Exhibit E Power Purchase Agreement/Tolling Agreement Term Sheet Note to Bidder - provide a separate term sheet for each separate proposal. Proposal ___ Power Purchase Agreement or ___ Tolling Agreement for Capacity and associated Energy in compliance with RFP requirements. Resource: ________________________________ New ___ Existing ___ Seller: ____________________ Seller Contact: ____________________ Purchaser: Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government d/b/a Lafayette Utilities System MISO CPNode: _____________________ (If a new CPNode will be created, provide the closest currently existing resource CPNode.) Point of Interconnection: Email: ______________ _____________________ Term: _____________________ (Must be at least five years commencing as early as June 2014) Capacity Amount: ______________________MW UCAP and for Price below (between 50 MW (nominal) and 200 MW (nominal)) Energy: As Scheduled Scheduling: Scheduling shall be performed to the maximum flexibility allowed by MISO and in accordance with the MISO Business Practice Manuals. Price: Capacity shall be priced at $______ per MW per month over the Term Energy shall be priced at [$_______ per MWh over the Term]; or [$_______ per MWh plus Guaranteed Heat Rate Times Gas Price over the Term]; or [$_______ per MWh for the first year indexed to _______ for subsequent year(s).]; or [$_____ per MWh year 1; $_____ per MWh year 2, etc.] Scheduling/Start charge: $ _______ per start/schedule Annual limit on starts (if any) _________ Exhibit E Power Purchase Agreement/Tolling Agreement Term Sheet (Pricing to include all ancillary service costs, Midwest ISO charges, taxes and other fees necessary for delivery of Capacity and associated Energy to the MISO Market.) Variable O&M: ______ $/MWh Transmission Charges (if any): ___________ Annual Escalation ____% or Index _____________ Summer Peak Conditions Guaranteed Net Heat Rate Btu per kWh (HHV) Net Output (MW) NOx Emission Rate CO2 Emission Rate Minimum Load 50% Load 60% Load 70% Load 80% Load 90% Load 100% Load Duct Firing Provide Tables as above for all other conditions identified in Sections and Respondent to identify units of measurement for emission rates. Guaranteed Availability: _______% Attach scheduled maintenance outages planned for next five years and equivalent forced outage performance for past five years (if from an existing Resource). Unit Operations/Minimum run time: ___________________ Start time to Synchronization:______________________ (warm start) Start time to Synchronization:______________________ (cold start) Ramp Rate: Other Start Limitations: _________________________ _________________________ Quantity of natural gas consumed at full load for a 24 hour period ________ Dekatherms Pipeline(s) and/or local distribution company: ______________ Exhibit E _______________ Power Purchase Agreement/Tolling Agreement Term Sheet Type(s) of gas transportation service expected to be utilized: ____________________ (primary firm, secondary firm, interruptible, etc.) Natural gas pipeline Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ): Closest natural gas pricing point(s): __________ Dekatherms Exhibit E Purchase and Sale Agreement Term Sheet Note to Bidder - provide a separate term sheet for each separate proposal. Resource: Fuel Source: MISO CPNode: ________________________________ New ___ Existing ___ ____________________________ _______________________________ (If a new CPNode will be created, provide the closest currently existing resource CPNode.) Point of Interconnection: _____________________ Seller: _________________________________ Seller Contact: ____________________ Purchaser: Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government d/b/a Lafayette Utilities System Capacity Amount: ______________________MW (between 50 MW (nominal) and 200 MW (nominal)) Energy: As Scheduled Expected Commercial Operation Date (if new): _________________ Fixed Purchase Price: $_________ lump sum payment Fixed O&M: $_______ per MW per [month] [year] escalated at ______% per year or attach a schedule of annual fixed charges. Capital Investment: $________ per year (provide schedule of any upgrades or life extension efforts) Variable O&M: $________per MWh scheduled escalated at ____ % per year or attach a schedule of annual variable costs. Transmission Charges (if any): $ ___________ Email: ______________ Exhibit E Purchase and Sale Agreement Term Sheet Summer Peak Conditions: Guaranteed Net Heat Rate Btu per kWh (HHV) Net Output (MW) NOx Emission Rate CO2 Emission Rate Minimum Load 50% Load 60% Load 70% Load 80% Load 90% Load 100% Load Duct Firing Provide Tables for all other conditions identified in Sections and Respondent to identify units of measurement for emission rates. Quantity of natural gas consumed at full load for a 24 hour period: ________ Dekatherms Pipeline(s) and/or local distribution company: ______________ _______________ Type(s) of gas transportation service expected to be utilized: ____________________ (primary firm, secondary firm, interruptible, etc.) Natural gas pipeline Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ): __________ Dekatherms Closest natural gas pricing point(s): Availability: Attach scheduled maintenance outages planned for next ten years and equivalent forced outage performance for past five years (if from an existing resource). Unit Operations/Minimum run time: ___________________ Start time to Synchronization: ______________________ (warm start) Start time to Synchronization: ______________________ (cold start) Start up cost: _______________________ Ramp Rate: _________________________ Exhibit E Purchase and Sale Agreement Term Sheet Provide CD with the following in PDF format: 1. Construction Schedule (for new Resource) 2. List of contracts awarded (for new Resource) 3. Copy of all Permits 4. Site layout 5. Plant and interconnection one lines for electric system 6. Gas line connections 7. Insurance inspection reports (for existing Resource) 8. MISO GADS reports (for existing Resource) 9. Major maintenance performed (for existing Resource) 10. Hours of dispatch by day by month for up to the past five years (for existing Resource) 11. Total MWh generated by month for up to the past five years (for existing Resource)