correction slip

Correction slip No.13 to the G&SR 1999 edition
SR 5.01-3(a) at page no. 214 under GR 5.01 of G&SR 1999 edition issued vide CS 12 item No.8 is further
revised to read as under –
(a) No person is permitted to operate block instruments/Panel/RRI unless he is in possession of the prescribed
certificate of competency. Station Masters and Asistant Station Masters on duty, Cabin Assistant Station
Masters and Switchmen in independent charge of block/panel/RRI cabins and stations and who are in
possession of certificates of competency are authorized to operate block instruments/panel/RRI
independently; it will be prescribed in the Station Working Rules.
However, at non-block Cabins having Panel interlocking, Cabinman/Leverman/ Pointsman ‘A’ who
are in possession of certificate of competency jointly issued by DOM/AOM and DSTE/ASTE are
authorized to operate panel independently.
(Ref : Office note No. TR/G&SR/Genl./102 dated 19.07.2012)
SR 4.35-1 at page no. 179 under GR 4.35 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
SR 4.35-1 Starting of trains –
a) (i) No train shall be started from a station by the Guard of the train unless the Station Master has
permitted the train to leave.
(ii) The Station Master will give permission to start a train only when the following conditions are
fulfilled (1) Line Clear from the Station ahead has been obtained.
(2) Correct starting signal has been taken ‘Off’ or starting permit has been sent to the Loco Pilot.
(3) The last stop signal has been correctly taken off on double line or on single line where
tokenless block instruments are in use. In addition, on single line, the tangible authority to
proceed, where in use, has been sent to the Loco Pilot.
(4) In case of starter or Advanced Starter Signal being defective, the provisions of Rule 3.70 and
S.R.3.70-1, 3.70-2, 3.70-3 there under have been complied with.
(5) For defective Intermediate Block Home, the Station Master shall in addition, comply with the
provision of S.R.3.75-1(2)&(4).
(b) (i) Taking ‘Off’ of Starter and the Advanced Starter signals on double line or on single line where
tokenless block instruments are in use will be considered as the Station Masters permission to start
the train referred to in clause (2) of GR 4.35. On single line where tangible authority to proceed is
in use, the Loco Pilot should be in possession of the same in addition to the taking ‘Off’ of Starter
and Advanced Starter signals.
Where Starting signals are not provided, the Loco Pilot must also be in possession of a Starting
(ii) When the conditions laid down in (b)(i) above are fulfilled, the Loco Pilot of trains will sound the
engine whistle in token of having observed that the correct signal have been taken ‘Off’ for his
train or in the event of defective Starter and Advanced Starter signals that he has in his possession
the authority on form T.369(3b) to pass the same at danger, on which the Guard will give his
permission to start.
(Ref : Office note No. TR/G&SR/Genl./102 dated 13.08.2012)
SR 4.35-2 at page no. 180 under GR 4.35 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
SR 4.35-2 Starting of Trains; Guard’s duties before –
i) After Station Master’s permission to start the train as per SR 4.35-1(b)(i) and when all work in
connection with the train is completed, the Guard will sound his whistle and display a green flag by
day or a green light by night to the Loco Pilot to start his train.
ii) In case of passenger carrying train, Guard must satisfy himself by visual check that passengers have
detrained and entrained, ensure that departure signals are taken ‘Off’ for his train either by personal
verification and if not visible, by confirming through Loco Pilot of his train and will sound his whistle
before giving the signal to start.
iii) The Guard’s signal to the Loco Pilot to start the train shall be display of green flag by day or green
light by night.
iv) In case of EMU, DMU or MEMU trains the Guard should authorise the train to start by giving
prescribed code i.e. 2 rings, provided he has satisfied himself that conditions for the train to start are
complied with except that the responsibility to see that the correct signal has been taken ‘Off’ for the
train will be that of the Motorman/Loco Pilot.
v) On sections of the line where banking engines are employed, the Guard, after giving the starting signal
to the Loco Pilot in front, shall immediately repeat the signal to the Loco Pilot in rear.
vi) In the case, Loco Pilot has to pass an automatic signal in the ‘On’ position, the Guard will observe the
provisions of G.R.9.07.
Note: At stations where it is not possible to exchange the signal physically between Guard and Loco pilot
due to longer composition of train/curvature the Guard shall ask the Loco Pilot to start the train on
walkie-talkie after confirming the departure signals are taken ‘Off’ for his train and continue to
exhibit the signal till it is acknowledged by the Loco Pilot/Asst. Loco Pilot.
