Article I: Name of the Organization

Bylaws of Mines Harvey Scholars
Article I: Name of the Organization
The name of this organization shall be the “Mines Harvey Scholars”
Article II: Purpose
To "pay it forward" by encouraging individuals chosen for the Harvey Scholarship Program to give back
to the local community through service, gain a larger perspective on the world and how the it can be made
better, create a community that pushes each other toward our goals, and chase academic excellence.
Article III: Members
A. Eligibility:
Members must be students, past or present, of the Mines Harvey Scholars Program. Current
students must maintain high ethical standards and performance, complete a minimum of 12 credit
hours per semester, maintain a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or higher, and generally be in good
standing at Colorado School of Mines. Membership will extend past graduation to Harvey
Scholar Alumni.
B. Privileges of Membership:
Members of the group will be the beneficiaries of club funds and will have the opportunity to
participate in all club-sponsored activities.
C. Revocation of membership:
Students will have their membership revoked if they lose their Harvey Scholarship.
Article IV: Chairs
A. Chairs:
The chairs of the organization will include Secretary (President for Student Activities Purposes),
Event Manager, Service Coordinator, Web Manager, Historian, Alumni Liaison, and Treasurer.
B. Qualifications:
All chairs shall be current students of the Mines Harvey Scholars Program who have been elected
by their peers.
C. Elections and Terms of Service:
Qualified Scholars who are interested in serving in a chair position will submit a short biography
and paragraph presenting their reasons for why they wish to serve. These short documents (not to
exceed 250 words) will be compiled by the Secretary and distributed to the greater Scholar body
for review at least one week prior to voting. Elections will proceed for chair positions in the order
presented in section D. An individual must run for their primary position choice, however the
individual may run for any remaining unelected positions should they not be elected to their
primary choice. Elected chairs will serve a term from the last official Scholarship meeting of the
spring semester until the same of the following academic year. An individual is limited to serving
two consecutive terms in a unique chair position. All current students of the Mines Harvey
Scholars Program are eligible to vote. A chair candidate is elected to the position upon receiving
more votes than any other opponent.
D. Duties:
• Secretary (President):
oversees meetings and moderates discussions among members; maintains communication
with the other chairs and the student body; takes meeting minutes and emails all scholars
in a timely fashion to create transparency and connectivity; generally creates a forum in
which announcements can be made, and in which ideas, suggestions, complaints, etc. can
be addressed; communicates with the Student Activities office to maintain the scholarship
as a school sponsored organization for funding purposes.
• Event Manager:
organizes and facilitates monthly luncheons, arranging booking of the location, menu,
and any media required for presentations; creates the luncheon agendas, working with the
Secretary and any other relevant chairs to make pertinent announcements; accommodates
special guests and speakers, working with the Alumni Liaison with respect to alumni
attendees; arranges social events to help keep scholars connected, working with the
treasurer on the budget.
• Service Coordinator:
researches and arranges service events for the scholarship core groups, working with each
group to find events of interest and times that are convenient; is the Harvey Scholarship
representative in the community, making connections and establishing meaningful
relationships with other service leaders.
• Web Manager:
regularly updates Harvey Scholarship online resources for current scholars, prospective
applicants, alumni, etc; maintains contact with the Secretary in order to keep information
and upcoming events current; works with the Event Manager in creating social network
event reminders; works with the Secretary and Historian to provide accessible electronic
archives of meeting minutes and student experiences, respectively; works with the
Alumni Liaison to provide relevant alumni-related information; generally insures any
information made publicly available through the Harvey web page positively reflects the
Harvey Scholar program and Colorado School of Mines.
• Historian:
compiles any accounts, reports, photographs, etc. which document scholarship history,
focusing on service events and experiences gained by individual scholars through the use
of their enrichment grant or international experience funding; works with the Web
Manager to create electronic archives of the materials mentioned above and makes them
available to the Harvey family, other scholars, prospective applicants, alumni, etc. when
• Alumni Liaison:
serves as an active contact between current scholars and alumni, promoting alumni
involvement in scholarship events; works with the Web Manager to provide updated
news for students about alumni accomplishments as well as current opportunities for
alumni to attend events; works with the Event Manager to accommodate any alumni
guests; facilitates an alumni-scholar mentoring program.
• Treasurer:
keeps an accurate ledger of the organization’s budget and expenditures; reports to the
treasurer of the Associated Students of the Colorado School of Mines (ASCSM); prepares
a budget preceding the end of the spring semester for submission to the ASCSM financial
committee; disburses the budget of the current fiscal year under ASCSM financial
guidelines; works with relevant chairs to provide funding for purposes such as social
events, fees associated with service events, scholarship history documentation projects,
E. Impeachment and Removal of Scholars from Chair Positions:
A chair may be impeached by the faculty advisor or two current students of the Mines Harvey
Scholar Program for one or multiple justifiable reasons including but not limited to ethical
misconduct, abuse of power granted by their chair position, or failure to adequately perform their
respective duties. The impeachers must submit a formal complaint enumerating the appropriate
grievances committed by the accused chair to the Secretary (or a secondary chair in event of
impeachment of the Secretary). The formal complaint will then be presented to the Scholar body
in an ad hoc meeting. The impeacher will publicly present their reasons for impeachment and the
accused chair will subsequently be allowed a defense statement. Following, the accused chair and
impeacher will be asked to remove themselves from the proceeding so the Scholar body can
debate the issue. Upon voting, if a two-thirds majority agrees that the listed offenses are sufficient
to make the accused chair unfit for service, the accused chair will be removed from their position;
if a two-thirds majority in favor of removal cannot be established, the accusations against the
chair will be dropped and the chair will be allowed to serve out the remainder of his/her term.
Once a decision has been made, the impeacher and accused chair will be called back into the
proceedings and the verdict will be read by the Secretary or a secondary chair. If the accused
chair is removed from their position, an election will take place to select a replacement.
Nominations of Scholars can be made by themselves or their peers. The election will follow the
process outlined in section C and the elected replacement will assume their duties immediately
and serve for the remainder of the current term.
Article V: Meetings
A. Calling of Meetings:
The Harvey Scholars shall meet once a month. Ad hoc meetings may be called for impeachment
hearings or as the Chairs see fit.
B. Quorum:
Two-Thirds (2/3) of the total members of the organization shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of official business.
Article VI: Non-Discrimination
The organization, in conjunction with The Associated Students of the Colorado School of Mines,
confirms its support of the principles and practices of nondiscrimination and equality regardless of race,
religion, sex, age, sexual orientation or physical handicap, in its employment and in all of its programs,
activities, and opportunities available to its members, except where allowed by law.
All actions and policies of the organization shall conform to the policies of the Board of Trustees and
State and Federal Laws.
Article VII: Amendments
These bylaws are subject to initial approval by the Undergraduate Student Government (USG), after
submittal to and subject to revision by the Student Affairs Committee. Following the initial approval by
USG, these bylaws may be revised at any time by a vote of at least three-fourths (¾) of the members of
the organization in good standing (article III A), with regard to state law, the student code of conduct, the
bylaws of the USG, and the USG Budget Committee operating rules.