RCA Framework Revised 2/27/2013 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLAN: Critical Care Infection Spike in Transplant Patients Q1 2014 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, aspergillus, mycobacterium # 1 2 3 4 Analysis Question What was the intended process flow? Prompts Root Cause Analysis Findings List the relevant process steps as defined by the policy, procedure, protocol, or guidelines in effect at the time of the event. You may need to include multiple processes. Note: The process steps as they occurred in the event will be entered in the next question. Examples of defined process steps may include, but are not limited to: Site verification protocol Instrument, sponge, sharps count procedures Patient identification protocol Assessment (pain, suicide risk, physical, and psychological) procedures Fall risk/fall prevention guidelines See basic infection prevention strategies in flow sheet: SCIP measures, HH, bundles of care, culturing, heightened awareness by interdisciplinary rounding team for immunospressed patients, frequent vitals, labs. No breaks in technique or process were identified. Were there any steps in the process that did not occur as intended? Explain in detail any deviation from the intended processes listed in Analysis Item #1 above. What human factors were relevant to the outcome? Discuss staff-related human performance factors that contributed to the event. Examples may include, but are not limited to: Boredom Failure to follow established policies/procedures Fatigue Inability to focus on task Inattentional blindness/ confirmation bias Personal problems Lack of complex critical thinking skills Rushing to complete task Substance abuse Trust Consider all medical equipment and devices used in the course of patient care, including AED devices, crash carts, suction, oxygen, instruments, monitors, infusion equipment, etc. In your discussion, provide information on the following, as applicable: No interruption of process was identified, except for the patients that were discharged and readmitted prior to diagnosis or infections—preventing the identification of timing or source of infection. Respiratory cleaning of ventilators review revealed the use of cidex actually exceeded manufacturer’s recommendations. How did the equipment performance affect the outcome? High census and high ventilator volumes during this time period were noted. No specific factors related to this were identified, no incomplete staffing, no same staff, no excessive overtime, no personal problems, inattention, fatigue or competency issues identified. Ventilators—all respiratory parts are a closed system with disposable parts that come into contract with patient respirations. All ventilators were in constant use on other patients without similar infectious organisms noted. Root Cause Yes/No Plan of Action/ risk reduction strategy? no yes no no no yes no yes Page 1 # Analysis Question Prompts 5 6 7 8 9 What controllable environmental factors directly affected this outcome? What uncontrollable external factors influenced this outcome? Were there any other factors that directly influenced this outcome? What are the other areas in the organization where this could happen? Was the staff properly qualified and currently competent for their responsibilities at the time of the event? Descriptions of biomedical checks Availability and condition of equipment Descriptions of equipment with multiple or removable pieces Location of equipment and its accessibility to staff and patients Staff knowledge of or education on equipment, including applicable competencies Correct calibration, setting, operation of alarms, displays, and controls What environmental factors within the organization’s control affected the outcome? Examples may include, but are not limited to: Overhead paging that cannot be heard Safety or security risks Risks involving activities of visitors Lighting or space issues The response to this question may be addressed more globally in Question #17. This response should be specific to this event. Identify any factors the organization cannot change that contributed to a breakdown in the internal process, for example natural disasters. List any other factors not yet discussed. List all other areas in which the potential exists for similar circumstances. For example: Inpatient surgery/outpatient surgery Inpatient psychiatric care/outpatient psychiatric care Identification of other areas within the organization that have the potential to impact patient safety in a similar manner. This information will help drive the scope of your action plan. Include information on the following for all staff and providers involved in the event. Comment on the processes in place to ensure staff is competent and qualified. Examples may include but are not limited to: Orientation/training Competency assessment (What competencies do the staff have and how do you evaluate them?) Root Cause Analysis Findings Recent construction