization or the departure of the staff for reasons of
prophylaxis or security.
Shall be granted up to a maximum of two (2) years in a continuous or discontinuous
and at maturity the Standing Board of Medical Examinations, decide whether you
should return to the service cash or go to mandatory retirement.
Exhausted this term and reintegrated into the deceased to their duties, may not
return to make use of this benefit until after eight (8) years and never while you are
staying in the same degree. Otherwise, upon the intervention of the Standing Board
of Medical examinations, you will pass to situation of mandatory retirement.
Art. 379. - The license by disease or accident long treatment linked with the service
shall be granted up to a maximum of two (2) years in actual service.
Expired term shall be established that the aptitude for the service, and be not
eligible for the same shall be mandatory retirement.
Art. 380. - Maternity leave will be granted in accordance with the legal provisions
governing in the matter.
Art. 381. - The special licenses to health care with the exception of those referred to
in articles 376 and 377 will be granted by the head of the Argentine Federal Police,
prior to the report of the Standing Board of Medical Examinations.
When appropriate, the Board of permanent medical examinations shall be the legal
frame of the condition and control its evolution.
Art. 382. - The special licenses, except the granted to donate blood, interrupt the
regular license, which you can restart to finish those. The use of this benefit may not
in any case exceed the 31 of January of the following year.
Art. 383. - The license provided for in this chapter, shall be granted with enjoyment
of assets according to the situation of magazine, except the license by personal
matters, when exceeds the two (2) months.
Art. 384. - License applications and notifications of resolutions by which the same is
granted, interrupt or restart, always shall be signed by the person concerned.
Whatever the nature of the license to be granted to the staff in accordance with this
regulation, the heads of units will make the communications of the case to the Office
of the Superintendent of personnel within the forty-eight (48) hours of started,
stopped or restarted to constancy in the personal files.
Art assets. 385. - Having monthly shall consist of the following concepts: (
a) base salary and
(b) additional bonus.
Art. 386. - The total remuneration corresponding to the degree of general
commissioner shall not be less than that perceived by all concept the staff that has
the maximum degree of security forces.
Art. 387. - The scale of coefficients that establishes the salaries of the remaining
degrees of police personnel on the maximum degree that will be equivalent to one
(1), shall be established by the Decs, 902 of 29 April 1980 and 200 of the January 28
of 1983 or that the national Executive determine in the future.
Art. 388. - The concepts that are determined then non-members of the have
monthly: (
a) general Supplements:
1. Supplement by seniority of services, and
2. Supplement for minimum time in the degree;
(b) individual supplements, and
(c) Compensation.
Art. 389. - The general supplements are the monthly remuneration perceived by the
staff for the concepts and in the conditions laid down in article 76 of the act for the
staff of the Argentine Federal Police and this regulations, namely:
a) Supplement by length of service:
The allowance will be paid the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, except cadets
and officers of the preparatory course students and shall be governed by the effects
of its calculation by the rules that apply to the civilian personnel of the national
public administration. For its liquidation will be counted only all the years of service
in the institution, with or without police state. In the case of junior or senior staff
whose high occur or has occurred with a higher grade than assistant or agent
respectively, will be added to the count for each one, the years of the minimum time
set out in the annexs IV and V of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police,
corresponding to the degrees not traveled by the deceased, and
b) Supplement for minimum time in the degree:
The allowance will be paid to the staff from the moment that meets the minimum
time of services for their grade determined in Annexs IV and V of the act for the staff
of the Argentine Federal Police.
The amount of this supplement will consist of sixty percent (60) of the difference
between having your monthly degree and the immediate superior; when you have
reached the maximum level established for each incremental point in annexs II and
III of the law for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, the increase will be a six
percent (6) of the corresponding monthly to have that degree.
Art. 390. - The particular supplements are the monthly salary to be charged by the
staff at activity determined in the following articles within the concepts and
conditions of article 77 of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 391. - The supplement by variability of housing, was to be paid monthly to the
staff to provide services in units located in the interior of the country and will consist
of a percentage of the total of the monthly and have general supplements in the
same period perceived by all concept, excluded from the family wage, according to
the following guidelines and conditions: (
a) The thirty percent (30) for the married or unmarried staff with family
responsibilities, resident with person or persons in charge in the place where outside
(b) The forty-five percent (45) for those who serve in the same conditions of
subparagraph (a) in the jurisdiction of the provinces of Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut
and Santa Cruz:
c) The twenty Per cent (20) for the staff that married or unmarried, even taking loads
of family, resides only in the place of destination and
d) The twenty-five percent (25) for the staff that married or unmarried, even taking
loads of family, resides only in the place of destination when it is located in the
jurisdiction of the provinces of Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut and Santa Cruz.
Art. 392. - The supplement by variability of housing will not be liquidated at the staff
that: (
a) may be recruited into the interior of the country and intended to provide service
in the delegation of origin;
(b) would have requested your pass to the interior of the country;
(c) had its real home, alone or with the family group, in the place where outside
intended for, or at a distance of not more than one hundred kilometers (100) of the
same, and (
d) was intended to serve in units located or at a distance no more than one hundred
kilometers (100) of the Federal Capital.
Art. 393. - The supplement by variability of housing not suffer discounts to the
pension purposes, nor will it be considered for the calculation of the annual salary
Art. 394. - The supplement by hours of flight is the that will be entitled to receive the
staff to develop its activity in functions directly related to the operation of aircraft or
with the mission of flight itself, or whose transport in flight is a result of the
implementation of effective police operations. Who will hear in the performance of
specific functions fly six (6) hours per month, at least.
Art. 395. - The calculation for the liquidation of the supplement by flight hours, shall
be carried out on the "monthly" of your degree and according to the percentages
that are determined as follows:
senior officers, eleven percent (11 % ).
Official heads: Twelve percent (12).
Junior Officers: Fourteen percent (14).
Junior Staff: fifteen percent (15).
Art. 396. - The supplement by professional risk Division Brigade of explosives, the
allowance will be paid staff with destination to commission in the same, who
receives the mission of specific risk and direct to manipulate, disable or transporting
explosive materials.
The remuneration will consist in the resulting from the implementation of the
coefficient three thousand seven hundred and eighty two ten thousandths (0.3782 )
compared to the monthly have given for the degree of commissioner general.
Art. 397. - The supplement area south the allowance will be paid monthly staff
serving in units located in the provinces of Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut and Santa
The amount of this supplement will consist of twenty percent (20) of having monthly
in each grade.
Art. 398. - The staff that for reasons of service may need to be extra costs will be
offset in the manner set out in article 401 of this Regulation.
Art. 399. - The compensation for costs of mobility receive the staff for the costs it
incurred their movement from one point to another in the performance of the
functions of the service, when:
) you will not provide the official orders of passage;
(b) Having received official orders of passage duly justified not having been able use,
c) it is not assigned means of mobility.
Art. 400. - Compensation for costs of mobility does not exclude the corresponding by
per diem to be settled separately.
Art. 401. - The costs caused by mobility will be reincorporated into the commissioner
against the presentation of the evidence that, in the opinion of the responsible
authority of the commission's order, the amount credited enough and the proper
use of the means employed.
Art. 402. - Compensation for travel expenses is the daily pay for housing expenses,
food and other essential, must be settled staff to commissions of the service to more
than fifty (50) kilometers of their habitual residence in circumstances that do not
allow you to, at the end of the same, the journal returned to his home.
Art. 403. - To be considered habitual residence the locality where you installed the
unit in which pay services such personnel. It is not be construed as included in the
concept of per diem mobility costs required to fulfill the mission.
Art. 404. - Full per diem shall be paid when the commission has lasted twenty-four
(24) hours and fifty percent (50) for further period of twelve (12) and less than
twenty (24) hours.
Art. 405. - The per diem shall be paid before starting the commission and by the
number of days of duration of the same, anticipating up to a maximum of thirty (30)
days. Shall be governed by the effects of its calculation by the rules in this regard are
applicable to the civilian personnel of the national public administration.
Art. 406. - When the commission is carried out in places where the institution
provide the staff accommodation and food, will be settled as maximum the following
percentages of the viaticum: (
a) Twenty-five percent (25) if you are mechanical timekeeping accommodation and
(b) Fifty percent (50), if you are mechanical timekeeping accommodation without
food, and
(c) and seventy-five percent (75) if he giveth food without accommodation.
Art. 407. - The compensation for expenses of food receive the personal services that
cover or commissions and not receive per diem or rationing is provided to you. Will
be settled in accordance with the rules in this regard are applicable to the civilian
personnel of the national public administration.
Art. 408. - The compensation for transfer is the assignment that needs to be paid to
the staff that is intended to provide service on a permanent basis, in a unit installed
in more than one hundred miles (100 km) away.
Art. 409. - The allowance provided for in the preceding article shall be discharged
without prejudice to the passages and load order to deliver appropriate and shall
consist of fifty percent (50) of the total remuneration perceived by the concepts
have monthly general plus supplements. An added complication for each of the
dependants who carry out the transfer together with the originator, the equivalent
of the coefficient twenty thousandths (0.020 ) in relation to the corresponding
monthly have the degree of commissioner general.
Art. 410. - Compensation for service charge receive the personnel that provide
extraordinary services outside of normal hours of work must take place to its
liquidation when these exceed three (3) hours per day.
Does not exclude the compensation for costs of food.
Art. 411. - The compensation provided for in the preceding article shall be paid only
to the junior officers and the junior staff, establishing the coefficients of four
thousandths (0.004 ) and three thousandths (0.003 ) respectively, in relation to
having monthly commissioner general.
Art. 412. - The settlement and payment of the compensation will be in charge of the
Office of the Superintendent of Finance.
If the designated personnel in commission provides services in the Federal Capital,
the Superintendent of Finance you will anticipate the assignment which corresponds
with charge to account at the end of the Commission.
For the staff to provide service in the interior of the country, the compensation that
you appropriate it will be anticipated by the Superintendent of security with federal
funds will be allocated to the effect.
Of these amounts shall report monthly or in shorter periods if by pressing needs of
the service will be indispensable as funds are available for new advances.
Art. 413. - With the exception of the urgent cases the Superintendent of Finance will
make the monthly payments. The worksheets will be made in quadruplicate and
shaped by the Superintendency of Federal Security, without whose requirement will
not be taken into account. When the investments exceed seventy percent (70) of the
advance amount, the unit may request the refund of the amount invested by
accompanying the corresponding documentation.
Art. 414. - For the purposes of this chapter shall be considered as dependants of the
person concerned, which terminated in the scope and restrictions of articles 814 and
815 of these regulations.
Art. 415. - The staff that is aimed at providing services in the interior of the country,
shall have the right to be granted by the Argentine Federal Police the following: (
a) passage for themselves and their family, in accordance with article 417 of the
(b) load orders for their furniture and personal effects, and
c) load order or the equivalent amount in common naphtha for your car, at a rate of
twenty (20) liters per one hundred twenty (120) kilometers, depending on what you
prefer. To choose the latter, in its submission to the place of destination shall carry
out the respective accountability to the Superintendent of finance by the
hierarchical path.
Art. 416. - The transport of people and goods will be done by air, rail or by the means
of transportation that best suits the institutional needs, giving preference to the
services provided by the State and the companies that give greater bonus.
Art. 417. - The orders of passage, cargo and relocation of a car for the staff, shall
comply with the following scale:
a) Personal single: a passage by rail with bed if the trip is night; a passage without
bed if the trip is daytime; load order of up to three thousand kilograms (3000) or its
equivalent in measure of cargo volume for furniture and personal effects, and the
order of transfer for a car, and
(b) married staff: two passages by rail with bed if the trip is more a night passage or
middle passage with bed, as appropriate, for each
son or family member to his office; equal amount For passages without bed if the
trip is daytime; load order of up to six thousand kilograms (6000) or its equivalent in
measure of cargo volume for furniture and personal effects, and transfer order for a
The head of the household, when you have that the orders of passage should be
validated by rail, you can authorize the trip by plane at the request of the interested
party, in which case the staff that make use of this option you must pay the full
amount of the passage and subsequently request to the Superintendent of finance
the repayment of the amount equivalent to the passage by rail.
Art. 418. - Faculty staff will be eligible for the order of freight by rail or one hundred
percent (100) of the subscriber, the normal value of plaza if he fails to do so on their
own account, which is checked with the receipt of payment, which will consist the
kilaje or volume transported certificate by the documentation of the carrier.
Art. 419. - The Superintendent of Finance may have at any time the conduct of
checks to verify the veracity of the certification referred to in the preceding article.
Any inaccuracy on the part of the staff shall be considered serious misconduct.
Art. 420. - When the staff is currently in use of license to a distance over one
hundred (100) miles from your destination and call to take up his post for reasons of
service duly justified shall have the right to agree round-trip tickets to the and their
Art. 421. - When the transfer is effected for assistance or medical treatment that can
not be done at the place of destination shall be granted passages ill personnel and if
the circumstances so require one or more companions.
Art. 422. - When the sick person outside a family member affiliated with the Office
of the Superintendent of well-being and you will find under the conditions laid down
in the previous article that Superintendency shall bear its own costs incurred the
Art. 423. - The staff assigned to the interior of the country that it has been made to
the creditor compensation for transfer to make use of their annual leave, shall have
the right, except for travel abroad, to passages without charge up to the place where
they reside permanently its direct and immediate family, understood as for the
married, the wife and children, and for the unmarried, the parents. This benefit does
not reach to the family and will be awarded once per year.
It also will be awarded to staff the roundtrip ticket free of charge within the territory
of the Republic, in all cases of deaths of parents, spouse, children or siblings.
Art. 424. - The staff retirement also reviewing proposed alternative in the interior of
the country, shall be entitled to the benefits of article 418 of this regulation if i ll
return to the Federal Capital.
Art. 425. - When the staff dies also reviewing proposed alternative in effective
service whatever your destination, if the family wishes move the corpse will be
issued the corresponding transport order and also round-trip tickets to the parents,
if they were single; for the spouse and children if was married, and two (2) roundtrip tickets to the commission that should accompany the remains.
Art. 426. - When the family in charge of the personnel who died in the conditions of
the preceding article, I ll return to his usual residence above, also will be recognized
the benefits of article 420.
Art. 427. - The bereaved families of the staff shall have the right to allowances for aid
for burial expenses and a subsidy for death.
Art. 428. - This includes aid for funeral expenses for which you remember it as a
contribution to meet the expenses payable for the funeral service of the staff called
in activity or to provide services.
This assignment, will be paid by the member of the family, the agency or to the
person who has taken over the funeral service and make sure you have paid or
committed funeral expenses of the late, must in the latter case certified this
circumstance by a police authority.
Art. 429. - The amount that is paid by application of the preceding article shall be the
one which really had been reversed or hired within the limits laid down in the scale
of coefficients of the annex V with respect to having monthly of the degree of
commissioner general.
If the sum of the costs of the burial to demand is less than the corresponding
liquidate, shall be paid only the actual amount of expenditure. In the event that the
same is greater than the benefit to liquidate, shall be paid the amount set out in
annex mentioned.
Art. 430. - When the death occurs in and by act of the service institution may take
charge of all the expenses accrued the funeral of the late.
Art. 431. - When to take charge of the funeral the family members or other
authorized persons and in the view of the Secretariat General Superintendence of
the funeral service was in progress with impairment of the prestige of the Argentine
Federal Police or of the investiture of the deceased, you will notice this circumstance
to the interested parties letting them know that this will lead to the loss of the right
to the allocation of aid for burial expenses. If the reason for the observation is not
remedied account will be given in a note to the Superintendent of finance for the
purposes indicated.
Art. 432. - In cases where the remains of the deceased are buried in a place far from
the one where the wake and that by such a circumstance would be no need to move
the body and perform a second funeral parlor, the amount to settle in accordance
with the implementation of the scale of the annex V, may be raised up to forty
percent (40) more.
Art. 433. - This includes the death allowance that is granted to dependants of active
staff or called to render services within the limits laid down in the scale of the annex
Art. 434. - The death allowance will be delivered to the dependants in the following
order exclusive: (
a) to the wife or husband prevented, there are no children or parents;
(b) to the wife or husband prevented in concurrence with the children;
(c) to the children, there is no wife or husband prevented; (
d) to the wife or husband prevented in concurrence with the parents not children
exist; (
e) to the parents, there is no wife or husband prevented, nor children, and
f) to the sisters and brothers, there is no wife, husband prevented, children or
police personnel in removing
Retreats - General
Article. 435. - The withdrawal is final and may not be revoked for any reason
whatsoever when the same has been willing except in cases of low, unemployment
or subsequent exoneration.
Art. 436. - The staff that revistare in situation of withdrawal will be subject to the
obligations, duties and rights that secures the law for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police and this regulation. Without prejudice to the foregoing shall enjoy the
following rights: (
a) wear a uniform when in the opinion of the head of the Argentine Federal Police
(b) carry fire-arms, of the institution or individuals, for civilian use or of war, in all the
territory of the Nation, following a complaint in accordance with the provisions
contained in the law 20,429 , without another authorization and with the sole
purpose of your personal safety and to defend life, liberty, and property of the
people, and
(c) The use of the credential.
Art. 437. - An exception to the provision of the preceding article employees who in
the opinion of the Board of permanent medical examinations is not in a position to
make use of the uniform, carrying weapons, nor to use the credential.
Art. 438. - The Superintendent of staff shall record the proceedings of voluntary and
mandatory withdrawal of police personnel. For administrative purposes, the staff
will have to rely on that command.
Art. 439. - The withdrawal shall be governed in accordance with the following rules: (
a) by the laws and regulations in force on the date of filing of the note by requesting
the initiation of the processing of withdrawal;
(b) by the laws and regulations issued during the processing of the retreat, which will
only apply when importing a benefit to the applicant, and
(c) when the laws and regulations may change the current regime in the field of
retreats, not produce variant in the already agreed upon, even when at the time of
pass to remove the applicant had been found in any of the situations provided for in
the new laws or regulations.
Art. 440. - The order of voluntary withdrawal must be submitted to the immediate
superior, which will submit the following instances, to the Superintendent of
Art. 441. - The request for withdrawal will be based only on the laws and regulations
to understand.
Successive instances involved shall be recorded if there are any judicial or
administrative impediment to give course to the request for withdrawal.
Art. 442. - The applicant may withdraw his request for voluntary withdrawal, within
thirty (30) working days of ordering, for once, provided that it had not been
resolved. The withdrawal will be submitted to the immediate superior and will have
the same process as the withdrawal.
Art. 443. - Will Be processing of mandatory retirement:
a) The covered by article 92, paragraph (a) of the act for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police, except when requested to do so voluntarily;
(b) those falling under article 49 of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal
Police, when in accordance with the same fail to return to the actual service;
(c) The covered in article 47, paragraph (b) of the act for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police, when the time expired there laid down are not in a position to return
to the service, and (
d) The willing by the chieftaincy as provided for in article 92, paragraphs (c) and (d)
of the act for the Staff of the Argentine Federal Police, upon the advice of the Board
of qualifications of the staff and taking into account the needs of vacancies to
Art. 444. - The processing of voluntary retirement may become mandatory
retirement, when mediate opinion of the Board of qualifications or permanent
medical examinations of advising such a measure.
Art. 445. - In all cases of voluntary and mandatory withdrawals, intervention will be
given to the Superintendent of finance for the purposes of informing the
corresponding liquidation of assets and received discounts incurred.
Art. 446. - Met the internal processing of the retreats volunteers or obligations, the
proceedings shall be forwarded to the national Executive for the corresponding
decree, in the case of the senior staff and for resolution to the head of the Argentine
Federal Police when it comes to junior staff.
In both cases, and once settled, they will be carried to the box of retreats,
Retirement and Pensions of the Federal Police.
Art. 447. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police may suspend the formalities of
voluntary and mandatory withdrawal, of the staff understood in administrative
proceedings in instruction, when by the nature of the lack is expected a serious
penalty or segregative.
Art. 448. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police may reasonably require to the
national Executive Power the suspension of the formalities of voluntary and
mandatory withdrawals: (
a) For reasons of service or of institutional interest, when by his state, the processing
is outside the area police, and
b) When it comes to staff processed.
Art. 449. - Once you have exhausted the term set out in article 47, paragraph (b) or
in article 49, inc: (b) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, the Office
of the Superintendent of Personnel will be carried to the Board of permanent
medical examinations for the purpose of establishing if the originator is suitable or
not for the actual service and to the General Directorate of Legal Affairs for the
respective regulatory opinion and framing.
Art. 450. - In the mandatory withdrawals by facts pertaining to the service where
they could apply windfall profits shall be recorded the percentages of inability to the
exercise of the police function and for the performance in civilian life, which shall be
determined by the Board of permanent medical examinations.
Art. 451. - In accordance with the provisions of article 11, paragraph f) of the act for
the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, is compatible with the situation of
removing the exercise of the teaching, the performance of tasks of counseling and
any other office staff auxiliary civil security and defense, as long as the function to
exercise relates to the degree or training specific to the withdrawn and when it
would have passed more than one (1) year from the date of its withdrawal.
called to provide
ART services. 452. - The so-called to serve, you can be:
a) Mandatory, and
(b) Voluntary.
Art. 453. - The introduction of the so-called to service, compulsory and voluntary
shall conform to the rules contained in the law for the staff of the Argentine Federal
Police and this regulation.
Art. 454. - The appointment of senior and junior staff covered by this chapter shall
be in accordance with the vacancies authorized by the national executive power or
the authority in which this delegated such authority.
Art. 455. - The staff called to render services shall be subject to the provisions of this
chapter and to the duties, obligations and rights that you are own to active staff,
with the limitations that in each case be brought.
Art. 456. - The staff called to render services, in addition to the have of withdrawal
you will receive the following monthly remuneration:
a) Mandatory - having monthly and supplements of the general staff of the same
grade in activity,
(b) Voluntary: I to amount resulting from the application of the coefficients in each
case with regard to having monthly of the degree of commissioner general: senior
officers three thousand and eighty-eight ten thousandths (0.3088 ); official heads
two thousand seven hundred and twenty ten thousandths (0.2720 ); junior officers
two thousand three hundred and five ten thousandths (0.2305 ); Senior NCO one
thousand nine hundred twenty ten thousandth (0.1920 ) and junior commissioned
officers or agents firefighters thousand seven hundred and forty one ten thousandth
(0.1741 ).
