LAREDO POLICE DEPARTMENT The Laredo Police Department’s Medal of Honor D.R.E.A.M. Program is an 8-week program that promotes responsible decisions amongst high school students. D.EDICATION R.ESPONSIBILITY E.DUCATION A.TTITUDE M.OTIVATION Is a comprehensive program that involves school administration, Justice of the Peace Judges, students, parents, community organizations, and law enforcement in the planning and implementation of activities and instruction. D.R.E.A.M. program will focus on high risk students with problems dealing with issues with Truancy, and another wide variety of themes and challenges facing students today. D.R.E.A.M. students are from; L.I.S.D. campuses and will work closely with youth courts to identify potential D.R.E.A.M. candidates. Individual Change ▪ Directly impacts attitudes, knowledge and behavior of the student Interpersonal Change ▪ To focus on peer pressure or influence, role modeling and social norms. The Laredo Police Dream program incorporates the ideals of good character motivation and help promote good, responsible citizenship. The program will use various education components and best practices based on core values. The opportunity to adjust a young person’s life to lead a productive, successful and fulfilled experience and to offer positive alternatives to delinquency, crime and drugs is the core mission of this program. The modern American family needs help to enhance our community’s future citizens.