Correction slip 10 to the G&SR 1999 edition
1. In Existing GR 3.52
at page No.75 of G&SR 1999 edition the following sub rule is added below GR 3.52(3),
(4) Red or green light referred to in sub-rule (3) shall be either a static or flashing type.
(Ref : i) Rly Bd’s letter No. 2001/Safety (A&R)/19/2 dated 14.03.2008
ii) Gazette of India GSR 116(E) No. 93 dated 28.02.08.)
2. New SR 9.13-2 is added below SR 9.13 at page No.314 of G&SR 1999 edition as under :-
SR 9.13-2 Overshooting of PF short of Starter signal while working EMU trains -Whenever a suburban EMU train overshoots a PF, but short of the Starter Signal and it becomes unavoidably necessary to move the train against the established direction of traffic for the convenience and safety of passengers this shall be done as per the procedure given below
1. At stations where Station Master is available, Motorman/Guard shall call Station Master by sounding frequent short whistle. The procedure for backing train as prescribed shall be carried out under the supervision of Station Master. In case, at Stations where Station
Master is not available (Stations where Clerk In-charge is posted), this responsibility lies with the Guard and Motorman.
2. The Guard shall ensure that the line behind the said train in the rear is clear and free from any obstruction and switch ‘ON’ the flasher light.
3. The public at the affected station/platform wherever possible should be advised on Public
Address system about backing of the train.
4. Guard of the train shall consult with the Motorman on PA system/Talk Back and after ensuring that everything is safe for Motorman to push back the train shall authorize
Motorman to push back the train on the Platform by exchanging 3 : 3 beats. Motorman after exchanging the beats will push back the train cautiously up to Platform at a speed not exceeding 5 kmph.
5. In case communication either through PA system/Talk Back or Bell Code cannot be established between Motorman and Guard then in such cases, Motorman should change his cab and drive from the leading Driving Cab in the direction of travel and the Guard will station himself at the other end till the train is brought safely to the platform.
6. On arrival of train on Platform, guard shall give one beat for stopping the train and
Motorman should stop the train and acknowledge the beat.
7. The Guard must satisfy himself by visually checking that passengers have detrained and entrained and give two beats to start the train.
8. The motorman must be alert and start the train immediately after having received the
Guard’s signal and satisfying himself that the Starter signal pertaining to his train has been taken ‘Off’.
9. In case such incident happens at Stations where there is no Station Master, Guard shall inform preferably at the next station where there is a Station Master in writing about the incident. The Station Master should then inform the controller. Similarly, Guard and
Motorman should also report such incident in writing at terminal/crew changing stations.
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Note : All Loco Pilots and Motormen should exercise great caution after passing an automatic signal at ON and follow Rule 9.02 especially when a train is noticed on the Platform of station ahead.
(Ref : Office note no. TR/G&SR/Rev.101 dated 08.09.08)
3. New SR 5.16-1 is added below GR 5.16 at page No.224 as under :-
S.R. 5.16-1 Shunting during reception/dispatch of trains –When signals have been taken “Off’ for an incoming /outgoing train on/from a line which is not isolated, no shunting movement shall be carried out towards the points over which the incoming /outgoing train is to pass except on stations where frequent shunting movements take place and where such points are protected by Stop signal or by a
Shunt signal or by a Stop Board with the precautions to be observed while performing such shunting that:- a) Shunting shall be carried out under the supervision of authorized competent railway servant. b) Rake/Load should be fully on vaccume/air brake, c) The maximum speed during such shunting operation shall not exceed 15 kmph.
4. SR 8.05-1 below GR 8.05 at page No. 269 and SR 8.10-1 under GR 8.10 at page 271 are revised to read as under :-
“Shunting during reception/dispatch of trains –When signals have been taken “Off’ for an incoming /outgoing train on/from a line which is not isolated, no shunting movement shall be carried out towards the points over which the incoming /outgoing train is to pass except on stations where frequent shunting movements take place and where such points are protected by Stop signal or by a Shunt signal or by a
Stop Board with the precautions to be observed while performing such shunting that:- a) Shunting shall be carried out under the supervision of authorized competent railway servant. b) Rake/Load should be fully on vaccume/air brake, c) The maximum speed during such shunting operation shall not exceed 15 kmph.”
