AP CHEMISTRY UNIT 2 REVIEW SHEET 1. Number of electrons in

1. Number of electrons in the highest energy level of Aluminum is/are
2. Give two examples of iso- electronic species
3. The trend for atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity, metallic character in
a group and a period are
4. Why is the ionization energy of Potassium less than Argon, explain with atomic size and
effective nuclear charge.
5. Write the orbital notation electron configuration of a) Inert/Noble gas b)An element in Carbon
family c) excited state electron configuration of Hydrogen
6. Successive ionization energies of an element in K.Joules/mole are 590, 1145, 4912, 6491,8153
etc, then the element could be ________
7. Rutherford’s conclusions are
8. Paramagnetism in Nitrogen element is because it has three unpaired electrons, this
configuration of Nitrogen is in accordance with Aufbau/Pauli/Hund’s rule.
9. State all three above principles.
10. State Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
11. Write the properties of Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays.
12. Calculate the wavelength/ Frequency and energy of 2nd line and Series limit in Balmer series.
13. Calculate the wavelength of proton moving at a speed of 70% of speed of light.
14. The 1st and 2nd ionization energy values in K.Joules/mole are given as follows. For Sodium
460 and 4562. For Magnesium are 738 and 1451. Explain why is the first ionization energy
Magnesium is higher than Sodium and Second Ionization energy of Sodium is higher than Mg.
15. Identify an ion in group 2 that is iso- electronic as 𝐾 + , which ion is smaller, justify.
16. Among 𝐢𝑙 − and 𝐢𝑙 which one is larger, justify. Which one is paramagnetic? Explain.
17. Neon is iso- electronic with 𝐹 − , For which species it is easy to remove an electron, explain.
18. Write the equation for the ionization of Chlorine . The ionization energy 1251 K.Joules/mole.
Why is the ionization energy of Chlorine higher than Sulfur. Predict if the first ionization energy
of Xenon is greater or lower or equal to Chlorine. Explain.
19. Hydrogen molecule absorbs a photon of frequency of 3.00 × 1015 Hz. Calculate how much
energy is absorbed by Hydrogen in Joules. If the bond dissociation energy( energy required to
break the bond) of Hydrogen is 437 K. Joules/mole. Does this photon have enough energy to
break the bond. Justify your answer with calculations.
20. Is the energy required to remove an electron from 1s orbital of Sulfur and Chlorine same? Or
different? Explain.
21. The atomic radius and ionization energy of Magnesium are 79 pm and 737 K. Joules/mole,
then that of Sodium are
22. Compare the ionization energies of Neon and Fluorine. Justify your answer.
23. Compare the ionization energies of Phoshporus and Sulfur. Justify your answer in reference
to Sulfur.
24. Arrange Be, N and F in the order of their atomic radius.
25. Among Cs, Ag, Pb, Br and Se- The atom with highest first ionization energy, smallest atomic
radius and the liquid element are
26. Write the excited state electron configuration of Sodium.
27. Why is 𝐢𝑙 − smaller than 𝑆 −2