1 [DISCUSSION DRAFT] 82nd SESSION 2014-2015 S. RES. 82- 122 RESOLUTION TO UPDATE THE SENATE RULES DESCRIPTION ON THE COMMITTEE ON CIVIC ENGAGEMENT _______________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS _______________________________ MARCH 26, 2015 SUBMITTED BY SENATOR FEREBEE TO THE COMMITTEE ON CIVIC ENGAGEMENT _______________________________ A Resolution Resolution to Update the Senate Rules Description on the Committee on Civic Engagement 1 Whereas, March 2015 was proclaimed ‘Reno Education Awareness Drive’ month, 2 Whereas, University betterment projects benefit both students and the community, 3 Be it resolved that, Senate Rules X.c. will read: “The Committee on Civic Engagement shall be 4 responsible for promoting civic engagement to the students, faculty, and administration of the 5 university as well as the Reno community. 6 The committee shall be responsible for creating and executing projects that employ students to be 7 civically engaged. 8 The committee shall support academic courses that endorse activism in the local and national 9 community. The committee shall outreach to local non-profits to provide opportunities for students to 10 serve in the community. 2 1 The committee shall promote service learning through volunteerism, fostering community 2 partnerships, and advocating for service learning within undergraduate courses in all academic 3 colleges at the university. 4 The committee must hold and contribute to planning the University Day of Service and Reno 5 Education Awareness Drive. 6 The Committee shall liaison with the Office of Service Learning and Civic Engagement. ” ○