Project Status Update (November 2013)

COAG Standing Council on Environment and Water; National Water Reform Thematic Oversight Group
Joint Steering Committee
The Revision of the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh
and Marine Water Quality (2000)
Project Status Update (November 2013)
Phase 1 Projects To Be Completed in Phase 2
Nitrates (fresh water)
toxicant TV update
Manganese (marine
water) toxicant TV
Toxicant trigger value
derivation software
Revised trigger value for nitrate.
Revised trigger value for manganese
Update existing BurrliOz software.
To be progressed as a
separate priority in Phase 2.
Preparations for Public
Consultation underway.
Nearing completion.
Phase 2 Projects
Project 1: Framework,
Integration and
Project 2: Monitoring,
Assessment and
Project 3: Primary
Project 4: Sediments,
Ecogenomics and
Toxicant Trigger Value
Web delivery of the Revised Australian and
New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and
Marine Water Quality (ANZECC
Guidelines), including the revision of the
introductory sections and scientific editing
of revised text. Project 1 integrates the
work resulting from Projects 2-7 and
includes improvements to the way that
spiritual and cultural values are
incorporated in the ANZECC Guidelines.
Scoping and undertaking revision of
monitoring (including statistical guidance)
and reporting for the ANZECC Guidelines
and Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines.
Incorporation of new statistical advice for
aspects of water quality assessment and
ensuring accurate cross-referencing and
consistent monitoring and assessment
guidance within and between the ANZECC
Guidelines and Monitoring and Reporting
Updating of existing information and
development of a limited number of new
trigger values for irrigation and stock
drinking (to protect animal health).
Finalisation of revised Sediment Quality
Guidelines, new biological indicators
(ecogenomics) and documentation of new
trigger value derivation methodology.
Project scoping underway.
Contract has been let.
Detailed project specifications
in preparation.
Deliverables submitted and
currently undergoing technical
Project 5:
Project 6:
New Zealand Physical
and Chemical
Stressors and
Biological Assessment
Project 7: Toxicant
Trigger Values
Potential options to improve the
regionalisation and ecosystem
classification for physical and chemical
stressor trigger values and biological
assessment information are being
assessed. Options for assisting
management of inland temporary waters
will also be investigated.
Collation of physical and chemical data for
NZ marine waters. Additional advice on
biological assessment for NZ waters.
Derivation of trigger values for marine and
freshwater physical and chemical stressors
and biological assessment data for NZ.
Targeted re-derivation of toxicant trigger
values for surface water toxicants of high
Please direct enquiries to:
Joint Steering Committee Secretariat
Address: GPO Box 787, Canberra, ACT, 2601.
Phone: (02) 6274 2580
Project scoping underway.
Project scoping underway.
Detailed project specifications
in preparation.