Climate ADAPT proposed newsletter survey - Eionet Forum

Climate ADAPT proposed newsletter survey, March-April 2013
Assessment of survey responses
This survey investigated responses to a proposed newsletter that is intended to support the Climate
ADAPT portal. An example newsletter was circulated to individuals from all 32 EEA member
countries, and the responses came from 10 different countries (30%). These were existing contacts
who are familiar with the work of Climate ADAPT and who have a professional interest in adaptation.
There were 14 respondents to the survey – so the sample is small and we should be cautious in
drawing conclusions. However, the responses were generally very consistent. The main findings are
summarised here, with recommendations. The full responses are attached as an annex.
Over half of respondents spent 50% or more of their time working time on adaptation, with 6
spending less than 25% of their working time on adaptation. Respondents came from 10 countries
(Belgium (x2), Czech Republic (x2), Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway
and Slovenia). Respondents tended to work in national/regional agencies or government.
Information on adaptation already used
Those working over 50% on adaptation all already received newsletters about adaptation. There
were 15 suggestions for other useful adaptation-focussed newsletters. The Circle 2 newsletter was
mentioned 4 times, the Danish Adaptation Newsletter and Kompass Newsletter both were
mentioned twice. The remaining 12 suggestions were recommended once.
Reaction to the newsletter and its content
There was strong support for a Climate ADAPT newsletter along the lines of the one provided, with
11 respondents believing that it would make a useful contribution to their work. Thirteen
respondents agreed that Climate ADAPT should be supported by a regular newsletter (the remaining
respondent didn’t know).
Respondents were asked to indicated their 3 priority topics from a pre-defined list. The most
popular topics focussed on sharing information about strategies, plans and practice (via examples)
and national and EU level. The least popular items related to research/observations and events.
There were some suggestions for other adaptation topics.
Examples of cost-benefit analysis experience or research
Adaptation innovation
Climate change statistical indicators
Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation
Support tools and guidelines for developing adaptation strategies and plans
(Co) funding opportunities for adaptation actions at the EU or transnational level (research,
demonstrative projects, etc.) (as proposed in tour draft newsletter)
Adaptation-linked imitative by the private sector at the EU or (trans)national level
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There were a number of suggestions to improve the draft newsletter. Many related to the structure
and organisation of the information, with a need for a clearer indication of themes to direct readers
to relevant sections. Examples included: spatial (national, EU), institutional (Commission) and
thematic (strategies, impacts assessments) The link with items on the Climate ADAPT platform
needs to be clearer (all items, as subset, some entirely different content?) and one respondent asked
for the newsletter to be added to the website. A better layout would be welcomed and respondents
also suggested working with or learning from EEA GMES and Circle 2 newsletters.
Other newsletters
Nine respondents said that they would be able to contribute to a newsletter, most citing national
and sub-national activities, project reports, strategy/policy documents and events.
Conclusions and recommendations
The low number of responses makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions, although there is a
reassuring level of consistency in the responses.
Overall, the newsletter – both the draft and in principle – was seen positively. There was a strong
steer for: a more appealing layout; better signposting and categorisation of items; coverage of EU,
national and trans-national activity; and strong links to Climate ADAPT portal.
There were also some helpful suggestions about other topics to cover – mostly related to developing
and applying adaptation actions – as well as an indication of other adaptation newsletters that might
provide additional inspiration and content.
There is a demand for examples and case studies, so it there may be opportunities to direct
contributors to, for example, the case studies on Climate ADAPT. They could then submit their own
examples, or make better use of the existing case studies.
While over half the respondents indicated that they could help to provide items for inclusion in the
newsletter, the requirement for information to be available in English is likely to restrict the
availability of some content.
Principal actions arising from the survey should be
early agreement on a revised layout and thematic structure,
review of suggested newsletters for additional content/ideas,
greater clarity on respective roles of the newsletter and news/events items on the Climate
ADAPT website, and
establish criteria for inclusion of news items based on feedback.
It would be sensible to consider a review of the newsletter, perhaps based on survey evidence, after
18 or 24 months, when there should be a greater number and diversity of readers.
Kay Jenkinson/UKCIP – May 2013
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Annex 1
1. Typically, how much of you working time is spent on adaptation to climate change (including
impacts and vulnerability)?
Less than 25% of my time (6)
Around 50% of my time (2)
Almost all (6)
2. Do you already receive newsletters or regular information about adaptation? If yes, please
provide up to three sources that you find particularly useful. Please include the url if there is one.
Yes (8), No (6)
All those replying ‘no’ spent less than 25% of their time working on climate change.
Preferred newsletters, number of mentions in brackets if more than once
Circle 2 Newsletter (x4) -
Danish Adaptation Newsletter (x2) -
KomPass Newsletter (x2)
AIR Newsletter (French Organisation)
Science for Environment Policy (European Commission)
Responses Policy Update (EU project)
Resilient Cities
Adaptation Strategies for European Cities (EU):
ICLEI Europe:
Baltadapt Newsletter
Climate news from Center for International Climate and Environmental Research
Newsletters from The Research Council of Norway
EEA - indicators, CLIMA ADAPT
Onerc newsletter (French news about adaptation in France and abroad)
UKCIP news -
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3. Would a newsletter of the kind proposed for Climate ADAPT make a useful contribution to your
work on adaptation?
