PhD program in Global Change and Climate Economics at the

PhD program in
Global Change and Climate Economics
at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Deadline for application 1st April, 2014
The overall aim of this program is to contribute to sustainable development and the alleviation
of poverty in the poorest countries. In the last decades, development has spread outside the
confines of the OECD countries and hundreds of millions have lift themselves out of dire
poverty, particularly in Asia and Latin America. Development in the Anthropocene is
however surpassing a number of planetary boundaries. Many of the bio-geochemical cycles
that are the foundation for our ecosystems are stretched and stressed and we constantly risk
crossing vital thresholds. For these reasons we are collaborating closely in research and
teaching with interdisciplinary and natural science groups such as the Beijer Institute of
Ecological Economics, The Stockholm Resilience Centre and Physical Resource Theory at
Chalmers University of Technology.
One of the prominent features of the Global Change we are experiencing is climate change
and another is the concomitant loss of biodiversity. These challenges have risen to become
serious threats to the ability of poor countries to emulate other countries in the pursuit of a
sustainable development. Many of these problems are, like climate change, truly problems of
the management of global commons. It is nothing short of a scandal that African and other
low income countries do not even have enough intellectual capacity to be properly
represented at the international negotiations over these commons. Beyond negotiations, lowincome countries are in great need of capacity to develop strategies and implementation plans
to handle the challenges of global change and forge a truly sustainable development. The
more specific purpose of this PhD program, and the research that goes with it, is to train
researchers in poor countries to better understand the socioeconomic causes for Global
Change as well as the appropriate design of policy instruments for sustainable development in
the Anthropocene.
The Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg and the Beijer Institute of
Ecological Economics has a long history of support for PhD candidates from developing
countries. Currently 11 young researchers are enrolled in the PhD program at various levels.
Since 1997, 30 PhDs from 15 developing countries have graduated from the Sida-funded PhD
Program outline in brief
The Environmental Economics Unit (EEU) at the University of Gothenburg, in collaboration
with the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, offer six full scholarships in a PhD
programme on Global Change and Climate Economics with admission September 2014,
under the condition that the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
approves the continued funding of the program.
These scholarships are only open to applicants from developing countries. The Swedish
government has decided on a few countries with which to engage in long-term development
cooperation, and applicants from the following countries will therefore be given priority:
Burkina Faso
Please note that we accept electronic applications.
Detailed description of the program
The program spans four and a half years (nine semesters), of which the first two years consist
of intensive coursework. The first year is identical to the general PhD program in economics,
i.e. involving mathematics, statistics, econometrics, micro- and macro economics. The second
year includes a sequence of courses in global change and climate economics such as
environmental valuation, natural resource economics, climate economics and policy
instruments, together with optional courses such as advanced econometrics, development
economics, Ecology and Economic management, public economics, industrial organization,
fishery and forestry economics etc. There are also courses in ecology and natural sciences
related to climate and global change that will be given in cooperation with the Beijer Institute
and Chalmers University of Technology. Please note that this programme is in English.
The theses may contain both theoretical and empirical parts. A number of trips back to the
home university are made possible in order to facilitate the choice of thesis topic as well as
data collection and continued contact with the home institution. We are very keen to make
sure that our students work is grounded in the appropriate local contexts of poverty alleviation
and ecosystem resilience and management which we hope will facilitate the return of the
students to their home countries.
After the first academic year, students are encouraged to hold discussions with advisors in
Sweden and at home to discuss their thesis topics. During thesis work, students have the
opportunity to return in order to collect data, or simply to maintain contact with their home
institution. Since environmental data is rarely available, special funds are provided for data
Practical arrangements
There is no tuition fee. The program will pay excursion airfares as well as an appropriate
monthly allowance (SEK 16 000) to cover personal expenses and accommodation (which will
be arranged for). Computers, books and data collection are covered by the programme. The
program starts in the first week of September 2014. Students are requested to arrive a few
days before this.
Selection criteria
We receive many applications to the program; usually around 150 to 200 applicants for only
six scholarships. Our selection follows a number of criteria, including the following:
1. You must have a strong economics background, i.e. at least a masters' degree in
economics, preferably with an environmental economics specialization.
2. The programme is funded by Sida and its aim is to help build capacity in developing
countries. For this reason, we give priority to the building of institutions rather than
the education of individuals. Therefore, it is important for applicants to show the
context within which they are working, and how they will use the education acquired.
It is important to show what institutional affiliation you have, and your experience
from teaching, research, policy advice, etc. It is useful if letters of recommendation
highlight whether the applicant is designated to hold certain courses, build up research
or do similar work in the future at their home institutions, etc.
3. We also give priority to certain countries where Sida has a long-term commitment.
These countries are:
Burkina Faso
4. This is a demanding programme, which also implies a number of stringent criteria.
Candidates must have a very good analytical ability and a good knowledge and
understanding of economic theory and econometrics.
5. We strongly recommend that applicants take a GRE test and submit a copy of the
results with their applications.
6. We give priority to women from countries where women are underrepresented in
7. Finally, this is a program in which we will be seriously integrating ecological and
economic sciences and working closely with the boundaries of science when it comes
to dealing with the resilience of ecosystems and economies to global change and we
encourage individuals who have shown a documented interest in resource and
environmental issues, or who have had professional training in environmentally
relevant sciences.
The six candidates will be selected by a programme committee.
Application submissions should include:
- The application form
- A detailed CV, including academic transcripts, teaching experience and current
- Your CV must be detailed concerning your knowledge of economics, particularly
micro, mathematics, statistics and econometrics. Be sure to include grades that can
easily be interpreted, and if in doubt describe the content, literature, length, etc. of key
- We also need to receive at least two letters of recommendation, in particular
statements indicating how the candidate performs academically and how he or she
could contribute to existing plans for building capacity in climate and environmental
- Enclosure of previous research is strongly encouraged; you may for instance send us a
copy of a recent paper or article. If you have been teaching, please provide detailed
information on the courses taught.
- Personal statement regarding why you want to study climate and environmental
- GRE-test
For information on our PhD Program, specialization courses and scholarships, NOT
APPLICATIONS, please contact EEU´s project coordinator
Elizabeth Földi, Phone: +46-31-786 13 47
Responsible for the PhD Program in global change and climate economics is: Thomas
Sterner, Phone
+46 31-786 1377,
Please note that we accept electronic applications.
Soft copies to:
Hard copies to:
Elizabeth Földi
University of Gothenburg
Department of Economics
Box 640
405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
Delivery address:
Vasagatan 1
411 24 Gothenburg, Sweden