(Ref. :- Office note No. TR/G&SR/Genl./102 dated 13.08.2012)
SR 4.42-1(b) at page no. 184 under GR 4.42 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
SR 4.42-1(b) Signals, how exchanged –
i) While exchanging signals with the Loco Pilot, the Guard will wave the hand signal horizontally at a
level above his head before the train starts and will just hold it out when the train is in motion.
ii) The Loco Pilot may depute the Assistant Loco Pilot to exchange signals on his behalf. When a train
starts from a station after stopping or runs through a station, hand signal shall normally be exchanged
on the platform side unless the track is on a curve and signals cannot be seen from that side. When a
train starts after stopping outside sta tion limits, signals must be exchanged on the left hand side, unless
the track is on right hand curve, in which case signals shall be exchanged from the right side.
iii) In case of a train starting from a station when the Guard’s signal cannot be seen by the Loco Pilot or
cannot be communicated through means provided between Guard and Loco Pilot for any reason, the
Station Master shall arrange for the Guard’s signal to be repeated/ communicated to the Loco Pilot.
viii)When a train, either stopping or non stopping at a station, has passed a station inclusive of a train halt,
the Guard shall look back and satisfy himself that no danger signal or other indication is given by any
of the station staff, as warning that there is anything wrong with the train.
(Ref. :- Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Genl./102 dated 22.08.12.)
The last Para of SR 3.07-1 about identification of Distant Signal at page No. 24 is revised to read as under –
“The Distant signal (where Double Distant signals are provided) is identified by alternate Luminous
Yellow and Black bands painted on the post with ‘P’ marker (Black letters on white disc) fixed on it.”
(Ref: CSE’s Note No. N.465/S/Visibility/LOC dated 24.08.2012.)
New SR3.07-2 at page No.25, added vide CS 12 item No.1 is further revised to read as under –
SR 3.07-2 : On Mumbai division, in multiple line section the signals shall be identified as under a) Slow Local line - Alternate White Luminous ( 50mm) and Black (300 mm) bands.
b) Through line
- Existing silver colour only.
c) 5th and 6th lines - Alternate Luminous Orange ( 50mm) and White (300 mm) bands.
Painted on the post with legend board and arrow pointing towards the line to which signal refer.
(Ref. : COM’s letter No.TR/G&SR/102 dated 27.06.2012.)
SR 3.36-2(c) at page no. 58 under GR 3.36 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
S.R.3.36-2 (c) : In case Starter and Advanced Starter signals have been taken ‘OFF’ for departing trains i.e.
trains starting from station after coming to stop, are required to be put back for the purpose of movement of
another train (precedence or crossing), the following precautions must be taken:
i) Relevant Starter and Advanced Starter signals may be replaced to ‘ON’ position. Then the Loco Pilot
of the train for which the Signal had been taken ‘OFF’ should be advised by on duty ASM/Dy.SS
through a secured means of communication (MTRC, etc.) to the effect that his Signal has been
replaced to ‘ON’ and he should not start.
ii) On single line section, the ‘Authority to proceed’, if any, handed over to the Loco Pilot, must be
iii) Whenever secured means of communication in the form of MTRC, etc. is not available the Loco Pilot
shall be advised through a written Memo that his Signal has been replaced to ‘ON’ and he should not
iv) Till the Loco Pilot has been advised through a secured means of communication or through a written
Memo and his acknowledgement received, the route set should not be altered except to avert an
(Ref. : Board’s letter No.2012/Sig/SEM-II/Misc. dated 10.10.2012.)
Para (c) & (d) of SR 5.06-2 at page No. 217 revised vide Correction Slip No. 11 item No. 18, is further
revised to read as under –
S.R. 5.06-2 Preparation, Revision and Issue of Station Working Rules –
c) On the expiry of five years if up to five correction slips have been issued and no further change is
contemplated, the Station Working rules should be treated as not requiring any change and should be
d) When a sixth correction is contemplated, the Station Working Rules should be revised and re-issued.
(Ref: Railway Board’s Letter No. 2000/Safety (A&R)/19/36 dated 02.11.2012.)
SR 3.26-3 at page No. 52 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
S.R. 3.26-3. The minimum sighting distances of signals are as under:(a) Two-Aspect lower quadrant signalling (i)
Outer signal
- 1200 metres in those sections where sectional speed is 100
KMPH and above.
- 800 metres where sectional speed is less than 100 KMPH.
- 400 m where Warner Signal is separated.
Warner signal on a post
- 400 metres.
by itself.
Home signal
- 400 metres
Main starter signal
- 400 metres
All other signals
- 200 metres
(b) Multiple-Aspect signalling (i)
Distant Signal
- 400 metres.
Inner Distant Signal
- 200 metres.
All Stop Signals
- 200 metres.
Note:- Where adequate visibility of Stop signals cannot be maintained, Repeater or Co-acting signal shall
be provided, and if not possible, a suitable speed restriction shall be imposed.
(Ref: Dy.CSO/T Note No. N.SFT/III/G&SR dated 09.01.2013.)