(Ref : Office note no. TR/G&SR/Rev.101 dated 19.08.08)
5. The Existing GR 2.01 at page No.8 of G&SR 1999 edition are revised to read as under:
2.01- Supply of copies of rules - The Railway Administration shall supply –
(a) a copy of these Rules -
(i) to each station,
(ii) to each locomotive running shed, and
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(iii) to such other offices as it may prescribe,
(b) to each railway servant on whom any definite responsibility is placed by the said rules, a copy of the rules, or of such portions thereof as relate to his duties, and
(c) to any railway servant a copy of these rules or translation of the said rules or of such portions, thereof as relate to his duties, as may be
(Ref : prescribed by Special Instructions. i) Rly Bd’s letter No. 2008/Safety (A&R)/19/9 dated 31.12.2008
ii) Gazette of India GSR 847(E) No. 644 dated 10.12.08)
6. The Existing GR 2.02 at page No.8 of G&SR 1999 edition are revised to read as under:
2.02 Upkeep of the copy of rules - Each railway servant, who has been supplied with a copy of these rules, as prescribed under rule 2.01 shall –
(a) keep it posted with all corrections,
(b) produce the same on demand by any of his superiors,
(c) obtain a new copy from his superior in case his copy is lost or defaced, and
(d) ensure that the staff working under him are supplied with all corrections
(Ref : and that they also comply with the provisions of this rule. i) Rly Bd’s letter No. 2008/Safety (A&R)/19/9 dated 31.12.2008
ii) Gazette of India GSR 847(E) No. 644 dated 10.12.08)
7. Existing SR 2.03-3 at page No.09, fourth line of G&SR 1999 edition the following correction should be carried out:
Read words ‘once in a year’ in place of ‘once in every six months’.
(Ref : Sr.DEE(TRS.O) CSTM letter No. BB.TRSO.SAFE.3 dated 16/07/09)
8. SR 3.78(4) at page No. 108 issued vide Correction slip No. 7 item No.1 is further revised to read as under :-
SR 3.78(4). Need for re-acquainting himself with the working in a section by a Driver :–
Driver shall acquaint himself by undertaking following number of trips as road learning in case he has not worked in the section for periods shown against each –
No. of trips of Road learning Period of absence
During Day
During Night
2 over 1 year
2 1 over 6 months
In case of Ghat sections and sections with automatic signalling, driver may request for a maximum of 3 trips more than stipulated.
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(Ref : Sr.DEE(TRS.O) CSTM letter No. BB.TRSO.SAFE.3 dated 16/07/09)
9. Existing heading at page no.91 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under
G. Signals to warn incoming train of danger ahead.
10. Existing GR 3.65 at page 91 is revised to read as under:-
3.65. The signals to be used to warn the incoming train of an obstruction shall be a red flashing hand signal lamp at night or a red flag during day.
11. Existing SR 3.65-1 at page no.91 is deleted.
12. Existing GR 3.66 at page 91 revised vide Adv. Correction slip No.10 item no.1 is further revised to read as under:-
3.66 Use of warning signals –
When it becomes necessary to protect an obstruction in a block section, a signal may be used, as prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65, while a railway servant proceeds to place detonators.
13. Existing SR 3.66-1 at page 91 is revised to read as under:-
S.R. 3.66-1. The warning signals to be used by Guards, Loco Pilots/Motormen, Gatemen and
Patrolmen as and when required.
14. Existing GR 3.67 at page 91 revised vide correction slip No. 2 item no.3 is further revised to read as under:-
3.67. Knowledge and possession of warning signals -
(1) (a) All concerned railway servant on whom this duty is laid by the Railway
Administration shall keep a stock of such signal as may be prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65 .