Art. 457. - The Superintendent of Staff organize an up-to-date register of retired
members of the institution by ladder, in such a way that it could be used for every
eventuality, in the shortest time possible.
Art. 458. - Before its incorporation, the staff called to service, shall be subjected to a
medical examination and Psychotecnique mandatory.
The outcome of both reviews and the skills of suitability is determined by the
classification for the service to be established:
a) If it is suitable for any function, and
(b) If it is suitable for the conditional function.
Art. 459. - Suitable for any function will be designed to accomplish without
restrictions the same tasks of the staff in activity.
Art. 460. - Suitable for the conditional function will be to develop administrative
functions or support.
Art. 461. - Once incorporated, the call to provide services may not refusing to fulfill
Art. 462. - The staff called to render services must join the Superintendency of
Art. 463. - The staff covered by this chapter shall be twenty (20) calendar days of
regular license, and not compulsory cumulative per calendar year expired.
Art. 464. - This staff can make use of the extraordinary leave provided for in article
70 in its subparagraphs (b), c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police.
In the case of subparagraph (b) the license may not be more than fifteen (15)
calendar days per calendar year and will be expired without perception of assets.
Art. 465. - The staff called to render service shall have the right to the use of special
license that laid down in article 71, with the exception of subparagraph (d), of the
law for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police in accordance with the following
Art. 466. - The medical licenses for common illness unrelated service or considered
in service, shall be granted for a period of up to two (2) months continuous or
discontinuous per calendar year.
Art. 467. - The deadline provided in the preceding article, the Board of permanent
Medical Examinations report if the originator is suitable or not for the actual service.
In case negative in the so-called cease to provide services.
Art. 468. - In the event of accident or sickness and by acts of service and by acts of
service govern the provisions of the common law for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police and this regulation.
Art. 469. - Where, in the cases of the preceding article, deadlines are met in article
47, paragraph (b) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, the Standing
Board of Medical Examinations report if the originator is suitable or not for the
actual service. In case negative in the so-called cease to provide services.
Art. 470. - Shall be governed by the rules of the common law for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police and this regulation the situation of the staff called to
provide services that make it disappeared.
After six (6) months of the fact that had produced such a circumstance, the so-called
cease to provide services.
Art. 471. - The regime of tasks, hours of service and frank will be equal to the weekly
staff in situation of activity.
When the mode of the service so requires uniform regulatory use.
It will be the compulsory use of weaponry regulatory or non-uniform dress as also
the concurrency to the shooting practice.
May be promoted by application of articles 57 and 58 of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 472. - For the staff to provide services called be governed the same provisions
contained in the disciplinary regime of the law for the staff of the Argentine Federal
Police and this regulation.
Art. 473. - The services provided by this staff will be reckoned not for the purpose of
establishing the right of withdrawal and have, with the exception provided for in
article 93, paragraph (b) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police when
expressly as determined by the national executive power or the authority in which
this delegated such authority. In these cases shall be made contributions to pensions
that correspond to the box of retreats, retirement and pension system of the Federal
Art. 474. - The so-called to serve will be provided special credential, features are
similar to those of the staff in activity.
Art. 475. - The cessation of the provision of services will be prepared by the national
executive power or the authority in which this delegated such authority, on the
proposal of the chief of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 476. - The unit heads may request, with opinion founded, the cessation of the
so-called to provide volunteer services.
Art. 477. - The application of the so-called to serve will be remembered the special
rules that apply in this regard.
Art. 478. - The staff called to provide volunteer services, for your appointment, you
must meet the following requirements: (
a) Count with fifty-five (55) years of age as a maximum at the time of its
(b) have computed a general age of twenty-five (25) years to be granted the
withdrawal, of which no fewer than twenty (20) years must have been with police
state, and
(c) which had been counted other services in addition to the simple police referred
to in the preceding paragraph, shall not be called to serve if not a committal orders
(1) year from the date of the withdrawal have been granted.
Satisfied the requirements must approve a refresher course.
Art. 479. - If the call to provide services requested by the termination of your service
before the six (6) months of having started the same, shall be required to
compensate the Argentine Federal Police with an amount equivalent to one (1)
month after that perceived in such a situation, which may be deducted from the
having of withdrawal.
Art. 480. - The units where revistare staff called to provide volunteer services must
report to the Superintendent of personnel to the six (6) months of his appointment
the aptitude demonstrated; subsequent reports will be made at the annual concept
of Foja.
Dependencies, without prejudice to the foregoing will keep the Superintendent
informed of staff on variants in the performance of this staff.
Art. 481. - May not be called again to provide services in a matter of voluntary: (
a) those who had ceased necessarily;
(b) those included in the terms of article 479 of the regulations and
(c) those who have ceased in its delivery voluntarily, when this act was motivated to
circumvent a service or destination.
Art. 482. - The staff had requested that its cessation of functions will not have to reenter before the calendar year from the EESC.
Art. 483. - May not request the cessation of functions, which are subject to the
following conditions: (
a) staff charged in administrative proceedings in instruction or serving disciplinary
sanction and
(b) is found when processed except by vehicular traffic offenses unrelated to the
Art. 484. - The staff covered by the terms of article 483 will be relieved of any
service, without prejudice to the administrative and disciplinary measures as
Computation of
Art services. 485. - The following police services will be subsidised in the rates and
conditions that are indicated for the purposes of the graduation of the having of
a) In a fifty percent (50), in a state of war for the entire staff of activity is found or
when fighting in direct support of fire or logistics of the Armed Forces of the Nation,
except the staff of students, and
(b) In a thirty percent (30), for the staff with permanent duty or commission in the
service, in the Department of explosives the Superintendency of Firefighters
(Division brigades), running the specific function of the latter.
Art. 486. - The subsidised services shall be valid only for the purposes of the
graduation of the right to have a retreat and will be considered in the voluntary
retirement, when the staff has complied with the requirements of article 91 of the
act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, and mandatory retirement when
you have completed ten (10) years of simple police services.
Art. 487. - The police services will be subsidised in the percentages that emerge from
the comparison table of Annex VII of this Regulation.
Art. 488. - In no case shall be recorded and counted as a service provided, the time
that the deceased had remained outside of the institution.
Art. 489. - Shall Not counted those civil services having the character of fees and
importing a public charge.
Art. 490. - Depending on the article 94, paragraph (b) of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police are considered civil services provided in the public
administration national, provincial or municipal.
Art. 491. - Shall Not counted for the purposes pension services performed or
rendered simultaneously with others that have been computed for a retreat,
retirement or pension of the same owner.
Art. 492. - Any of the above services to eighteen (18) years of age shall not counted,
unless they have paid in any of the agencies listed in article 94, paragraph (a) of the
act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police and the of the Argentine Federal
Art. 493. - To establish the simple years of service shall be counted the rendered
with police state by the staff from their income to the Argentine Federal Police until
his discharge.
Art. 494. - The concurrency of police and civilian services, does not allow its
accumulation, even when had been credited contributions shall be taken into
account the first to the effects of your computer. Well may not be counted for the
purposes intended:
a) The services simultaneously, even when acreditaren contributions, and
b) the services performed or rendered simultaneously with others who had been
counted for severence that grants any pension fund to the same owner.
Art. 495. - The checking of the police services, shall be effected only through official
Art. 496. - The documentation and collections payable, to demonstrate years of
service, will be in accordance with the provisions of the housing of retreats,
Retirement and Pensions of the Federal Police.
Exceptionally, when there is a principle of test in the official documentation, have
been given police services, or when there is not documentation police by glaring
deficiencies of the files shall be allowed administrative information for the purposes
of verification.
Art. 497. - The administrative information will be admitted when the services have
been found, there are contradictions, doubts, omissions or lack of conformity of the
Art. 498. - The checking of the civilian services shall be carried out on national
certification issued by the social security box that corresponds to establish the
eligibility of the applicant to the consideration of those services and the
corresponding computation.
Art. 499. - The benefit set out in article 94, paragraph (d) of the act for the staff of
the Argentine Federal Police, will apply to the senior and junior staff of the echelons
of health, legal, technical and professional Veterinarian of the Grouping and related
specialties of the female ranks.
Art. 500. - The time referred to in the article mentioned will be calculated from the
twenty (20) years of simple police services.
Art. 501. - The benefit referred to in subparagraph (d) of article 94 of the act for the
staff of the Argentine Federal Police, will be granted upon certification of the
appropriate University and she should record the time was the regular cycle of a
university career in effect at that time.
Art. 502. - The certificate referred to in the previous article and its proceedings will
be delivered in the Superintendency of Staff, who will be carried to the General
Directorate of Legal Affairs, then kept in the staff file.
Art. 503. - The staff to simultaneously click creditor to more than one (1) bonus
and/or computing services, you will be considered solely for the greater.
It will be interpreted that there is concurrency when the person concerned has
provided services that can bonificarse parallel and/or counted together.
have retirement
Article. 504. - The payment of the earnings of withdrawal will be in charge of the box
of retreats, retirement and pensions of the Federal Police from the date of cessation
of activity prepared by national executive decree or resolution of the head of the
Argentine Federal Police.
This cessation of activity, you must occur in a period of not more than sixty (60) days
from the date of the adoption of the withdrawal by the national executive power or
by the Head of the Argentine Federal Police according to the case.
Art. 505. - Under the article 96 of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police,
the having of withdrawal shall be calculated and settle on one hundred percent
(100) of the sum of all the concepts established or will be established in the future
for the staff in effective service of the same charge, grade and age, and according to
the percentage scale proportional to the time of service, in accordance with article
74 of this law. Family allowances which establishes the national legislation and the
shims and compensation individuals referred to in Chapter XVII of the title II of the
present regulations do not integrate the having of withdrawal.
All the concepts of having monthly on the calculated the having of withdrawal,
pension contributions will be taxed. The lack of income of the inputs, where at any
time or era you had omitted, authorize the charges that correspond in favor of the
housing of retreats, Retirement and Pensions of the Federal Police.
Art. 506. - To determine the ranking of the having of withdrawal, the fraction of the
year for police services of six (6) months or more, will be counted as one (1) full year
provided that the staff would have complied with the simple years of police services
necessary to have the right to have voluntary retirement, as determined by the law
for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police and this regulation.
The fraction less than six (6) months will be scrapped.
Art. 507. - To enhance the retreat have already granted, will be added to the time of
services computed until the time of the despite this situation, the new times of
police services referred to in article 93, paragraph (b) of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 508. - In the cases of incapacity or destruction, of disease contracted or taxed by
accident or dissociated from the service, referred to in article 98, paragraph (c) of
the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, the benefit is, whatever the age
of the disabled.
of the pensions
of the bereaved families with
Art right to pension. 509. - The divorce referred to in article 102, paragraphs (a) and
(b) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, must be ordered by the
competent judge according to Argentine law.
Art. 510. - With regard to the clause provided for in article 102, paragraphs (b), (c),
(d), (e), (f), and (g) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police on
sufficient resources, the same shall be settled by the box of retreats, Retirement and
Pensions of the Federal Police, to take as a reference to pronounce, the pension
amount that for each case appropriate, or the percentage that results from the
assets that he perceived the removed.
The same agency will decide whether the government borrows applicant for pension
enjoys more favorable social security benefit, through the requirement of the
presentation of the receipt of the above-mentioned benefit for collation with the
have it may bring.
Similar approach will be applied to solve as laid down in article 108, paragraph (j) of
the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
of the assets of pension
Art. 511. - The inability to work referred to in article 108, paragraph (b) of the act for
the staff of the Argentine Federal Police should be final, as referred to in article 102,
paragraph (c) of the same act.
joined Cases 32/78
Art. 512. - The exceptions provided for in article 108, paragraph (e) of the act for the
staff of the Argentine Federal Police, on loss of pension by absenting himself from
the country are: (
a) the absence of the country for a period of less than sixty (60) days does not
require any authorization;
b) When the transfer abroad exceeds the period provided for in the preceding
paragraph and reach up to one (1) year does not require prior authorization and
must communicate such a situation by means of a note to the box of retreats,
Retirement and Pension of the Federal Police, with an advance of thirty (30) days of
departure, clarifying destination, departure date and likely return;
(c) In the course that the absence must exceed the year Be ordered mode
authorisation founded, which shall be resolved by the superior authority of the
housing of retreats and retirement pension of the Federal Police; (
d) provided that the trip involves change of residence or domicile, permission must
be obtained by note founded, with an advance of thirty (30) days, to solve them by
the Minister of the Interior, and (
e) If the beneficiary has to continue staying abroad beyond the time limit laid down,
you will need to apply for extension with an advance of at least thirty (30) days prior
to the expiration of the term, so founded with the same authorities where processed
its first request. The order will be processed and be resolved in the manner provided
for in the preceding paragraph, as the case
housing the retreats, Retirement and Pensions of the Federal Police will issue a
regulation that will provide the conditions for payment of the earnings of passivity
during the absence from the country of the beneficiaries, their requirements,
certifications of subsistence and representation by a third party, so that it does not
make it harder by stringency or strictness the perception of the assets.
The infringement of the provisions of Decree N° 2234/79 of the national Executive
shall give rise to the immediate suspension of the benefit, without prejudice to the
penalties provided for in article 108, paragraph (e) of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police and article 3 º, subparagraph (d) of the Decree Law 15,943
/46 -validated by law 13.593- and modified by the laws 20,090 and 21,865 .
Art. 513. - The assets earned by the police personnel considered as missing, until
both the clarification of the legal situation, will be paid in the order established in
article 102 of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
The right to the perception of these holdings will be certified upon instruction of the
corresponding summary by the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 514. - The beneficiaries referred to in the preceding article shall be entitled to
payment of the credit of the disappeared during the period of three (3) years, in the
case of the case provided for in article 22 of Law 14,394 ; of two (2) years in the
situation envisaged in article 23, paragraph 1 of the same act and for six (6) months
in the case of article 23, paragraph 2 of the aforementioned legal standard.
Met the deadlines mentioned the beneficiaries shall receive the provisional pension,
to which must accredit within thirty (30) days the initiation of legal action aimed at
the declaration of the presumption of death.
The payment of such assets will be in charge of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 515. - To transform the pension be checked in the final analysis by the death of
the originator or by sentence was handed down by setting the date of death alleged,
the liquidated that their successors, are practiced as well as the compensation to
which any place between what is perceived from its disappearance until the final
concession mentioned the benefit. Also, between the respective institutions will be
the corresponding compensation.
Art. 516. - If the originator recurrence, provided that the disappearance was not
voluntary, you are entitled to the difference between what has been perceived and
what is actually charged by the holders of your pension benefit.
of the general rules
Article. 517. - The application for a pension will be presented in the Superintendency
of Welfare, who be understood in its processing and will be headed to the box of
retreats, Retirement and Pensions of the Federal Police.
Art. 518. - Occurred the death of any member of the police personnel, the unit
provided services where he or she shall notify the Superintendent of personnel with
indication of the degree, a situation of magazine, name, surname and address, date
of death, relatives and addresses of these; then I will turn to the Superintendency of
welfare for the purposes specified in the following article.
When it comes to staff in situation of withdrawal, it shall inform any unit that has
knowledge of the fact.
Art. 519. Any application for pension shall contain: (
a) First Name, surname and documents of identity of the applicant and kinship with
the originator of the pension;
(b) References about the causes of the death of the originator;
c) Affidavit on if you are familiar with other bereaved families with right to the same
pension; (
d) affidavit stating if you have previously submitted similar order of pension and if he
has any other kind of benefit previsional.
e) affidavit on the marital status and, in your case, if performed on marital life in
fact; notification of the grounds for extinguishment of their benefit listed in article
108 of Law for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police and obligation to
communicate with Fidelity and accuracy your actual domicile and any change in the
f) certificate of domicile issued by a police authority;
g) Item of death of the originator;
(h) documentation that proves the link with the deceased;
i) Presentation of a guarantor in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 14,
subparagraph (c) of the regulations of article 48 of the Act on accounting (Decree
Law 23,354 /56, as amended), which was established by Decree No. 13,100 /57 and
its amending, and
j) signed by the person concerned or, in its default, print digit thumb of right or left
in case of impossibility.
Once you have completed the requirements above, the Superintendency of Welfare
will transfer the file to the box of retreats, Retirement and Pensions of the Federal
Police for its continuation.
When you invoke that the death of the originator has links with the service copy will
be required of the administrative decision to the determine.
Art. 520. - All police personnel has an obligation to refer with destination to your
subset staff, the respective documentation of the family that proves the
circumstances outlined in the declaration of bereaved families and dependants who
formulate and any modification to the detail of the same, in the term of sixty (60)
working days from the date of the occurrence.
Art. 521. - The Superintendent of staff will complete the files, with the
documentation that proves the marital ties of kinship or laid down in article 102 of
the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police or testimony that certifies the
divorce, under the conditions laid down in the same article.
Art. 522. - Without prejudice to the documentation as expressed in the previous
article, it will be possible to have the presentation of any other document or
background that may be necessary for better information.
When to obtain the benefit would be presented forged documents, forged or
modified, or any falsehood in the affidavits, it will be possible to have the expiration
of the law that had been agreed, without prejudice to the legal action as
Art. 523. - The evidence referred to in article 521 of the regulations, must be
presented duly authenticated as follows: (
a) The from ecclesiastical authorities, by the bishopric respective, and
b) The issued in foreign countries, will be legalized by the Argentine consul in the
country of origin and then by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship.
The documents submitted in a foreign language must be translated into the national
language by a public translator and duly legalized.
Art. 524. - The perceive of the Superintendency of the welfare pension application,
the box of retreats, Retirement and Pensions of the Federal Police, shall: (
a) If an attempt will be made to staff in activity, to require of the Superintendency of
the Foja Staff of relevant services and the Office of the Superintendent of finance in
relation to salaries, contributions and discounts suffered by the deceased during his
stay in the facility;
(b) if it were personal in retired status, to incorporate the dossier that already work
in the archives of the organism;
c) To request the appropriate information in the event of death linked to the service.
When I would argue that circumstance and outside unknown, the pension agency
will continue processing as if it were a general case, proceeding separately to
communicate the freshness to the Superintendency of staff, for the relevant
information, without prejudice to its joint resolution, if any.
Granted the pension, it will be resolved whether or not that will modify its amount,
and (
d) to have the review by the Board of permanent medical examinations in the case
of relatives who claim inability.
Art. 525. - In the cases provided for in article 7 of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police, the right to have of passivity, will be required by the holder
to the box of retreats, Retirement and Pensions of the Federal Police.
In the case of exoneration survivors seek the pension to the same body, as if the
owner had died.
disciplinary regime
of its
Art application. 526. - The rules of this regulation should be interpreted taking into
consideration that its purpose is to assert and maintain discipline.
Art. 527. - The provisions of this title shall apply to the staff referred to in article 115
of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 528. - May not be discussed in the administrative facts or guilt taken by tested in
criminal trial. In the investigation of disciplinary offenses that arise as a result of a
fact which are being investigated by the justice, where not involved judgment will
not qualify the criminal action and will be judged with independence of the decisions
of other authorities in aspects that responsibility to them.
Art. 529. - The penalties laid down in chapter III of this title shall be imposed without
prejudice to the criminal or civil responsibilities to which they may be subject the
guilty for the crime he committed and the charges that may make the head in its
assets by injury in the assets of the institution.
Art. 530. - The amnesty or pardons, the prescription, the dismissal or the forgiveness
of the particular survivor, do not exempt to implement a disciplinary sanction, in
case of well correspond.
of the mistakes
Article. 531. - Will Be disciplinary offense any violation to the police duties and
obligations established expressly or implicitly in the regulations or provisions in
Art. 532. - In the execution of an order of the service shall be responsible the
superior who had taught the junior and not commit lack, but when had deviated
from that, exceeded in its implementation and/or flagrant violations of the laws or
Art. 533. - The punishment may not exceed the maximum of the species of the
sanction to be imposed.
Art. 534. - The serious offenses are punishable by imprisonment of thirty (30) days,
unemployment or exoneration.
Art. 535. - Will always be considered as serious offenses: (
a) The breach of duties and obligations laid down in Articles 8 º, subparagraph (b), c)
and (d) and 9 º, subparagraphs (a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) of the act for the staff
of the Argentine Federal Police;
(b) propaganda that may affect the discipline or the prestige of the institution, either
verbally or in writing or hide it to the superiors when
need to be aware of this;
(c) disclosure to persons outside the institution of reports, orders or records secret
or reserved; (
d) the loss, damage or theft of property of importance or secret or confidential
documentation of the institution; (
e) The breakdown of arrest; (
f) The filing of an appeal or collective demand; (
g) The insubordination;
(h) The abandonment of service; (
i) the order or acceptance of gratuities, awards or gifts in their condition of police,
for themselves or their relatives; (
j) The receipt of awards in any form or pretext and of any class or value, without
prior permission from the head;
k) Bring influences or use non-regulatory procedures to request changes in
destination, promotions, commissions or services; (
l) maintaining linkages that represent him benefits or obligations with entities
directly controlled by the institution;
ll) provide paid services or not, associate with, direct, manage, advise, sponsor or
represent individuals or legal entities that manage or exploit concessions or
privileges Administration of the national, provincial or municipal or the Armed
Forces, security or police or that are usual suppliers or contractors of the same;
m) receive directly or indirectly benefits by act in the areas of sponsorship,
representation, advice or expertise, in trials instaren against the Administration
national, provincial or municipal;
n) which I will leave flee or posibilitare the flight of a detainee;
n) drunkenness;
or) the loss or theft of the arms;
p) The treatment with people known to the police as of bad reputation;
q) The improper handling of the weapon or the shooting unjustified, negligent or
reckless of the same; (
r) The loan to persons outside the institution of the credential, medal or sheet of
Chest, parts of the uniform, weapons or equipment owned by the same;
s) marry without higher authorization, or in contravention of the ban; (
t) The abuse of the uniform, weapons, credential, medal or chest plate;
u) behave with moral weakness; (
v) the application of sanctions not provided for;
w) Sort to a junior an act, which have transgressed one the disciplinary regime;
x) the omission of suppress improper acts of his subordinates or give it to his
superiors, if you do not have disciplinary powers;
and) do not appear when duly issued to declare in administrative proceedings as a
defendant or witness;
z) the refusal, falsehood, or concealment of the truth by the person who will testify
in administrative proceedings, and
a') into debts with Junior or with the guarantee of another police and non-payment.
