
Student Affairs Senate
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Callen Conference Center
The Student Affairs Senate was called to order at 1:00 pm by Vice President Ben Schilling.
Roll Call
45 members present
i. Members absent at time of roll call
1. Unexcused: Sam Lauver, Luke Maas
2. Excused: Allison Behrens
a. The minutes from November 20th were approved
Officer Reports
a. President
i. No report
b. Vice President
i. No report
c. Treasurer
i. No report
d. Secretaries
i. No report
e. Parliamentarian
i. No report
f. Technology Advisor
i. No report
g. Peter
i. No report
Committee Reports
a. Academic Affairs
i. No report
b. Budget
i. Budget appeals process will end this Wednesday (Nov. 28th)
c. Campus Grounds and Safety
i. No report
d. Multicultural Affairs and Minority Viewpoints
i. No report
e. Public Relations and Elections
i. Senators—wear shirts on December 4th
f. Student Affairs
i. No report
Special Order
a. MOSAIC attended the 4th Annual Student Diversity Leadership Conference
i. Presentation by Brenda, Gabe, Stevie, and Melanie
1. Project HOOD—Helping Others Obtain Destiny
a. Origination
i. Pastor Brooks
ii. Passion for lifting up minority communities
b. Goal
i. Stop violence and make community safer
ii. Strive to lift up minority communities
iii. More than tolerate—accept each other
c. Tent City
i. Test Run
1. February or March 2013
2. Try to make it similar to Relay for Life
a. MOSAIC is more than minority based
b. All campuses have problems with multicultural organizations
(not just Wesleyan)
c. Need more student involvement
d. Meetings are Tuesdays 8pm in Prairie Wolf A
3. Overall experience
a. Blown away with the morning session
b. Not “just another conference”
c. Cultural immersion
d. Feelings were stretched
New Business
a. Government Liaison—general information by Sen. Chelsea Johnson
i. Role
1. Advocate and educate students and do general civic engagement on
2. Work that the committee does is only if its applicable to the student
a. Examples
i. What is the unicameral going to introduce in their
unicameral session?
1. Educate senate, get more info from senate to
see if they need to educate the student body
and maybe ultimately take a student stance on
ii. Advocating
1. At UNL this committee works with city council and the national
a. Examples
i. Bill about voter ID
1. Took a stance against it stating it would
negatively impact students
ii. Fairness ordinance
1. Based on discrimination based on sexual
orientation, this affects students getting jobs in
the community
iii. Civic engagement—voter registration drives
iv. Promote campus civic involvement
iii. Senate brainstorm session
iv. President Bakken addressed senate
1. Committee ideas for this position?
a. Standing committee, can directly introduce legislation to the
b. Hybrid example—work under PRE (due to their external
relations function)
c. Ad-Hoc Committee, dual membership—this would increase
senators time commitment because each senator is required to
be part of a standing committee—all legislation must come
through a committee on senate
2. Senators we need your feedback by Friday at 5 pm—respond to
President Bakken’s email
a. Affordable Care Act speaker in Olin B at 7pm—this speaker is for anyone (you don’t
have to be in the Health Sciences field)
b. Biology Pre-Grad club; 5 pm in Olin B; Works with Evolution of Guppies
c. Friday in the coffee house is Cocoa and Cookies and a singer all free at 9pm
Adjourn at 1:52 pm