Yes a great deal (11)
Occasionally (2)
Yes a little (1)
4. Should the Climate ADAPT portal be supported by a regular newsletter?
Yes (13)
Don't know (1)
5. What adaptation issues would you be most interested to read about? Please select your top
three choices.
Adaptation strategies and plans at (trans-)national level (11)
Examples (case studies) of successful adaptation (9)
Adaptation strategies and plans at EU level (8)
Impacts and vulnerability assessments (6)
Adaptation strategies and plans at local/urban level (6)
Climate change scenarios (6)
Support tools for decision-makers (6)
Climate change observations (5)
Research on adaptation (5)
Adaptation-related events (4)
Please tell us of any other adaptation issues you would be interested to read about.
Examples of cost-benefit analysis experience or research
Adaptation innovation
Climate change statistical indicators
Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation
Support tools and guidelines for developing adaptation strategies and plans.
(Co) funding opportunities for adaptation actions at the EU or transnational level (research,
demonstrative projects, etc.) (as proposed in tour draft newsletter)
Adaptation-linked imitative by the private sector at the EU or (trans)national level
6. Do you have any comments about the draft newsletter?
- A little bit more of ""visual structure"" can improve the reading: e.g. European Scale first, then
National scale and local scale ; or 2 or 3 different parts: New or Reminder of forthcoming
Events(workshop/conference) - Newest publications (Plan/Strategy/Research reports, ...) In the
pilot newsletter, I find a structure but just in adding 2 or 3 titles to quickly visualize the different
sections can bring an added-value (quickly go to national items or European Commission
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initiatives or forthcoming events sections). - A more beautiful lay-out is welcomed. - The website
links are very useful and appreciated
It seems to be interesting.
Please also provide the newsletter at the Climate-ADAPT platform ( so I (as NFP) can provide a link to people in my network I that are
interested in the Newsletter. Steel the good things and experiences from EEA GMES newsletter.
It is a little more accessible because of the lay-out. "
News section could be structured (depending on number of individual news) by headings like
"News from COM", "News from EEA", "Transnational regions", "Member States", etc.
Maybe there can be some kind of cooperation with the Circle2 newsletter. The newsletter itself
is good as it is short and gives a good overview on what's going on.
The draft seems a bit too long. May be you can select up to five news and 4-5 events in the
current format and just list the other themes with a link to your web page for more information.
It would be interesting also to have an interview of high level / mediatic personnage talking
about it views ar actions about adaptation (public or private) in each newsletter
Was there any information on the frequency of publication? The frequency may affect the
usefulness of the newsletter. The layout will be improved, as promised, and one issue for
consideration might be to indicate the type or ""niche"" of the news. One possibility could be to
use the categories in the question 5 above. It's not necessary to group the news according to the
type, quite on the contrary, but some kind of tags could help the reader. Is the idea that the
newsletter includes all news on the Climate-ADAPT platform (at the time of publication of the
newsletter)? A subset of the news in the newsletter is also an option. The list of events in the
newsletter is shorter than the list on the Climate-ADAPT platform; in this case a subset in the
newsletter is not the best choice. The list of events could, in my opinion, be even longer and
cover a broader range of events than on the platform.
7. Would you be willing to suggest items to include in future newsletters? This might include
information about conferences and events, as well as news items about reports, strategy
documents or examples of adaptation practice.
Yes (9), No (5)
If yes, what sort of information would you be able to contribute?
I am working at national, regional and local levels in the implementation of adaptation. So, in the
future, I can contribute with some more regional or local items (studies, good practices, ...) This
newsletter is one supplementary tool with Climate-Adapt to share good (or bad) experiences at
different scales accoss the EU.
I have been working in this field only for a year. I do not have much experience.
information about relevant national conferences and other events, documents, reports if
events, own reports, papers etc.
examples of adaptation practice, strategy documents
reports of projects of research programme
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short national, regional and local information from Belgium
Information about conferences. Examples of adaptation projects in EEA Grants countries. Best
practice from Norwegian Cities, especially from Cities of the Future members.
We can send information about adaptation-related events in France. For reports, tolls and
studies, we won't be able to translate them quickly, thus it won't be possible. For case studies, it
will be possible in the future but not at a really short term because it is an on-going work of our
8. About you – this information is optional, but it helps us to see if we have a reached a
representative range of experts.
Location / Country of residence
Belgium (x2)
Czech Republic (x2)
Walloon Agency for Air & Climate
Ministry of Environment
National Institute for Environment
PBL Netherlands Environmental Accessment Agency
Federal Environment Agency
Flemish government
Directorate for Civil Protection
Slovenian Environment Agency
Onerc / Ministry of ecology
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