History Channel Video Assignment 8-25

History Channel Video Questions Homework 8-25
1 – Print out the questions first for the four short videos you will be watching. It will take about 10 minutes to watch
the four short videos on the History Channel website.
2 – Log in to www.history.com/topics/american-revolution and watch the videos and answer the questions.
The first video may appear when you first log in - “Bet You Didn’t Know” – if not just go under the VIDEO tab and
browse and you will find it along it along with the other three.
1 – “Bet you didn’t know!”
2 – “Really a Revolution?”
3 – “Revolution’s Lasting Legacy”
4 – “Sons of Liberty”
Questions are as follows:
“Bet You didn’t know video questions”
1. Name two Revolutionary Events they think you should KNOW:
2. When was the “Second Boston Tea Party”?
3. Name two other colonies that had similar tea parties:
4. When was the famous poem about Paul Revere riding out to warn the colonists published? ______
5. Name a couple of inaccurate facts often associated with Paul Revere’s ride.
6. Other than the “white men in wigs” who else helped with the American Revolution?
7. What roles did women play in the American Revolution?
8. Who was Margaret Corbin?
9. How many African Americans fought in the Revolution? ____________
10. Which Native American group fought on the side of the American colonists? _______________
11. What role did “pirates” play in the American Revolution?
2. “Was it a Revolution? – Video Questions”
Before you WATCH the video read these directions:
Write down the NAMES of three historians and their COLLEGES that appear on the video AND summarize
whether they think our American Revolution really qualifies as a Revolution and why?
1. Historian’s Name __________________ College _________________ Thoughts on Revolution:
2. Historian’s Name __________________ College _________________ Thoughts on Revolution:
3. Historian’s Name __________________ College _________________ Thoughts on Revolution:
3. “What is the Legacy” video questions
As you listen to the video – write down four things that the historians interviewed consider to be a legacy of
the American Revolution:
a. ____________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. The Sons of Liberty Video Question: In a brief paragraph (at least three sentences) summarize how the
historians speaking describe the role the “Sons of Liberty played. Use the name of the historian that
expressed the ideas and you can use their OWN words. Do NOT give me a textbook definition. You need to
summarize the ideas expressed in this short video.