
CBA Green Team Minutes
Monday, December 3rd, 2012
3:00pm, Mammel Hall Suite 200
Jean Waters, Pamela Peterson, Edward Johnson, Rick Yoder, Brice miller, Noelle Blood, Ashley Taylor,
Megan Reiners, Sola Ajala
CBA Recycled vs. Solid Waste Event Comparison:
No obvious correlation between dates we had events and amount of recycling/waste.
Our goal with catering and overall is still to reduce the amount of trash and recycling generated
Megan: Stickers for recycling are still in progress. Edward mentioned that all the recycling
containers in Mammel Hall have text labels on the top of the bins to identify items that can be
recycled. It might be best to have the descriptions for recyclable items both in written and
image form.
Ashley: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Contracts for caterers are still in progress.
She did research on what MIT does. They ensure that guests know what the service ware is
recyclable. Great way for green BASIS to get involved and work with our major contractors to
help them find more energy efficient dinnerware and incorporate more efficient beverage
Pam Peterson mentioned we have to be careful with our implementations in the contract. If
doing anything with sustainability, we need to make sure we don't breach contract with Pepsi.
Be careful not to override any current contracts.
Brian Bollich in the student center can help with framework for EPP language for catering
We can encourage vendors to provide more sustainable promotional items at events.
There are two components of EPP contract language: one for events, one for caterers.
Ashley will send out draft language.
Brice: Green Basis had a tour of the TD Ameritrade’s new LEED building. They had a good
turnout and were featured in the Great Things at CBA paper. They also attended the Waste Cap
Green Team round table meeting at ConAgra. They learned about their sustainable practices.
Waste cap Nebraska is Holding a “strive towards sustainability” meeting for green teams. Green
BASIS was invited to attend for free on Jan. 30th.
They are considering adopting a park or a trail to perform a cleanup activity. This would result in
$50 revenue for the club and would be a social as well as environmental action.
They are also considering an electronic reuse/recycling drop off event at CBA. They are working
with the Cross Training Center of Omaha. Another option for Green Basis to help publicize is the
CBA Green Team Minutes
Monday, December 3rd, 2012
3:00pm, Mammel Hall Suite 200
pharmaceutical take back program. It occurs twice a year and helps as a sustainable way to
recycle prescription medicine. Green Basis may tour a paper/plastics mill later in the semester.
Patrick Wheeler, Green UNO: He is in the process of scheduling a meeting with the four campus
sustainability contacts to discuss a system-wide sustainability policy. At this meeting, he will be
discussing the policy initially drafted by the CBA Green Team, and hopes to use it as a template.
There will be a sustainability strategic planning event on Friday, February 1, for the GreenUNO Task
Force (plus Dr. Bartle) to help plan next steps in order to align efforts with other campus initiatives.
Jean mentioned that if anyone is interested in participating, they should contact Patrick.
Idea to Separate Green Team into Committees
Idea is to have an operational and an academic committee. Operational group will focus on
recycling, sustainability, energy and water conservation, and waste reduction in the building.
Academic group will focus on teaching curriculum and the inclusion of sustainability in courses.
Faculty Survey
We are considering a project to get faculty to enable sleep mode on their computer and have the
printing default be double-sided. We would like to use the sales class but want to position the initiative
in the most positive light.
Should we try focus groups to determine faculty attitudes?
We might not be able to reach our goals by just doing a survey
Maybe take 5 minutes of a department meeting to have a focus group
Maybe we can send a message to faculty saying we are going to make changes and if they are
not interested, they can opt out. Jean will follow up with Dave Neilson and Dr. Pol.
UPCOMING EVENTS: DEA Drug disposal take back day is on April 27, 2013. For more
information, visit http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_disposal/takeback/
Next Meeting: February 11th, 2013 at 3:00 pm.