Art. 536. - Will Be serious misconduct in addition to those laid down in the preceding
article, those that by their nature, the circumstances in which they were committed,
its impact or importance in the service, deserve such a characterization.
Art. 537. - Without prejudice to the provisions of article 535 of the rules shall be
disciplinary offenses: (
a) The lack of zeal, timeliness and accuracy in carrying out the duties inherent in the
function, as well as negligence or imprudence in an act of service;
(b) The lack of neatness in your person or uniform, neglect in the conservation of the
weapons or equipment and the use of visible parts that do not apply to you;
(c) The entry without the need for the service to businesses or any other public
place; (
d) does not save the right attitude that corresponds to the use of the uniform; (
e) The rudely treated with regard to the public; (
f) Any act of excess in the use of the Authority Do not import crime; (
g) The negligence or imprudence in the driving of a ro police;
(h) the loss or theft of the medal, chest plate or credential; (
i) the management by the release of detainees; (
j) The communication with the detainees without just cause;
k) concurrency to racecourses or enclosures of game, on a regular basis;
l) The length of stay in shops or any other public place not saving due composure;
ll) the false accusation against senior or junior; (
m) The comments to undue the superiors in affairs of the service or the murmuring
of them;
n) The disagreement manifests with a order of the service;
n) induction to error or deceit to the Top with reports that are not accurate;
or) any omission or delay to give account to their superiors of the facts in that must
intervene by reason of his employment or anything important that i have ever seen
or known during or outside service;
p) the transmission of reports or news on orders received or on any matter of the
service without having been authorized to do so;
q) The fortification or inordinate use of alcoholic beverages;
r) The disputes between the staff or with people outside the institution;
s) The loan to another agent of the credential, medal or chest plate, parts of the
uniform, weapons or equipment owned by the institution; (
t) The omission The notice of change of address, or your communication with
subsequent to the forty-eight (48) hours of completed;
u) the backlog of more than three (3) days in the annotations or copies in the books
must be done; (
v) The employment of staff in functions that are not authorized;
w) the unjustified delay in submission to his service or his superior, immediately that
this call, even outside the hours of their regular work;
x) be absent from his home, and is in use for medical leave, without just cause;
and) frequent the debts that are incurred without timely satisfaction;
z) The abandonment of the post without permission of the superiors;
a') the delay without justifiable cause to give Account of found objects, or
b') the delay in the accountability, fines or any entry of money;
c') the breach is not justified from the obligation to vote in national elections;
d') the filing of an appeal, claim, a plea of defense, recusal or disqualification
maliciously or disrespectful in terms;
e') The acts of the staff who constitute debtors or creditors between if;
f') acts of misconduct in the social life or in the private when transcend to third
g') does not follow the corresponding instances in the hierarchical presentation of
resources or complaints before non-police authorities;
h') The fact prevent a superior to a junior that present a resource or claim or
interfere with Its processing, and
i') the immoderate use or misuse of the siren of a police vehicle or communications
Art. 538. - Without prejudice to the foregoing enumeration will constitute minor
transgression of that character to the administrative rules and those that import a
discourtesy or inconvenience in the staff.
Art. 539. - The action with a disciplinary offense will expire after one year, except as
provided in articles 541 and 542 of the present regulatory body.
The term of the limitation of the action will begin to be counted from the day that
had been committed the lack, if was instantaneous; or from that ceased to be
committed if there had been continuous.
Art. 540. - The acts of the disciplinary procedure will interrupt the prescription of the
action. The effect shall be considered an act of the disciplinary procedure to all
proceedings aimed at pointing to the existence of a lack, although has not initiated
administrative proceedings.
Art. 541. - The disciplinary action that is born as a result of a fact that at the same
time constituted "prima facie" crime, may be exercised as long as there is no
prescribed the criminal action resulting from that fact.
Art. 542. - In the course of the previous article when the crime was committed from
the role of the police and the author or authors such means fail their impunity by
concealment, negligence or lack of zeal of their superiors, the disciplinary action
shall be barred to the five (5) years of extinguished by prescription of the criminal
This provision will reach all of the above in terms of its disciplinary responsibility.
Art. 543. - The judicial process will suspend the prescription in the case of article 643
of this Regulation.
Art disciplinary sanctions. 544. - The disciplinary offenses referred to in articles 535,
536, 537 and 538 of these regulations, may only be repressed with the sanctions
certain in the following article.
Art. 545. - The police personnel in activity or withdrawal will be subject to the
following disciplinary sanctions in order of severity that follows:
a) Warning;
36/78 are hereby repealed
b) arrest;
c) unemployment, and
d) exemption.
Art. 546. - Students and aspiring agent or fireman who commit transgressions with
the internal order of the training institutes, shall be subject to the special regime
that governed in the same.
Art Warning. 547. - The warning is the warning issued by the superior to the
subordinate of the commission of a lack whose nature or magnitude does not need
another penalty. Should be done in clear terms, precise and moderate not to import
an affront or insult to the person of the blamed.
Art. 548. - The warning may be: Individual or collective.
The warning shall be individual privately but can also be applied in the presence of
superiors who have known the lack when the that aperciba considers it appropriate
for your greater efficiency.
The collective is to tell the staff of a particular unit, by misconduct of a general
nature relating to the enforcement of provisions of the service. Will be consistency
in the respective sets of staff and will be archived on the sanctioned of higher rank.
Art. 549. - Arrest consists in the permanence of the punished in their unit or in the
place to be determined, with the modalities that in each case are indicated.
Art. 550. - The penalty of arrest shall be computed by calendar days and will last a
maximum of sixty (60) days.
Art. 551. - The note announcing the imposition of arrest fundamentally will contain:
Number of days of arrest, his regulatory framing, clear specification of the reason for
the punishment, a concept well-deserved the head of the unit where the magazine
arrested, regardless of the fact committed, sanctions that records in the last six (6)
months, if you are covered in article 569 of this regulation and mitigating and
aggravating circumstances if any.
Art. 552. - In no case shall be fulfilled the arrest in the same site intended for the
detention of persons outside the institution.
Art. 553. - The arrest must be notified by the greater than that imposed on or by
another of equal or higher degree that the sanctioned. The arrested record signing at
the foot.
Art. 554. - Any notification of arrest must clearly establish: (
a) Day and time of initiation;
(b) Day and time of completion;
c) regime for its realization;
d) place that it will be; (
e) If shall have the right or not to receive weekly visits and output;
f) hours that must or can meet at his home, and
g) The clarifications that appropriate in each case.
Art. 555. - The staff changed whatever destination and will be serving arrest, will
continue with the same in the new unit. The upper with who provided service, you
must communicate this to the head of the new destination.
Art. 556. - For the implementation of sanctions will be taken into account the
following rules: (
a) The senior officers and heads shall comply with the arrest with prejudice of the
service in their homes. In the case of sanctions for serious misconduct, the head of
the Argentine Federal Police may fix the place of compliance a unit;
(b) the junior officers and junior staff shall comply with the arrest of agreement to
the following guidelines:
1. The punishment for serious offenses will be met with prejudice of the service, in
different units to your destination. However, by resolution founded head may
arrange for another modality;
2. The arrest for minor shall be without prejudice to the ordinary service, in the same
destination of the punished. Shall consist of the stay in your unit during the rest of
the time required to fulfill the punishment without assigning any service;
3. The top of each area at the request of the heads of units, you will be able to
modify the place of performance of the arrest for minor, when reasons of
convenience or other circumstances may prevent it being run according to what is
stated in paragraph 2 of this subsection;
4. The staff that meets arrest for minor in units that lack of rationing, will have three
(3) hours for lunch and three (3) hours for dinner;
5. When the duration of the arrest for minor be greater with the nature and severity
of the same or its recurrence, the head of the unit where it serves the arrested or
the instance in case of audit have sanctioned that may sort through resolution
founded its compliance as prescribed in paragraph 1 of this subsection;
6. The female staff shall comply with the sanction of arrest for serious misconduct, in
one of the bodies that the head of the Argentine Federal Police it deems
In arrests for minor offenses, he will retire to his home at twenty-two (22) hours to
be reintegrated into the six (6) hours of the next day.
When the regular service will terminate after the twenty-two (22) hours, once
fulfilled the same, he will retire to his home by the end of eight (8) p.m.
if it is found in period of lactation, suspend the enforcement of the penalty until the
end of that;
(c) The rules of the subparagraphs (a) and (b) shall apply also to the staff in the
interior of the country, and (
d) within the concepts that precede, the superiority may have in each case the
action that it deems more suitable for the service, for the purposes of compliance
and monitoring the sanctions.
Art. 557. - The compliance of the arrest will begin from the date of notification and
end at the time of taking over the ordinary service of the last day, whatever the time
when you started. If the arrest is met with prejudice of the service, the same ending
at twenty (20) hours of the last day.
Art. 558. - Licenses by: illness, pregnancy, marriage of the punished, birth and death
of son, suspend the compliance of the arrest, which will continue from the day to
finish the same.
Art. 559. - The arrested will deliver and be asked, as the case may be, the licenses
referred to in the preceding article, the superior of those who depend on during the
compliance of the arrest, for the purposes of the corresponding processing. The
head of that unit also communicate these developments to the superior natural of
the punished.
Art. 560. - The heads of units where the staff meets penalties of arrest shall arrange
for the regime of visits. It also authorized the weekly output of the punished to make
family visits, during the term of twelve (12) hours, except that the benefit would
have been denied by the final arbiter in the imposition of the death penalty, in virtue
of the nature of the offense or the background of the arrested.
Art unemployment. 561. - Unemployment matter the low of the punishable by loss
of the police state and the rights that are inherent in it.
Art. 562. - Unemployment does not imply the loss of the rights to have retirement,
which could correspond to the sanctioned, according to the services rendered.
Art. 563. - The exemption is in the final low of the irrevocable or punished, with the
loss of the police state and the rights to which you are own.
Being the most severe penalty, apply only in cases involving the institution or of
grave indignity of sanctioned.
Art. 564. - The exonerated may not apply for reinstatement in any case.
Art of punishment. 565. - Any sanction should have a reason and be imposed in
accordance with the nature and seriousness of the offense, and other circumstances
of person, place, time, occasion, purpose, media employees, education, habitual
behavior and background of the punished.
Art. 566. - The class and extension of the punishment was left to the discretion of
the superior who impose it.
Causes of aggravation
Art. 567. - Will be causes of aggravation of the faults:
a) When harm the service;
(b) where they affect the prestige of the institution;
(c) when they are repeated; (
d) when there is recurrence; (
e) when they are collective;
f) when committed in the presence of junior;
g) When greater irrespective of the degree of who the comet;
(h) when they were committed by the person who is head of unit, and
i) When will cause injury to a junior.
Art. 568. - For the purposes of the aggravation will relapse in the commission of the
same or various misdemeanours, whatever the nature of them, within the following
terms: (
a) Warning, three (3) months;
b) arrest up to thirty (30) days, six (6) months; and
c) arrest more than thirty (30) days, a (1) year.
These terms shall be counted from the date on which it had been imposed the
Art. 569. - Shall be deemed to be repeated in the commission of a absence when you
are out of the same nature and within one (1) year.
Art. 570. - The collective lack will be considered when committed by three (3) or
more policemen who are concluded for its implementation.
Art Causes of attenuation. 571. - Will be causes of attenuation: (
a) The inexperience motivated by lack of seniority;
(b) the good conduct and the previous well-deserved good concept to their
superiors, or
c) have originated the lack by an excess of zeal in the service or to an abuse of the
Art. 572. - The nature of mild transgressions that might be incurred in the staff of the
newly graduated police institutes or the recently incorporated, which do not affect
the discipline and to reveal be result of a lack of experience in the service as much as
possible to morality or the formation of a misconception about the police discipline,
without prejudice to the verbal warnings that correspond to correct and prevent
similar incidents.
switching or remission of penalties
Art. 573. - Will Be faculty of the head of the Argentine Federal Police refer or
commute the disciplinary penalties imposed by himself or by his subordinates and
encourage these actions to the national executive.
Art. 574. - The remission of the penalty consists of the forgiveness of the accused,
fully exempting him from the execution of the sentence. The switching unit is to
reduce the magnitude of the disciplinary punishment or replace it with a more
Art. 575. - With the festivities of: January 1, Good Friday, May 25, July 9, the Day of
the Argentine Federal Police, December 24 and other special circumstances, the
head of the Argentine Federal Police will be able to dispose with general clemency or
pardon of the penalties of arrest. If you do not indicate that the referral is only for
the day or period of time means that involves the whole remainder meet.
Art. 576. - The remission or commutation of the disciplinary sanction only makes its
compliance, due to record this in the subset staff.
disciplinary powers
Article. 577. - The police personnel will be the disciplinary powers that are
determined in Annex VIII of this Regulation.
Art. 578. - To be considered moral weakness does not suppress the misconduct
under this Regulation. The disciplinary powers also entail, monitor that sanctions
applied by the subordinates are in conformity with the forms and regulatory
Art. 579. - The senior staff of the grouping will have professional disciplinary powers
with respect to its members of the same rank and any other when you are directly
Art. 580. - The female senior staff will have disciplinary powers with respect to its
members of the same specialty and other unestablished when you are being directly
Art. 581. - Retirees will have no disciplinary powers except when they are called to
serve, in which case the exercised solely the staff to provide services directly to their
Art. 582. - Apply the sanction of the superior who depends on the junior albeit
accidentally or when he had committed the lack prior to another destination and be
discovered after your pass. Instance will be the immediate superior of the enacting,
although there is dual audit for the sanctioned under the specific function it serves.
Art. 583. - The misconduct by staff not subordinate verified by those who lack of
disciplinary powers, shall be communicated by these in a note to the top of who
depended on the punished, following the path up to the corresponding hierarchical
head of your unit, so that you have the application of the corresponding penalty.
Exercise the control the immediate superior of the enacting.
Art. 584. - Misconduct by staff not audited subordinate directly by senior officers or
heads will be sanctioned by these. In the note of arrest record was made of the
concept that deserves the punished to its head of unit. The communication have
been imposed the sanction will be relevant to the audit, the following instances: (
a) The Head of the area, of a higher grade enacting, in that magazine the punished,
b) when there is no such step hierarchical, the deputy chief of the institution.
Art. 585. - The officer who play higher functions will be the disciplinary powers
corresponding to the post held or the superior to replace.
Art. 586. - When the cadet of the last course meets an act of service with official
functions in the field of the Cadet School Colonel Ramón L.
Falcon, shall exercise the disciplinary powers of the assistant.
Art. 587. - When the one who finds the lack consider insufficient the disciplinary
powers of that will be invested to suppress it, you must apply the maximum until the
limit of those, and ask the higher the increase in the sanction imposed.
Art. 588. - If in exercising their powers of oversight the superior does not alter the
sentence imposed, previous knowledge of the enacting and punished shall send the
communication to the Superintendency of Staff for the respective annotations in the
subset of the sanctioned staff.
Art. 589. - The superior who perform the audit can confirm, replace, reduce, rescind
or increase, within its powers the penalties that apply their subordinates or the
senior officers or heads, in the cases referred to in article 584 of this chapter.
Such assignment shall be exercised in such a way and in a way that does not
undermine the authority of someone who had imposed the sanction.
Art. 590. - If the superior who is responsible for the audit resolved increase the
sentence - within the limits of their powers or you are outside and requested by the
lower- or decrease, your resolution will cause instance, then must take place in the
manner set forth in article 588 of this Regulation.
Art. 591. - When the inspector deems insufficient its disciplinary powers to suppress
the lack, will proceed under the article 587 of this Regulation.
Art. 592. - In the exercise of its power to control the upper may require directly the
background or the clarification that it deems necessary.
Art. 593. - The mistakes committed in the presence of several higher, must be
suppressed by the higher grade.
Art. 594. - When a lack has been committed in the presence of a superior who would
suppress it, no junior can do it, except that he was ordained by him.
Art. 595. - The disciplinary powers to equal degree, shall be exercised in accordance
with the rules on precedence, seniority and charge, determines the law to the staff
of the Argentine Federal Police and this regulations.
of the regular procedure
Computation of time
rule. 596. The deadline for disciplinary proceedings shall be calculated by working
days administrative. If i had deadlines of hours should be entered between 07.00
and 21.00 hours.
Citations - Notifications Art desist. 597. - Any summons, notice or summons to the defendant, will be
practiced through a note addressed by the instructor to the superior of those who
depend on the investigated. If the accused does not provide services, a senior whose
orders should do so, you will practice the procedural act in the last real domicile that
record in its subset staff.
If in the act of diligence is not present, it must be delivered the document to the
family or occupant to be found, who, after verification of your identity, sign the
receipt. If these persons shall refuse to sign, the diligence will be practiced in the
presence of two (2) witnesses, who may be police officers, who shall sign the written
record to extend. In the event of any person not be found in the real home of the
accused, the diligence will be practiced with a (1) neighbor, in the same way as the
Art. 598. - The regular procedure shall apply: (
a) to police personnel in activity, and
b) the police personnel in retreat:
1. When you have to respond for acts committed while he was in activity;
2. When this call to provide services;
3. When in fact is involved in personal activity, and
4. When the investigation had been initiated prior to in retirement.
Art. 599. - In the acts committed by staff because of low discovered subsequent to
its separation from the institution provided that they have never been tried, shall
record the lack imputed on your subset staff, educate themselves without any
Art. 600. - As a general rule, the penalties must be imposed directly, avoiding the
initiation of proceedings to dilate the application of the punishment.
Art. 601. - The minor offenses will be crushed without filled another formality that
the to notify the sanctioned, record the punishment and arrange for their
Art. 602. - In the direct application of penalties for minor, who provided the
punishment should listen to the accused, although it must place on record this in the
note referred to in article 551 of this Regulation.
Art. 603. - The serious offenses will be crushed prior pre-trial investigation, except
that the circumstances following in that whosoever directly: (
a) That the existence of the lack is notorious and its verification does not require the
written investigation.
(b) That in spite of not be evident the fact, without recognition of the lack and the
same possible and plausible;
(c) that the fact by its nature and the history of the accused, indicate any doubt that
the sanction to be applied shall be of arrest, and
d) That in the absence are not involved private third parties, or are not affected.
Art. 604. - In the direct application of sanctions for serious misconduct, the
procedure shall conform to the following standards: (
a) The defendant expressed his disclaimer in diligence prior synthetic preferably that
will sign the charges;
(b) The note announcing the lack will contain: Concept well-deserved for a chief of
the unit, regardless of the same and rating of the last two sessions of the Foja annual
concept and will be accompanied by the form of background which shall be issued
by the Superintendent of personnel;
(c) the instances that are involved in the elevation of the note, issued opinion
founded. They may also have prosecuted, if this is imposed for a better clarification
of the circumstances surrounding the fact; (
d) who imposed the sanction or any of the instances involved, you will be able to
sort the compliance of skills or measures for the framing of the lack, and (
e) After the sanction applied by the chief or deputy chief of the Argentine Federal
Police, will be notified to the punished in the manner prescribed by article 554 of
this Regulation.
of the
Art procedure in general. 605. - To be considered signing of urgency all the issues
relating to the disciplinary regime.
The proceedings may be pursued including holidays, when the suspension cause
damage or when so set the head of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 606. - Any diligence orderly in disciplinary procedures will be carried out within
the first business day following receipt. Otherwise, they shall give account in writing
and shall be recorded in the proceedings of the causes which prevented their
Art. 607. - The official involved in the proceedings by disciplinary procedures are
obliged to promote, in the sphere of its powers, to those is constrained with the
greatest possible speed, taking initiatives for this purpose. Any unjustified delays will
be repressed with severity.
Art. 608. - All those who are involved in the prosecution or the review of a summary
will be responsible for any omissions or errors committed in the
themselves, as well as negligence produced in the clarification and accuracy of the
facts and circumstances that qualify and all upper must return the summary to
bridge those and apply or request the sanction in appropriate cases.
Art complaints. 609. - In the investigation of complaints or complaints from the
public or the media against the staff, services, or procedures of units, shall be carried
out prior process of summary: once completed shall be referred to the head of the
Argentine Federal Police who prior opinion of the Directorate General for Legal
Affairs shall decide whether or not start summary, sanctioned in directly or arrange
the file of the proceedings as the only resolution.
Art. 610. - No action shall be taken to any complaint by a member of the public
without prior written ratification of the complainant, in which case we must verify
your identity and address and you will be prompted for the necessary clarification on
the contents of the complaint. Without prejudice to the foregoing may be exercised
by provision of leadership.
Art. 611. - The particular survivor by the fact that motivates the complaint is not a
party to administrative action, or you will know the resolution that falls in the same.
Art anonymous complaint. 612. - When the complaint is anonymous, the head may
have preliminary proceedings with respect to the facts of the case if the references
containing or background information that are owned, that will present aspects of
plausibility. Otherwise it will be filed.
of the administrative proceedings
in which cases it will be to instruct summary
article. 613. - Shall Be Responsible for the instruction of summary:
a) In the case of serious offenses:
1. If the existence of the lack is notorious, or
2. If the complaint of a serious misconduct is credible or sufficiently well-founded;
(b) In the cases of staff judicially prosecuted by acts of service or by events outside
the same;
c) In the cases of death, injury or disease incurred or aggravated: in and by act of the
service, by act of the service and in-service; (
d) In the cases of however civil or contest without knowledge of the head; (
e) In the cases of damage to State property, when so determined by this Regulation;
f) In the cases of missing personnel, for the purposes of article 48, paragraph (e) of
the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, and
g) When the clarification and verification A fact impose written investigation.
Authority ordering
Art instruction. 614. - Officials with powers to provide for the initiation of
summaries, the exercised only in those cases in which these rules indicate especially
the need for such formality, avoiding order for action to check facts that could not
be punished in the form directly.