(b) The Railway Administration shall be responsible for the supply, renewal and safe custody of such signals as may be prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65 and for ensuring that their use is properly understood.
(c) The Railway Administration shall supply every Guard, Loco pilot, Patrolman and
Gateman working on the Double or Multiple lines, Ghat, Suburban and
Automatic Block Territories with such signals as may be prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65.
(2) Every railway servant concerned with the use of signals as prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65, shall have a correct knowledge of their use and keep them ready for immediate use.
(3) Every railway servant shall see that the railway servants in his charge concerned with the use of warning signals as prescribed by special instructions under rule 3.65, have a correct knowledge of their use.
15. Existing SR 3.67-1 at page no.91 to 93 is deleted.
16. Existing GR 3.78 at page 107 revised vide correction slip No. 2 item no.2 is further revised to read as under:-
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3.78. Duties of engine crew in respect of signals:-
(1) (a) The Loco Pilot shall pay immediate attention to and obey every signal whether the cause of the signal being shown is known to him or not.
(b) The Loco Pilot shall not, however, trust entirely to signal, but always be vigilant and cautious.
(2)(a)The Loco Pilot shall whistle intermittently when his engine explodes detonator(s) and take every possible caution including reduction of speed as necessary, so as to have the train well under his control and be able to stop short of any obstruction on the line;
(b) after proceeding 1.5 kilometers from the place where his engine exploded detonator(s), if his engine does not explode any more detonator(s), he may then resume authorized speed; and
(c) report the incident to the next station or cabin.
(3) If in consequence of fog or storm or any other reason, the view of the signal is obstructed, the Loco Pilot shall take every possible precaution, so as to have the train well under control.
(4) When the loco pilot notices a signal warning of an obstruction, except detonator(s), he shall stop his train immediately and act on advice of the person exhibiting warning signal or on the basis of obstructions noticed by him.
(5) In case no further details of exhibition of warning signal are noticed, after stopping for one minute by day and two minutes by night to ascertain the location and/or cause of the warning, he shall proceed cautiously up to the next block station, keeping a sharp lookout.
(6) The loco pilot shall acquaint himself with the system of working, location of signals and other local conditions affecting the running of trains on a section or sections of the Railway over which he is to work and if he is not so acquainted with any portion of the Railway over which he is to work, obtain the services of a qualified Railway servant who is conversant with it to assist him.”
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17. Existing GR 4.16 -1(b) at page 138 is revised to read as under:-
4.16(1) (b) by night, as well as in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility during day, a red tail lamp of approved design displaying a flashing red light to indicate last vehicle check device, or
18 (a). Existing SR 4.19-1(a)- item (1) & 10) at page 146 is revised to read as under:-
SR 4.19-1(a)-
Item (1) Rule books complete and up-to-date or such portion thereof as relevant to his duties and should produce the same on demand by any of his superiors (as per
GR 2.01 & 2.02).
Item(10) LED based flashing tri-colour hand signal lamp.
(b) Existing SR 4.19-1(b) at page no.146 is deleted.
(c) SR 4.19-1(c) at page no.146 to be renumbered as SR 4.19-1(b) and revised to read as under :-
(b) When a Guard is transferred, he will take with him to the new division his personal stores, and the Divisional Railway Manager of the division from which the man is transferred will pass on a statement of stores in the Guard’s possession to the Divisional Railway Manager under whom he will work. The Station Master of the Guard’s new head-quarters will check the stores and report any deficiencies at once to the Divisional Railway Manager. The
Station Master of a station where Guards are stationed must check their personal stores once in three months.
19. Existing SR 4.19-3(a)- item (1), (4) & (9) at page 147 is revised to read as under:-
Item(1) Rule books complete and up-to-date or such portion thereof as relevant to his duties and should produce the same on demand by any of his superiors (as per GR 2.01 &
Item(4) LED based flashing tri-colour hand signal lamp.
Item(9) Deleted.
