2014 DRWG Management Plan

Entity Management Plan
Reports to
Vice Chair
MISO Liaison
Demand Response Working Group (DRWG)
Market Subcommittee (MSC)
DeWayne Todd
Edward Webster
Michael Robinson
Planned in 2014
Average Number of Active Attendees
(both by phone and in person)
Number of Meetings
Rationale for Existence: The Demand Response Working Group (DRWG) shall develop guidelines
regarding the incorporation of demand response resources into the wholesale markets administered by
MISO. The DRWG will focus on developing recommendations that allow demand response resources to
participate in the markets and encourage increased response from participating resources.
Recommendations will address all demand response resources, including callable and voluntary
resources, from all end users or their agents in the MISO footprint. The DRWG will focus on those
resources that are currently available, and also encourage development of new resources.
Q4 2014
 2015 Meeting Schedule Review
 Design Elements for Implementation of Order 719
 Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
 Changes to the Network Model: Removal of Host Load Zone Requirement for
DRR Type 2 (Order 719)
 Monitoring Order 745
 DRR Deliverability in the PRA
 Monitoring Deliverability Assessment
 LMR Capacity Credit Proposal
 DR/LMR (including Qualified Facilities) Qualification & Registration Review
 2015 Meeting Schedule Review
 Charter and Management Plan Review
 Design Elements for Implementation of Order 719
 LMR Registration Update
 Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
 Changes to the Network Model: Removal of Host Load Zone Requirement for
DRR Type 2 (Order 719)
 Monitoring Order 745
 DR Deliverability in the PRA
 LMR Capacity Credit Proposal
 Vote on Charter and Management Plan
 Design Elements for Implementation of Order 719
 Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
 Changes to the Network Model: Removal of Host Load Zone Requirement for
DRR Type 2 (Order 719)
 Monitoring Order 745
 LMR Capacity Credit Proposal
 DR Deliverability in the PRA
New Item
Q1 2015
Q2 2015
Q3 2015
Review and Vote on Charter
Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
Changes to the Network Model: Removal of Host Load Zone Requirement for
DRR Type 2 (Order 719)
Monitoring Order 745
LMR Capacity Credit Proposal
DR Deliverability in the PRA
Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
Changes to the Network Model: Removal of Host Load Zone Requirement for
DRR Type 2 (Order 719)
Monitoring Order 745
LMR Capacity Credit Proposal
DR Deliverability in the PRA
Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
Changes to the Network Model: Removal of Host Load Zone Requirement for
DRR Type 2 (Order 719)
Monitoring Order 745
LMR Capacity Credit Proposal
DR Deliverability in the PRA
LMR Registration Update
Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
Monitoring Order 745
DADS Update
Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
Monitoring Order 745
Chair and Vice Chair Nominations
Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
Monitoring Order 745
Elections for Chair and Vice-Chair
Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
Monitoring Order 745
Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
Barriers to Participation: identify and mitigate potential barriers to demand
response in MISO Markets
LMR Registration Update
New Item
Additional Tasks
Address PRD issues, from ‘bid-to-bill’
DRWG and MISO develop a
consensus regarding recommend
changes to the M&V business
Annual Tasks
Collaborative efforts with the OMS DR&TWG (Demand Response & Technology Work Group)
Consider the impact of any FERC orders regarding demand response
Address issues raised by DRWG Stakeholders
New Item