adjacent areas for OR (ICRA was followed) Wows Curtain cleaning Linens-delivery and exchange, use Dietary, delivery HH HVAC Water in rooms Windows Lead cleaning Monitoring cleaning Bedrail cleaning No plants or flowers were allowed (family was allowed to bring fruits, vegetables and foods) Open air from windows was permitted during the time period Change of linens—one observation of linen touching the floor— post-infections and not related to the type of organism diagnosed in patients. Computer sharing, inconsistent process for cleaning the WOWs and keyboards. Anti- rejection medications for post-transplant patients cause immunosupressed and vulnerable states. Patients went home and were subjected to other organisms prior to readmissions in some of these cases. Unable to determine exact source or timing. RCA Framework Revised 2/27/2013 Plan of Root Cause Action/ risk Yes/No reduction strategy? no Yes yes Action items 1-18 attached no no no no no yes None identified Med-surg, telemetry also house post-transplant patients—no similar infections of related concern noted. All of the following were reviewed for competency, credentialing, privileging with no issues identified. : Transplant team Pharmacy Nursing Respiratory Critical care providers Page 2 # Analysis Question Prompts 10 11 12 13 14 15 How did actual staffing compare with ideal levels? What is the plan for dealing with staffing contingencies? Were such contingencies a factor in this event? Did staff performance during the event meet expectations? To what degree was all the necessary information available when needed? Accurate? Complete? Unambiguous? To what degree was the communication among participants adequate for this situation? Provider and/or staff scope of practice concerns Whether the provider was credentialed and privileged for the care and services he or she rendered The credentialing and privileging policy and procedures Provider and/or staff performance issues Include ideal staffing ratios and actual staffing ratios along with unit census at the time of the event. Note any unusual circumstance that occurred at this time. What process is used to determine the care area’s staffing ratio, experience level and skill mix? Include information on what the organization does during a staffing crisis, such as call-ins, bad weather or increased patient acuity. Describe the organization’s use of alternative staffing. Examples may include, but are not limited to: Agency nurses Cross training Float pool Mandatory overtime PRN pool If alternative staff were used, describe their orientation to the area, verification of competency and environmental familiarity. Describe whether staff performed as expected within or outside of the processes. To what extent was leadership aware of any performance deviations at the time? What proactive surveillance processes are in place for leadership to identify deviations from expected processes? Include omissions in critical thinking and/or performance variance(s) from defined policy, procedure, protocol and guidelines in effect at the time. Discuss whether patient assessments were completed, shared and accessed by members of the treatment team, to include providers, according to the organizational processes. Identify the information systems used during patient care. Discuss to what extent the available patient information (e.g. radiology studies, lab results or medical record) was clear and sufficient to provide an adequate summary of the patient’s condition, treatment and response to treatment. Describe staff utilization and adequacy of policy, procedure, protocol and guidelines specific to the patient care provided. Analysis of factors related to communication should include evaluation of verbal, written, electronic communication or the lack thereof. Consider the following in your response, as appropriate: Root Cause Analysis Findings RCA Framework Revised 2/27/2013 Plan of Root Cause Action/ risk Yes/No reduction strategy? Dietary/RD Infection prevention/ID Consulting providers Preoperative staff Residents Social work/ case mgt No issues were identified with staffing ratios, competency or excessive overtime. No unusual circumstances occurred during this time. no no There are staffing plans in place to deal with unanticipated events. Agency nurses were not used during this time in ICU, the critical care unit does utilize agency for supplementing staffing. The same competencies are used to make assignments. Respiratory and nursing have several open positions. Both areas use overtime as necessary. This was not identified as an issue in these cases. no no no no no yes no no no no Not applicable No issues were identified with any performance deviations specific to these patients. Performance issues were identified following diagnosis on one occasion with dietary and one occasion with linen handling and both non-contributory. There were no substantially related delays in lab work, obtaining cultures or starting treatment in any of these