PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 Glasgow Caledonian University Strategy, Vision, Mission and Values Our vision is that by 2015 we will be a successful international university delivering access and excellence, with a strong commitment to the common good. We believe that we can best deliver access and excellence and make our distinctive impact for the common good through partnership working with a network of international higher and further education institutions, public sector organisations, business partners, foundations and trusts, and the voluntary sector to secure and increase our reach and impact in education and research. Our mission is to provide an outstanding inclusive learning environment underpinned by curiosity driven research allowing us to: share our knowledge and expertise; work in partnership with business, the professions and the public sector; create successful global graduates and citizens and deliver economic and social benefit for the communities we serve. We are value-oriented and goal-directed. The core values which underpin our vision are Excellence, Achievement, Leadership, International outlook, Invention and innovation, Trust and integrity, Diversity and Courage. The key principles guiding how we operate are Equality of opportunity, Good citizenship, Partnership, Good governance, Accessibility and approachability. Glasgow Caledonian University Procurement... ...and the Scottish Government Glasgow Caledonian University needs to make the best use of public money and focus on helping the government achieve its overarching purpose and strategic objectives. The University will continue to fully support and actively contribute towards achieving the desired outcomes of the Scottish Government’s Public Procurement Reform Programme (PPRP) The PPRP strategy places emphasis on accelerating the pace of change and the delivery of benefits, and embedding initiatives into 'business as usual'. At its heart is the concept of value for money in procurement being an informed balance between cost, quality and sustainability. It focuses on four key priorities: Maximising efficiency and collaboration Delivering and demonstrating real cash savings across the public sector Improving access to public sector contracts, particularly for SMEs Embedding sustainable procurement at the heart of the reform agenda Underpinning these priorities are seven strategic objectives - the Seven C's: Capability Competitiveness Capturing savings and benefits Coverage Collaboration Corporate social responsibility Communications ...and Universities UK The University is committed to assisting in the achievement of the goals highlighted in the Universities UK Report “Efficiency and Effectiveness in Higher Education” (by Professor Ian Diamond), particularly in relation to Chapter 6 – in which Procurement was identified as a Strategic Asset. ...and Universities Scotland Efficiencies Taskforce The University will actively contribute towards the achievement of goals highlighted in the Working Smarter Report (by Professor Seamus McDaid). This report led to the establishment of a high-level taskforce aimed at progressing the outcomes of the Diamond Review. Glasgow Caledonian University Procurement Strategy The Procurement Strategy supports the 7 Strategic Goals of Glasgow Caledonian University: PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 Strategic Goal 1 - Globally networked We will deliver excellence, competitiveness, and cultural diversity through new models of international collaborations with key partners in Scotland and around the world to extend our reach in education, research and development. Procurement collaboration within the Higher Education community is a long-established and embedded activity. Within Scotland collaboration between public sector bodies has also been progressively extended in recent years and the Head of Procurement represents all Universities and Colleges in Scotland in developing and managing a number of Scottish pan-public sector agreements. Glasgow Caledonian University is an active member of APUC (Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges) which works to expand contracting scope and leverage coupled with development of professional procurement capabilities. APUC is a lead body in the UK-wide collaborative procurement and procurement best practice initiatives within the HE and FE communities. Glasgow Caledonian University also plays a prominent part in Glasgow wide HE/FE sector collaborative procurement agreements. Strategic Goal 2 - Excellence in education We will equip our students with the skills to excel in their chosen professions and succeed as global graduates and citizens through high quality, flexible and accessible learning which harnesses the latest learning technologies. We will deliver curricula and associated learning opportunities which will attract international recognition for the attributes and employability of our graduates and ensure an outstanding student experience. Procurement enhances the learning experience by providing Academic and Support Departments with professional procurement expertise in the acquisition of goods and services. This service support requires the Procurement staff to operate flexibly, frequently seeking innovative solutions to meet the many and diverse needs of stakeholders in making their procurement decisions. We work closely with our colleagues in Facilities Management to support the infrastructure, ensuring that the University can continue to develop an environment that enhances the student experience. Continuing Professional Development is as vital for Procurement as it is for our customers and students. We actively seek opportunities to enrich and enhance our collective knowledge, expertise and experience. Strategic Goal 3 - Excellence in research We will develop our key strengths, applying our research and transferring our knowledge and expertise through partnerships to provide solutions for business and society. We will strategically invest in world class applied research to meet the requirements of national and international benchmarks that will confirm the standing and quality of our research output. Procurement provides expert support and guidance to the key research stakeholder areas