Health & Safety Services Asbestos Management Policy 1 Contents 1. Purpose ............................................................................................................... 3 2. Summary ............................................................................................................. 3 3. Scope and Objective ........................................................................................... 3 4. Definitions ........................................................................................................... 4 4.1 Asbestos ....................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Asbestos - Containing Materials (ACMs) ...................................................... 4 4.3 Asbestos Risk Assessment ........................................................................... 4 5. Principles ............................................................................................................ 5 6. Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................. 7 6.1 Director of Estates and Facilities ................................................................... 7 6.2 Deans and Directors ..................................................................................... 8 6.3 Heads of Department, Services etc or equivalent ......................................... 9 6.4 Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos) ..................... 9 6.5 Estates and Facilities Staff ............................................................................ 9 6.6 Staff with Line Management Responsibilities ................................................ 9 6.7 Principal Investigators ................................................................................. 10 6.8 Academic Staff ............................................................................................ 10 6.9 Project Supervisors ..................................................................................... 11 6.10 Employees ............................................................................................... 11 6.11 Students................................................................................................... 11 7. References ........................................................................................................ 12 8. Review .............................................................................................................. 12 9. Ratification ........................................................................................................ 12 Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................... 13 Emergency Procedures for the Discovery of Suspected Asbestos Materials ....... 13 2 1. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the management of asbestos within University owned or leased premises. 2. Summary This policy and associated guidance document(s) detail the management arrangements for compliance with the requirements of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 to manage asbestos in non-domestic premises. This policy includes the management of asbestos within the fabric of buildings, plant and equipment. Buildings, plant or equipment built or installed after 2000 are considered to be asbestos free. Where no information is available on suspected asbestos - containing materials it is assumed that the materials contain asbestos. Asbestos - containing materials (ACMs) do not create a hazard if sealed and managed correctly, but do present a potential risk to health if ACMs are disturbed and fibres are released into the atmosphere. Work on the fabric of the building shall therefore not be undertaken or contracted out without the prior approval of the Director of Estates and Facilities or nominated deputy. Estates and Facilities take the lead on the management of asbestos within the premises and are specifically responsible for management surveys, contractual and reporting arrangements and the identification, assessment, containment, removal, repair and disposal of asbestos containing materials within the fabric of the building and associated plant and equipment. Schools and Directorates are responsible for the management of asbestos within equipment under their control and shall prevent the undertaking or contracting out of work on the fabric of the building without prior approval of the Director of Estates and Facilities or nominated deputy and the supply of adequate information to the person(s) conducting the work on the location, nature, condition and extent of any asbestos - containing material likely to be disturbed. 3. Scope and Objective This policy applies, without exception to all owned or leased premises where the responsibility for maintenance of the property rests with the University. The objective being to protect employees and contractors who may come into contact with asbestos - containing materials during the course of their day-to-day activities and others who may be at risk from a potential release of asbestos fibres into the atmosphere. 3 4. Definitions 4.1 Asbestos Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral which was widely used within building materials, fire insulation and household products up until the last type of asbestos was banned in November 1999. “Asbestos” means the following fibrous silicates: Asbestos Actinolite, CAS No 77536-66-4. Asbestos Grunerite (Amosite), CAS No 12172-73-5. Asbestos Anthophyllite, CAS No 77536-67-5. Crysotile, CAS No 12001-29-5 or CAS No 132207-32-0. Crocodolite, CAS No 12001-28-4. Asbestos Tremolite, CAS No 77536-68-6. 4.2 Asbestos - Containing Materials (ACMs) ACMs are materials which contain asbestos as an additive. These include: “Asbestos cement”, which is predominantly a mixture of cement and crysotile. “Asbestos Coating”, means a surface coating which contains asbestos for fire protection, heat insulation or sound insulation but does not include textured decorative coatings. “Asbestos Insulating Board” (AIB) means any flat sheet, tile or building board consisting of a mixture of asbestos and other material, except asbestos cement or any article of bitumen, plastic, resin or rubber which contains asbestos. “Asbestos Insulation” means any material containing asbestos which is used for thermal, acoustic or other insulation purposes, including fire protection, except asbestos, asbestos coating or asbestos insulation board, or any article of bitumen, plastic, resin or rubber which contains asbestos. “Textured Decorative Coatings” mean decorative and textured finishes, such as paints and ceiling and wall plasters which are used to produce visual effects and which contain asbestos. 