Art. 615. - The order to proceed to the pre-trial investigation will emanate from a
written resolution of the direct superiors of the police to investigate and within the
following charges: (
a) of the head or deputy head of the Argentine Federal Police;
(b) of the heads of Superintendency (
c) of the 2or heads of Superintendency.
d) of the heads of Directorate General (
E) from the heads of department; (
f) of the heads of area; (
g) of the heads of the circumscription.
h) of the heads of area: (
i) of the heads of body; (
j) of the directors of school or institute;
k) of the heads of delegation for the junior staff, and
l) of the unit heads in the cases provided for in the Article 613, paragraphs (c) and (e)
of this title.
The order of proceedings to instruct to judge the conduct of senior staff will
emanate only from the chief or the deputy chief of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 616. - The authority ordering the summary may assume if the instruction or
designate a subordinate official, as an instructor which should always be higher than
the preliminary investigation can result.
Art. 617. - Who lacked authority to order the pre-trial investigation will raise the
background of the fact to the appropriate authority that will be available or not
appropriate research, taking the precautions necessary for the preservation of the
evidence until both the
instructor take appropriate intervention.
Art. 618. - The authorities empowered to order the investigation of cases,
simultaneously with the respective order send communication to the head of the
Argentine Federal Police (Superintendencia de staff), specifying the cause which had
motivated, personal data of the preliminary investigation can result, as well as
preventative measures in the cases on which they had been issued. Communication
will be identical to the Directorate General of Social Work, indicating the initiation of
proceedings and the payroll of the accused (without outlining the fact), for the
purposes set forth in article 914 of this Regulation.
Art. 619. - When there are multiple defendants and not all depend on the same top,
the authority to order the instruction of administrative proceedings shall correspond
to the common top them all.
Art. 620. - The dependencies involved in acts of judicial competence, will instruct the
prevention summary with copy, which will remain in reserve, until both is required
by the instructor.
Art Communications. 621. - Ordering the summary, the investigating officer must
perform the following communications:
a) In case of damage to property of the State to the Superintendencies of finance
and logistics;
(b) In case of staff processed by facts derived from the exercise of the police
function, to the General Directorate of Legal Affairs;
(c) In case of be linked to the actions of staff agencies national, provincial or
municipal or members of the armed and security forces or of other Police Forces, the
head of the Argentine Federal Police; (
d) In the event of personnel killed in the line of duty to the Directorate General of
social work, reporting synthetically the fact, judicial authority responder,
interventionist and unit founded opinion if at first sight it is Application of the
respective legislation.
Art Life. 622. - The investigation may last no longer than thirty (30) days from the
date of its notification to the instructor until his elevation including, not taking into
account in this term the delays caused by circumstances beyond the instruction,
which shall be recorded in the proceedings.
Art. 623. - When, for reasons not attributable to the authority to instruct the
summary this not cogs in the deadlines established in the preceding article, shall
apply for the extension of the term stating the reasons for the delay, proceedings
that are missing and the length of time necessary.
The request shall be settled by the authority that ordered the summary and the
extension may not exceed fifteen (15) days.
If at the end of the term granted satisfied some of the reasons invoked or other that
had motivated his delay, the instructor will ask a new extension for the time strictly
External Forms
Art. 624. - Each summary will be an album cover art on what would be recorded the
name of the accused and in the Foja first unnumbered, an index of proceedings and,
in a remarkable manner, whether or not there are preventive measures.
Obligations, rights and protections for defendants
Art. 625. - No penalty may be applied or be ordered without previously hearing the
accused, except that the same does not appear before the magistrate in spite to be
properly cited.
Art. 626. - Upon receipt disclaimer statement or enlargement of the same, the
instructor will let you know the accused, prior to the initiation of the act, or the
administrative offenses that he is being charged and their circumstances, regardless
of the crimes that might be investigated by reason of another independent trial.
Then it will be invited to that in the course of this diligence manifests itself as soon
as it deems appropriate to express in his defense and to provide evidence that may
be of interest to his defense.
Art. 627. - If in the course of the disclaimer statement emerging new misconduct,
you will be made known to the accused the new charges at the end of the event,
repeating the previous procedure with regard to its disclaimer and the offer of
Art. 628. - In the summary is no longer expresses record of compliance with the
procedural formalities laid down in the preceding articles, even when the accused
refuses to make disclaimer statement.
Art. 629. - The refusal to testify does not constitute presumption against the
If not could be heard the accused by refusal to appear, the instruction you will be
notified of the lack or misconduct which he is charged.
Obligations of the police witnesses
Art. 630. - The witness shall be compelled to testify and express themselves with
Art of the instructors. 631. - The summaries shall be appraised by the official
designated by the authority that determines the article 615 of the regulations, of a
higher grade investigated.
Art. 632. - The Department of Administrative Investigations shall appraise summaries
in cases where it may be involved: (
a) senior staff in activity, in the cases determined by the chief or deputy chief of the
Argentine Federal Police;
(b) removed upper staff called to provide services;
(c) Staff removed upper when you need to be tried for acts performed while he was
in activity or when in fact to be investigated is involved in activity staff regardless of
their degree.
Without prejudice to the foregoing enumeration will act in:
d) regulatory framing of the fallen in the line of duty; (
e) Statement of legal proceedings referred to in article 643 of the present
regulations, when the head of the Argentine Federal Police is expressly declared,
42/78 42/78 42/78 and
f) conducting research or administrative inspections available to the head or deputy
head of the Argentine Federal Police. For this purpose would ask directly reports and
documentation that are necessary, and the heads of units provide the committed.
Art. 633. - The instructor will act with secretary refrendante that should not
necessarily be of a higher grade to the court.
Art. 634. - As soon as whatever concerning the clarity of the procedure, the
instructor may be formed in the same unit where it had been committed the lack
that is being investigated.
Art. 635. - The instructor shall: (
a) Receive disclaimer statement; only for reasons of distance and following
restrictive approach the authority to order the instruction of the proceedings, may
authorize the receipt by delegation that act;
(b) Take the statements and practice the steps that are necessary to ensure the
complete clarification of the fact of the statement and determine their true
character and circumstances;
(c) Request the preventive measures that are necessary and the purposes of the
summary, and (
d) To view and fill out the appropriate tests.
When the provisions of subparagraphs (b) and (d) must be effected in places away
from the seat of the instruction, the diligence may be carried out through the
General Directorate of the Interior or Superintendent of railway safety, except that
the instructor deems that you must practice them by if, upon authorization of the
official who ordered the instruction of the proceedings.
In the cases referred to in subparagraph (b), the instructor will send detailed note
with the questionnaire according to which must be carried out interrogations.
All diligence to be met within the Great Buenos Aires by instructors with seat in this
or in the Federal Capital will be carried out by the same.
Art. 636. - The superiors of the instructors may not interfere in the substantiation of
the summary, or indicate the procedures to be followed.
Art. 637. - The instructor, invoking such character, be asked directly to staff or to
units the reports or the compliance of proceedings as it deems necessary for the
clarification of the event. Such requirements shall be evacuated directly, this being
of application in all the procedures.
The reports should be ordered to other authorities shall be handled in accordance
with the rules on administrative documentation.
Art. 638. - If the instructor, during the conduct of the proceedings would be
appointed or assigned to another unit or to fulfill a commission prolonged, shall
request the official who ordered the investigation, directives on whether you should
continue or not acting.
Art. 639. - The instructors shall be appointed in written form, and may fall the
appointment in officers that are not in the same unit that the investigated.
Order of
art history. 640. - The instructor should request and add to the proceedings, the
following background: (
a) of the senior staff:
1. The list of punishments that registers the investigated in the Superintendency of
Staff, and.
2. The request for background that shall be made to the unit where the magazine
investigated, will produce by writing the two most recent annual reports including
trial rating, sum and average and the concept of the chief of the unit, after such
reports, up to the date of the Commission on the lack;
(b) of the junior staff:
1. The list of sanctions, which is to be sought to the Superintendency of Staff, and
2. The concept deserved irrespective of the seriousness of the misconduct. You will
be prompted to the head of the unit where magazine.
Offenses resulting
article. 641. - If during the course of the investigation appeared at first sight a lack
and responsibility for the staff of equal or higher grade to the instructor, this be
communicated immediately to the official who ordered the instruction.
Art. 642. - The instructor or staff member who is involved in the processing of a
summary, if your course i notice at first glance, the existence of serious misconduct
without direct relation with the fact of the same origin, will raise through separately
and in a reserved manner, to the authority that ordered the instruction a note in
which they mentioned the comments to the appropriate disciplinary effects.
Offenses resulting
article. 643. - If during the completion of the summary or after finished, it is found at
first sight tested the commission of any offense, the instructor will give immediate
consideration to the authority that ordered the beginning of the preliminary
proceedings in order to that, an opinion from the Directorate General of Legal
Affairs, intervention to the competent judge and adopt the measures laid down in
the Criminal Procedure Code.
Preventive Measures
Art. 644. - To have the inquiry or during its processing at the request of the
instructor, the authority that the orders will be able to dispose of according to the
nature and circumstances the offense and whenever there is danger in the
acquisition of the test or can obstruct the normal running of the research, the
preventive arrest of the accused not to exceed thirty (30) consecutive days,
whatever the state of the proceedings. The resolution will be founded.
Art. 645. - Prior to the initiation of investigations when urgent reasons make this
necessary and den ends referred to in the preceding article, the head of the unit will
review where the accused or in your case, that would avert in the fact may provide
its arrest ad referendum of the approval of the person who should have the pre-trial
proceedings, whom you will be informed immediately of the action taken for the
purposes of its confirmation or revocation.
Art. 646. - Finished the preventive arrest the head of the Argentine Federal Police,
when circumstances warrant the maintenance of a precautionary measure, you can
have the pass of the accused to the situation envisaged in article 48, paragraph (g) of
the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
These measures may be voided by the same authority as the ordered, at any time of
the summary, for if or at the request of the instructor, where there is no cause to
keep them.
Art. 647. - The staff who will check in the situations provided for in articles 48 (g) and
49 (h) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, shall be deprived of the
use of the degree and must make delivery of the credential, medal or chest plate,
arms and uniform assigned.
In the act of being notified of your pass to this situation, the originator should deliver
to the superior that notifies you of the elements referred.
Art. 648. - When appropriate, due to the severity of the facts alleged against the
preliminary investigation can result, the authority that ordered the instruction by yes
or at the request of the instructor, will ask the head of the Argentine Federal Police,
the availability referred to in article 48, paragraph (g) of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 649. - The person with respect to the police that the official who ordered the
instruction would have requested his dismissal or exemption, will review in the
situation envisaged in article 49, paragraph (h) of the act for the staff of the
Argentine Federal Police, until the final judgment.
Art. 650. - Simply complaint may not motivate the preventive arrest or availability
while not had been credited in cars sufficient evidence to be considered
presumptively responsible reported. The resolution by taking these preventive
measures, will contain expressly the circumstances in which it is based.
Computation of the preventive measures
Art. 651. - When imposing punishment of arrest, will be compensated with an equal
number of days the compliments with preventive character.
Summary Conclusion of the
Article. 652. - Completed the summary, the instructor will explain the result in a
report, which will bring together with the proceedings to the official who ordered
the instruction.
If only fails to close the proceedings on receipt of background information or reports
that had been requested, but which by its nature could not modify the conclusions
of the final report will raise the summary without waiting for the referral of those,
noting this circumstance without prejudice to refer them for their aggregation to the
cars once received.
Art. 653. - The report of the instructor shall contain: (
a) a concise statement of the facts and the evidence of the summary, with indication
of the Foja in that is each one of the parts;
(b) charges that prove against each of the defendants;
(c) The resolution that corresponds to your trial issue considering the offense
committed, its severity, scope or impact that the facts generated and the
background of the accused, and
d) In the cases in which prompted the application of penalties of arrest more than
thirty (30) days, you will be issued opinion founded if in merit to the nature of the
fact and the defendant's record, you can replace your compliance by a regime more
benign than that determined in the Article 556, paragraph (b), paragraph 1 of this
Art. 654. - The official who ordered the instruction, once received the summary shall
be recorded in writing of the compliance of the regulations and formalities will order
the extent prepared in the following article, except the case in which they are
arranged measures giving notice, should be fixed by the new term.
View the accused
Art. 655. - Once fulfilled the procedures referred to in the previous articles, the
instruction will be view by ten (10) days to the accused to make his defense and
provide the necessary proof.
The defense pleadings shall not added to the proceedings until all the undergoing
investigation had made use of this right. In the summary are recorded due to the
presentation of the defense plea proceeding to its subsequent incorporation.
Art. 656. - The evidence offered will be analyzed by the instruction and the total or
partial refusal of the same will be founded. In this course, the preliminary
investigation can result shall be notified of the resolution adopted, within two (2)
Art. 657. - Complete the view and taking into account the evidence acquired the
instructor must ratify or rectify the report referred to in article 652, raising the
summary to the authority to order your instruction, by issuing new opinion.
Art. 658. - The act of the hearing shall be conducted in the seat of the instruction
with the scope of article 635 of this Regulation.
The defendant may take handwritten note or typing error of the summary and the
instructor will give you only one (1) copy of the report under article 652 of this
Art. 659. - If the accused person is arrested, the hearing will be made effective in the
place in which it is hosted. In the event of being placed under medical assistance
shall be in identical form.
Art. 660. - The term of the view is indispensable, in the same act of notice of the
commencement of that you will be informed the accused date and time in which
must be lodged with the instruction subscribe the diligence of completion of the
same, opportunity in which you can submit a defense plea. The notification shall be
made with the warning that if you do not concur that day and time will be declined
by the right to present his defense statement.
Art. 661. - The assistants and sub-inspectors and the junior staff will be assisted in
the act of the view, by an officer of the degree of main or inspector.
The rest of the senior staff as necessary, will be assisted by a senior military officer
or older than the preliminary investigation can result. In all cases, the officers belong
to another destination by the Superintendence of personnel of the respective ladder
and in successive order.
The assistance will be to advise the accused, after reading of the proceedings, on the
content of the defense plea.
The personnel mentioned above, designed in the interior of the country, will be
assisted by officers belonging to the corresponding area.
The Superintendency of staff shall be in each case the relevant communications.
It will be compulsory for every officer that had been designated in the act of view,
his speech without prejudice to the performance of their regular duties.
intervention of the General Directorate of Legal Affairs
Article. 662. - Once you've met the previous precautions the authority that ordered
the investigation raise it for opinion founded, directly to the Directorate General of
Legal Affairs. In the summaries arranged by the deputy head of the institution, will
be optional pour the opinion. The head of the Argentine Federal Police, will forward
the summary without opinion.
Art. 663. - The General Directorate of Legal Affairs will produce opinion within ten
(10) days will be reduced to five (5) days in the event of preventive measures exist,
advising one of the temperaments following:
a) extension of the committal proceedings when there are omissions that affect the
validity of the procedure or for clarification of the facts, pointing out the steps that
should be expanded or practiced again.
(b) The dismissal indicating the class of the same, and
(c) the application of disciplinary sanction, noting the lack proven, the character of
the same and the degree of responsibility, especially in the cases of articles 739 and
740 but do not quantify the sanction recommended.
Art. 664. - If the Directorate General of Legal Affairs shall adopt the temperament
cited in the article 663, paragraph (a) of this regulation, it shall refer the case to the
instructor so that appropriate within the term of ten (10) days to the requested
extension returning this action with a new view through the authority that ordered
his statement, which must comply with the formalities of article 655. The new vista
will run on the or those affected by the expansion in the scope of article 661.
Art. 665. - To be affected by a senior staff summary of the General Directorate of
Legal Affairs shall issue the corresponding opinion a superior officer or chief, with
the title of lawyer, for another target, which shall designate the head.
Resolution of the summary
article. 666. - The General Directorate of Legal Affairs will raise the summary at the
head of the Argentine Federal Police (Superintendencia de staff) to within thirty (30)
days has handed down his decision.
Art. 667. - The resolution shall provide in its case:
a) The final dismissal or provisional of the cause;
(b) The final dismissal or provisional of the accused;
(c) The disciplinary sanction in accordance with that corresponds to the enumeration
of the article 545 of the regulations; (
d) place of fulfilment and modalities, in your case, of the sanction imposed and rules
that you relate; (
e) In case of refitting of elements belonging to the institution, if applicable the
charge to the accused or effecting it corresponds in the administrative process:
f) Mention of emerging civil responsibilities, either for the police personnel or for
persons outside the institution; (
g) regulatory Framing of injuries in the event of rough staff exist, and
h) publication in the Order of the day reserved, considerations of doctrines or the
disclosure of which is desirable to know the staff.
Art. 668. - The final dismissal will be: (
a) When it became apparent that the lack has not been committed,
(b) when the offense under investigation did not constitute disciplinary offense;
(c) When circumstantial in a way no doubt exempt from disciplinary responsibility
the defendants; and
d) occurs when the death of the accused.
Art. 669. - The dismissal will be provisional: (
a) when the evidence accumulated in the cause is not sufficient to demonstrate the
existence of the lack, and
b) When it has been proved the lack disciplinary indications do not appear or
sufficient evidence to identify those responsible.
Art. 670. - The final dismissal is irrevocable, leaving closed the cause. The provisional
leave the case open to both meet new evidence and operate the term regulatory of
the prescription. The provisional dismissal will become the definitive year issued the
resolution, except that the disciplinary action is born as a result of a fact that at the
same time constitute a criminal offense, in which case will be the judicial terms.
Art. 671. - The summary in that mediate provisional dismissal in the causes or
respect of the accused, will be kept within the scope of the Superintendency of staff
and in the case of become final by application of the provisions contained in the
previous article, that area will be showing the resolution that you must dictate the
head of the Argentine Federal Police.
Notification of the resolution
Rule. 672. - Notification of the resolution shall be made personally to the preliminary
investigation can result in the same file, corresponding to the staff the right to
examine the summary, which to that effect will be at your disposal for the term of
two (2) days.
Art. 673. - The resolutions that ultimately dictate the head of the Argentine Federal
Police in disciplinary proceedings shall be communicated to the Directorate General
of Legal Affairs and summarily the instructor prior to the file of the proceedings.
Art knowledge to the staff. 674. - Any disciplinary measure of segregatory character
will be made known to the staff of the institution.
In the case of separation from senior staff will be issued in the order of the day the
operative part of the resolution and in the order of the day reserved, the full
resolution of the head of the Argentine Federal Police. No publication shall be made
as long as the resolution of the national executive power does not have definitive
Art. 675. - The separation of the junior staff would be known as the order of the day,
with reference to the infringement that motivates her and in the order of the day
reserved, when containing considerations or doctrines the disclosure of which is
created should be sent only to the staff.
Annotation of the sanctions
(art. 676. - Of any sanction shall be recorded in the respective subset staff, once it is
firm resolution that the available, to which effect should raise the relevant
communication to the Superintendency of staff that will consist in the also the
Art. 677. - The annotation of sanctions in the subset staff includes the following data:
a) Authority which imposed the death penalty (name, grade and destination);
(b) the nature and quantum of the sentence, and
c) because of the sanction.
File of the disciplinary sanctions
(art. 678. - Will be used to file the General summary: (
a) When mediate dismissal of the cause;
(b) When mediate dismissal with respect to the accused;
(c) those in which the file is available as a single resolution, or
d) The educated by deterioration, loss or damage to property of the State, in which
there is only resolved the replenishment from without disciplinary action for the
Art. 679. - The summaries educated staff to senior and junior, will be filed in the
personnel file of the same. In the case of there being several defendants, will be in
the subset of the official staff of higher degree, letting in the other, written record of
the resolution.
Annexation of
art performances. 680. - In the event that the staff was tried in two or more
summaries, by independent or related facts, the same will be unified in the
instructor to investigate the most serious. When it comes to fouls in the same or
similar gravity, will be annexd to the first that has been ordered to instruct.
The Superintendency of staff will take the appropriate records to the comptroller of
the provisions above, projecting the relevant resolution.
Art Resources. 681. - Any police officer to whom it was imposed a sanction that
consider excessive in relation to the seriousness of the misconduct or estimate
which is the result of a mistake, you can lodge an appeal in order to minimize the
same or dismissal is handed down.
The resource may only be submitted once a start has been made to the enforcement
of the sanction.
Its filing does not suspend the realization of the same.
If the appeal against the superior proves the imputation of a lack, you will be given
the procedure corresponding to the nature of the same, in accordance with the
requirements of this Regulation.
The remedy should be always individual.
Admission of the
Art resource. 682. - For admission, all resource will need to fill the following
requirements: (
a) be submitted within the established time limit and directed to the corresponding
b) express the facts and rights on which it is based, in clear and precise form, and
(c) be made in respectful terms that do not affect the authority or dignity of the
superior who imposed the sanction.
Any petition that does not fill the requirements mentioned in subparagraphs (a) and
(b) will not be taken into account, without prejudice to the disciplinary sanction that
could correspond in the event of breaches the provisions of subparagraph (c)
Article. 683. - The appeal may be based upon: (
a) In conformity with the evaluation of the facts;
(b) In the legal classification of the same.
(c) In the graduation of the sanction, and
d) have been exceeded in the upper on the disciplinary powers.
Art Term. 684. - The deadline for filing the appeal referred to in article 681 of this
Regulation, shall be two (2) days. Whoever receives the resource must certify at the
foot of the same day and time of submission.
Art. 685. - The presentation of the resource will be adjusted to the next processing:
) shall be made in writing and will be directed to the official who had formed the
sanction. Will be presented to the senior who depends on the appellant even
accidentally, to its elevation. Such a procedure be governed even in cases in which
he finds himself serving the sanction in a separate unit that the own;
(b) the superior to who will lead a resource should preferably take care and may
request the reports as it deems necessary for the best resolution of the same.
(c) to resolve the resource, the official officiated must sit its resolution and notify or
make it notify the appellant
) if the appellant does not conform with the resolution may bring new appeal against
her, routing it to the official who had ruled on the application, asking the raise to the
top that constitutes the next instance, in accordance with article 686. Will be
presented to the top of whom he is dependent, even accidentally for its elevation; (
e) those who receive the file will come in the form above and so on. (
f) The official whose resolution is used, it shall record the opinion without any delay
to the appropriate person.