in meeting their requirements for best value goods and services essential for delivery of top quality results. Our participation in collaborative procurement activities provides widened access to and awareness of innovative value for money opportunities in the acquisition of specialised goods and services. Strategic Goal 4 - Delivering for business, the public and voluntary sectors We will build on our existing approaches and employ new models of partnership with business and the public sector to ensure we are responsive to their need for high quality, flexible and accessible education for employees and for relevant R&D and knowledge transfer in a changing global economy. We will continue to offer valuable work based experience and a programme of internships for our students and to foster a culture of enterprise and entrepreneurialism. Procurement will manage the supplier base using appropriate advanced contract management and supplier development techniques to monitor key areas of supplier performance and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. Procurement will make certain that supply base risk is appropriately assessed, managed and minimised during the life of a contract. We will ensure fair and transparent opportunity and treatment for all current and potential suppliers including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), third sector and voluntary sector organisations. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 Strategic Goal 5 - Valuing our people We will leverage the talent and commitment of our University community to enable our students, staff and alumni to fulfil their potential and contribute to our Vision. Procurement will make regular assessments of the procurement competencies of all staff with procurement responsibilities within the institution and provide training and guidance such that the appropriate levels of procurement skills, knowledge and awareness are developed. Strategic Goal 6 - Committed to the common good We will direct our expertise and creativity to enhance the social, cultural and economic contribution the University makes to the communities we serve in our City of Glasgow, our region, our nation and around the world. The University has signed the Scottish Government’s Suppliers’ Charter which aims to identify and reduce barriers to business, facilitate an understanding of public sector procurement policy and legislation and ultimately minimise costs to suppliers by keeping the tender process as simple as possible, but consistent with achieving Best Value/value for money. Procurement activities in the University are aligned to the Scottish Government's Procurement Journey and the Scottish Procurement Policy Handbook published by the Public Procurement Reform Programme, ensuring that SMEs are not disadvantaged by our procurement processes. Strategic Goal 7 – Sustainability Underpinning our strategy is a focus on ensuring our long-term sustainability, which will enable the University to remain competitive in order to succeed in a challenging external context. Procurement contributes to the long-term sustainability of the University by assisting it to achieve optimal value for money for all bought-in goods and services. Procurement supports Facilities Management in its commitment to the LiFE project. This initiative is a comprehensive performance improvement system developed specifically to help colleges and universities to manage, measure, improve and promote their social responsibility and sustainability performance. The University will increase the use of APUC and national agreements which have been assessed against Environmental Criteria by 2014.To complete the actions on the Scottish Sustainable Procurement Action Plan by 2014 PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 Strategic Goal 1 - Globally networked Action Description Increase use of collaborative agreements Increase opportunities for Glasgow wide agreements Main actions and commitments APUC have identified a minimum target of 35% of non pay spend to be addressed through collaborative arrangements for GCU. Review GCU’s use of collaborative arrangements to ensure that contract uptake is increased to meet target. Review University spend profile and comparing that with sister institutions and other public sector bodies with a view to identifying common requirements, new or shared supply sources and collaborative contracting opportunities of mutual benefit. Key Performance Indicators Priority Target Date Analysis from ‘Hunter’ database showing GCU contract register categorised into ‘A’ (national), ‘B’ (sectoral) and ‘C’ (GCU and other ‘local) in use. Annual expenditure on each (year on year) and expenditure on A, B and C as percentages of total Measures of contraction of supplier numbers on general ledger showing reduction of ‘non-contract’ spend. Medium (necessarily linked to refinement of Hunter tool over time) Embedded practice Expenditure on shared contracts year on year % of total expenditure on shared service year on year Comparative analysis of % of total between GCU and partner contracting authorities Medium Embedded practice Commentary The 11/12 figure was 24% but this has increased to 40% for 12/13 expenditure. (Figures for 13/14 have still to be calculated by APUC.) The increase of 16% is due to work that Procurement has carried out with key stakeholders to make them more aware of collaborative agreements and the agreement details themselves more accessible though the Procurement SharePoint site. GCU Procurement has regular dialogue with counterparts at the Universities of Glasgow, Strathclyde, Glasgow School of Art and City of Glasgow College. Opportunities for collaboration are limited at the present time but regular dialogue will hopefully increase future opportunities. This regular dialogue does involve the sharing of good practice, however. A collaborative agreement for Coach Hire is in place with another scheduled for Waste Management with Glasgow School of Art for Summer 15. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 Strategic Goal 2 - Excellence in education Action Description Review of Estates/Facilities Management tender documentation, terms and conditions and evaluations Training of Procurement Staff Main actions and commitments Review APUC template tender documentation and develop for University purposes with specific reference to Estates contracts. Review APUC terms and conditions for Estates contracts. Ensure appropriate alignment of procurement processes templates records and reports with ‘Procurement Journey’ (PPRP standard) Review training requirements and opportunities for internal Procurement Staff Key Performance Indicators Priority Target Date Introduction and use in Estates contracts High Embedded practice Conduct analysis of competencies and skills profiles according to the Procurement Competency Framework (PPRP standard) and conduct gap analysis Address shortfall by attendance at training and development courses and events with results recorded in annual PRD round. High Embedded practice Key Performance Indicators Launch of improved website and publicising to key stakeholders Priority Medium Comments New ITT templates have been developed and are in use across University. Terms and Conditions have been updated. The University Procurement Journey aligns with Scottish Government Procurement Journey. Guidance on the drafting of specifications has been developed as has guidance on the evaluation of tenders. These guidance’s are being rolled out across the key spending departments. Training requirements are discussed and reviewed as part of APUC PRD process and any gaps in skills or knowledge are addressed through attendance at training courses. Strategic Goal 3 - Excellence in research Action Description Develop Procurement Website Main actions and commitments Develop the Procurement Website as the main information source for key stakeholders and buyers Target Date Dec 2014 Comments A complete review of both internal and external Procurement information has PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 across the University. Use of website traffic monitor to review usage and source of enquiries over time Use of feedback survey data drawn from both internal and external users Migrate to Procurement Journey Review the Procurement Journey and introduce appropriate elements as the Procurement Manual for the University. Identify non pay spend priorities Review annual non pay spend; Establish forward expenditure plans and submissions to identify procurement opportunities, priorities, and commodity/contract/supplier briefing strategies into a contracting action plan. Review the SG Procurement Journey for implementation plan process and introduce. Launch and roll out of Procurement Journey to University buyers. User and supplier feedback survey data Actual against estimated progress reports. Actual against targeted savings/benefits reports. Introduce implementation plan for commodities High level register of implementations completed linked to actual against estimated progress reports. High Complete Medium Embedded practice Medium Embedded practice been carried out and a new website hierarchy been developed. Procurement is currently working with IS to get the new site up and running. This will then be communicated to stakeholders and used as an on-going information tool. The Head of Procurement has documented the GCU ‘Procurement Journey’ as the procurement procedures for the University. Procurement actively reviews expenditure on an on-going basis but formally reviews once annual expenditure is published on the Scottish Government Hub. This will be undertaken in the last quarter in 2014. Implementation plans have been completed for all key procurement areas. Strategic Goal 4 - Delivering for business, the public and voluntary sectors Action Description Introduce process for customer and supplier feedback survey Main actions and commitments Develop and customer feedback surveys – periodically by project and at least one annually for internal users and suppliers respectively. Ensure that communications Key Performance Indicators Use of feedback survey data drawn from both internal and external users % of total spend profile by category, by supplier type (e.g. SMEs), by geographic Priority Medium/Low Target Date Dec 2014 Comments Feedback has been sought regarding particular expenditure areas i.e. Travel. Annual feedback surveys have been developed and will be carried out in the last quarter in PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 involve comprehensive range of stakeholders Introduce process for Supplier/Contract Management distribution (using data retrievable from Hub and portal) Map Supplier/Contract Establish and maintain a Management routines to detailed contract and supplier Procurement Journey process management record showing and implement revised processes. scope and frequency of interactions and measurable outcomes. Optimise the use of teaching, research and other specialist staff expertise in developing contracts through cross-functional teams Review the scope for harvesting institutional expertise for developing and supporting contracting strategies % of contracts developed using cross functional teams. [links to question 4.1B/4.2 in PCA] Conduct supplier base segmentation and categorise into high, medium and low contracting risk Conduct expenditure/risk analysis building in key stakeholder involvement. % of institutional expenditure analysed through segmentation analysis [links to question 5.1C/5.3 in PCA] Ensure fair and transparent Ensure adherence to the principles of the Scottish Maintain data on all suppliers and bidders for institutional 2014. Medium Medium Embedded practice Embedded practice Embedded practice Medium Medium July 2015 Contract Management process has been developed and is being introduced in key procurement contracts. 12/13 spend has been categorised according to risk and contract management route but this will be repeated once 13/14 spend annual expenditure is published on the Scottish Government Hub. Procurement will always encourage the use of cross functional teams where appropriate. A recent procurement undertaken with a cross functional team was Occupational Health for Staff and Students, which involved staff from Health and Safety, People, School of Health and Life Sciences and School of Engineering and Built Environment. 