patients. Some of these organisms, such as mycobacterium are a long, slow growth period and treatment was started prior to receiving the final cultures which always take extended time due to their inherent nature. Assessments were documented regularly, with concurrent vital signs and multiple layers of team assessments with regular, consistent and reliable involvement from the highest level of specialized providers. Handoffs, communication and multidisciplinary rounding were completed in a timely fashion and communicated and documented regularly with these patients. No issues were identified. Page 3 # Analysis Question Prompts Root Cause Analysis Findings RCA Framework Revised 2/27/2013 Plan of Root Cause Action/ risk Yes/No reduction strategy? 16 17 Was this the appropriate physical environment for the processes being carried out for this situation? What systems are in place to identify environmental risks? The timing of communication of key information Misunderstandings related to language/cultural barriers, abbreviations, terminology, etc. Proper completion of internal and external hand-off communication Involvement of patient, family and/or significant other Consider processes that proactively manage the patient care environment. This response may correlate to the response in question 6 on a more global scale. What evaluation tool or method is in place to evaluate process needs and mitigate physical and patient care environmental risks? How are these process needs addressed organization-wide? Examples may include, but are not limited to: alarm audibility testing evaluation of egress points patient acuity level and setting of care managed across the continuum, preparation of medication outside of pharmacy Identify environmental risk assessments. Does the current environment meet codes, specifications, regulations? Does staff know how to report environmental risks? Was there an environmental risk involved in the event that was not previously identified? Construction was occurring outside the ICU during the time period for the NI building and windows were opened by family and staff possibly allowing contaminants to enter. Some of the patients went home into uncontrolled environments and returned and were possibly exposed. Rooms were cross-verified and 2 rooms held the same patient. Terminal cleaning was performed postconstruction on all rooms re-purposed during adjacent OR construction. HVAC tested negative for the organisms in question. no yes no yes no yes Risk assessments include ICRA for construction, annual IC risk assessment, regular EOC rounding, leadership rounds, multidisciplinary rounds were performed. Staff, residents and providers receive annual training on SERS reporting in addition to annual safety fairs and initial orientation. Window opening capability and proximity to ongoing construction was not addressed prior to the infections. The organisms were not specific to potential contaminants in the soil-but this was identified as a potential risk. 18 What emergency and failuremode responses have been planned and tested? Describe variances in expected process due to an actual emergency or failure mode response in connection to the event. Related to this event, what safety evaluations and drills have been conducted and at what frequency (e.g. mock code blue, rapid response, behavioral emergencies, patient abduction or patient elopement)? Emergency responses may include, but are not limited to: Fire External disaster Mass casualty Medical emergency Failure mode responses may include, but are not limited to: Computer down time Diversion planning Organization regularly conducts a broad spectrum of emergency management code drills, fire drills and has plans for facility construction, downtime, power loss, utility issues. Facility construction on the adjacent OR area had appropriate ICRA fully executed. The windows were not initially considered in NI building construction. The organisms do not directly relate to open air. HVAC was negative and water sampling was negative for applicable organisms. Page 4 # 19 20 21 22 23 24 Analysis Question How does the organization’s culture support risk reduction? What are the barriers to communication of potential risk factors? How is the prevention of adverse outcomes communicated as a high priority? Prompts Facility construction Power loss Utility issues How does the overall culture encourage change, suggestions and warnings from staff regarding risky situations or problematic areas? How does leadership demonstrate the organization’s culture and safety values? How does the organization measure culture and safety? How does leadership establish methods to identify areas of risk or access employee suggestions for change? How are changes implemented? Describe specific barriers to effective communication among caregivers that have been identified by the organization. For example, residual intimidation or reluctance to report co-worker activity. Identify the measures being taken to