Art. 686. - For the purposes of the interposition of the resources will be instance:
a) The official who had confirmed the punishment:
(b) For successive instances:
1. If the appellant is subordinate to the official cited in subparagraph (a), the upper
that sanctioned until you reach the head of the Argentine Federal Police, and
2. When the resource is start before an instance to which the appellant is not
subordinate the successive instances the will constitute the senior staff of the
punished, in hierarchical degree higher than that of the official who confirmed the
sanction, until you reach the head of the Argentine Federal Police, and
(c) The resources that are formulated as a result of the sanctions of dismissal of
senior staff or waiver, to be resolved by other authorities, shall be submitted in all
cases, through the usual channels, proceeding to the elevation to the head of the
Argentine Federal Police, who within fifteen (15) days of receiving it will submit to
the appropriate authority.
Deadline for resolving the
Art resources. 687. - For the resolution of any remedy govern how maximum the
following terms: (
a) up to the level of commissioner, including two (2) days;
(b) in the degree of commissioner inspector, three (3) days;
(c) in the degree of chief commissioner four (4) days
d) in the degree of commissioner general, five (5) days. (
e) to the deputy chief of the Argentine Federal Police, ten (10) days, and
f) for the head of the Argentine Federal Police, fifteen (15) days.
Resources against resolution of the head of the Argentine Federal Police
Art. 688. - Resource for all who stand against a resolution of the head of the
Argentine Federal Police, handed down in summary or by serious penalty imposed in
the form directly, you must be given immediate intervention to the Directorate
General of Legal Affairs, which shall be issued in the term of three (3) days, informing
you whether the resource is appropriate to meet the requirements and, in his case,
the measures to be taken or resolution to dictate.
Art Resource review. 689. - May be ordered the revision of a summary or sanctions
for serious misconduct in the following cases: (
a) When the person concerned instruments raises critical nature that it did not
assert in the proceedings by impossibility, and
(b) when it would have imposed the sanction by resolution whose basis would have
been an instrument whose falsehood is declared at a later date.
Art. 690. - The deadline for filing shall be two (2) years from the date of notification
of the resolution that is being challenged. We will accompany you throughout the
test that it is invoked. Shall be submitted to the immediate superior and addressed
to the head of the Argentine Federal Police, who will resolve prior opinion of the
Directorate General of Legal Affairs.
Art Resource of invalidity. 691. - Appeal may be filed for annulment in the summary
in that: (
a) The action contains procedural acts that are fulfilled without the forms set forth in
this regulation or legal provisions applicable;
(b) The resolution is pronounced in violation of the legal norms, or
c) infringe the right of defense, by refusing the test offered without basis.
Art. 692. - The appeal of nullity must be filed within a time limit of five (5) days of
notification of the preliminary investigation can result of the acts that intends to
challenge, accompany the whole test that it deems appropriate.
Art. 693. - The resource will be presented:
a) If the summary has not been resolved, before the instructor and addressed to the
head of the Argentine Federal Police;
(b) If the summary will be resolved, before the immediate superior and addressed to
the head of the Argentine Federal Police.
The head of the Argentine Federal Police solve prior opinion of the General
Directorate of Legal Affairs which will have to decide on the appropriateness of the
same, advising the admission of the appeal and the annulment of the acts faulty, or
that is dismissed.
Art. 694. - In chance to rule the Directorate General of Legal Affairs, may request the
cancellation of acts that consider violating the legal forms. The revocation shall be
decreed only when it has caused damage to the preliminary investigation can result
or he has been deprived of any of their rights.
Art. 695. - Acts declared not null will produce no effect and will be carried out again,
the defects remedied immediately. In the cases in which is declared null a resolution,
the head of the Argentine Federal Police will proceed to issue a new, prior opinion of
the Directorate General of Legal Affairs.
of the special procedures. Accidents
Art. 696. - To the legal classification of occupational accidents and diseases suffered
by the staff, will be taken into account the following rules: (
a) shall be deemed that the death or injuries have occurred, or that a disease has
been incurred or aggravated in and by act of the service, where it is the direct or
immediate consequence of the exercise of the police function, such as a specific risk
and exclusive of the same, or on the occasion of its status as a police officer,
although he is not fulfilling service or acts relating to its functions, this is not that
could have been produced in other circumstances of the life of the citizens;
(b) shall be deemed that the death or injury have occurred, or that a disease has
been incurred or aggravated By Act of the service, when they are the result of direct
or immediate training a special ordered by the superiority for the compliance of a
special mission and the risk, or when it was the result of an accident to a police
vehicle that he attends a service emergency, duly established, except that committal
orders in both situations gross negligence or recklessness on the part of the
(c) shall be deemed that the death or injuries have occurred, or that a disease has
contracted or aggravated in service, except that with gross negligence, in the
following cases:
1. That may have occurred during the hours of work and does not fit the
assumptions of the subparagraphs (a) and (b).
2. When they are the consequence of practices in special training when they are
fulfilling orders from above, except that with gross negligence or recklessness on the
part of the originator.
3. When this has occurred during the regular path, between the place of his work
and his home or vice versa, provided that the journey had not been interrupted by
his particular interest.
4. When the act to occur outside of working hours, but pursuant to an order of
service, and
5. When it is due to sports practices, horseback riding, gymnastics, fencing, shooting,
in compliance with orders of service, and (
d) shall be deemed "delinked from the service" all death, injury or disease incurred
or aggravated that no framing in the subparagraphs (a), (b) and c).
Art. 697. - Shall not be deemed produced in and by act of the service the decline of
physical fitness that occurred as a result of refusal on the part of the deceased to
undergo the treatment recommended by the medical services police.
Initiation of proceedings
Article. 698. - In all cases in which the staff dies, contract, or worsen diseases or
injuries and was not apparent with the untying its service, there will be the pre-trial
investigation. These may be initiated either by the courts, at the request of the
person concerned or by anyone who is entitled to a pension within ninety (90) days
of the incident.
After this period, no action shall be taken to ordering of proceedings, except that it is
certifying the occurrence of the events by contemporary documentary evidence to
the same.
Art. 699. - When the accident happens in any of the local unit, the authority to
arrange for the initiation of investigations shall designate an officer of a higher grade
rough, from the same fate as the instructor.
Art. 700. - If the fact occurred outside of the local unit that provides services in the
rough, the Mint would summary the commissioner or delegation with jurisdiction in
the place of the event, except in the Great Buenos Aires, where it will do in the unit
that provides services.
Art. 701. - In cases of accidents, with or without the intervention of a third party, of
the resulting injury to the police personnel and damage to property of the State, the
administrative proceedings shall be tilled by the authority that embark on the
statement summary of prevention.
Art. 702. - When the personal becomes injured in an accident or events in which
they were involved other police authorities, the dependence on that magazine the
rugged, act in the manner set out in articles 708 or 709, as appropriate, to whose
effect is practiced as well as the relevant findings in the unit with territorial
jurisdiction over the place of occurrence of the events, without prejudice to require
those authorities with the copy of the relevant part of the proceedings.
Accidents in facts with judicial intervention
Art. 703. - In the accidents in which proves the injured staff on the occasion of facts
that give rise to legal proceedings, the part of the summary will be added to the
administrative proceedings.
Art. 704. - In the previous case, if, in the opinion of the instructor of the judicial
investigation does not correspond the initiation of administrative proceedings, in
application of article 696, paragraph (d), shall be limited to raise the party concerned
to register such a view, which will be archived on the advice of the Directorate
General of Legal Affairs. To take knowledge, this may advise the investigation if in his
opinion, there was no evidence of being the fact outside the service.
Accidents and damage
Art. 705. - When in the same fact becomes injured police personnel, damage to
property of the State, making a single administrative action.
Art. 706. - The instructor will immediately recognize the rugged by the police doctor
that correspond, who after an examination shall be provided with a certificate
stating the nature and antiquity of the lesions that motivates the medical
examination, probable time of healing and an inability to the service and the
possible causes of the injury, particularly in relation to the functions it performs.
Art. 707. - Received the medical certificate the instructor will proceed to carry out
such inquiries and verifications necessary to establish: (
a) The identity of the rugged.
48/78 will be considered informally
b) date and place and time in which the accident occurred;
(c) the manner and circumstances in which the fact has occurred; (
d) Date and time in which the survivor reported the fact to his superiors; (
e) The time of his service in the day, whether she was going or out of the same
noting whether the accident occurred or not in the regular journey that the
individual concerned should follow from your home to the dependence of their
secondment or vice versa; (
f) The causes of the accident, especially if it has been created In the violation of
statutory requirements or compliance with the orders of the service, if there was
negligence or recklessness on the part of the hilly; who ordered the act of service
and third parties that participated in the same, and
g) personal data and signature of witnesses, if any, and in addition elements that
prove the circumstances of the fact.
Art. 708. - The summary of simple nature will act when the duration of the disability
of the rugged outside less than thirty (30) consecutive days and within ten (10) days
of orderly its instruction, must be completed and raised to the Directorate General
of Legal Affairs, with the official opinion of the instructor and of the superior who
would have it.
Art. 709. - When the duration of the disability of the rugged outside more than thirty
(30) calendar days, the administrative proceedings will have the nature of summary,
must be completed and high in the same period and the way that in the previous
article. In the cases provided for in article 705 of this regulation, the period shall be
fifteen (15) days.
Art. 710. - The General Directorate of Legal Affairs shall deliver an opinion within five
(5) days from the receipt of the summary on the linking of the fact with the service, if
there has been negligence or foresight on the part of the victim, if there has been
liability to third parties or if it is a purely casual.
Art. 711. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police will ask for: (
a) to the Directorate General for Health Police, in cases of disabilities with duration
longer than thirty (30) calendar days, the corresponding report that must be issued
within five (5) days on:
1. The physical condition of the rough at the time of review.
2. Predictable Consequences of the accident.
3. License time likely to demand the attention and convalescence by the injury.
4. Causal link between the injury and accident;
(b) when the fact has been produced with third party intervention, the following
reports that will have to be evacuated within twenty (20) days:
1. To the Superintendent of Finance amount of salary earned by the rough staff,
without provision of services.
2. To the directorates-general of police Health and Social Work, without prejudice of
what has been determined in subparagraph (a), whatever the time of disability, the
outlays for medical assistance and/or hospitalization, with mention of the
percentages corresponding to the same and the State and
(c) completed the proceedings or when completed twelve (12) months is not
possible the reinstatement of the rough at the service, with the reports obtained will
rotate what acted to the Superintendent of Finance, which will be carried out by the
summons upon the responsible civilly. If the same refuses to enforce the
compensation for the injury caused, the proceedings shall be forwarded to the
Directorate General of Legal Affairs to give an opinion with regard to any legal action
arising place.
Art. 712. - When it had been compiled and act arise or confinement a inability that
presumably would stay away from the rough to the service for a period longer than
six (6) months on medical leave, the proceedings will be returned to the instruction
in order to be chiseled out the corresponding summary, on the basis of the record.
Staff processed
Art. 713. - In all the cases of criminal proceedings against the staff should be judge
administratively their conduct.
Art. 714. - The process motivated by vehicular traffic offenses, by fact outside the
service, will not lead to the formation of summary.
Special rules for the resolution
Rule. 715. - The condemnatory resolution, may be issued without waiting for the
judgment where sufficient elements to the administrative trial.
Art. 716. - May not be administratively acquit the accused while not mediate final
court judgment.
In the event of dismissal that correspond in administrative matters, shall be made
provisional dismissal which will become the previous committal orders if not judicial
condemnation requiring the separation.
Suspension of the proceedings
Article. 717. - When the staff proves processed with reason of acts of service and a
copy of the summary or prevention of the first inquiries will not clear an excess of
operate, the head of the Argentine Federal Police may order the suspension of the
administrative disciplinary proceedings until a final court decision. With a full copy of
this Head definitively resolved.
Art. 718. - No disciplinary communication shall be made by the only reason that staff
pay witness statement or information, except where it can be compromised its
Art. 719. - In facts linked or unlinked to the service, if committal orders preventive
detention and release of the accused, be presumed that the summary, if any, will be
completed in resolution that does not impose more than light penalty, on what will
be issued the official who ordered, it may be decided that the cause is in actual
service serving internal tasks that do not involve the exercise of the police function.
Situation of detained staff
Art. 720. - In cases where the police personnel should be deprived of their freedom
and the same does not exceed three (3) consecutive days, does not affect your
service or amount grave indignity, there will be change in his magazine. This
circumstance shall be communicated to the Superintendency of personnel for
Resolution 49/78
relevant registrations.
Art. 721. - Where appropriate have the pass of the police personnel to check on
availability or service liabilities, in virtue of having been arrested or affected by
preventive detention, shall be taken as the basis of the measure, the date on which
occurred the effective deprivation of liberty or the date on which it was notified
judicially, in other cases.
Art. 722. - Where appropriate have the change of journal of police personnel in
service availability or passive in virtue of having been released or has been revoked
by the remand or for having fallen final court judgment, will be taken as the basis of
the extent the date on which occurred the effective release or the date on which the
petitioners were notified the procedural acts of mention, as the case may be.
Art. 723. - The heads of units, having knowledge of the judicial measures identified in
the preceding articles, shall arrange for the cessation of the services that meets the
staff concerned or his immediate reinstatement to the actual service, except that
conviction exists and shall carry out the relevant communications to the Office of the
Superintendent of Finance to proceed accordingly and to the Office of the
Superintendent of personnel for the processing of the passive service or its cessation
in statutory form. Later the head of the Argentine Federal Police, solve validating or
annulling the measures ordered retroactive to the time of its imposition.
In the event of adopting the second temperament, the affected personnel services
that would have fulfilled the remuneration shall be charged in full for all concept
that is accrued. Equal temperament will proceed in the event that staff turn to check
in a situation that is not appropriate.
Art. 724. - In cases of criminal process against staff by events unrelated to the
service, culpable, will not be the passive service, when the warrant for processing in
their respect, except for the period remained deprived of his liberty or that mediate
preventive detention of effective compliance.
Art. 725. - During the time that the police personnel in service is passive in
accordance with the provisions contained in article 49, paragraphs (e), (f) and (h) of
the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal Police, shall be deprived of the use of
the degree and the uniform and must make delivery of the credential, medal or
chest plate, arms and uniform assigned. In the course of the article 49, paragraph (g)
of the act, the head of the Argentine Federal Police will decide the temperament to
Art. 726. - In cases in which custody will be handed down not excarcelable, by facts
related to the exercise of the police function, the head of the Argentine Federal
Police will ask the judge for authorization that the procedural measure will be
implemented in units of the institution.
Situation of fugitive
Art staff. 727. - The staff a fugitive from justice should be considered in the situation
envisaged in article 49, paragraph (f) of the act for the staff of the Argentine Federal
Rating of the
Art process. 728. - For the purposes of establishing if the process is linked to the
service must take into consideration not only the act charged, but the relations of
complainant and the accused and other circumstances related to the fact.
Art. 729. - When the heads of units requested the pass to availability or passive
service personnel processed, must accompany the copy part of the summary or copy
of the prevention summary or in his absence a review of the background of the fact,
in order to determine if the process is linked to the service or not and if it is affected
the prestige of the institution.
Your order will be upgraded to the Superintendency of personal opinion and this will
require of the Directorate General of Legal Affairs.
Art. 730. - In case of application for the cessation of the availability or service liability
for having disappeared the causes of it or pass from one to another, is expressed
specifically if the staff was released, if you ordered the preventive custody and he
was released from prison and the rationale for the extent required.
Sentencing Purposes
Art. 731. - The sentence imposed by a final judgment of the courts of justice of
deprivation of liberty not conditional penalty or disqualification, will determine the
separation of the sentenced with the loss of the police state. In cases of special
disqualification the head of the Argentine Federal Police will be able to resolve on
the situation of magazine or destination of the concerned in accordance with the
scope of this disqualification and the circumstances of the case.
Art. 732. - The conditional sentence won't matter always the separation of the
institution. Administratively must be judged independently of the criminal
conviction, but without discussion of the existence of facts that in judicial sentence
have tested. In the cases in which the staff is not separated from the institution, will
review in the situation envisaged in article 49, paragraph (g) of the act for the staff of
the Argentine Federal Police.
When due to the effects of the sentence appropriate separation, this will occur
through unemployment or exoneration as deemed administratively the fact.
Art of the defense staff. 733. - The unit that would prevent in facts on which it is
charged or affected staff of the Institution, in activity or withdrawal, as a result of
the exercise of the functions or the fulfilment of the duties and obligations of the
state police, will proceed to notify to the Directorate General of Legal Affairs
immediately and through telephone, providing the personnel data, its conformity to
be defended by the lawyers of the unit, the court and secretariat involved and the
qualification of the fact. This information was subsequently ratified by
The same communications shall be in the units of the staff, when the cause is dealt
with in the provinces.
Art. 734. - The unit receiving notices, telegrams or offices from the courts of justice,
relating to the cases mentioned above, it shall immediately inform the Directorate
General of Legal Affairs.
Art. 735. - The delegations that receive ballots or judicial offices, directed to the
lawyers of the Directorate General for Legal Affairs, they would have been legal
domicile in the same, will give immediate notice through telephone or other means
to that agency, advance its content, without prejudice to transmit via regular
communication received.
Art. 736. - Without prejudice to the above rules, the police personnel in activity or
withdrawal, may request immediately through note elevated by corresponding
hierarchical track, the assistance of lawyers of the Directorate General for Legal
Affairs, in the cases noted above. The proceedings will be printed very urgent
Art. 737. - When avenger civil trial against the personal responsibility by the pop-up
facts of the service, the respondent shall report promptly to the superiority.
Art. 738. - The staff which is sponsored by the Directorate General of Legal Affairs,
for the adequate protection of their rights, it must comply with the following:
50/78 50/78 50/78
) to provide all the necessary information that you may be required by counsel and
follow the indications or observations that these questions with regard to the cause;
(b) refrain from making inquiries or bring influence in the courts of law; either
personally or through an intermediary:
(c) communicate within twenty-four (24) hours of produced, any change of domicile
or destination and any situation that may have influence on the processing of
defense commissioned, and
d) subscribe the writings and other documentation that would be necessary for The
processing and to attend the General Directorate of Legal Affairs, in the form of a
binding, once every fifteen (15) working days, for the purposes of the state of the
cause and at every opportunity that should be cited.
Art. 739. - In cases in which the institution may be convicted in a civil lawsuit that has
been followed by the pop-up responsibility for acts of service shall have the right to
repeat of the staff that gave rise to that judgment, in cases where there is mediated
Art. 740. - In cases in which the institution may be convicted in a civil lawsuit that he
had been followed by the responsibility of a qualified fact policing sense as
dissociated itself from the service, you will be able to repeat the staff that gave rise
to that judgment, in cases where there are mediated malice or gross negligence.
Art. 741. - In the event that the accused used in defense of their interests to counsel
individuals, the Directorate General of Legal Affairs will renounce to that, and will be
supported by your exclusive account costs as a result.
Art. 742. - The units where revistare staff with pending process, especially the one
whose administrative cases had been resolved, they must communicate to the
Superintendency of staff, on an individual basis, before the 5th of each month, the
judicial situation of interested parties, and the proceedings conducted by both the
preliminary investigation can result as by their immediate bosses for streamlining
the procedures for obtaining the testimony of the judgments. They must also include
any variation in relation to now being processed for the cause or changes of court
financial controller.
Damage State property
Article. 743. - In all the cases of loss, theft, destruction or deterioration, which is not
derived from the regular use of property of the institution, with or without the
intervention of a third party, shall be to prosecute with the formalities of title V of
this Regulation except as provided in article 745.
The summary will be ordered by the chief of the unit assigned to the well, with the
exceptions noted in the article 751 of this Regulation.
Art. 744. - The summary should establish especially:
a) value of the well in accordance with the respective office, in cases of loss, theft or
(b) the amount of the repair where appropriate to it, which will require the expert
report for the unit, as appropriate;
(c) Description of the way and circumstances in which the fact has occurred; (
d) staff to whose charge were the goods, and (
e) Causes of loss, theft, destruction or deterioration with determination of the
responsible individuals in the event of any.
Art. 745. - When damage, or loss in hand cancellations can be purchased by
elements of the institution, not instruct summary proceedings, even when there is
intervention by third parties, provided that the fact conforms to the following
requirements: (
a) That it is the prosecution of the police personnel only with respect to that fact and
there are no other circumstances that should be evaluated by rule of other rules,
(b) that have not been produced by shock of vehicles, and
(c) the value of the deterioration or destruction or loss does not exceed the amount
to be determined by the Superintendent of finance which will be updated every six
months on the basis of the index of wholesale prices - general level to be
determined by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses or the To replace in
the future.
For the purposes of the application of this article is irrelevant to mediate procedure
by imputation of misconduct. The chief of the unit where the author resides, the
disciplinary sanction shall apply and shall make the relevant communications of rigor
to the Superintendent of Finance, to the effect that is appropriate to the discount of
the amount of the damaged media, unusable or lost, from the assets of the
defendant or by administrative means as appropriate.
Intervention of the General Directorate of Legal Affairs
Article. 746. - The General Directorate of Legal Affairs shall deliver its opinion,
indicating in particular: (
a) The staff or third party, either directly or indirectly responsible for the fact
(b) If the goods should be spare parts to repaired with or without charge, and
c) should be applied if a penalty in the case of having mediated fault or negligence in
the fact.
Art Term. 747. - The proceedings should be completed and high in the term of ten
(10) days.
Discounts to the responsible
Art. 748. - In cases of deterioration, loss, theft or destruction of elements of the
Institution will develop from the person responsible only when committal orders
malice or gross negligence.
The discount will be relevant in monthly installments commensurate with the salary.
Art. 749. - In the case of insured vehicles and resulting responsible staff of the
Institution, the resolution shall be made by applying the corresponding disciplinary
penalty and as for the replacement or repair with charge shall be made to the
resolution that ultimately resulting from the payment of the
Damage to property of the state with the intervention of third
Article. 750. - The summary by damage in police vehicles, that occurred in the
Federal Capital or in the Great Buenos Aires, will be instructed by the unit assigned
to the shot.
Art. 751. - When collisions between two or more vehicles assigned to various units,
either in the Federal Capital or in the Great Buenos Aires, the summary will be
ordered by the official magazine that the quality of higher common to all of them.