4.3 Asbestos Risk Assessment An asbestos risk assessment is an examination of the potential exposure of people to asbestos fibres and the precautions which are in place to prevent harm occurring. 4.4 Control Limit “Control limit” means a concentration of asbestos in the atmosphere of 0.1 fibres per cubic centimetre of air averaged over a continuous period of 4 hours. 4 “Control limit (University)” means a concentration of asbestos in the atmosphere of 0.01 fibres per cubic centimetre of air averaged over a continuous period of 4 hours. 4.5 Control Measure “Control measure” means a measure taken to prevent or reduce exposure to asbestos (including the provision of systems of work and supervision, the cleaning of workplaces, premises, plant and equipment, and the provision and use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment). 4.6 Licensable Work With Asbestos “Licensable work with asbestos” is work: a) Where the exposure to asbestos of employees is not sporadic and of low intensity; or b) In relation to which the risk assessment cannot clearly demonstrate that the control limit will not be exceeded: or c) On asbestos coating: or d) On asbestos insulation board or asbestos insulation for which the risk assessment: i) Demonstrates that the work is not sporadic and of low intensity, or ii) Cannot clearly demonstrate that the control limit will not be exceeded, or iii) Demonstrates that the work is not short duration work. 4.7 Personal Protective Equipment “Personal protective equipment” means all equipment (including clothing) which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and which protects that person against one or more risks to that person’s health, and any addition or accessory designed to meet that objective. 5. Principles The following principles shall be implemented for the management of asbestos: 1. Reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that a suitable and sufficient assessment is undertaken to determine whether asbestos is or is liable to be present in the premises. Materials are assumed to be asbestos unless there are good reasons not to do so. 2. In making the assessment such steps as are reasonable shall be taken to consider the condition of any asbestos, or has been assumed to be, present in the premises. 3. The assessment shall be reviewed without delay if there is reason to believe that the assessment is no longer valid or there has been a significant change in the building to which the assessment relates. 4. A written record / database entry shall be made for each assessment conclusion and following every review. 5. Where the assessment shows that asbestos is or is liable to be present: a) An assessment of the risk from the asbestos shall be made using methods described in current Health and Safety Executive Guidance. 5 b) A written plan identifying those parts of the premises concerned shall be prepared. c) Measures which are taken for managing the risk are specified in the written plan. d) The written plan shall describe adequate measures for managing the risk and in particular include: i) Regularly monitoring the condition of ACMs or presumed ACMs to determine their condition as described in the Estates and Facilities Asbestos Management System. ii) Ensuring any asbestos or presumed substance is properly maintained or where necessary is safely removed. iii) Ensuring that information about the location and condition of any ACMs or presumed ACMs is: Provided to every person liable to disturb it, and Made available to the emergency services. 6. It shall be ensured that: a) The written plan is reviewed and revised at regular intervals, and without delay if: i) There is reason to suspect that the plan is no longer valid, or ii) There has been a significant change in the premises to which the plan relates. b) Measures in the plan are implemented; and c) The measures taken to implement the plan are recorded. 7. All employees involved in the management and maintenance of the premises or associated equipment who may foreseeably be in contact with asbestos containing materials shall receive adequate information, instruction, training and supervision. 8. All contractors who may foreseeably be in contact with asbestos - containing materials shall be required to provide evidence of receiving sufficient information, instruction and training, as part of the procurement procedure for the selection of contractors. 9. Work on the fabric of any building (for example the putting up of shelves or signs, installation of fixtures, drilling of walls or doors, pulling cables, etc.) shall not be undertaken or contracted out without the prior approval of the Director of Estates and Facilities or nominated deputy and the supply of adequate information to the person(s) conducting the work on the location, nature, condition and extent of any asbestos containing material likely to be disturbed. The asbestos register and premises asbestos management plan shall be used to provide part or all of this information. Additional information may be provided following further surveys. 10. Prior to the commencement of any work which may potentially expose any person to asbestos during demolition, maintenance or other work, the person responsible for commissioning that work shall ensure that a suitable and sufficient assessment has been undertaken of the potential risk associated with exposure to asbestos - containing 6 materials. The assessment shall consider whether asbestos, what type of asbestos, contained in what material and in what condition is present or is liable to be present where the work is to be undertaken. If there is doubt as to whether there is asbestos present it shall be assumed that asbestos is present and that it is not chrysotile alone. The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2012 shall apply to this type of work. 11. Any person who undertakes work which exposes or is liable to expose any person to asbestos - containing materials shall ensure that all control measures identified by the assessment are implemented. This shall include licenced and non-licenced work. Notification of asbestos work to the Health and Safety Executive shall not apply where: a) The exposure to asbestos is sporadic and of low intensity. b) It is clear from the risk assessment that the exposure to asbestos of any worker will not exceed the control limit of 0.1 fibres per cubic centimetre of air averaged over a continuous period of 4 hours, and c) The work involves : Short, non-continuous maintenance activities in which only non-friable materials are handled, or Removal without deterioration of non-degraded materials in which the asbestos fibres are firmly linked in a matrix, or Encapsulation or sealing of asbestos-containing materials are in good condition, or Air monitoring and control, and the collection and analysis of samples to ascertain whether a specific material contains asbestos. 