break down barriers (e.g. use of SBAR). If there are no barriers to communication discuss how this is known. Describe the organization’s adverse outcome procedures and how leadership plays a role within those procedures. How can orientation and inservice training be revised to reduce the risk of such events in the future? Describe how orientation and ongoing education needs of the staff are evaluated and discuss its relevance to event. (e.g. competencies, critical thinking skills, use of simulation labs, evidence based practice, etc.) Was available technology used as intended? Examples may include, but are not limited to: CT scanning equipment Electronic charting Medication delivery system Tele-radiology services Describe any future plans for implementation or redesign. Describe the ideal technology system that can help mitigate potential adverse events in the future. How might technology be introduced or redesigned to reduce risk in the future? Root Cause Analysis Findings A safe culture has been a particular focus for the past year in biannual Safety fairs, the safety survey results from the ARHQ survey (conducted apx Q 18-24 months) and action plans. Leadership training in the past 18 months has included sessions on safe culture and emotional intelligence. Revised orientation was completed for residents and staff on SERS reporting and safety culture. Communication regarding infections, risk for infections and identification of infections in the transplant patient are communicated through interdisciplinary rounds in the ICU several days per week. This supplements direct caregiver interaction between transplant providers and the critical care staff. Rounds and surveillance increased as a result of the findings. Infection Prevention of hospital acquired conditions is an organizational priority for 2014 and included in the Infection Control Plan, the Performance Improvement Plan and goals, with monitoring results reported to MEC, IC, PIC, Quality Committee, EOC and Transplant Committees as well as up to the Board. Tracking of infections specific to the transplant population was improved and added to additional surveillance by the ICP and reported to the IC Committee. The following departments received re-education on infection prevention standards: respiratory, dietary, linen handlers, and nursing, residents and the transplant team on importance of hand hygiene, cleaning standards, contamination and had ATP testing results shared. Respiratory had re-education on use of cidex and timing of soaks and glove changes. Competencies were reviewed and not changed. No issues with technology were identified. ATP testing was increased with concurrent feedback and actions as needed. Surveillance in the electronic infection tracking system of culture results was expanded. RCA Framework Revised 2/27/2013 Plan of Root Cause Action/ risk Yes/No reduction strategy? no no no yes no yes no yes no no no yes Page 5 RCA Framework Revised 2/27/2013 Page 6 Plan of Action Risk Reduction Strategies Responsible Party Date Started 2/1/14 Action Item #1: Date Complete d RCA Framework Revised 2/27/2013 Method: Policy, Education, Audit, Observation & Implementation 2/28/14 Windows in critical care units were bolted shut. Staff education in small groups and 1:1 with follow-up memo from IC issued. Action Item #2: Computers: Two WOWs (workstations on wheels) were provided as dedicated for transplant team care and mobile use. Norm Epps Carolyn Carter 2/18/14 2/18/14 ICU leadership rounds to monitor weekly, exceptions reported to PIC Quality team random audit Action Item # 3: John Santangelo 2/18/14 2/28/14 EOC and ICU leadership rounds Action Item #: Carolyn Carter 2/1/14 Daily huddles, ICU leadership rounds Current process was an ICU caregiver cleans their own at beginning of shift with wipes and prn (hand hygiene surveillance auditors have been empowered to stop the line if gloves used or inappropriate contamination observed) Action Item # 4: Hand hygiene surveillance in ICUs by IP showed <50% compliance, concurrent education completed with ICU caregivers, staff and therapists, this is ongoing, with additional quality person assigned for hand hygiene monitoring. Additional personnel dedicated to 1 hour weekly ICU HH surveillance, this will be reported to IC and PIC committees going forward. Ongoing each shift Priscilla DawkinsLevinsky 2/18/14 ongoing Quarterly to IC and PIC Action Item #5: Verified the 3 organisms under discussion as part of the scope of this group will be included IC surveillance, IP will set-up as standardized inpatient alert process, and will track in Theradoc electronic surveillance system going forward with reporting to IC Committee. Priscilla DawkinsLevinsky February 2014 ongoing Report quarterly to IC Committee Action Item # 6: Reggie Severe February 2014 ongoing Variations reported to ICP and critical care committee Critical care screen/keyboard/mouse cleaning by team & change-out of equipment as indicated occurred over the past