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Council of Australian Governments Standing Council of Environment and Water
National Water Reform Thematic Oversight Group
The Revision of the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines
for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (2000)
Joint Steering Committee
The revision of Guideline Document 4: Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and
Marine Water Quality (2000) (ANZECC Guidelines) and associated changes to Guideline
Document 7: Australian Guidelines for Monitoring and Reporting (2000) (the Revision) are
progressing steadily, with all technical work anticipated to be completed by mid 2014. Public
consultation and approvals may extend beyond this date.
In 2009, as part of the National Water Quality Management Strategy (NWQMS), Australian
and New Zealand Environment and Natural Resources Ministers gave approval to revise the
ANZECC Guidelines and consequential amendments to the Monitoring and Reporting
Guidelines. These documents are key resources for managing water quality and protecting
environmental values including aquatic ecosystems in Australia and New Zealand.
Since finalising the last revision of the ANZECC Guidelines in 2000 substantial new data and
techniques for establishing guideline values and for monitoring and assessment have become
available. The revised ANZECC Guidelines and Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines will
incorporate updated information based on these new data and assessment methods for a wide
range of physical and chemical stressors and toxicants and biological indicators.
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) established an inter-jurisdictional Joint
Steering Committee (JSC) (which includes Indigenous Australian and Maori members) to
provide strategic direction for the Revision. The Revision work is separated into three phases:
Phase 1: A number of high priority and relatively straightforward revisions identified during
initial stakeholder consultations have been undertaken, as summarised below. Phase 1 of the
Revision also set the framework and the work plan for Phase 2, based on stakeholder
consultation and recommendations from technical working groups.
Updated Sediment Water Quality Guidelines: Updates to some sediment quality
trigger values have been drafted and are currently being finalised prior to approval. A
new sediment quality assessment framework has also been drafted, which, when
incorporated into the revised NWQMS water quality assessment framework, will
replace the current Chapter 3.5 of the ANZECC Guidelines (during Phase 2).
Nitrate (In Fresh Water) Toxicant Trigger Value Update: Revised trigger values for
nitrate in fresh water have been prepared incorporating a range of new data. This
project is currently undergoing review prior to streamlined public comment.
Manganese (In Marine Water) Toxicant Trigger Value Update: Revised trigger
values for manganese in marine water have been prepared incorporating a range of
new data. This project is currently undergoing review prior to streamlined public
Zinc Toxicant Trigger Value Update: A project to generate new information and
incorporate new data on zinc toxicity has commenced. It was put on hold to consider
the synergies following the publication of a major international study (for the European
Union) on the effects of zinc in humans and the environment and associated risk
assessment. Technical experts are considering how best to incorporate the new
information into the ANZECC Guidelines and what further work is required. New trigger
values are expected in the medium term.
Boron Toxicant Trigger Value Update: Work conducted in Phase 1 has produced a
draft trigger value revision for Boron that will be progressed and finalised within
Phase 2 Project 7 (see below).
Toxicant Trigger Value Derivation Software Upgrade: A project to update the
BurrliOz software for deriving toxicant trigger values has delivered new software which
is currently undergoing user testing. The revised software will be ready to contribute to
Phase 2 Project 7.
Phase 2: This represents the major revision period. Since the agreement of the Phase 2 work
plan by COAG, seven projects have been designed and are in various stages of planning,
procurement and implementation:
1. Framework, Integration and Presentation: Web delivery of the ANZECC
Guidelines, including the revision of the introductory sections and scientific editing of
revised text. Project 1 integrates the work resulting from Projects 2-7 and includes
improvements to the way that spiritual and cultural values are incorporated in the
ANZECC Guidelines.
2. Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting: Scoping and undertaking revision of
monitoring (including statistical guidance) and reporting for the ANZECC Guidelines
and Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines. Incorporation of new statistical advice for
aspects of water quality assessment and ensuring accurate cross-referencing and
consistent monitoring and assessment guidance within and between the ANZECC
Guidelines and Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines.
3. Primary Industry:
Updating of existing information and development of a limited number of new trigger
values for irrigation and stock drinking (to protect animal health).
4. Sediments, Ecogenomics and Toxicant Trigger Value Methods: Finalisation of
revised trigger values for toxicants in sediments, new biological indicators
(ecogenomics) and documentation of the new toxicant trigger value derivation
5. Ecoregionalisation (Physical and Chemical Stressors and Biological
Assessment): Potential options to improve the regionalisation and ecosystem
classification for physical and chemical stressor trigger values and biological
assessment information are being assessed. Options for assisting management of
inland temporary waters will also be investigated. A paper setting out options for
ecoregions has been received from consultants, and its conclusions are being
6. New Zealand (NZ) Physical and Chemical Stressors and Biological
Assessment: Collation of physical and chemical data for NZ marine waters, additional
advice on biological assessment for NZ waters and derivation of trigger values for
marine and freshwater physical and chemical stressors for NZ.
7. Toxicant Trigger Value Revisions: Targeted re-derivation of toxicant trigger values
for surface water toxicants of high priority.
Phase 3: It is intended that this Phase will involve the regular maintenance and updating of
the ANZECC Guidelines on an on-going basis following the current Revision. This has been
agreed in-principle by the jurisdictions, and options for enabling it will be explored prior to the
completion of Phase 2.
Please direct enquiries to:
Joint Steering Committee Secretariat
Address: GPO Box 787, Canberra, ACT, 2601.
Phones: (02) 6274 2580