Cape Verde (country code +238) Communication of 17.VI.2004: The Direction Générale des Communications-DGC-ICTI, Praia, announces the introduction of a new telephone numbering plan for the fixed and mobile telephone networks of Cabo Verde (country code +238) as from 3 July 2004 at 0300 hours UTC (0200 hours local time) . The new numbering plan will change from six digits to seven digits for all subscribers to the Cabo Verde network. The change consists of adding, in front of the existing number: digit 2 for fixed telephone, and digit 9 for mobile telephone. Examples : Fixed telephone : +238 2XX XX XX Mobile telephone : +238 9XX XX XX Where +238 is the country code for Cabo Verde Islands Towns and villages Santo Antão Ribeira Grande Porto Novo Paul Coculi Ponta Sol Manta Velha/Châ de Igreja Lajedos/Alto Mira Mindelo Mindelo Mindelo Ribeira Brava Tarrafal São Nicolau Faja Praia Branca Espargos Santa Maria Sal Rei Fundo das Figueiras Vila Maio Calheta do Maio Praia Praia Praia Praia Praia Santa Catarina Tarrafal Santiago Cidade Velha São Domingos Pedra Badejo Órgãos/São Jorge Picos Calheta São Miguel São Vicente São Nicolau Sal Boa Vista Maio Santiago Old subscriber numbers 21XXXX 22XXXX 23XXXX 24XXXX 25XXXX 26XXXX 27XXXX 30XXXX 31XXXX 32XXXX 35XXXX 36XXXX 37XXXX 38XXXX 41XXXX 42XXXX 51XXXX 52XXXX 55XXXX 56XXXX 60XXXX 61XXXX 62XXXX 63XXXX 64XXXX 65XXXX 66XXXX 67XXXX 68XXXX 69XXXX 71XXXX 72XXXX 73XXXX New subscriber numbers 221 XXXX 222 XXXX 223 XXXX 224 XXXX 225 XXXX 226 XXXX 227 XXXX 230 XXXX 231 XXXX 232 XXXX 235 XXXX 236 XXXX 237 XXXX 238 XXXX 241 XXXX 242 XXXX 251 XXXX 252 XXXX 255 XXXX 256 XXXX 260 XXXX 261 XXXX 262 XXXX 263 XXXX 264 XXXX 265 XXXX 266 XXXX 267 XXXX 268 XXXX 269 XXXX 271 XXXX 272 XXXX 273 XXXX Islands Towns and villages Fogo São Filipe Cova Figueira Mosteiros São Jorge Nova Síntra Brava Cellular network Old subscriber numbers 81XXXX 82XXXX 83XXXX 84XXXX 85XXXX New subscriber numbers 281 XXXX 282 XXXX 283 XXXX 284 XXXX 285 XXXX 91XXXX 92XXXX 93XXXX 94XXXX 95XXXX 96XXXX 97XXXX 991 XXXX 992 XXXX 993 XXXX 994 XXXX 995 XXXX 996 XXXX 997 XXXX For all additional information or to order copies of the new National telephone numbering plan, contact: Direction Générale des Communications Ministère des Infrastructures et Transportes BP 07, Praia Cape Verde Tél.: +238 261 57 79 Fax: +238 261 30 69 E-mail: For operational information, contact : Commercial and Marketing Department Cabo Verde Telecom Rua Cabo Verde Telecom CP 220 Várzea - PRAIA Santiago Cape Verde Tel: +238 260 9200 Fax: +238 261 3725 Communication of 26.X.2006: La Agencia Nacional das Comuniçacões (ANAC), Praia, announces that the following new mobile number range has been assigned to operator T+ Telecomunicações S.A. since April 2006: Operator T+ Telecomunicações S.A. Jean-Marie Kuyo Tel: +238 261 9605 E-mail: International numbering format: +238 91 X XXXX Contact: M. David Gomes Président Agencia Nacional das Comuniçacões (ANAC) P.O. Box 892 PRAIA Cap-Vert Tel: +238 260 4400 Fax: +238 261 3069 Mobile number range 91 X XXXX Communication of 15.IV.2010: The Agência Nacional das Comunicações (ANAC), Praia, announces the opening of a new level in the National Numbering Plan (NNP) for the Mobile Cellular Service. Until now the dialling code for the mobile cellular service of Cape Verde has been: +238 9X XXXXX. From now on, the following new level will also be in force: +238 5X XXXXX Operator Service Number series Mobile 59 XXXXX CVMóvel International dialling format for the mobile service: +238 5X XXXXX; +238 9X XXXXX Contact: Monsieur David Gomes Président Agência Nacional das Comunicações – ANAC Edificio MIT Ponta Belem C.P. No. 892 PRAIA – Santiago Cape Verde Fax: +238 261 3069 E-mail: