
CBA Green Team Minutes
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
3:00pm, Mammel Hall Suite 200
Attendees: Jonna Holland, Michelle Janssen, Jean Waters, Brice Miller, Rick Yoder, Damian Klosowski,
Jennifer Forbes-Bailey
Recycling Pledge Project:
The pledge will ask faculty to be educated on what can be recycled and to recycle themselves in their
offices and classrooms. Pledge language will be revised by Joanna Holland Wed. January 18th.
Students in sales class will be assigned this project. Jonna will talk to them on January 25.
Lou approved using some kind of recognition symbol, something clean and classy. Ellen Lincoln
prepared several images for consideration. The Green Team is considering a leaf. Ellen will refine
some images and Jonna will show them to the dean. We will also publish names of those taking the
pledge on the website.
It was decided to leave the signed pledge in the position of the faculty, and they would also sign a
sheet for the student. The pledge needs to include information about what can be recycled, along the
lines of the information on our CBA Green Team website.
60 Seconds to Green:
The environmental aspects and impacts previously identified by the team were reviewed to inform the topics
to be used in the “60 Seconds to Green” emails. It was decided to use the following topics
 Customized information on double-sided printing – based upon the printer in the particular
 Highlight the Green Jobs Fair scheduled for March 7
 Highlight any events by GBASIS
 How to make computers “sleep”
 Recycling rates
 Use of shuttles – explanation of their route and schedule, importance of using them
 Something fun from time-to-time, such as a quiz question
Items of Old Business:
- CBA Sustainability Policy
- Small Trash Bins (Rick reported)
o Positive feedback on implementation of new small trash bins.
- Trash & Recycling measurement and pickup
o Jean will check with Edward for final numbers
- G-Basis update (Brice reported)
o Meeting Friday, January 20, and will be further developing 2012 action plan
- Subcommittee reports
o Reduce usage of the handicap assist doors (Rick reported)
 The green team might get access to security tapes, which could provide information
on the usage of the doors.
o Reduce printing
 Jean will work with others to develop e-mails for faculty in different parts of the
building to help them know how to set their computers to print double-sided.
o TVs and computers going to “sleep” when not in use
 Perception of TVs in the building, most are not turned off. We want to convey the
message of efficiency, in this case he energy efficient TVs are supposed to save
 Perhaps we want to use signage or a “60 Seconds to Green” email to
explain the energy efficient nature of these electronics as presented in
Gisele’s report
o Increase recycling (Jean reported)
Jean mentioned an idea to get the hockey team to make a video showing “trash” on
the ice and shooting it into a “recycling” or “garbage” goal
Student parking- allow shuttle buses to pick students up from garages
- Green Jobs Fair this spring (Rick reported)
o Date: March 7, 2012- CBA Career Fair with Green Jobs Panel
Next Meetings: Tuesday, February 21st at 3:00pm
Tuesday, March 27th at 3:00p