In motor vehicle crashes of the institution that occurred in the interior of the
country, serve the delegation with territorial jurisdiction.
When a collision occurred, in the Federal Capital is found culpable homicide or injury
and damage, with or without the intervention of a third party, the administrative
proceedings will be carved by the unit that will embark on the instruction of the
corresponding summary prevention.
Art. 752. - The Police Station in whose radio occur the facts mentioned in the
preceding articles, mint would act in the respective form or records of exhibitions as
appropriate regardless of the administrative procedure.
Art. 753. - The unit assigned to the filmed Kamchatsky, shall: (
a) make the complaint to the relevant Committee within twenty-four (24) hours, in
case you have not filed in the same.
(b) communicating the fact by note to the Automotive Division, within a period of no
more than forty-eight (48) hours, providing brief account of the event, complete
data of the driver, patent number and internal of the shot; equal references of the
other party, number of your identity document and number of minutes of shock or
records of exhibitions.
The units of the interior of the country will advance the fact by radiogram and
subsequently ratified by note, and
(c) Studying communication to the dependence that exert control institution's
Art. 754. - In the shocks will be added to the administrative proceedings in drawing
or sketch of the scene, noting the position of the boulders at the time of the collision
and that in that were detained after with indication of the trajectory of the
displacement, if there were.
It was also added photographic view of the road police.
Art. 755. - The application of technical expertise to carry out of vehicles assigned to
units with a seat in the Federal Capital and in the Great Buenos Aires, will
teletipograficamente to the Automotive Division. In the interior of the country, the
valuation is carried out with two (2) technical and ad hoc ad honorem.
Art. 756. - The instructor will be available through the relevant unit it is practiced to
police personnel driver of a vehicle Kamchatsky, tests and examinations include
psycho necessary to evaluate your ability to handle. For staff in the interior of the
country will be taken into account the following: (
a) The delegations and units next to the Capital, will be able to satisfy the step
above, and
b) The remaining, only be sent to the drivers to recognition before the reiteration of
this type of facts or when the shock is such that by their characteristics, magnitude
and other circumstances, might do so desirable.
Art. 757. - The Automotive Division denounced the fact before the insurer within the
terms set out in the respective policy. In the interior of the country and to exist
delegation of the insurer, the complaint shall be given before the same, without
prejudice to the communication to the above-mentioned police unit.
The repair is completed shall be the skill of the work carried out through the
Automotive Division to check if that was conducted in accordance.
Delegations from the Federal Capital will make this check using the expert opinion
referred to in article 755 of this Regulation.
Art. 758. - In the event of a crash of police vehicles there will be no claims or
transactions or be recognized compensation, in accordance with the procedure to
determine the respective policy.
Art. 759. - In collisions in which the police vehicle not suffers damage, proceedings
will be instituted with the requirements set forth in this chapter.
Art. 760. - In the cases provided for in article 711, paragraph (c) of this regulation, is
a threat to the responsible civilly the payment in cash according to your guilt, of the
sum total or partial resulting. Funds obtained by assets subscribers and damage for
the good of the State, be paid to general income of the Nation. The corresponding to
your health care provider and/or placement the same fund and to the
Superintendency of welfare in parties proportionally equal.
Art. 761. - When breakdowns occur on weapons, clothing of the uniform, equipment
or other goods, for reasons attributable to individuals, the compensation shall be
collected only in cash, in accordance with the valuation made in each case by the
appropriate unit and in order to their responsibility.
Art. 762. - Before the negative or the silence of redress to the institution in the ways
described in the preceding articles, will be expressed on record of this in the
summary, in order to exercise the appropriate legal actions.
Facts with judicial intervention
Art. 763. - In all cases in which the staff will be prosecuted for vehicular traffic
offenses and concerned at the same time of facts by which must be initiated
proceedings for damages in State property, shall not apply the rules of article 717 of
this Regulation. Also, if in fact proves the injured police personnel, in the same
summary will be treated the consequent aspects related with the qualification of the
injuries suffered.
economic State
Art. 764. - The debts give rise to the pre-trial investigation and motivate the
imposition of punishment: (
a) when they are contracted by vicious reasons or irregular means.
(b) when they are contracted with people of ill-background or of questionable
conduct for the police;
(c) When mediaren credible complaints and repeated for that reason.
d) whenever contest civilly without knowledge of the leadership, and (
e) by a false statement to obtain loans or credits or ordinary extraordinary.
Outside of these cases the debts do not motivate proceedings.
Art. 765. - For the purposes of article 764, paragraph (d), shall be considered
disciplinary offense, even when justified the origin of the debt, having initiated civil
competition, without prior knowledge of leadership. In the communication detailing
the debts, its origin, name and surname of the creditors and all the data to explain
the economic situation of the person concerned.
Art. 766. - On receipt of a court order of however, the Office of the Superintendent
of staff shall notify the officials authorized to order the investigation of cases,
depending on the degree of the debtor, all the records that are mentioned in the
respective ex officio, to instruct proceedings. The Superintendency of staff, shall ex
officio to the Superintendent of finance for accounting purposes relevant.
The summary will be brief, synthetic, and must be completed within fifteen (15)
Art. 767. - In the event of being lifted the embargo the Superintendency of Staff,
communicate the situation to the instructor and the Office of the Superintendent of
Art. 768. - In cases of staff which has ceased to be a party to the institution, the
trades will be returned to the requesting agency record by becoming such a
circumstance, with mention of the date, the form of the separation of the
embargoed and last registered address in your subset staff, prior annotation in the
Art. 769. - In the embargoes will apply the following disciplinary penalties: (
a) First however: Warning or arrest up to fifteen (15) days;
(b) Second however: arrest up to thirty (30) days, and
(c) Third and subsequent embargo: arrest more than thirty (30) days or dismissal.
Art. 770. - For the purposes of the graduation of the penalty will be taken into
account as a mitigating circumstance, if the debt originated in an expenditure made
by reasons of shelter, clothing, food, essential household goods, medicines, medical
or dental care or funeral.
Art. 771. - However not liable to disciplinary sanction when the research is
established conclusively the existence of the following circumstances: that the debt
is incurred in one of the expenses mentioned in the previous article and that there is
a state of financial inability to cope with the same, alien to the normal expectations
of the debtor.
Art. 772. - The embargo does not constitute grounds for punishment when it proves
that is not had knowledge of the demand or that it was ordered that by mistake. The
office of the judge who would have it, with transcription of the auto by quashing the
measure, it will be added to the proceedings.
Art. 773. - The embargoes by food, and other not litisexpensas originated for debts
owed by the embargoed, not motivate research, except that at first sight disciplinary
Art. 774. - The Superintendent of Finance shall be forwarded monthly to the
Superintendency of Staff forms indicating the staff to which has been granted the
last installment of the embargo ordered.
retired personnel
Art. 775. - The staff in situation of withdrawal shall be subject to a disciplinary
sanction: (
a) In case of failure to comply with the duties and obligations outlined in articles 8
and 9 º, with the limitations of article 11, all of the law for the staff of the Argentine
Federal Police;
(b) when he is convicted of wilful misconduct or prosecuted for crimes that affect
the personal dignity or the prestige of the institution;
(c) When i lost the medal or credential that is credited as a member of the Argentine
Federal Police, in situation of withdrawal, or other item of the same that keep you in
his power, and (
d) where it contravenes provisions that specifically you will relate.
Art. 776. - If the withdrawn outside prosecuted for infamous, preemptive will
deprive them of the title of the degree, medal, credential and use of the uniform.
Art. 777. - The disciplinary sanctions for retirees, not to import the separation of
these of the institution, they shall be imposed directly by the head of the Argentine
Federal Police, avoiding, the delaying initiation of proceedings, except in the
circumstances referred to in article 778.
Art. 778. - The disciplinary sanctions to the withdrawn, shall be imposed prior
summary that will be instructed with the same formalities as for the staff at activity:
a) When the checking of the lack or imputation of disciplinary responsibility requires
the written investigation, and
b) In the cases referred to in article 775, paragraph (b).
Art. 779. - The body trainer will be the Disciplinary Board for retired personnel, to act
with secretary refrendante which shall be designated in each case.
Art. 780. - The penalty of imprisonment shall be accomplished in the place that
attach the head of the Argentine Federal Police, in accordance with the situation of
the originator and the characteristics of the fact.
Disciplinary Board for retired personnel
Art. 781. - The Council of discipline for the retired personnel shall be composed: (
a) for senior officers and heads: One (1) senior officer in activity as president and
two (2) senior officers retired as vowels. The members must be of a higher grade or
more seniority than the accused:
b) For junior officers: One (1) commissioner in activity as president and two (2)
official heads retired as vowels, and
c) for the junior staff: One (1) chief officer in activity as president and two (2) official
heads retired as vowels.
Art. 782. - Semi the head of the Argentine Federal Police shall appoint the staff
member that you may need to exercise the Presidency of the Council and the payroll
of the removed in terms of integrating it. In each case the President summoned the
payroll by successive order to those retirees who have to integrate the Council.
Art. 783. - The tips of discipline for the retired personnel will depend on the
leadership through the Superintendent of personnel. The findings will be relevant in
the form outlasted and will adjust their procedure as applicable to the established by
this legislation to the Council of discipline for the staff at activity. The proceedings,
once completed, will be elevated to that instance.
Art. 784. - The presidents of the Councils of discipline for the retired personnel,
inform it monthly to the leadership on the state of the causes that are in the
Art. 785. - The proceedings will be completed by the same Council of discipline for
the retired personnel that started, even if it had terminated its period. An exception
to this requirement when the President was transferred to the interior of the
country or for a chief officer to rise to senior officer.
Art. 786. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police before dictate resolution seek
the opinion of the Directorate General of Legal Affairs to whose effect is ruled, in
accordance with the requirements of article 775 of this Regulation.
Bodies of the disciplinary procedure Disciplinary Board to the staff at
Art activity. 787. - The Council of discipline be understood solely in the summary to
the senior staff educated in activity or retreat, in the assumptions of the article 598,
paragraph (b) of this Regulation.
Art. 788. - The Council shall be composed of Discipline: (
a) by the deputy head of the Argentine Federal Police as president and two (2)
commissioners general as vowels in addition to the head of the Directorate General
of Legal Affairs, when the person under investigation is the degree of commissioner
general or commissioner greater;
(b) by a (1) general commissioner as chairman and two (2) commissioners higher as
vowels, in addition to the head of the Directorate General of Legal Affairs, when the
person under investigation is the degree of commissioner inspector;
(c) by a (1) chief commissioner as chairman and two (2) commissioners inspectors as
vowels, in addition to one (1) counsel for the Directorate General of Legal Affairs,
when the person under investigation is the degree of commissioner or deputy
commissioner; (
d) By One (1) commissioner inspector as president and two (2) commissioners as
vowels, in addition to one (1) counsel for the Directorate General of Legal Affairs,
when the person under investigation is a junior officer, and (
e) when in the same summary had been requested dismissal or exemption for senior
staff in activity or withdrawal, to deny the Constitution of the Council meeting
scheduled for the highest ranking officer of in activity or withdrawal.
Art. 789. - The official of the Directorate General of Legal Affairs will integrate the
Council with voice but without vote, and may interrogate the investigated and
request the procedural measures as it deems desirable, on the body that it will solve
In the final report of the Council shall be recorded expresses its opinion.
Art. 790. - The member of the council whose excusing or disqualification has
prospered will be replaced by the equally follow him in turn.
Art. 791. - The members of the Council shall be appointed in the ranks of the
respective degree in successive order and each time should be established. When,
due to the application of the preceding article shall not be appointed an officer to
whom it may concern in the order of ranks, will be the immediate opportunity.
Art. 792. - The Superintendent of staff, will be responsible for the due performance
of this turn, performing in each case the relevant communications and putting the
contents available to the president of the Council.
Art. 793. - Except in the cases of excusing is mandatory for all official intervention as
a member of the Council of discipline, without prejudice to the performance of their
regular duties. Excepted are also senior officers and heads for the interior of the
Art. 794. - The president of the Council of Discipline at the beginning of his
performance in each case shall appoint the secretary acting that must be one (1)
officer not below the rank of Inspector.
Art. 795. - Are grounds for disqualification and excusing: (
a) The intimate friendship or manifest enmity with the accused or complainant;
(b) When the member of the Council had been tried administratively on the occasion
of an accusation of the accused now;
(c) The blood kinship within the fourth degree civil or of the second degree of affinity
or by adoption, with some of the parties; (
d) have attended any of the parties in other administrative disciplinary action; (
e) he had acted as an expert or witness in administrative action which involves; (
f) The has had an involvement or direct or indirect interest in the facts that, in the
opinion of the investigated, what renders them unfit to decide freely; (
g) be creditor, debtor and guarantor of any of the parties, And
h) Keep contentious issue or doubtful with any of the interested, or sustain
differences of interests.
Art. 796. - The challenges will be filed by the accused before the president of the
Council of Discipline, within twenty-four (24) business hours to be notified of the
constitution of the same and in writing in which also provide evidence that it
considers appropriate. After hearing the disqualified, the incident will be resolved by
the rest of the Council that may require the evidence previously offered if judged
necessary. If they were disqualified both members of the Council, this will be
integrated by those who follow in turn to the only effect of resolve the incident. If
the causal supervening or when it is known only by the part the apparent with the
justification of having newly come to their knowledge, may bring up to the opinion
of the Council.
Art procedure. 797. - In the cases that you role to play, once received the summary,
the Council will make the accused its constitution and will give you view of
proceedings by the end of three (3) business days. In the same act would bring date,
within three (3) business days for the audience that indicates the following article.
Art. 798. - In the audience that provides for the previous article, the full Council shall
receive of the accused's plea that provide in your defense in verbal or written form,
and may interrogate him or require clarifications that it deems appropriate. It is mint
would act of everything exposed, to be signed by all those present. In the same
ceremony the accused may request test measures.
Art. 799. - The Council must be fundamentally resolved in accordance with the
records and without appeal, on the origin of the action being requested, and may
dispose by whether the measures that are necessary to bring the facts to light. If it
does happen to place the test will be offered new view the accused with the same
requirements and rights laid down in article 655 of this Regulation.
Art. 800. - If the accused is intended in the interior of the country, it must be
presented at the seat of the Council, to the purposes specified in articles 797, 798,
799 of these regulations.
Art. 801. - With the results of the hearing or produced the new proof in your case,
the Council shall deliver its opinion was founded in the manner set out in article 653,
bringing it to the head of the Argentine Federal Police for their resolution.
If there is no unanimity in the views of the members of the Council, shall be
recorded separately or dissenting opinions, they are already full or partial.
Art. 802. - The proceedings of the Council should last no more than ten (10) working
days in total except when it is in accordance with article 623 of this regulation, in
which case be delayed for the time strictly necessary.
requested administrative proceedings
Article. 803. - The summary judgment on the behavior of police personnel, will be
reserved exclusively to the field of the Argentine Federal Police.
Art. 804. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police shall authorize the remission of
authenticated copies of the summary when they were requested by judges or other
authorities in causes that are theirs.
Such authorization shall be followed if the request was made by the track of direct
dependence of the Argentine Federal Police and consistent with the provisions in
On the assumption that the summary is in period of instruction, in order to avoid
delays in processing, will be sent certified copy of the acted up to that time.
Transitional rules
Article. 805. - Yes, to the date of entry into force of this regulation is found in
processing disciplinary proceedings, shall apply in the same regard of the staff and
those rules that are more favorable.
of the general social work in
chapter I
of the late
Art. 806. - It is the mission of the Superintendency of welfare to recongnize moral
and material welfare of the members of the institution and its relatives, through the
provision of social services and health care.
Art. 807. - Without prejudice to extend their capabilities to other aspects are not
listed, but compatible with the nature of its mission, the Office of the
Superintendent of Welfare will be as essential purposes: (
a) social assistance;
(b) Assistance to the children or orphans of the affiliates;
(c) assistance for the elderly and the handicapped; (
d) of leisure centers and sports fields; (
e) colonies of holidays and rest; (
f) tourism; (
g) Subsidies;
(h) Aid for burial expenses; aid by mourning and burial in pantheons; (
i) bonds; (
j) medical care in homes and clinics;
k) assistance in dental clinics that are established;
l) pharmacy services;
ll) Convenience Store items for the family economy;
m) housing; property management, construction and mortgage loans;
n) Loans and credits;
n) savings bank;
or) free legal clinic and sponsorship at trial;
p) comprehensive medical care in the police hospital complex, and
q) offsets and refunds for extraordinary expenses.
of the categories of participants and beneficiaries
Art. 808. - Mandatory will be affiliated to the Superintendency of well-being:
a) The staff in activity of the Argentine Federal Police, the housing of retreats,
Retirement and Pension System of the Federal Police and the Superintendence of
the Welfare funds with remunerated themselves, and
(b) the staff appointed for specified periods.
Art. 809. - May voluntarily join: (
a) The retired personnel with the right to have or retired in the Argentine Federal
Police, the retired civilian personnel of the same, in the case of retreats, Retirement
and Pension System of the Federal Police and the of the Superintendency of wellbeing, whatever the pension system, and the beneficiaries of the article 1 of the
4235th law ;
(b) the pensioners of the deceased staff in activity, the staff referred to in the
preceding paragraph and the beneficiaries of article 2 of law 4235TH ;
(c) the wife of the main affiliate declared innocent in the case of divorce or
separation, if was the beneficiary before the judicial sentence, except to enjoy the
benefits of other social work Or similar entity; (
d) the bereaved families of the deceased staff without the right to pension, provided
that the time of death would have been declared by the main affiliate as
dependants, as provided under article 814, and (
e) The hired by the Superintendency of Welfare, except without the professional
relationship of dependency unless they were beneficiaries of another social work or
similar entity.
Art. 810. - Affiliate will be the honorary Head of the Argentine Federal Police, except
when it would have been official of the institution. In addition those who founded by
resolution of the Head are declared such by be benefactors of the Superintendency
of welfare.
Art. 811. - The retirement with the right to have or the retirement of a mandatory
affiliate, or understood in subparagraph (e) of article 809, the deployment of full
right in the conditions of article 809, paragraph (a) except demonstration written
Art. 812. - Not prescribe the right to request membership of the persons included in
article 809.
Art. 813. - The duration of the processing of pension, the interested will enjoy the
benefits provided by the Superintendency of Welfare, always pay the installments.
Only may request their own affiliation when they obtain the pension.
Art. 814. - The affiliated major may enroll as dependants to: (
a) The wife;
(b) husband smoker or totally and permanently disabled for the job, which lacks
appeal and do not enjoy the benefits of other social work or similar entity;
c) unmarried children who are under age, or older when they were totally and
permanently disabled for the job and not previously enjoyed in relation to the
benefits of other social work or similar entity; (
d) The unmarried children, higher until the twenty-six (26) years, if cursaren regular
surveys of tertiary level or university, and
e) Minors under saves granted by competent authority.
Art. 815. - Participants in the previous article may also include: (
a) the parents;
(b) The stepchildren in the conditions of the subparagraphs (c) and (d) of the
previous article, if they were solely responsible, and
c) unmarried brothers, totally and permanently disabled for work, which do not
enjoy the benefits of other social work or similar entity, if they are exclusively
Art. 816. - The right of inclusion that attends to the affiliated major under articles
814 and 815 involves the power to exclude the beneficiaries.
Art. 817. - The main affiliates that include relatives by application of articles 814 and
815 are required to demonstrate the requirements through affidavit and relevant
documentation. The Superintendency of welfare may provide verification measures
that are relevant.
Art. 818. - The family members included in the conditions of article 815, shall be
entitled to the service of placement in hospitals, nursing homes or hospitals, after six
(6) months of its inclusion.
of the membership fees
Article. 819. - Mandatory participants will pay a monthly fee equivalent to three
percent (3 %) of the assets earned by all concept, except family allowances,
operational efficiency, compensation, provided for in article 388 of this Regulation
and any other supplement of particular character.
Art. 820. - The affiliated volunteers covered in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of article
809, shall pay a monthly fee equivalent to three percent (3) of its having retirement,
retirement or pension.
Resolution 56/78
Art. 821. - The other affiliated volunteers be paid the following monthly installments:
a) The covered in subparagraph (c) of article 809, the three percent (3) of the assets
to perceive their husband;
(b) The covered by subparagraph (d) be paid in whole share the date of the bereaved
family with right to pension, calculated on the highest seniority of the staff of the
same rank or position that the deceased; and
c) The covered in subparagraph (e) the three percent (3) of the wages paid.
Art. 822. - The main affiliates to include in its tab of family relatives covered in article
815, paid for each one of them fifty percent (50) of the share that they are taxed.
Art. 823. - The perception of the assessments must be carried out as follows:
a) The staff in activity of the Argentine Federal Police and their families shall be
deducted by payroll by the Superintendent of Finance, which will transfer the
proceeds to the order of their equal of Welfare, in the bank account you designate,
from 1 to 10 of each month;
(b) of the beneficiaries and staff of the Fund of retreats, Retirement and Pension
System of the Federal Police and their families, by the same box that will transfer the
funds in the same manner and time of the preceding paragraph;
(c) The staff paid with his own funds of the Superintendency of well-being, for this to
be credited the Funds in the account and time of the above paragraphs, and
d) The other affiliates will be paid by them in the office that enable the
superintendency of Welfare, from 1 to 10 of each month.
of the disciplinary measures
Art. 824. - The affiliated volunteers and family members of affiliated compulsory or
voluntary beneficiaries of the Superintendency of welfare, they may be subject to
the following penalties: (
a) Warning;
b) Suspension of up to ninety (90) days, and
(c) exclusion.
Art. 825. - The suspension involves loss, duration, of all the rights that this regulation
and the provisions may be enacted in consequence recognize to the Affiliate or the
beneficiary. Does not relieve him of the payment of your membership fee. If the
participant dies during the suspension their successors shall enjoy the benefits that
might accrue.
Art. 826. - Will the application of sanctions by the commission of the following
offenses: (
a) commit harmful acts for the heritage or prestige of the Office of the
Superintendent of Welfare;
(b) Seek or obtain some benefit with deception;
(c) to observe a conduct in any way detrimental to the interests of the
Superintendency of welfare or other affiliates or beneficiaries, and
d) miss the consideration and respect due to officials or employees of the
Superintendency of welfare.
