Academic standards and non-discrimination (January 2013) Briefing: Academic standards and non-discrimination1 Principles Non-discrimination [ND]: People should not be unfairly discriminated against in entering or pursuing higher education. High standards [HS]: Universities should maintain consistently high standards. Failing to fulfil [ND] would not only be unfair to the people denied the opportunity to study or to succeed but would also deny society the benefit of their talents. Failing to fulfil [HS] would not only devalue the degrees awarded, it would do a disservice to the people to whom lower standards were applied. Fulfilling the two together means providing equal access to high standards of educational opportunity. The general approach in equality law Equality law uses three kinds of provisions: The first kind of provision addresses principle [ND] by making certain kinds of discrimination unlawful: that is to say, by protecting individuals with particular characteristics (such as disability) from less favourable treatment, and by requiring certain kinds of adjustments where those individuals would otherwise be put at a disadvantage. The second kind of provision addresses principle [HS] by providing a tight definition of an area of activity – the content of the curriculum, which we can also think about in terms of academic or competence standards – within which no adjustments need be made. Within this area of activity, it may sometimes be that some disabled people are at a disadvantage, but this is permitted so long as it can be objectively justified: it must be demonstrated that the curriculum content, or the standard set, is a proportionate means to a legitimate end. Finally, public bodies are under a positive legal obligation to eliminate discrimination and promote equality, which means they must anticipate disabled people’s needs and work towards making provision inclusive from the outset. This will require effort to review academic standards and the content of the curriculum to ensure that they are objectively justifiable. How it works in practice In this context, when we talk about an ‘academic standard’ or a ‘competence standard’ we are talking about a criterion which is applied to someone to An electronic copy is available at 1 1 Academic standards and non-discrimination (January 2013) determine whether a benefit should be conferred, and which involves them demonstrating some level of knowledge, ability or skill. Benefits conferred include, for instance, admission to a course of study, award of a degree, or registration as a qualified professional. Example: Applicants for a degree programme in Economics must demonstrate a certain level of competence in mathematics in order to be admitted. Example: First-year physiotherapy students must be able to use palpation on a human subject to identify specific anatomical features in order to progress to the second year of the degree programme. Example: Law students must demonstrate a certain standard of knowledge of specified areas of law in order to obtain a qualifying law degree. It is important to distinguish the academic or competence standard itself from the way in which someone demonstrates that they meet the relevant standard. Only the standard itself is immune from adjustment. Some standards are relatively independent of the method of assessment, in which case there may be several ways to assess someone’s level of achievement. In other cases, the method of assessment is intrinsically connected to the nature of the skill or ability to be demonstrated. Example: At University Y, applicants for the economics programme usually get a good pass in A-level maths. However, ‘having A-level maths’ is not an academic standard: it is simply one way to demonstrate one’s level of competence in mathematics. Possessing another recognised qualification in maths, or successfully completing an Access course, might also demonstrate that someone meets the relevant standard. Example: At University Z, first-year physiotherapy students must successfully complete a directly observed practical skills assessment involving the use of palpation to identify specific anatomical features. The assessment task is designed to rely only on the skill being assessed. Here, the method of assessment is intrinsically connected to the skill in question, so no other method of assessment would be appropriate. Example: At University X, law students’ knowledge is ordinarily demonstrated in an unseen timed written examination. However, the ability to produce legible handwritten text in a limited time is not part of the academic standard being evaluated. The academic standard is the level of knowledge, which might equally well be assessed in an oral test, such as a viva. 2 Academic standards and non-discrimination (January 2013) Most importantly, there is an objective test for whether a particular standard is of a kind which is properly protected from the need to make adjustments. This means that Universities and qualifications bodies cannot simply claim that something is an academic standard because they define it as such. It must be a criterion which is applied to everyone on whom the benefit is conferred; appropriate and necessary; and its application must be a proportionate means to a legitimate end. Example: Ensuring that students embarking on a course of study have the knowledge and skills which will be necessary if they are to engage with the learning activities is a legitimate aim. It is appropriate and necessary to require some proof of applicants’ level of knowledge and skill. However, there is no single test which is the only appropriate measure of their knowledge and skill, so a requirement for A-level maths, in particular, would not be objectively justifiable. Example: Physio students who begin the second year without basic skills in anatomy, including palpation, will be unable to participate in essential learning activities while on clinical placement. It is a legitimate aim to ensure that students demonstrate those skills before permitting them to proceed to the second year. A practical skills assessment is a necessary and appropriate way of achieving this. Example: Having competent, qualified lawyers is a legitimate aim. Requiring them to meet a certain standard of knowledge in the course of qualifying is an appropriate means to that end. It is necessary to assess their achievement of that standard before awarding them the degree. The application of the relevant standard is therefore objectively justified. However, it is not necessary that the demonstration be by means of an unseen timed written examination, since achievement of the standard could be demonstrated in other ways. Therefore, if using an unseen timed written examination places a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage for a reason arising from their disability, it will be unlawful discrimination. Q: Is a learning outcome always an academic or competence standard? A: It often will be, but only if the learning outcome can be objectively justified in the relevant way (outlined above). This means looking at how learning outcomes are articulated to make sure they don’t build in unnecessary hurdles. 3 Academic standards and non-discrimination (January 2013) Q: ‘Graduateness’, employability and transferable skills: can it be an objectively justifiable academic standard to require history students to gain skills in oral presentation? (These are found in subject benchmark statements and in ‘employability profiles’ such as those at ) A: This needs to be addressed with some care. At first sight, it is hard to see how a requirement for fluency and clarity of oral expression is necessary for a history degree, and it could result in less favourable treatment of – for instance – Deaf students and students with speech impairments. However, the relevant passage in the subject benchmark statement for history reads: Marshalling of argument: in written and oral form drawing on and presenting all the above skills. Such argument should have structure; it should be relevant and concise. In the case of written argument it should be expressed in clear, lucid and coherent prose. Orally, it should involve the capacity to sustain a reasoned line of argument in the face of others, to listen, to engage in sustained debate, and amend views as necessary in the light of evidence and argument And in relation to assessment, 6.15 Departments should also consider whether single-honours students should be given the opportunity to have their critical and communication skills assessed in other forms. The development of oral communication skills is important in the process of educating a historian and students should, where practicable, have opportunity to be assessed on this skill. Oral presentations can be of different types including, for example: formal paper delivered to a group; general contribution to seminar discussion; chairing or otherwise leading seminar discussion; and response to contributions made by others.2 This makes it clearer that the emphasis is not so much on the mechanics of producing speech but on the ability to communicate face-to-face or in real time, in a context where questions and arguments must be developed and responded to on the spot. Someone who uses a communication support worker (such as a sign language interpreter) or assistive technology could demonstrate this skill effectively. It is also clear that no single method of assessment for this skill is recommended, much less required. In this case, references to oral and spoken communication are unnecessarily prescriptive about how face-to-face communication can be accomplished, and are likely to mean the statements are not justifiable competence standards. However, they could be rephrased to avoid these references while still capturing the skills which it appears they were intended to capture. Suggestions for improving this document are always welcome: please send to Iain Mossman, Curriculum Design Officer, Cardiff University at 2 4