week, special keyboard covers replaced and installed by IT going forward prn. Respiratory therapy & IC reviewed the ventilator and respiratory cleaning process per manufacturer’s recommendations, logs are kept up-to-date and in office, manager reinforced the cleaning process with RT staff, clarification Page 7 RCA Framework Revised 2/27/2013 of process is: set a timer for exact soak minutes (opportunity was identified to not greatly exceed soak times), reminders were provided to team overall use of PPE, there are baseline staffing levels—some surge situations can occur and are handled individually. Action Item #7: Dianne King February 2014 February 26, 2014 Analysis by ID and by task force completed on 2/26/14 Action Item #8: Visitors may not bring flowers into ICU currently. This will be expanded to include fresh fruit and vegetables not be permitted to reduce the possibility of contamination. Carolyn Carter February 27, 2014 February 27. 2014 Daily huddles and new process in ICU. Action Item #9: The 2013 Infection Prevention Plan evaluation will reflect inclusion of review of organisms/ risk-identified concerns from the past year’s data. The 2014 IC Plan and risk assessment will include expansion of special population for transplant and be submitted to IC Committee for review and approval. Priscilla DawkinsLevinsky February 27, 2014 March 26, 2014 Passed IC Committee, P & P and MEC Action Item # 10: Infection Control ICU rounds will be expanded to include nights and weekends with increased frequency in critical care to quarterly. Respiratory therapy will be included in critical care IC rounds. Results and action plans as needed continue to be reported to IC Committee. Action Item # 11: Hand hygiene surveillance in ICUs by IP showed <50% compliance, concurrent education completed with ICU caregivers, staff and therapists, this is ongoing, with additional quality person assigned for hand hygiene monitoring. Have identified personnel dedicated to 1 hour additional weekly ICU HH surveillance, this will be reported to IC and PIC committees going forward. Use of TJC HH tool for tracking. Priscilla DawkinsLevinsky March 2014 ongoing Reports to IC Committee quarterly Priscilla DawkinsLevinsky March 1,2014 ongoing Report to IC and PIC committees quarterly February March 7, ORGANISM TRENDING (3 for time period of 1/1/12—2/1/14 was completed. Patients were cross-referenced by organism, timing, ICU care during their visits, as well as cross referenced for the use of a ventilator during their care. Microbiology provided organism culture and patient specific information to cultures such as dates of service, culture location and organism specifics. Cross referencing was completed by Quality. Ventilator identification was obtained from direct medical record review by Quality. Ventilator serial numbers were provided by RT. Action Item # 12: ICU curtains have been exchanged out over the week as Page 8 RCA Framework Revised 2/27/2013 access, supply and manpower permitted, now return to regular cycle exchange with process in place for a notification to EVS every time they are identified as soiled or isolation, curtains in large volume changes need preordering. Action Item #13: 12, 2014 2014 EOC and ICU leadership rounds Dianne King 3/15/14 April 10, 2014 Task force and IC Committee, HVAC cleaning reports to EOC and IC Committees Lon BenAsher 2/1/14 2/18/14 IC rounding for monitoring Michael Jackson 2/1/14 2/18/14 IC rounding for monitoring Michael Jackson 2/1/14 2/18/14 IC rounding for monitoring Jan Shear and Dianne King 2/1/14 Target 4/24/14 IC rounding for monitoring Reggie Severe 2/1/14 2/18/14 IC rounding for monitoring Michael Jackson Three ICU rooms were identified as having housed patients identified with organisms and/or were in close proximity to previous construction timing— these were selected for environmental culturing of HVAC and water. Timeline contracts, materials, scheduled, anticipate results, apx by 3/15/14. Action Item # 14: Dietary single time observed contamination (container item drop to floor not discarded) follow-up group education and individual counseling. Action Item # 15: EVS daily room clean now has a heavy focus on bedrails, education reinforcement is ongoing, competency was demonstrated, observation increased by supervisor day/evening and supplemented with ATP surveillance. ICU cleaning process reviewed by Priscilla and Michael Jackson. Action Item # 16: Linen single time observed contamination (touching floor) follow-up group education and individual counseling. Action Item # 17: Re-education of Residents: Additional education need was identified and completed for ICU & transplant rotation residents and fellows on HH. Was completed concurrently in small groups and 1:1 sessions by Quality. Will additionally be covered in mandatory meeting 4/24/14. Action Item # 18: Re-education of Respiratory-Additional HH and exchange of gloves education need was completed for RT in small groups and 1:2 by manager. Page 9