sas_minutes_11.29.11 - Nebraska Wesleyan University

Student Affairs Senate
November 29, 2011
Callen Conference Center
The Student Affairs Senate was called to order on November 29, 2011 at 1:01 pm by Vice
President Lindsey Jones.
Roll Call
a. 43 members present in quorum
i. Members absent at time of roll call:
1. Tardy: Karri Sanderson
2. Unexcused: Jerrold Warren, Michelle Zhang
3. Excused: Patty Hawk
a. No corrections or changes to minutes from Nov. 22nd
Special Orders
a. Board of Governors position confirmation- Jordan Klimek
i. Jordan was confirmed to the position
b. University Judiciary sophomore position confirmation- Matthew Sernett
i. Matthew was confirmed to the position
c. START presentation from Matt
i. Clinton Global Initiative Conference- San Diego (April 1-3, 2011)
1. Matt was one of 1,500 attendees
2. Learned about making a difference in the 5 global challenge areas:
Education, Environment & Climate Change, Peace & Human Rights,
Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health.
a. Gains
i. Networking, notebooks, unique experience
b. Lessons from George Wilson
i. Spend time together, always talk about everyone like
they’re in the room with, always carry yourself in a
manner that positively affects others
c. Post conference accomplishments
i. Over 200 pledges (for the paper-waste initiative) from
various students, recycled 4,000 pages of half-used
paper from the recycling bins, PowerPoint widget to put
6 slides to a page with one click
ii. START’s Strategies for Paper Initiative
1. Manufacturing notebooks from recycled paper, paper cut reporting (we
don’t want to be like UNL and pay per print, but people need to be
made aware of their printing habits)
2. What can SAS do?
a. Take the pledge
b. Collect single sided paper
c. Think of ideas to help push the paper initiative
3. Questions
a. When will paper cut begin?
i. Next semester START will begin with a row of
computers in the Olin PC lab
b. Is it possible to make these recycled notebooks for every
Wesleyan student? Sell them?
i. Yes, but the sole purpose of the notebook is to break
through the clutter and to make people aware of the
paper waste. We want to hand them out for free.
Officer Reports
a. President
i. 1 more candidate for University Judiciary will be presented to senate next week
ii. Breakfast in the Sunflower room this morning went well
iii. Next Breakfast is tomorrow (Nov. 30th) at 7:45 am with Lindsey
b. Vice President
i. No report
c. Parliamentarian
i. No report
d. Secretaries
i. No report
e. Treasurer
i. No report
f. Tech Advisor
i. Thank you to those who took the Blackboard Surveys- the reported dead zones
on campus have been fixed
Committee Reports
a. Academic Affairs
i. Thank you to everyone who came to senate last week to listen to the
Curriculum Presentation
ii. Final curriculum meeting of the semester is next week
b. Budget
i. Budget bill will be presented next week
c. Campus Grounds and Security
i. A bill for white boards for the suites will be presented to senate next week
i. Presenting SR-8 today
e. PRE
i. Please come to SAS next week to pick up your t-shirt
f. Student Affairs
i. Legislation next week
New Business
a. Deanna Floe presented SR-8
b. Period of Clarification
i. None
c. Period of Discussion
i. Sarah Hotovy spoke in favor of this resolution- $100 is a small price for such an
incredible opportunity
ii. Deanna Floe proposed a friendly amendment to change the date to the 20112012 Senate
iii. Sara Hotovy moved to previous question and Katie Larson seconded
iv. Vote Count
1. 43 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions
a. Sunday, Dec. 4th from 1-4 pm- paint bowls for free at the Empty Bowls Event
b. Saturday, Dec. 3rd Toy Drive at the basketball- toys will be donated to Friendship Home
c. Wednesday, Dec. 7th 8-10:30 pm- Waffle Man at Theta Chi- buy ticket from Theta Chi
member for $6
d. Late night breakfast Wed. Dec. 7th in cafeteria at 9 pm
e. Monday, Dec. 5th all-campus pool party 8-10 pm
Adjourn at 1:32 pm