SR 3.38-2(i) at page No. 62 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
SR 3.38-2(i) When a running line is blocked by stable load, wagon, vehicle or by a train which is to
cross or give precedence to another train or immediately after the arrival of a train at the station etc.,
the points should be immediately set against the blocked line as under :
a) in rear of unidirectional lines on double line sections
b) at either end of common loop on double line sections,
c) at either end on single line sections,
except when shunting or any other movement is required to be done on that line.
(Ref: Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Rev/101 dated 21.03.13.)
SR 3.49-3 at page No. 68 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
SR 3.49-3 Joint Signal inspection - Joint footplate Inspection shall be carried out by the
Transportation Inspectors, Loco Inspectors, and Signal Inspectors/ Permanent Way Inspectors
quarterly and also by Officers of these departments regularly both by day & night to ensure that the
signals are clearly visible to the running staff.. The report of these inspections should be signed by all
the supervisors and record maintained by Signal Inspector.
(Ref: Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Rev/101 dated 08.07.13.)
SR 3.52-2(a) at page No. 75 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
SR 3.52-2 (a) - Hand signals for a shunting move shall be given only after the requisite points have
been correctly set and locked.
(Ref: Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Rev/101 dated 21.03.13.)
SR 3.68-1(d)(i) at page No. 94 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
(d) (i) If at an interlocked station, a signal which detects the points is defective, all the points
detected by such a signal must be treated as non-interlocked, except where points in the route are
locked by route setting with steady point locked indications on the panel. The Station Master will be
responsible for satisfying himself by personal inspection that such points where steady lock
indication are not available are correctly set and locked before authorising movement of any train
over them. He cannot delegate this responsibility to any other member of the staff, except as
provided in S.R.3.68-1 (d) (ii).
(Ref: Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Rev/101 dated 08.07.13.)
SR 3.68-4(a) at page No. 96 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
(a) At stations provided with colour light signals where signals cannot be kept lit up due to power
failure including failure of standby arrangements, the Station Master must inform the station on
either side by issuing a message under exchange of pvt. No. and the Section Controller
immediately, who shall inform the Sr.DEE/DEE and Sr.DSTE/DSTE concerned.
Station may be treated as ‘A’ class for the purpose of granting line clear, in the direction of traffic.
(Ref: Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Rev/101 dated 08.07.13.)
SR 5.01-1 at page No. 214 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
S.R.5.01-1 The Supervisory Station Master must daily inspect the station which must include the
inspection of cabins, signals, level crossing gates, lamps, weighing machines, goods and station yard
and vehicles standing therein, at least once a day. The Yard Master will perform similar duties in the
area under his charge. At large stations, where daily inspection is not practicable and at Road side
station not having supervisory SM, the Station Master in-charge must do this inspection frequently, at
least once a week. The Assistant Station Master or the Assistant Yard Master on duty must inspect
signal cabins once in his duty hours if there are no ASMs in the Cabin and sign the Train Signal
(Ref: Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Rev/101 dated 08.07.13.)
SR 5.01-2 at page No. 214 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
SR 5.01-2. The Station Master must also see that goods, parcels and other material must not be left
scattered about on the platform. Packages to be loaded should be neatly stacked at a safe distance from
the edge of the platform. At stations having commercial supervisor like CBS/CPS/CGS these aspects
should be monitored by them, under the supervision of Station Master.
(Ref: Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Rev/101 dated 21.03.13.)
SR 5.14-1(e) at page No. 221 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
e) At interlocked stations those facing Points which are equipped with track locks/lock bars shall be
invariably locked by pulling the track lock/lock bar lever during shunting operations, if interlocking
permits of this being done; otherwise the points may be locked either by a clamp, or by a through bolt,
with a padlock.
Facing points at interlocked stations which are neither equipped with track locks/lock bars nor
are key-locked and all points at non-interlocked stations shall be locked either by a clamp, or by a
through bolt, with a padlock. However in cases of points over which shunting moves are governed by
shunt signals detecting locking of all the points, locking by clamps or through bolts is not required
The above instructions apply to shunting of a passenger or goods train or part thereof or slip
coaches and not to yard shunting.
(Ref: Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Rev/101 dated 08.07.13.)
SR 16.04-1 at page No. 392 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under –
SR 16.04-1. The Gateman at all level crossing gates should stand attentively at the gate lodge side
facing the track with furled red and green flags during day in right and left hands respectively and
at night hold the hand signal lamp with the white light pointing towards train crew. He shall watch all
passing trains to see any unusual condition like hot axle, chain hanging, any vehicle/wagon on fire,
load shifted etc. and take prompt action to warn the Loco Pilot and Guard of the train by
showing a danger signal.
(Ref: Office Note No. TR/G&SR/Rev/101 dated 21.03.13.)
Date: 26.07.2013
R. D. Tripathi