Reactivity Lab - UNIS Hanoi Blogs

Reactivity Lab
Jan 17th 2014
Ji Won Park
B. Aim
These 5 types of metals have the different properties and characteristic, so through the experiment how do metals
have the reaction which is how much melted when it with hydrochloric acid to state the most reactive to least
C. Variables
Independent variable
Type of metal
Dependent variable
Amount of melted metal
Amount of hydrochloric acid
Mass and size of metals
Control variables
Time that put the acid
5 metals will be used which is
copper, aluminum, magnesium,
zinc, and iron.
It will be measured how much
There will be 100ml of hydrochloric
acid in each of test tube.
Put the 1cm2 of metal in each
hydrochloric acid.
After when metal put in the acid,
test tube will be kept in the same
Put the hydrochloric acid at the
same time, so that it would make
more correct result.
The time that measures the reaction
of metals will be 20 minutes.
D. Hypothesis
If the metals are reactive, then they would make bubbles, temperature of the acid would increase, gas would be
released, there would be a little bit of a color change, or some of metal dissolves. Why is it happens because, for
example, when hydrochloric acid is added to Magnesium in a test tube, the Magnesium bonds with the Chlorine by
taking atom, so hydrogen is released as a gas. During the bonding, energy is produce in the form of heat, so it
bubbles in the test tubes.
E. Equipment and Material
Copper (Cu) 1cm2
Aluminum (Al) 1cm2
Magnesium (Mg) 1cm2
Zinc (Zn) 1cm2
Iron (Fe) 1cm2
Hydrochloric acid (100ml)
Test tubes (five) and Test rack
Time watch
F. Method
1. Label 5 metal’s element name in each of test tubes.
2. Put in 1cm2 of 5 metals in each different test tube.
3. Add the 100ml of hydrochloric acid into each of metals in the test tubes.
4. Measure the time of 20 minutes with the time watch.
5. After 20 minutes, take out the metals from the test tubes and compare the size.
6. Make a list which is most reactive to the least reactive.
G. Diagram of apparatus