Art. 827. - Disciplinary sanctions shall be imposed by the head of the Argentine
Federal Police, taking into account for your graduation the nature and seriousness of
the infraction, the injury that has occurred, the previous behavior of the deceased
and the other elements of trial required.
The disciplinary procedure shall conform, as soon as they are not incompatible, to
the standards of the police regime.
Art. 828. - When the offenses referred to in this chapter are committed by affiliated
mandatory, the sanctions will be applied in accordance with the disciplinary regime
to which they are subjected by its situation of magazine.
of the cessation of affiliation and reaffiliation
Art. 829. - Mandatory affiliates cease by resignation, low, unemployment or
The reinstatement of those who have ceased as mandatory affiliates, determine its
re as such, without being able to compute the time between the date of separation
and of reinstatement. It shall be counted in change of affiliation as old the time prior
to the cessation of the same.
Art. 830. - In cases of dismissal, if the causes are entitled to have in retirement may
be admitted as affiliated volunteers.
Art. 831. - The affiliated volunteers will lose this character by resignation, exclusion,
unemployment or exemption according to the case. Also by owe more than six (6)
membership fees. In the latter case may be UNJSPF participants once, upon payment
of the amount owed on the basis of the membership fee in force at the time of their
readmission more interest, on the resulting amount set by the Bank of the Argentine
Nation for deposits made to this date by the Superintendency of welfare.
Art. 832. - The membership fees will lose such character, by resignation, cease in
office or exclusion.
Art. 833. - Those who renounce their voluntary affiliation may not apply in any case
the reaffiliation.
Art. 834. - The loss of the affiliation matters the expiration of the rights that agreed
to this Regulation, without refund of contributions.
Art. 835. - With the ceasefire main affiliate automatically terminate the rights of the
families included in the conditions of articles 814 and 815.
of the rights of participants and beneficiaries
Art. 836. - The main affiliate designation applies only to the covered by articles 808,
paragraph (a) and 809 (a).
Art. 837. - Participants and their families shall have the right to the benefits
conferred by the Superintendency of welfare with arrangements to the
specifications and limitations of this chapter and in accordance with the special rules
that the nature and purpose of each of them necessary to establish.
Art. 838. - The affiliates of the article 808, paragraph (a) and article 809, paragraph
(a), except the pupils of the School of cadets and aspiring agent shall enjoy all the
benefits and services set forth in article 807. Equal right will have the affiliates of
article 809, paragraph (b) except subsidies.
Art. 839. - The affiliates included in article 808, paragraph (b), the cadets at the
school and the aspirants to agent, shall be entitled to the benefits and services set
out in article 807, with the exception of the following: (
a) deposit for rentals;
b) mortgage loans, and
(c) loans and credits.
Art. 840. - The affiliated volunteers covered by subparagraph (d) of article 809 and
two family members included in the conditions of articles 814 and 815, shall have
the right to enjoy the following benefits and services: (
a) social assistance;
(b) Assistance to the children or orphans of members;
(c) assistance for the elderly and the handicapped; (
d) of leisure centers and sports fields; (
e) colonies of holidays and rest; (
f) medical care in homes and clinics;
g) placement in the police hospital complex and in other hospitals and sanatoriums;
(h) assistance in dental clinics that are set;
i) pharmacy services; and
j) Convenience Store.
Participants included in the subparagraphs (c) and (e) of article 809, shall also be
entitled to:
k) grants, and
l) Aid for burial expenses or help by mourning and burial in pantheons.
of the funds and
Art resources. 841. - For the fulfilment of its mission the Superintendency of Welfare
will be with the resources provided for under Title VI, chapter III of this regulation,
the Decree N° 4836/73 and concordant and others that may be established, which
shall be deposited in the Bank of the Argentine Nation.
Art. 842. - The management and disposition of the funds of the preceding article,
shall be as prescribed in the act of accounting of the Nation, its regulations and the
provisions of this chapter.
Art. 843. - The funds of the Superintendency of Welfare will be administered through
a bank account called collections of the Superintendency of welfare that: (
a) shall be credited with the funds of the article 841 and reintegration of services
(b) will be deducted with the amounts that will be delivered monthly, within ten (10)
days following the date of collection, in the following proportions and concepts:
1. To the Directorate General of Social Work the sixty percent (60) of the total
amount raised by contributions affiliates of mandatory, volunteers and family
members covered in article 815; ten percent (10) of the total collected by
contributions of the Decree N° 4835/73 and reimbursement of their benefits.
2. To the Directorate General for Health seventy percent (70) of the total collected
by contributions of the Decree N° 4835 /73.
3. To the Mutual Aid Division forty percent (40) of the total amount raised by
contributions affiliates of mandatory, volunteers and family members covered in
article 815 and reinstatements of their benefits.
4. To the Division Social pharmacy twenty percent (20) of the total collected by
contributions of the Decree N° 4835/73 and reinstatements of their benefits.
5. With distributions that are met with the remnant of the resources for the
fulfillment of the purposes of the Superintendency of being included in this concept
the payments by profits, interest, acquisitions, remuneration, allowances, fees and,
in general, necessary expenses in the administrative and technical professional; as
well as the originating in compelling needs for any of the dependencies of the
Superintendency, even the holders of encumbrances that secures this article,
provided that they are not expressly provided for in the budget for expenses of the
Argentine Federal Police.
The movement of the account shall be made to the joint order of the chief of the
Superintendency of welfare or head of the Directorate General of Social Work and
the head of the Department Financial and Economic.
of the provision of funds
Art. 844. - The Superintendent of welfare is empowered to perform all the necessary
contracts and procurement for the fulfillment of its purposes, with charge to the
items in its collections, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the
general regulations on the disposal of funds that may be issued by the Head of the
Argentine Federal Police.
For the defense of the interests of the agency on official exercise its address, you will
have the legal capacity sufficient and assume the legal and administrative
representation needed.
Art. 845. - Any purchase, sale, convention on the provision of species or provision of
services will be delivered according to their nature, importance, urgency,
convenience and other circumstances to be determined by the internal rules that
dictate the Head of the Argentine Federal Police, through:
a) competitive bidding;
b) private tender;
c) competitions of prices, or
d) direct recruitment.
Art. 846. - In the management and disposition of funds of the Superintendency of
Welfare, will intervene with character must be a Council of Management, whose
presidency will in all cases the head of the Superintendency of welfare. When these
operations are linked with the Directorate General of Social Work, the head of this
will be their vice president and the heads of the Departments of benefits, assistance
and economic and financial audit of the Division members.
When these operations are linked with the Directorate General for Health the police
chief of this will be his vice president, acting as vowels the heads of the Economic
Financial departments, Medical Complex Churruca-Visca Police and Audit Division.
This Council, in addition to the intervention that it is necessary of the article 847, it
may be convened by its president when deemed necessary or desirable, and may
dispose the expansion of its integration with officials of the Superintendency with
specific knowledge in the field or item that concerned.
Art. 847. - The purchases, sales and other recruitment referred to in article 845, shall
be previously authorized, approved and awarded according to the sums stops
resulting from the application of the following scale relating to the maximum quota
of tuning corresponding to one (1) commissioner general in activity: (
a) up to sixty (60) times the contributions:
1. Prior Authorization: heads of the directorates-general for Social Work or Police
2. Approval and/or adjudication: head of the Superintendency of Welfare;
(b) up to one hundred and fifty (150) times the share:
1. Prior Authorization: Board of Directors.
2. Approval and/or adjudication: head of the Superintendency of Welfare;
(c) up to three hundred (300) times the share:
1. Prior Authorization: Head of the Superintendency of Welfare, on the proposal of
the Board of Directors.
2. Approval and/or adjudication: deputy chief of the Argentine Federal Police, on the
proposal of the Board of Directors; (
d) up to seven hundred (700) times the share:
1. Prior Authorization: Head of the Superintendency of Welfare, on the proposal of
the Board of Directors.
2. Approval and/or adjudication: Head of the Argentine Federal Police, on the
proposal of the deputy chief, and (
e) more than seven hundred (700) times the share:
1. Prior Authorization: Deputy Chief of the Argentine Federal Police, on the proposal
of the Council of Administration.
2. Approval and/or adjudication: Minister of the Interior, on the proposal of the
Chief of the Argentine Federal Police.
The processing of the recruitment is to be conducted with the intervention of the
Financial Department.
The provisions of this article, shall apply for reimbursement of costs to the affiliates
by services provided by third parties, except when authorized by the internal rules in
general such refunds.
Art. 848. - Regardless of the provisions in the article above the head of the Argentine
Federal Police, will establish a special regime of purchases for the Divisions
Drugstore, Pharmacy Social and mutual aid, with the aim of facilitating the
development of these units.
Within these regulations shall provide for the commissions of shopping or boards of
directors, depending on the amount or nature of the operations.
Art. 849. - Annually, at the end of the exercise, the Superintendency of Welfare shall
prepare a report and balance sheet of the same, which after approved by the head
will be publicized to the participants and beneficiaries.
of the benefits in particular
Chapter I
of the social assistance to the
Art staff. 850. - The social assistance to the participants and their families will be as
essential purposes:
) to intervene on the occasion of economic problems, social, educational or similar,
interviewing stakeholders and practicing the steps that tend to your solution;
b) to investigate the underlying causes of the problems to enable the defense of
personal interests affected by damaging or unfortunate factors, and
(c) lead to the homes the moral support of the Institution, orienting, educating and
seeking to the assisted the solution of their problems through the application of a
social therapy quickly and effectively.
of the assistance to the children or orphans of affiliated
Art. 851. - Assistance to the children or orphans of affiliates will be designed to
protect, educate and prepare physically, morally and intellectually to the minors in
the provisions of this chapter, in order to enable them to perform successfully in life
and be useful to the fatherland and to society.
Art. 852. - The assistance will be provided in homes police, only and exclusively for
children under the age of eighteen (18) years, whose parents or guardians duly
justified the inability to provide for their education and maintenance, and in
accordance with the specifications in due course they will be regulated.
Art. 853. - The Superintendent of Welfare will prolong the action of social assistance
beyond the police homes, directing the graduates to the first stage of its life of the
city, so that they can function smoothly and profitably unwrap their natural
aptitudes by applying the knowledge acquired.
of the assistance for the elderly and the handicapped
Art. 854. - Assistance to the elderly and disabled will be provided in establishments
that will have the mission to provide to the internees a calm existence, within a
regime of methodical and hygienic life.
of the recreation centers and sports fields
Article. 855. - The recreation centers and sports fields will be to make it easier for
affiliates sports practices in all its manifestations.
of holiday camps and
Art sleep. 856. - The empowerment of holiday camps will be designed to provide
children a healthy period of outdoor life, during which they can take advantage of
the benefits of the maritime climate of plain or mountain.
of the
Art tourism. 857. - The Superintendent of Welfare will organize tourism services in
such a way that affiliates can enjoy their annual holiday in economic conditions.
The Superintendent may finance the cost of this service, do so on preferential terms
if the tourism had therapeutic purpose.
Art. 858. - For the purposes of the preceding article will hire hotels in the main
tourist centers throughout the country. Also maintain relations with official agencies
to facilitate the concurrency to establishments of the same.
Art. 859. - Agree with hotels and tourism agencies and transport the necessary for its
use advantageous by the participants and their family, even for trips to the Federal
Capital and the outside.
Art. 860. - The Superintendent of Welfare will be able to absorb a percentage of the
agreed prices with hotels, travel agencies and transport companies, to the extent
that it is set in accordance with its economic potential.
Art. 861. - Timely will be releasing the payroll of the establishments employed,
current prices, periods of stay and other conditional to agree, determined the shape
and the time in which interested persons must submit an application.
of the
Art grants. 862. - The granting of subsidies provided for in article 807 (g), shall
conform to the provisions of this chapter.
Art. 863. - In the event of the death of a compulsory or voluntary affiliate covered
under subparagraphs (a) or (e) of article 809, with less than five (5) years of age in
this character the beneficiaries mentioned in article 866 shall be entitled to a onetime, the following subsidies, according to the procedure laid down in article 865: (
a) once the average salary, when instituting until (1) year old;
b) one and a half times the average salary levels, when he has more than one (1)
year and up to two (2) age;
(c) two times the average salary, when it would have more than two years and up to
three (3) age; (
d) Two and a half times the Average salaries, when he has more than three (3) years
and up to four (4) of antiquity, and
e) three times the average salary levels, when he has more than four (4) years of
Art. 864. - In the event of the death of affiliates referred to in the previous article
with five (5) or more years old in this character, the successors referred to in Article
866 shall have the right, by a single time to perceive the following subsidies,
according to the procedure laid down in article 865:
Five (5) years: Twenty-two (22) times the sixteen percent (16) of the average salary.
Six (6) years: Twenty-two (22) times the eighteen percent (18) of the average salary.
Seven (7) years: Twenty-two (22) times the twenty percent (20) of the average
Eight (8) years: Twenty-two (22) times the twenty percent (22) of the average salary.
Nine (9) years: Twenty-two (22) times twenty-four percent (24) of the average
Ten (10) years: Twenty-two (22) times the twenty percent (26) of the average salary.
Eleven (11) years: Twenty-two (22) times twenty-eight percent (28) of the average
Twelve (12) years: Twenty-three (23) times the thirty percent (30) of the average
Thirteen (13) years: Twenty-four (24) times the thirty percent (30) of the average
Fourteen (14) years: Twenty-five (25) times the thirty percent (30) of the average
Fifteen (15) years: Twenty (26) times the thirty percent (30) of the average salary.
Sixteen (16) years: Twenty seven (27) times the thirty percent (30) of the average
Seventeen (17) years: Twenty-eight (28) times the thirty percent (30) of the average
Eighteen (18) years: Twenty-nine (29) times the thirty percent (30) of the average
Nineteen (19) years: Thirty (30) times the thirty percent (30) of the average salary.
Twenty (20) years: Thirty-one (31) times the thirty percent (30) of the average salary.
Twenty-one (21) years: Thirty-two (32) times the thirty percent (30) of the average
Twenty-two (22) years or more thirty-three (33) times the thirty percent (30) of the
average salary.
In all cases of seniority shall be computed by years integers or fraction not less than
six (6) months.
Art. 865. - The subsidies provided for in articles 863 and 864 shall be settled as
a) If the cause be credited less than one (1) year of age, take into account the
average of the salaries for the provided membership fee during the months that was
affiliated; and
(b) If the cause be credited more than one (1) year of age, will be taken into account
the average of the salaries for the provided membership fee during the last twelve
(12) months.
Art. 866. - The subsidies of articles 863 and 864, will be settled to the people
mentioned below in order exclusive. In the case of concurrency is prorated: (
a) to the surviving spouse in concurrence with the unmarried children younger or
older up to the twenty-six (26) years if cursaren regular surveys of tertiary level or
university, or older disabled for work, and
(b) to the parents in concurrence with the friars minor unmarried older or disabled
for the job.
Art. 867. - The spouse or divorced will lose the right to grant when the judicial
sentence had pleaded guilty.
Committal orders when de facto separation also lose their right the guilty spouse of
the separation. In the latter case the interested may accredit his right by summary
information, in accordance with the procedure that attach the internal regulation.
Art. 868. - To apply for the grant applicants must be legally justified its kinship with
the affiliate and fill the conditions that determine the Superintendency of welfare.
The beneficiaries will concur to exercise his right under the situation at the day of
the death of the originator.
Art. 869. - The allowance will be paid to the beneficiaries capable without any
further requirements that the verification of their identity. If they were incapable
payment shall be made to their legal representatives to prove judicially be
empowered to effect.
The beneficiaries unable to attend personally may grant with officials of the
Superintendency of Welfare, power of attorney in favor of blood relatives to the
third degree, empowering them to perceive.
Art. 870. If, before the payment of the subsidy is seised may other people testing
equal or better right, the Superintendency of Welfare would proceed accordingly. If
the payment of the grant shall be staged, the subsequent presentation of these
people do not generate any responsibility for the Superintendence of welfare for the
payment made wholly or partially.
In the cases referred to in article 863 the allowance will be paid at once.
The allowance of article 864 is settled also in once, except that the financial
resources of the Superintendency of welfare do not permit. In this case will be
settled in no more than ten (10) equal installments, consecutive monthly.
When void the one of the partners of the subsidies provided for in articles 863 and
864, your parties will augment the work of others.
Art. 871. - The rights to the subsidies of articles 863 and 864 shall be barred if they
are not claimed within one year from the date of death.
Art. 872. - The right to grant it is extinguished, if prior to the claim occurred some of
the situations listed below: (
a) Due to death of the beneficiary;
(b) for the surviving spouse: by remarriage or marital life in fact;
c) For the children by age of majority, marriage or marital life in fact, the
abandonment of the tertiary studies or regular university or recovery of your
capacity for work; (
d) For the brothers: by a majority of age, marriage or marital life in fact or recovery
of your capacity for work, and (
e) By indignity or disqualification, decreed judicially.
Art. 873. - Mandatory participants and volunteers covered by subparagraph (e) of
article 809, which is total overthrow and permanently for all work shall be entitled to
grant established in articles 863 and 864, according to their age. Total perception of
the grant by the affiliate extinguishes the right of their relatives. If the perception is
partial, the right shall be reduced to the shares not perceived.
of the aid for funeral and burial in pantheons
Art. 874. - In the event of the death of a compulsory or voluntary affiliate covered
under subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) or (e) of article 809, shall be paid to the
beneficiaries of aid for burial expenses, a sum equal to the salary or have retirement,
retirement or pension from the time of his death.
When the death occurs in a distant point to more than one hundred (100) kilometers
from the place where is located the habitual residence of the deceased and/or are
located the mourners, the aid for burial expenses or help by mourning - as
appropriate, shall be increased by fifty percent (50) in concept of relocation
Equal benefit will be settled in aid for mourning, in the cases in that any man giveth
the situation envisaged by article 431 of this Regulation.
Art. 875. - The benefits of the above items may not be less than, nor exceed the
limits set by the Head of the Argentine Federal Police who may increase them
according to needs and resources.
Art. 876. - The Superintendent of welfare may provide for the payment of larger
amounts for services that need to hire directly to affiliated compulsory or voluntary
covered in subparagraphs (a), (b) or (e) of article 809 when not exist or is
desconocieren or not met their relatives, or did not have the resources. In these
cases it will affect your payment all benefit established in article 874 and the
allowance provided for in articles 863 and 864, to cover the total amount paid.
Art. 877. - In cases involving the death of family members included in the conditions
of articles 814 and 815, the Superintendency of welfare may grant the main affiliate
that does not qualify for the benefits of personal loan, an extraordinary credit to the
attention of the burial expenses.
This credit may be up to two (2) months' salary, retirement and must be returned up
to ten (10) monthly installments without interest.
Art. 878. - The burial in the pantheons of the Superintendency of Welfare, shall
conform to the rules that set the internal regulation.
of the surety
Art. 879. - Bail for location of buildings shall be provided without charge to the
participants required except cadets, aspiring to agent and affiliates of article 808,
paragraph (p), and volunteers covered in subparagraphs (a), (b) or (e) of article 809.
Art. 880. - The amount of the monthly rent may not exceed one third of the salary,
retirement, pension or retirement of the participant. To compensate for the
disbursements to be made because of the bond, the Superintendency of welfare
may directly seek the relevant discount of the assets of the entrenched, who will
give effect to the corresponding authorization.
The loss of the nature of an affiliate of the strengthened by any cause whatever, will
expire the bail.
Art. 881. - The Superintendent of welfare may grant to the affiliates referred to in
article 879, in the terms of this chapter and others that set the internal regulations
of surety bonds for operations that take credit by borrowing money or buying goods
before government agencies, the State-owned companies or entities covered by the
law 21,526 .
of the medical and dental care in homes and offices
Art. 882. - The medical and dental assistance shall be provided at the mandatory and
voluntary participants and family members included in the conditions of articles 814
and 815 in the ways that sets the present and in the internal rules dictate.
of the placement in hospitals or sanatoriums
Art. 883. - For greater efficiency of the services provided under this chapter and
comfort of the beneficiaries, areas will be established or radios with an indication of
the professional and service hours.
Art. 884. - Assistance will also, according to the internal rules that dictate, the
granting of the following benefits: (
a) medical and dental care, and residential care services for medical treatment or
surgical intervention in hospitals or clinics in the interior of the country;
(b) costs by absorption of surgical interventions or studies, specialized that could not
be achieved within the Complex Police Doctor Churruca-Visca ;
c) Reinstatement by placement of mentally ill; (
d) reimbursement for expenses of treatments of sick oligofrenicos; (
e) reimbursement of costs for treatments rehabilitantes; (
f) reimbursement for expenses of electrocardiograms, x-rays, physical therapy and
g) reimbursement of costs by transfer of affiliates retired, retired or pensioned and
family that, residents in the interior of the country, need to attend to your
Assistance to the Medical Complex Churruca-Visca police or another place, as well as
those of a family member or accompanying person if necessary;
h) placement and treatment of patients affected by tuberculosis in specialized
stores, and
i) reimbursement of costs for acquisition, replacement, or settlement of prostheses.
The enunciation precedent does not exclude other benefits in this field can be
recognized by internal arrangements.
Art. 885. - The placement in the police hospital complex and other establishments in
the Superintendency of Welfare shall be governed by the provisions of the relevant
internal regulations.
The internment of affiliates in other medical institutions shall conform to the regime
that timely services shall establish the Superintendency of Welfare, in compliance
with the requirements of this chapter.
The need for admission shall be prepared in all cases by doctors of the
Superintendency of welfare.
Art. 886. - The Superintendent of Welfare will maintain surveillance on the internees
in hospitals, especially in the case of orphans, the elderly or disabled, in order to
verify the attention that they are treated.
of the assistance in dental clinics
Art. 887. - The dental service will be provided in the clinics of the Superintendency of
Welfare, in accordance with the relevant internal regulations and in the clinics hired
by the same, in accordance with the scheme of assistance of this chapter.The
Superintendency of Welfare will organize the dental care following the system laid
down in article 883.
of the pharmacy services and other
Art. 888. - The services of the Pharmacy of the Hospital Complex Police Social
pharmacy and the pharmacies attached may be used by the participants in
accordance with the internal rules of the Superintendency of welfare.
