Introduction What factors influence hunger? What causes some people to have high achievement needs? In this topic, we will discuss Chapter 8 Motivation and Emotions in your textbook. Chapter 8 will cover the interrelated topics of motivation and emotion. Motivation is our push or drive to engage in a behavior. People have many biological and psychological motives. The biological need of hunger and eating will be explored in some detail. Other motives such as achievement, and self actualization will also be described. Are facial expressions innate? In this chapter we will analyze some of the theories that have been developed to explain human motivation. Motivation appears to be a complex phenomenon, and can not easily be explained by one theory. Emotion is related to motivation in that emotional states can elicit certain types of behavior. In this chapter we will learn about the different physical states associated with specific emotions. Chapter 8 will also illustrate the pivotal role of the amygdala in the fear response. You may recall our earlier discussion of the amygdala in chapter two. Then we will examine the expression of emotions and how situational and cultural factors can impact emotional expressiveness. Theories of emotions will also be investigated. Objectives After completing the learning activities for this topic, you will be able to: Contrast the theories of motivation. Discuss the biological and psychological factors that influence hunger and eating. Describe the factors that account for obesity. Identify how Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory explains motivation. Explain the self-determination theory of motivation. Compare and contrast the concepts of competence and achievement motivation. Describe the three factors that make up emotion. Identify the functions of emotions. Describe how culture affects our emotional experience. Explain the role of the sympathetic nervous system in emotional responses. Identify the brain structures responsible for emotion. Discuss the behavioral expression of emotion. Compare and contrast the theories of emotion. Activities Checklist To meet the learning objectives for this topic, you will complete these activities. Print this page and use it as a checklist. Review the Introduction and Objectives page Read Chapter Eight: Motivation and Emotions in your textbook. Complete the assignments on the Learning Activities page. Complete the Interactive Lesson: Theories of Motivation Complete the assignment: PsychSim 5 Reflection Questions - Expressing Emotions Learning Activities Go to the publisher's web site and take the Practice Quiz over Chapter Eight. Watch the videos about Eating Disorders and Obesity: Bulimia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa The Obesity Epidemic in the U.S. - Obesity Interactive Lesson: Theories of Motivation View a presentation on Theories of Motivation. Quiz 4 Study Guide Chapters 7 & 8 Please note: When you take the quiz, you will be given 30 random questions from the test bank, so your test may not contain all of the topics covered in this study guide. However, you should know all of the topics in this study guide. Also, you should be able to recognize examples of the concepts listed on the study guide below, as many of the test questions involve the application of course material. Use these questions to study for Quiz Four. Note: Some of these concepts can be found in the focus boxes in the chapters. Chapter Seven 1. Define the term concept. 2. Define formal and natural concepts and give an example of each. 3. Give an example of the trial and error problem solving method. 4. Define the term heuristic. 5. Define functional fixedness and give an example. 6. Define the term mental set. 7. Define availability heuristic and give an example. 8. Describe how confirmation bias affects our beliefs. 9. Define language. 10. Describe the characteristics of language known as displacement. 11. Describe the findings of research on animals ability to use language. 12. Discuss the findings of psychologist Lewis Terman regarding high IQ and life success. 13. Describe the WAIS verbal and performance IQ scores and identify the abilities measured by the two types of IQ. Identify a normal IQ" score on the WAIS. 14. Identify the types of intelligence identified by Howard Gardner. 15. Discuss how genetics and environment influence intelligence. 16. Describe how stereotype threat affects performance. 17. Define the term neurodiversity. Chapter Eight 1. Define motivation. 2. Define the term persistence as it applies to motivation. 3. Describe the drive theory, the arousal theory, the humanistic theory, and the incentive theory of motivation and give an example of each. 4. Describe the concept of homeostasis. 5. Define the term sensation seeker. 6. Identify the hormone associated with an increase in appetite. 7. Describe how the positive incentive value affects eating behavior. 8. Define the set point theory. 9. What percentage of Americans is considered obese and or overweight? 10. Describe the cafeteria diet effect. 11. Describe the role genetics plays in obesity. 12. Discuss Maslow s theory of motivation. 13. Identify the qualities of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. 14. Describe the qualities of achievement motivation. 15. Describe the importance of relationships and social context to collectivistic cultures. 16. Describe the relationship between emotional and physical arousal. 17. Identify the components of emotion. PsychSim5: Expressing Emotions Instructions Complete the PsychSim 5 Reflection Questions Assignment: 1. Read the PsychSim 5 Assignment: Expressing Emotions on the publisher's companion site. 2. Type complete, comprehensive answers to all three Reflection Questions in a word processor file such as Word or Notepad. The required length for the answers is one page, including all three answers. Expressing Emotions Reflection Questions: 1. Discuss the role that primary affects and emotional blends have in the expression of emotions. 2. a. How accurate were you in interpreting the facial expressions depicted in this activity? b. Describe the facial movements (facial code) associated with two emotions. 3. a. Discuss how people can mask emotions. b. Identify a situation in which a person might mask their emotions.