SUMMER 2015 Oak Park and River Forest High School Fine and Applied Arts Division ART FOUNDATIONS #651 Michelle M. Carrow Room: # 392 E-mail: Office hours: 7:45 a.m. daily or by appointment after classes Website: Course Description: Art Foundations is an introductory course to the visual arts. Emphasis is placed on the formal study of the elements and principles of art through the various studio areas offered in the Art Department. Students will have hands-on experience with the art materials, mediums and techniques in the two-dimensional and three-dimensional areas. The principles of art will be observed through exposure of significant works of art of the past and present and then applied to the students' artwork. Course Content: During the semester, students will be introduced to various 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional media such as drawing, painting, printmaking, clay, found-object sculpture, digital imaging, photography and collage/book making techniques. Textbooks/Materials: No textbook required Required, Supplemental materials available at OPRFHS bookstore. ART KIT: (provided through school textbook fee) Kneaded Eraser Pink Pearl Eraser Blending Stump Sharpie Twin-tip Marker, Black Graphite Pencil Set Acrylic Paint Set – set of 12 Color Pencil Set Oil Pastel Set Soft-kut Printing Block 4x6 Paint well – plastic, circular, with lid #2 detail - paintbrush #6 paintbrush #12 paintbrush Portfolio Sketchbook 9”x12” Utility Bag Grades: Grades are based on EFFORT, CRAFTSMANSHIP, PROCESS and CREATIVITY. Each assignment will be graded upon completion. Each project will be given specific criteria and point value. General evaluation of each project includes; Effort: Effort in art foundations is defined as time on task, class participation, timely completion of projects, focus on work, and daily class contributions. Positive attitude plus hard work will equal success. Quality Craftsmanship: Craftsmanship is about attention to details. Erasure marks are clean, pencil or paint application is precise, 3-D constructions are sturdy and joints are smooth, work is thoughtful, careful. Creativity: Creativity is about thinking, creating or approaching an activity in a new or different way. Often it is about taking risks with an idea. Assignment grades are based on a point system. Students will also be required to participate in various exercises as they work toward completing major projects within the different media explored. All projects and exercises can be adjusted and resubmitted at any time before the end of the grading period. This allows for skill improvement at an individual pace. The following will be taken into account for final grade: Individual Projects: The technical and aesthetic success of each project is extremely important. Written Assignments/Assessments: Any required reports or exams that are assigned in class. Class Involvement and Participation: This area involves active participation in creating work or assisting the classroom community so that all benefit from your actions. This may include oral participation in critiques or any group activity, daily effort in studio maintenance, respect for others and their property and daily involvement in cleanup activities. Individual growth and progress: This is noted in the acquisition and growth of skills, class involvement, and growth in knowledge as the class progresses. EACH STUDENT IS EXPECTED TO MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO THE CLASS DAILY The final grade is then based on a combination of: sketches, exercises, written assignments/critiques, in-class projects, clean up, class participation and behavior. Classroom Assignments/Projects Exercises & Progress Critiques Class participation, Clean up, & Behavior 65% 25% 10% STUDENT PROGRESS: Students are notified of their grade at the completion of each project submission and can check semester progress at any time. Parents of any student with a grade below a “C” will be notified. Grading Scale: A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59% and below Final Exam Grade: Art Foundations does not require a formal final exam. Instead, there will be a semester long project (artist journal/sketchbook) that will be due weekly during the term. This large project will be graded and averaged in with the Classroom Assignment/Project grade for the term. Term Grading: Quarter grades are cumulative points to create a semester average (% earned/letter grade). PARENT ACCESS TO GRADES: Grades will be posted upon completion of the project (approx. 1-2 days after the conclusion of an assignment). If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me by email. Course Outline: Semester This is a generalized outline, meant to be flexible and responsive to student interest and exploration. Class interest may generate different activities that approach the content in a different way. Assignments will incorporate the principles of design: pattern, rhythm, movement, balance, contrast, emphasis, and unity. As students begin to explore the different media, consider composition/principles of design and learn how to interpret perspective. Focus will be on elements of art such as (line, color, shape, texture, value, space and form), art as personal expression, art as social commentary, and art as narrative are included. At the end of the semester in Art Foundations, students can expect to have achieved the following: A basic understanding of the elements of art and exposure to the principles of design A basic understanding of how to use certain art materials, mediums, tools and supplies A general understanding of art history and contemporary art and how this impacts our understanding and art making An ability to evaluate/critique and interpret artwork Teacher Expectations: Creative expression is encouraged through a relaxed but organized classroom atmosphere. Students are expected to consistently exercise common courtesy and show respect for the rights, feelings and property of others. It is also important to remember that teacher and students should do their best to maintain a positive and polite environment. All school rules as detailed by the School Tardy/ID Policy & Code of Conduct should be followed and will be consistently and fairly enforced. Attendance (if tardy or absent) - it is the students responsibility to talk with me for missed information Bring all required materials to class: kit, semester project & collage materials (as requested/needed) Complete assignments on time / if unfinished – turn in for grade and resubmit for higher grade Turn in all exercises, sketchbook assignments/written assignments and projects as required and needed for grading / deadlines will be announced in class. Clean-up work area daily Respect room, supplies & equipment Daily Homework: Semester project (Artist Sketchbook) After in-class time for a project has ended, students may want to bring projects or exercises home to work, but it is their responsibility to return the work to class for grading. Grading usually is started 1 day after the conclusion of an in-class project. If the project is not returned for the due date it will be marked a zero until it is received. Make-up Work: To be completed in a timely fashion Discuss with teacher on an individual basis depending on circumstances Classroom Rules: Respect teacher, classmates room supplies and facilities. Remain quiet and attentive during class demonstrations and assignment lectures. Follow all instructions – Notify the teacher if there are problems Avoid inappropriate loudness, continual talking, unnecessary movement and distraction. Manage class time effectively: work within the time frame of the project & make-up all missed assignments. Leave work areas clean/Participate in community classroom cleaning requirements DO NOT EAT IN THE CLASSROOM DO NOT STAND NEAR DOOR; remain seated until class is dismissed. NO CELL PHONES in the classroom or as music devises MP3 players and I-Pods can be used upon approval from the teacher / TBD. Refrain from any inappropriate language, gestures and behavior. Be responsible for all kit supplies and materials Use of another individual’s imagery or doing artwork/imagery for another individual’s project is considered cheating and will receive a zero and possible referral. Miscellaneous: Dress for success in art. Art materials can be messy or stain. Wear casual clothing that is easily washed or bring an old shirt to wear over your clothing. Scan Code – linked to class website Please read the Course Profile including teacher expectations and grading information with a parent or guardian. Sign this form and return this page to Ms. Carrow by Friday of this week. I have read and understand the expectations for Art Foundations class. After sharing this with a parent or guardian, I agree to follow all expectations. I understand the results for not following these expectations might include the lowering of my grade, or discipline office consequences. STUDENT NAME (print)_____________________________________ID#_________________ _____________________________________ Student Signature Date _____________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature Date