12. In the event of an adverse uncontrolled release of suspected asbestos the area shall be evacuated without causing alarm, cordoned or locked off until a full assessment has been completed by the Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos) or Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Officer, as deputy, and the emergency procedure (appendix 1) followed. 6. Roles and Responsibilities 6.1 Director of Estates and Facilities The Director of Estates and Facilities is responsible for ensuring that adequate arrangements and resources are available for the effective management of asbestos within the fabric of buildings and associated plant and equipment. The Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos) and Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Officer, as deputy, are appointed to assist the Director of Estates and Facilities in fulfilling the duties. Arrangements shall include: a) Management of asbestos surveys, including contractual and reporting arrangements, quality and subsequent use of the data. b) Development of the Asbestos Register to maintain accurate information on the location, type and condition of asbestos - containing materials and an assessment of risk from those materials. 7 c) Development, implementation and monitoring of appropriate asbestos management policies, procedures and asbestos management plan(s) to manage the risk. d) Provision of adequate supervision and training and the communication of relevant asbestos related information to all relevant staff and contractors. e) Management of the safe removal, encapsulation or making good of asbestos - containing materials. f) Selection of competent registered contractors for the safe removal of asbestos containing materials. g) Selection of competent accredited analysts to analyse suspected asbestos - containing materials and to assure that areas where asbestos has been removed or disturbed are safe to re-occupy. h) Ensuring that robust asbestos management reporting structures are established and reviewed regularly to monitor their effectiveness. 6.2 Deans and Directors Deans and Directors are responsible for ensuring that adequate arrangements and resources are available for the effective management of asbestos within laboratory / workshop / workspace equipment under their control. These arrangements shall include: a) Preventing the undertaking or contracting out of work on the fabric of the buildings without the prior approval of the Director of Estates and Facilities or nominated deputy. b) Seeking assistance from the Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos) on the identification, assessment, management, recording and disposal of asbestos - containing materials within laboratory / workshop / workspace equipment. c) Providing accurate information on the location, type, condition and re-inspection details of asbestos - containing materials to the Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos) to maintain an up-to-date asbestos register and allow the assessment of the associated risk from those materials within laboratory / workshop / workspace equipment. d) Provision of supervision and training and the communication of relevant asbestos related information to all relevant staff. e) Ensuring that robust asbestos management reporting structures are followed as in appendix 1. 8 6.3 Heads of Department, Services etc. or equivalent Although Senior Managers (Deans of School, Directors and Senior Staff) remain ultimately responsible for the management of asbestos in laboratory / workshop / workspace equipment within their area(s) the day-to-day management responsibility rests with the Heads of Department, Services or equivalent (HODS). HODS are therefore responsible in their area for the detailed implementation of the responsibilities listed for Deans and Directors. HODS also provide leadership to ensure that a safety culture is developed and maintained in which asbestos related issues are considered as an essential and integral part of the activities being conducted. In particular it is important that asbestos hazards in laboratory / workshop / workspace equipment are identified, assessed and managed in liaison with the Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos) and referred to their Deans and Directors where significant risks remain following the implementation of control measures. As budget holders HODS are responsible for providing funding to repair, make safe or replace equipment which provides a significant risk to health. 6.4 Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos) The Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos) shall ensure that strict departmental procedures for the surveying, identification, assessment, containment, removal, repair and disposal of asbestos - containing materials within the fabric of the building and associated plant and equipment are followed. This shall include the development, implementation and monitoring of an asbestos management plan(s) for asbestos under the control of Estates and Facilities. Similar services shall be provided on request to Schools and Directorates which possess asbestos - containing materials within laboratory / workshop / workspace equipment. However, the implementation and monitoring of an asbestos management plan(s) relating to asbestos containing materials within laboratory / workshop / workspace equipment rests with the School or Directorate. 6.5 Estates and Facilities Staff Estates and Facilities staff are NOT permitted to undertake work which falls within the requirements to employ a licensed asbestos removal contractor or the removal of asbestos insulation, asbestos coatings or asbestos insulating board. Estates and Facilities staff shall follow the Estates and Facilities procedures and asbestos management system. 