20. Existing SR 4.65-4- item (b) & (f) at page 203 is revised to read as under:-
Item(b) Two LED based flashing tri-colour hand signal lamp.
Item(f) Deleted.
21. Existing SR 4.65-6 – item (v) at page 210 is revised to read as under:- v) The Jr.Engineer/ Sr. Sectional Engineer (P.Way) incharge shall always take four efficient flagmen equipped with banner flags, 10 detonators and red hand signal each to protect the machines. One flagman shall exhibit banner flag at a distance of 600 meters on either side of the site of the work and one flagman showing a stop hand signal a distance of 1200 meters on either side of the work.
22. Existing SR 6.03-1 – item (a), (b) & (e) at page 249 & 250 is revised to read as under:-
Item(a) When a train comes to a stop in a block section on account of an accident or any other cause, which is not immediately obvious, and the Loco pilot finds that his train
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Документ1 cannot proceed, he shall immediately switch ‘On’ the flasher light, if provided, on his engine keeping the head light ‘Off’ to attract the attention of a train approaching from the opposite direction and sound four short sharp whistles (0000) repeatedly to apprise the
Guard of his inability to proceed and display a red flag by day and a red light by night. The
Guard on hearing the Loco pilot’s whistle shall acknowledge it by waving a red hand signal up and down. The Loco pilot will acknowledge the Guard’s signal by a long whistle. The
Guard shall then fix a red flag by day to the side lamp bracket or on the handle of the door or at such a place on the brakevan which can easily be seen by the Loco pilot and at night reverse the side lamps of his brakevan, where provided, to show red towards the
Loco pilot. The Guard shall also ensure that during day the tail board is in position and at night the tail lamp and the side lamps where provided, are burning brightly.
The Loco pilot shall also whistle repeatedly as in S.R.4.50-1 (a)-16 so as to attract the attention of the Loco pilot of a train approaching from the opposite direction. If the stoppage has occurred on a section of double or multiple lines, during night or in thick and foggy weather when visibility is impaired, the Loco pilot and the Guard shall exhibit the danger hand signal on which trains normally run so as to be clearly visible to the Loco pilot of an approaching train. The Loco pilot and the Guard shall then take action regarding protection of adjacent line and of the train in accordance with G.R. 6.03.
Item(b) When the Loco pilot of an approaching train sees the light of the flasher or danger hand signal, he shall at once take action to stop his train short of obstruction just as he would act when he sees a danger hand signal or hears the distressed whistle code of another engine or explodes a detonator and render all possible assistance to the affected train. He will continue his journey at normal speed only after ascertaining that the line on which, he is proceeding is free from any obstruction. If however, he finds that the line on which he is to proceed is obstructed the Loco pilot and Guard of the train will protect their train in accordance with G.R. 6.03. The Loco pilot of the train proceeding on the adjacent track must stop at the next station and report the occurrence immediately and the assistance required.
(e) EMU trains - The EMU trains have been provided with electric bell signals between
Motorman and Guard and also blinker lights. In case EMU trains come to a stop on account of an accident or any other cause which is not immediately obvious and the train can not proceed, the Motorman shall immediately switch ‘On’ the blinker light and also apprise the Guard of his inability to proceed by sounding 4 rings in the bell signals which shall be acknowledged by the Guard by 4 rings then the Guard shall switch
‘On’ the blinker light and protect the train as prescribed in G.R. 6.03 or G.R. 9.10-1 as the case may be. In case of failure of the bell code the horn and also the hand signals should be used.
When the Loco pilot/Motorman of an approaching train sees the blinking light of the
Motorman he will take action as in S.R. 6.03-1 (b). When the Loco pilot/Motorman of an approaching train sees the blinking light of the Guard he shall act as under -
If the blinker is set on the same line on which he is traveling he will stop short of the train and arrange to protect his train according to G.R. 6.03 or G.R. 9.10-1 as the case may be. If the blinker is not on the line in which he travels, he shall exercise greater vigilance and be, guided by the hand signals ahead, if any.