12/13 spend has been categorised according to risk category but this will be repeated once 13/14 spend annual expenditure is published on the SG Hub. This is being introduced with the use of the new APUC Public PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 opportunity and treatment for all suppliers including SME’s Government Supplier Charter contracts to illustrate supplier engagement by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), third sector and voluntary sector organisations and by geographical location (local, regional national etc.) and the movement of such numbers year on year. Contracts Scotland -Tender templates and will be monitored going forward. Strategic Goal 5 - Valuing our people Action Description Assess procurement competencies across the University Main actions and commitments Publicise training events for key buyers across University Key Performance Indicators Conduct high level analysis of procurement competencies and skills profiles required at different levels of procurement engagement and conduct gap analysis Address shortfall by encouraging involvement with or attendance at training and development courses and events with results monitored and recorded. Priority Medium Target Date July 2015 Comments These events will be promoted through the new Procurement Website and through participation in the People Passport initiative. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 Strategic Goal 6 - Committed to the common good Action Description Review tender documentation, procurement terms and conditions and align processes to the Procurement Journey as appropriate. Main actions and commitments Review APUC and Procurement Journey templates and standard texts for tender documentation and align University documentation and processes accordingly so that doing business with the University is kept as simple as possible, but remains consistent with achieving Best Value/value for money. Ensure that the University advertises all relevant contracts through Public Contracts Scotland (PCS). Review the use of PCS within key stakeholder areas to ensure all call offs from frameworks are advertised through Quick Quote. This will increase competition and support 'Best Value', support the achievement of a more transparent tendering process and adhere to EU rules and build stronger communication links with suppliers. Ensure that all relevant procurement exercises involve site visits or supplier awareness days where appropriate to ensure suppliers are provided with as much guidance and information prior to tendering. Introduce site visits or supplier awareness days Key Performance Indicators Risk mitigation outcomes Customer and supplier feedback outcomes Savings and benefits from improved processes – utilising Hub and Hunter reports % of overall spend (Cat A + Cat B + Cat C) covered by signed off commodity/project strategies with forecast savings or benefits [links to question 4.1C/4.3 in PCA] Monitoring of number adverts, responses and outcomes through PCS year on year and comparison with Hunter. Priority High Target Date Embedded practice Comments All Procurement processes have been aligned to the Scottish Government Procurement Journey through the introduction of the GCU Procurement Journey. High Embedded practice All applicable University Procurements are advertised through Public Contracts Scotland Portal. Maintain data on all tenders where site visits or supplier awareness days have been undertaken and report with data on suppliers and bidders for institutional contracts to illustrate supplier engagement by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), third sector and voluntary sector organisations and by Medium Embedded practice These events are undertaken for all applicable procurements. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 geographical location (local, regional national etc.) and the movement of such numbers year on year. Strategic Goal 7 – Sustainability Action Description Ensuring VFM is achieved in all University procurements. Main actions and commitments Review GCU’s use of collaborative arrangements to ensure that contract uptake on collaborative arrangements is increased. Review participation in total number of applicable APUC contracts Introduce APUC process for accessing the sustainability impact of commodities in all appropriate procurements Review annual non pay spend; Establish forward expenditure plans and submissions to identify procurement opportunities, priorities, and commodity/contract/supplier briefing strategies into a contracting action plan. Review APUC and Procurement Journey templates and implement revised processes. Ensure that requirement specifications are subject to a sustainability check or sustainability test as per the Procurement Journey Key Performance Indicators Analysis from ‘Hunter’ database showing GCU contract register categorised into ‘A’ (national), ‘B’ (sectoral) and ‘C’ (GCU and other ‘local) in use. Annual expenditure on each (year on year) and expenditure on A, B and C as percentages of total Target of +70% Priority Medium Target Date Embedded practice Medium Embedded practice Medium Embedded practice Comments The target number of collaborative contracts for GCU to use is 50 and based on 12/13 data, GCU is currently sitting at 67. (Figures for 13/14 have still to be calculated by APUC.) Closer analysis of 13/14 spend will take place once this is published on the Scottish Government Hub. Measures of contraction of supplier numbers on general ledger showing reduction of ‘non-contract’ spend. Actual against estimated progress reports. Actual against targeted savings/benefits reports. Introduction and use in all appropriate contracts High Generate an annual report for senior management and feed identified targets and objectives into the procurement strategy action plan [links to question Procurement is reviewing the Sustainability Test and the evaluation of sustainability throughout all procurements. PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2014/2015 Scottish Sustainable Procurement Action Plan Complete the actions on the Scottish Sustainable Procurement Action Plan by 2014 4.1E/4.4 in PCA] Completed action plan Medium On-going Procurement has assessed its performance across all five levels of the Flexible Framework, however regulatory changes mean that this framework will be superseded in the next 12 to 18 months.