Art. 889. - The Superintendent of Welfare shall agree with pharmaceutical
establishments of other social projects or similar entities, the granting of special
discounts on behalf of their beneficiaries.
Art. 890. - The outlays that recognize their origin in the acquisition of prostheses,
surgical interventions, hospitalizations and treatments provided by third parties on
the occasion of accidents or diseases associated with the service, will be met by the
Argentine Federal Police, through the Office of the Superintendent of Finance,
without prejudice to the advancement that the Superintendence of welfare may
carry out in favor of the affiliate, to whose rights shall be subrogated to the
Art. 891. - The Superintendent of Welfare, endeavor to the granting of other services
and reimbursement of expenses for services provided by third parties that although
not expressly provided for shall be complementary to the assistance sets this
of the
Art convenience store. 892. - The sourcing service will be provided by means of a
unit designated for this purpose, making it easier for the participants in the
acquisition of goods and items for the home, in the best conditions of price and form
of payment.
The articles shall be sold with the indispensable surcharge to cover administration
Art. 893. - The convenience store should be what is necessary with shops in plaza for
the acquisition by the affiliates of items which are not selling in the same through
purchase orders. Agree with manufacturers, importers, distributors, wholesalers or
retailers, the granting of special discounts for members.
Sales shall be made on the spot, current account or credit. The granting of payment
facilities shall be governed by the regulation of the unit.
of the housing and mortgage finance
Article. 894. - The mortgage lending will be adjusted to the current rules on
Art. 895. - The Superintendent of welfare may hold ad referendum, from the
leadership, the legal acts that tend to the better compliance of the intended target
in the (m) of article 807. It may also invest its own funds in housing plans for the
official staff of the institution for the purchase, construction, expansion or
renovation of buildings.
of loans
Article. 896. - The Superintendent of Welfare will grant loans to its affiliates in the
form and conditions that are determined in this chapter and in the internal rules
Art. 897. - Ordinary loans agreed to mandatory participants and volunteers covered
in subparagraphs (a), (b) or (e) of article 809, depending on their age and level of
salary, retirement, retirement or pension.
Art. 898. - Regular loans will be awarded up to a sum equivalent to two hundred
(200) times the share traded the affiliate. The Chief shall determine the amount of
the same, the regime of depreciation and the interest rate applicable.
Art. 899. - The loans provided for in this chapter will be awarded to single signature.
Art. 900. - The Superintendent of welfare may deny loan applications from affiliates
that are seized or processed or by any other circumstance that renders doubtful
whether the reinstatement in regulatory conditions.
Art. 901. - The Superintendent of Welfare shall certify the credits directly to give the
affiliates in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
of the Caja de Ahorros
Art. 902. - The Superintendent of welfare may receive its affiliates deposits of money
in savings, in accordance with the scheme of this chapter and the internal rules that
are established.
Art. 903. - Participants may request them by payroll deduct salary and they are
credited to savings amounts that wish to deposit. The Superintendency of Welfare
will determine the minimum amounts of acceptance.
The interest rate will be determined by the chieftaincy in accordance with the needs,
conveniences and variations of plaza. The microcap stocks will be carried out
biannually to the June 30 and December 31 of each year.
On the movement of the accounts only provide reports to their holders and persons
that they authorize.
of the legal clinics
Art. 904. - The Superintendent of Welfare will provide free legal advice and will
organize the sponsorship and representation in view of the affiliates.
Art. 905. - Representation and/or sponsorship will be without any outlay expenses
except breakdown, with respect to:
a) Information summary;
(b) evictions, when the affiliate would be sued;
c) uprising of embargoes, and (
d) when the affiliate enjoyment litigation without cost.
Art. 906. - For the judicial proceedings in matters not covered in the preceding
articles, participants represented and/or sponsors should pay the tariff that set the
Eighty percent (80) of the fee shall be prorated among the lawyers of the unit.
Twenty percent (20) remaining will go to the library of the unit and to meet other
needs to do to improve its service.
Art. 907. - When the affiliates they entrust the care of a legal matter covered by the
provisions of this chapter, will sign an authorization in which shall be indicated: (
a) its obligation to confront the cost breakdown;
(b) its obligation to pay the fees resulting from the tariff of article 906; and
c) its commitment to collaborate with maximum diligence in all aspects of
Art. 908. - The Superintendent of Welfare shall provide for the cessation of the
sponsorship or representation exercised when they deviate from the directives
provided by the service professionals.
Art. 909. - The Superintendent of welfare does not intervene in the following cases: (
a) In criminal cases;
(b) In cases in which the national state, provincial governments and the
municipalities, their dependencies or enterprises, have conflicting interests with
those of the affiliated;
c) In cases where the parties with competing interests are affiliated to the
Superintendency of welfare, and (
d) when reasons of professional ethics so advise.
General Provisions
Article. 910. - The Superintendent of Welfare grant and provide the benefits and
services referred to in article 807, according to their resources and the development
of care plan.
Art. 911. - The head of the household, as proposed by the Superintendence of
Welfare, will determine the speed of the different services.
Art. 912. - To the partners of the former mutuality of the Federal Police and Staff Coop Limited Federal Police, who are unable to join the Office of the Superintendent of
welfare, they will only be agreed between the rights deriving from that character.
Pay the fee corresponding to a affiliate in activity of rank or position equivalent to
the one they had on leaving the institution and of the same age.
Art. 913. - To obtain the benefits or services to which they have the right
stakeholders may be made directly to the various units of the Superintendency of
welfare or, in your case to professionals or houses contracted.
Art. 914. - The Superintendent of Personnel communicate with urgent and reserved
his equal of well-being for its annotation in the subsets of participants receiving
offices of embargoes, initiation of administrative inquiries or any other circumstance
which may affect the administrative status of the staff. Other police departments
also notify any other circumstance which is apparent in the tabs of the affiliates.
Art. 915. - For the liquidation of the allowances established in chapter VII and other
regulatory purposes shall be considered as a full-time salary of the affiliate to the
laid down in article 819.
Art. 916. - The affiliates must communicate immediately in writing of any change of
address. For all legal purposes and shall be valid administrative notifications that the
Superintendence of Welfare perform in the last domicile denounced.
transitional provisions
Article. 917. - Participants or beneficiaries who do not may be in virtue of this
regulation, will maintain the acquired condition through the existing regime at the
time of their affiliation or inclusion.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, their rights and obligations shall be governed by
this Regulation.
Art. 918. - The main affiliates that have included in their chips, free of charge to
families under the present regulations are intended to be covered in article 815, pay
for them from the date the additional quota that secures the article 822.
Art. 919. - The present regulations shall enter into force on the date of the thirty (30)
days of its publication and shall apply to the procedures in which no final decision
has been issued, not affecting the firm resolutions or the acquired rights on the basis
of the previous regime.
Art. 920. - From the effective date of this Regulation shall cease the benefits that she
did not authorize, except the compliance by successive acts with the beginning of
execution, which must be provided until its completion.
Art. 921. - The head of the Argentine Federal Police will propose to the national
Executive, through the Ministry of the Interior, the qualifications and percentages
that correspond to risky activities not provided for in article 485 (b), of this
regulation, or areas and circumstances that in a future should reward the
computation of services by application of article 93, paragraph (a), paragraph 2 of
the act to the staff of the Argentine Federal Police.
Medical Inspector Contest of admission
HEALTH ( * ) Dentist Sub-inspector Contest
Biochemist intake Inspector Contest of admission
Pharmacist Sub-inspector Contest intake
Inspector Contest Lawyer
legal admission of
Escribano Sub-inspector Contest intake
Attorney Inspector Contest of admission
MÚSICO musician Competition assistant
subinspector of admission Medical Forensic Contest intake
Inspector Contest Engineer
Architect intake Inspector Contest
Chemical intake Inspector Contest
Counter intake Inspector Contest
Veterinary veterinary inspector Contest of admission
( * ) The current specialty psychologist is maintained until exhausted the existing
SECURITY Assistant
BIOQUÍMICO Sub-inspector
PHARMACIST Sub-inspector
LAWYER Sub-inspector
ESCRIBANO Sub-inspector
ATTORNEY Sub-inspector
Forensic Medical Assistant Sub-inspector
CHEMICAL Sub-inspector
COUNTER Sub-inspector
. Veterinary Inspector
. PSYCHOLOGIST Sub-inspector
( * ) The current specialty psychologist is maintained until the existing endowment.
Agent nurse professional Contest intake
nurse specialist Agent Contest of
health professional admission
Auxiliary Agent Agent radiology laboratory
of Auxiliary Agent hemotherapy
Auxiliary Agent Agent pharmacy hospital service
agent MÚSICO musician
Mechanical Agent Agent Armero
Operator Agent of machines tools and
constructions Agent Agent
Agent TECHNICAL Machinery
Printing Agent Agent
Supply Agent Agent
Agent Maestranza
Contest intake inlet
Contest Contest of admission of admission
Contest intake inlet
intake contest or
competition training course of admission or training course
Contest of admission Or training course
Contest of admission or training course
Contest of admission or training course
Contest of admission or training course
Contest of admission or training course
Contest of admission or training course
Contest of admission or training course
training course
training course
67/78 cases
assistant veterinarian Veterinary
Auxiliary Agent Agent
Computing bromatology Agent
Cashier CLERK Cartoonist Agent Agent
Auxiliary Agent Agent
Auxiliary documentation Agent
Security cabinet Agent
specialized professional nurse
Auxiliary Agent Agent professional radiology
laboratory Auxiliary
Auxiliary Agent hemotherapy
Auxiliary Agent Agent pharmacy FEMALE
Auxiliary agent of hospital service
agent musician
Operator of Agent Machines and Tools
constructions Agent Agent
Contest intake inlet
Contest Contest of admission of admission
Contest intake inlet
Contest Contest of admission
course respective intake
Contest intake inlet
Contest intake inlet
Contest intake inlet
Contest Contest of admission of admission
competition for admission or training course
Contest of admission or training course
Contest of admission or training course
68/78 axles
Machinery Agent Contest of admission or training course
Apparel Agent Contest of admission or training course
Printing Agent Contest of admission or training course
Services Agent Training Course
Course Supply Agent
Maestranza Agent Training Contest
Auxiliary Inlet Agent Contest of Veterinary Admission
of Auxiliary Agent Contest of Bromatology Admission
Agent Computing Contest of Admission
Cartoonist Contest Agent
Cashier inlet Agent Contest of Admission
Furriel Contest Agent
Auxiliary Inlet Agent Training Course documentation
of Auxiliary Agent Training Course of cabinet
1 point per year 2 point by point by 0.50 year on year in the specialty related to the
title if main specialty or in materials is obtained is related to the specialty courses in
a contest, if this is official (get in formal courses.
Point 0.05 by 0.50 by 0.25 point point per year to month, year in conjunction with
the specialty in order to title in fractions that specialty if main materials or in
not reaching the account is not related to the specialty year with courses a contest, if
it is not official, with formal courses.
MAX: MAX TEN: TEN PEAK: Three (3) points.
(10) points. (10) points.
Note: the length of the title is an added complication you antiquity in the specialty of
the competition and in the related specialty.
0.50 point per year 0.25 points per year
MAXIMUM: FIVE (5) points. MAX: FIVE (5) points.
Note: Since its admission to the institution.
POST-graduate courses
in Argentine universities or in Argentine universities or foreign.
University Degree with more than 500 university degree with more than 500 hours:
5 p. by c/u hours: 4 p. c/
between 200 and 500 hs.: 3 p. by c/u. Between 200 and 500 hs.: 2.50 p. by c/u.
Between 50 and 200 hs.: 1 p. by c/u. Between 50 and 200 hs.: 0.75 p. by c/u.
Less than 50 hs. : 0.50 P. by c/u. Less than 50 hs.: 0.25 p. by c/u.
In institutions or government agencies in institutions or government agencies or
private or private
Over 500 hs.: 2.50 p. by c/u. More than 500 hs.: 2 p. by c/u.
Between 200 and 500 hs.: 1.50 p. by c/u. Between 200 and 500 hs.: 1 p. by c/u.
Between 50 and 200 hs.: 0.50 p. by c/u. Between 50 and 200 hs.: 0.25 p. by c/u.
Less than 50 hs.: 0.25 p. by c/u. Less than 50 hs.: 0.15 p. c. /u.
Maximum: fifteen (15) points. Maximum: fifteen (15) points.
in universities in Argentina or in Argentine universities or foreign foreign
university degree with more than 500 university degree with more than 500 hours:
2.50 p. c/u hs.: 2 p. c/u
Between 200 and 500 hs.: 1.50 p. by c/u. Between 200 and 500 hs.: 1 p. by c/u.
Between 50 and 200 hs.: 0.50 p. by c/u. Between 50 and 200 hs.: 0.25 p. by c/u.
Less than 50 hs. : 0.15 P. by c/u. Less than 50 hs.: 0.10 p. by c/u.
In institutions or government agencies in institutions or government agencies or
private or private.
More than 500 hs.: 1.50 p. by c/u. More than 500 hs.: 1 p. by c/u.
Between 200 and 500 hs.: 0.75 p. by c/u. Between 200 and 500 hs.: 0.50 p. by c/u.
Between 50 and 200 hs.: 0.20 p. by c/u. Between 50 and 200 hs.: 0.10 p. by c/u.
Less than 50 hs.: 0.10 p. by c/u. Less than 50 hs.: 0.05 p. by c/u.
Maximum: ten (10) points. Maximum: ten (10) points.
Note: there is no rewards the title that enables to take part in the contest, nor those
immediate that serve as the basis for achieving the specialty. On the contrary be
rewarded under any title that involves a higher level than required.
in Argentine universities or in Argentine universities or foreign foreign
more than 1 year: 3 p. by each. More than 1 year: 1.50 p. by each.
More than 6 months: 2 p. by each. More than 6 months: 1 p. by each.
Less than 6 months: 1 p. by each. Less than 6 months: 0.50p for each one.
In agencies or institutions in agencies or private institutions or foreign private or
more than 1 year: 2 p. by each. More than 1 year: 1 p. by each.
More than 6 months: 1 p. by each. More than 6 months: 0.50p for each one.
Less than 6 months: 0.50p for each less than 6 months: 0.25p for each a.
Maximum: ten (10) points. Maximum: ten (10) points.
in universities in Argentina or in Argentine universities or foreign foreign
more than 1 year: 2 p. by each one. More than 1 year: 1 p. by each.
More than 6 months: 1 p. by each. More than 6 months: 0.50p per
Less than 6 months: 0.50p for each less than 6 months: 0.25p for each a.
In agencies or institutions in agencies or private institutions or foreign private or
more than 1 year: 1.50 p. by each. More than 1 year: 0.75p for each one.
More than 6 months: 0.50p for each more than 6 months: 0.25p for each a.
Less than 6 months: 0.25p for each less than 6 months: 0.15 p. by each one.
Maximum: ten (10) points. Maximum: ten (10) points.
to research: 2 p. by each one. a) Research: 2 p. by each one;
(b) Inputs: 1 point for each one. (b) Contributions: 0.50 points for each one.
(c) Case Studies: 0.50p for each one. (c) Case Studies: 0.25p for each one. (
d) Other: 0.25 points for each one. (d) Other: 0.10 points for each
maximum: ten (10) points. Maximum: ten (10) points.
Note: These jobs should have been presented at conferences, symposiums, etc. , or
published. Unpublished papers will be evaluated by the jury, or by a committee of
qualified that your request is integrated to determine the value of the same and its
rating in accordance with the items a, b, c and d.
By book (such as sole author): 3 points. Per book (such as sole author): 2 points.
Per book (such as co-author): 1 point. Per book (such as co-author): 1 point.
By chapter: 0.25 point. By chapter: 0.25 point.
Maximum: fifteen (15) points. Maximum: fifteen (15) points.
Note: You must be of published works. In the case of long-breath works or by your
extension so warrant, the jury may add to the score obtained up to a maximum of 2
university level university level
Holder: 5 points. Headline: 4 points.
Associated: 4 points. Associated: 3 points.
Attachment: 2 points. Attachment: 2 points.
Assistant Professor: 2 points. Assistant Professor: 1 point.
Head of practical work: 1 point. Head of practical work: 0.50 point.
Assistant Professor: 0.25 point. Assistant Professor: 0.25 point.
Non-university tertiary level non-university tertiary
Holder: 2 points. Headline: 1 point.
Acting: 1 point. Acting: 0.50 point.
Medium Level average Level
Holder: 1 point. Headline: 0.50 point.
Acting: 0.50 point. Acting: 0.25 point.
Note: The teaching positions in case of another denomination shall be considered by
equivalence in the order of precedence.
In all cases will be used for the evaluation the teaching position of higher level
achieved by the applicant.
The old teacher covering the entire career of the applicant and shall be computed by
year or full period not less than six (6) months. To that effect to the score obtained
by charge will be added: 0.20 , 0.10 or 0.05 point per year or complete period of
university teaching, non-university tertiary or average respectively.
In the course of exist parallel activity in two (2) or more levels, will compute to agree
higher score to the person concerned.
Granted by universities Granted by Argentine universities or foreign: 2 argentine or
foreign points: 1 point for every one.
Awarded by the Federal Police granted by the Argentine Federal Police: 2 points for
each one. Argentina: 1 point for each one.
Granted by scientific societies Granted by scientific societies or schools or foreign
national: national colleges or foreigners: 0.75 1.50 points for each one. points for
each one.
Granted by private bodies, granted by private agencies or corporations or
foundations: 0.50 companies or foundations: 0.25 points points for each for each
Maximum: ten (10) points. Maximum: ten (10) points.
MEMBER OF NATIONAL academies, professional associations, conferences,
Holder professional academy national or foreign: 6 points.
President of professional association: 3 points.
Secretary: 1 point.
Other charges: 0.50 point.
or President of the Congress days: 1 point. Maximum occupancy: 5 points.
Secretary: 0.50 point. Maximum occupancy: 5 points.
Official Rapporteur: 0.25 point for each one. Maximum: Five (5) points.
Other charges: 0.10 point. Maximum occupancy: 5 points.
Participation in specific activities deliberative: 0.25 p. c/u. Maximum: 3 points.
Hierarchical ITEM X CHARGES
in the country or abroad in the country or abroad
by Address: 2 points for directorship: 1 point per year,
Sub-directorate of charge: 1.50 point Charge of subaddress: 0.75 point per year by
Hierarchical charge: 1 point for hierarchical Charge: 0.50 point per year, year.
Maximum: 10 points. Maximum: 10 points.
Note: If the charge is performance in the institution, the score obtained is an added
complication you 1 point.
Under this heading may be added to the charge of steering the score that may build
up with the charges of subaddress or hierarchy and the branch of the charge not
hierarchical and may never exceed the maximum of 10 points.
Thesis: 3 points. Thesis: 1 point.
Note: if the thesis was described to the outstanding grade obtained will be added 1
in Argentine universities or in Argentine universities or foreign or in the foreign or
Federal Police in the Argentine Federal Police. Argentina.
By course: 0.50 point. By course: 0.25 point.
Maximum: 6 points. Maximum: 6 points.
In agencies or institutes in public agencies or private institutions or public or private
By course: 0.25 point. Of course, 0.10 point.
Maximum: 6 points. Maximum: 6 points:
1 point per year of residence 1.50 point per year of residence approved approved.
Head of residence: 1 point. Complete period of residence adopted in the police
hospital: 2 points.
Head of residence: recei ved total 2 points.
maximum score: 5 points.
Minimum Score: 0 point.
0.25 point per year. Maximum occupancy: 5 points.
mths IN A profession or occupation
0.50 point per year maximum: 8 points.
point 0.25 by 0.10 year on year point
Heading IV
degrees, diplomas or certificates of study OF THE DISCIPLINE OR RELATED TO SHE
3 points for each one. 1 Point for each one.
1 point for each one. 0.50 Point for each one.
Charge hierarchical multilevel Charge
1 point per year. 0.75 Point per year
Charge not hierarchical not hierarchical charge
0.50 point per year. 0.25 Point per year.
maximum score: 3 points.
Minimum Score: 0 point.
Senior Staff: .
Senior Officers
CTOS 0.800 0.700
0.600 JPOS
Junior Staff: .
Senior Non-commissioned officers
and junior Commissioned Officers 0.500 0.400
students agents: .
Cadets 0.400
Senior Officers -equivalent to having monthly degree of commissioner inspector.
Official heads -equivalent to having monthly degree of deputy-captain
JPOS -equivalent to having monthly main grade.
Senior NCO, junior -equivalent to having monthly and agents of the grade of
sergeant major.
Cadet -equivalent to having monthly of the grade of Sergeant Major.
% Days 30 % 50 % Real bonuses
7 . 9 11
8 . 10 12
9 . 12 14
10 . 13 15
20 . 26 30
30 . 39 45
40 . 52 60
50 . 65 75
60 . 78 90
70 . 91 105
80 . 104 120
90 . 117 135
100 . 130 150
. DISCLAIMERS Warning CESANTÍA Arrest Exoneration Unemployment
Power IF 60d. IF YES - national Executive
Head of the - - 60 d. Yes - if Argentine Federal Police
Deputy Chief of the - - 45 d. If - - Argentine Federal Police
Commissioner - - 30 d. If - - general
Commissioner - - 25 d. If - - increased
Commissioner - - 20 d. If - - inspector
Commissioner - - 10 d. If - Deputy-captain - - 5 d. If the - Main - - - - - Inspector - - - - - Inspector - - - - - Assistant - - - - - - ERRATUM (Note Infoleg: published in the B. O. of the 11/10/ 83) is
in the edition of August 11 1983 they slipped the following misprints.
In the article. 223
WHERE IT SAYS:... the situation referred to in the preceding article shall not exceed
(1) year ...
MUST SAY: The situation referred to in the preceding article shall not exceed (1) year
In the article. 870
WHERE IT SAYS:... In the cases of article 821
should say:... In the cases referred to in article 863
WHERE IT SAYS:... The grant of the article. 822
SHOULD SAY:... The grant of the article. 864
WHERE IT SAYS:... subsidies provided for in articles 821 and 822 ...
Must say:... subsidies provided for in articles 863 and 864
78/78 ...