6.6 Staff with Line Management Responsibilities All staff with line management responsibilities are responsible for conducting their own activities, and those activities over which they have control, in a safe, competent manner and in accordance with this policy. This includes co-operation with the Dean of School or Director to ensure safe working practices are employed at all times to prevent asbestos exposure. They shall ensure that staff are aware of all relevant asbestos hazard assessments and staff are aware of and adhere to this policy and arrangements. This shall include the prevention of work 9 on the fabric of any building without the prior approval of the Director of Estates and Facilities or nominated deputy. Approved work involving contractors, maintenance staff, etc. shall be managed in liaison with the Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos). Line managers possess most knowledge about their work activities and therefore must not only ensure their own health and safety but that of anyone who might be affected by their work, and the work of junior colleagues. This includes the prevention of work on the fabric of the building, plant, or equipment, where there is potential asbestos exposure, greater than the University control limit, to those carrying out the work and subsequent others. Where damage to asbestos – containing materials is identified this shall be reported promptly to Estates and Facilities as described in appendix 1. Line managers shall liaise with the Estates and Facilities Health and Safety Assistant (Asbestos) to ensure that: a) Asbestos hazard assessments for laboratory / workshop / workspace equipment are : Completed, consistent and of a suitable and sufficient standard. Regularly reviewed and maintained to reflect the current condition of the asbestos - containing material. Correctly recorded on the asbestos register. Retained for future reference. Referred to their Deans and Directors where significant risks exist. b) Suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision is provided for those at risk of exposure to asbestos. c) Personal protective equipment is worn, as required. d) Laboratory / workshop / workspace equipment is in a safe condition for use. 6.7 Principal Investigators The Principal Investigator (PI) is normally the academic staff member who is in charge of funds given into their care either by the University directly, or by a research funding body or similar benefactor. The Principal Investigator is therefore responsible for health and safety considerations during planning, organisation and actual work involved in research projects. Principal Investigators bear the day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that the policy requirements of the University and School are implemented. They also assume responsibility for ensuring not only their own safety but that of anyone who might be affected by their own work, including the work of junior colleagues and students. Principal Investigators shall therefore also take on the responsibility of Line Manager. 6.8 Academic Staff Academic staff are responsible for conducting their own activities, and those activities over which they have control, in a safe, competent manner and in accordance with this policy and associated policies and guidance. This includes co-operation with the Dean of School to ensure safe working practices are employed at all times. 10 As academic members of staff possess most knowledge about their research projects, associated work activities and teaching in their discipline they shall, therefore, not only ensure their own health and safety but that of anyone who might be affected by their work, and the work of junior colleagues and students. Academic staff shall therefore take on the responsibility of line manager, in respect of research assistants and post-graduate students, as required. 6.9 Project Supervisors Specific responsibility for projects within laboratories / workshops / workspaces lies with the Project Supervisor. Project Supervisors shall also take on the responsibilities of Line Manager. 6.10 Employees All staff are responsible for conducting their activities in a safe, competent manner and in accordance with this policy and associated documents. This includes: a) Co-operation with their line manager to ensure safe working practices are employed at all times to prevent exposure to asbestos. In particular work on the fabric of buildings shall not be performed (for example the putting up of shelves or signs, installation of fixtures, drilling of walls or doors, pulling cables, etc.). This type of work shall be conducted by Estates and Facilities staff or contractors authorised by Estates and Facilities. b) identification and reporting of defects in buildings, plant and equipment which may if unchecked result in exposure to asbestos to self or others. c) Not interfering with or damaging asbestos - containing materials. d) Reporting any incident at work which causes an asbestos exposure using the recognised reporting procedures. e) Reporting near misses which under different circumstances may have resulted in asbestos exposure. f) Reporting any actual or perceived unsafe working conditions which may lead to asbestos exposure. Control measures shall in particular include the use of respiratory protection and wearing of other personal protective equipment in designated areas. 6.11 Students All students are responsible for conducting their activities in a safe, competent manner and in accordance with this policy and associated documents. This includes : a) Co-operation with academic staff to ensure safe working practices are employed at all times to prevent exposure to asbestos. In particular work on the fabric of accommodation buildings shall not be performed (for example the putting up of shelves or signs, installation of fixtures, drilling of walls or doors, pulling cables, etc.). This type of work shall be conducted by Estates and Facilities staff or contractors authorised by Estates and Facilities. 11 b) Identification and reporting of defects in buildings, plant and equipment which may if unchecked result in exposure to asbestos to self or others. c) Not interfering with or damaging asbestos - containing materials. d) Reporting any incident which causes an asbestos exposure using the recognised reporting procedures. e) Reporting near misses which under different circumstances may have resulted in asbestos exposure. f) Reporting any actual or perceived unsafe working conditions which may lead to asbestos exposure. 7. References Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007. Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. The Management of Asbestos in Non-Domestic Premises – Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 Approved Code of Practice and Guidance – L127. Asbestos – The Survey Guide – HSG264. Estates and Facilities Asbestos Management System. Agreement with UNITE Union – March 2005 8. Review This document is to be reviewed at least every two years. 9. Ratification This policy was developed by Health and Safety Services and Estates and Facilities and approved by Health and Safety Committee on 11 February 2014. 12 Appendix 1 Emergency Procedures for the Discovery of Suspected Asbestos Materials 13