23. Existing S.R.15.04-2- item (5) at page no. 342 is revised to read as under:-
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Item(5) Immediately danger is apprehended or when damage is observed, the
Patrolman should protect the line, as indicated below -
(a)In case where one Patrolman is employed on a single line section,
(i)Place a red light in a prominent position to warn a train which may be approaching from one direction; then run in the opposite direction and fix one detonator at 600 metres in case of Broad Gauge and 400 metres in case of Narrow Gauge and 3 detonators, 10 metres apart at 1200 metres in case of Broad Gauge and at 800 metres in case of Narrow Gauge from the affected point. If, while on his way to fix detonators, the Patrolman finds a train approaching the affected point, he should immediately place detonators on the line and stop the train by showing a danger signal.
(ii) return to the affected point and protect the other side with detonators similarly.
(iii) in the event of it being impossible to get to the other side or the affected point (as in a wash away), place a red light so that it can be seen from as great a distance as possible, for the approaching train from that direction.
(b)In cases where one Patrolman is employed on a double-line section -
(i) Place the red light in a prominent position, so as to warn an approaching train on one track, then run along the other track towards a possible approaching train and place detonators, as in sub para (a) (i) above; displaying the danger signal.
(ii) run back and protect with detonators the other line on which the red light was shown.
(c)In cases where two Patrolmen are employed -
(i) danger signals shown at once in both directions;
(ii) the two Patrolmen should then proceed in opposite directions, showing hand danger signals and at 600 metres in case of Broad Gauge and 400 metres in case of
Narrow Gauge from the point of danger each should clip one detonator on the rail; they should then proceed to a distance of 1200 metres in case of Broad Gauge and 800 metres in case of Narrow Gauge from the point of danger and fix 3 more detonators on the rail, 10 metres apart.
On the double line, the detonators must be placed on each line so that the approaching trains on both the directions are protected.
(iii) should the nature of the obstruction be such as to render it impossible for either of the Patrolmen to get across the gap, as for instance, wash away with a strong flood, one of them should show a danger signal and endeavour to stop trains approaching the gap from the other side, while the other man should act as per para (6) below.
24. Existing S.R.15.04-3 at page no. 344 is deleted.
25. Existing S.R.15.04-4 at page no. 344 is deleted.
26. Existing S.R.16.02-1 item (ii) & (vi) at page no. 386 is revised to read as under :-
Item (ii) Three LED based flashing tri-colour Hand signal lamps.
Item (vi) Deleted.
27. Existing S.R.16.07-1 item (i) at page no. 393 is revised to read as under :-
Item (i) Double line :
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If both the lines are obstructed the Gateman shall plant a red banner flag by day and a red light by night 5 metres away duly fixed to the staff on the line on which a train is expected to arrive first. Then he will similarly plant the other stave with the danger hand signal on the other line 5 metres away from the site of obstruction. The Gateman shall immediately proceed exhibiting danger hand signal to place detonators to protect the gate during night or in thick and foggy weather or when the visibility is impaired otherwise. Then he shall proceed exhibiting the third danger hand signal on the line, on which a train is expected to arrive first, to a point 600 metres on B.G. and 400 metres on N.G. and place one detonator on the line. Thereafter he shall proceed to a distance not less than 1200 metres on B.G. and 800 metres on N.G. from the level crossing and place 3 detonators on the line about 10 metres apart. Having thus protected the line on which a train is expected to approach first, he shall return to the level crossing gate picking up the intermediate detonator on his way back. Then he shall proceed on the other line, showing the danger hand signal, place detonator similarly and return to the site of obstruction, picking up the intermediate detonator on his way back. Then he must take steps to remove the obstruction.
(Item 9-27 Ref : i) Rly Bd’s letter No. 2001/Safety (A&R)/19/2 dated 14.12.2009 ii) Gazette of India GSR 848(E) No.680 dated 27.11.2009 )
Date: 05.04.2010 Satya Prakash
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