Conclusion Exemplar

Conclusion Exemplar Samples
Conclusion A:
Overall, the hypothesis was supported, pectinase is the most cost effective enzyme solution to
use in order to produce the most amount of apple juice possible, without going overboard with
the price. This is a true statement because it shows it in the data. Firstly, looking at the overall
graph from each of the groups, pectinase, on average, was the best enzyme, producing the most
amount of apple juice. Another factor that supports this statement, is that, when the math was
done out, pectinase was the most cost effective. Cellulase was much too expensive; $100 for one
liter of cellulase only produced 2.5 liters of apple juice. Then the combination of cellulase and
pectinase produced only .5 liters more than pectinase, but was very costly. After purchasing 2
liters of each enzyme, it was only producing 12.5 liters for $300. Therefore, that is why pectinase
is the most cost effective enzyme; it produced 12 liters of juice, only for $150. That is $150 less
than the cellulase and pectinase combination, and the difference is .5 liters.
Conclusion B:
Validity Section:
(gain in confidence):
I am about 80% confident with the results I have received from this lab. We kept many variables
constant so that we could be sure our results were caused by only our independent variable.
These constants included same size petri dish, same amount of liquid, same amount of seeds
that came from the same bag; the petri dishes were placed on the same window sill receiving
the same amount of sunlight, and were left and observed daily for 4 class period days. Having
constants eliminates the possibilities of having other factors impact the dependent variable,
besides the independent variable. [If the students used more than one independent variable,
which would be the situation of all controlled variables were not held constant, the students
would be unable to interpret the results as a direct relationship between the independent and
dependent variable.]
(error analysis-what went wrong)
Although the experiment seems to have validity there are many different situations that
occurred during the experiment that could have caused inaccuracy. When transferring the
applesauce from the small beaker (where it was first measured), then into the cup to be mixed
with the enzyme, and then to the filter paper in the funnel, it lost some applesauce. The
applesauce stuck to the sides of the cups or beaker and all of it could not be removed into the
filter, therefore, all of the amounts of applesauce in the filter ended up slightly different,
causing inaccuracy. [This could cause there to be a higher concentration of enzyme in one
sample compared to the other enzyme samples causing the results to be skewed to indicate a
higher production rate since there is a higher concentration of enzyme in one sample compared
to the other samples.] Also, the enzymes are supposed to be cold and refrigerated before the
experiment is performed. Both the pectinase and cellulase enzymes were warm and at room
temperature when the experiment was performed causing inaccurate data. It is known that
temperature can affect the shape of an enzyme causing it to have a different function. [Since
each enzyme has an optimal temperature at which it functions, if the pectinase enzyme was not
held at its optimal temperature for maximum activity, then the results are skewed due the fact
that enzyme may have begun to denature due to an increase in temperature.] It can be
inferred that this is the reasoning of why some of the class data is different from individual data
of the smaller groups. It is not definite that this factor affected the final results but, it could
have caused falseness in the data. Moreover, the data could have had more validity if more
trials were performed. If there were more groups consisting of different amounts of applesauce
and different amounts of enzyme drops than the data could have been more valid. For
example: 4 more trials with 20 mL of applesauce instead of 10 mL and the same amount of
enzyme drops, 4 more trials with 10 mL of applesauce and double the amount of enzyme drops
(12 water, 12 pectinase, 12 cellulase, 6 pectinase and 6 cellulase) and 4 more trials with 20 mL
of applesauce and double the amount of enzyme drops (12 water, 12 pectinase, 12 cellulase, 6
pectinase and 6 cellulase). [The addition of trial groups would increase the sample size and
allow for a more accurate analysis of the enzymes productivity rather than relying on one trial
which may have been skewed as stated earlier.]
Future Investigations Section:
For this particular lab, there were no trials, therefore, incorporating more trials would improve
the validity of this lab. [By incorporating more trials, the students are able to increase the sample
size> An increased sample size would allow the students to develop a conclusion based on large
number of data and can eliminate any outliers and errors that may have impacted the data based
off of one trial.] Also, the stirring of the enzyme and apple sauce could have been more
accurately done, where there is only one person stirring, and making sure that they are stirring at
a constant speed for the same amount of time for each. [The impact of having a different rate of
stirring may have caused apple juice to be produced by the act of stirring rather than the enzyme.
The consistent stirring rate would ensure that a fair comparison is made. A consistent stirring rate
would be necessary to eliminate a second independent variable.] In not keeping the stirring
constant during this lab, it takes away the validity of the experiment. It is always important to
keep as many variable constant so that the experiment only tests what it should, with minimal
changes, which could possibly affect the experiment.
Real World Connection Section:
While researching, it was discovered that cellulase and pectinase can have many health benefits.
Looking deeper into this claim, it was found that pectinase and cellulase are very healthy
enzymes that humans consume on a day to day basis. For example, pectinase increases
digestibility, as well as provides fuel necessary for colon lining; and a hospitable environment
for beneficial bacteria. Similarly, cellulase helps to maintain blood sugar and cholesterol levels,
plus, it supports the cell membrane and detoxifies the intestinal track. In discovering the health
benefits for these enzymes, it was brought to mind that these enzymes can have a greater impact
on the world wide health problems. Looking beyond how costly these enzymes are, it can be
found that there are many health benefits to these enzymes. The consumption if these enzymes
are necessary, and humans should consume them daily in order to improve their health.