World Languages - Spanish - Blairstown Elementary School

World Languages
Blairstown Elementary School
Kelly Zaleski
Susan Elias, Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction
Table of Contents
KINDERGARTEN ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1ST GRADE .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
2ND GRADE ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
3RD GRADE ............................................................................................................................................................. 32
4TH GRADE ............................................................................................................................................................. 41
5TH GRADE ............................................................................................................................................................. 51
6TH GRADE ............................................................................................................................................................. 60
PERFORMANCE BASED TASKS ....................................................................................................................... 69
RUBRICS ................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Blairstown Elementary School Mission Statement
In partnership with home and community, Blairstown
Elementary School is dedicated to the mission of
providing an engaging, comprehensive education
aligned with the Common Core Standards.
A passion for learning is ignited through an enriched
learning environment. While celebrating
individuality, our students develop confidence,
competence and character.
All students have the opportunity to achieve their
highest potential on a quest of lifelong learning
to succeed in a global, 21st century.
Curricular Overview
The 2014-2015 World Languages Curriculum was created through the analysis of
the past curriculum, the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, the Common Core
Standards, and the needs of our students at Blairstown Elementary School. This
curriculum utilizes the Model Curriculum provided by the New Jersey Department of
Our curriculums are written using the “Understanding By Design” philosophy in
which we look at the big picture and work backwards. This ensures that instruction is
focused and geared towards a specific outcome. The committee organized the standards
into specific units. This provides the teachers with more useful information and allows
them to create a pacing guide for their own use. Finally, materials needed for learning
activities and benchmarks will be available in the appendices section of the curriculum.
Through our collaborative efforts and collegial atmosphere, we intend to support
our students throughout their educational journey. This curriculum was created with
those intentions. We believe that a curriculum is a working document that should be
analyzed and modified as needed. Please inform the Supervisor of Curriculum &
Instruction should you find an area in need of improvement or modification.
Blairstown Elementary School
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit:Greetings and Leave-takings (K.1)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.B.3, 7.1NM.C.2, 7.1NM.C.3
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can greet people.
 I can ask and answer the question
 How is Spanish different from English?
“How are you?”
 Why is it important for me to learn
 I can say good-bye.
another language?
Knowledge and Skills:
Students will be able to:
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Imitate appropriate gestures and intonation of the target culture(s)/language
during greetings, leave-takings, and daily interactions.
 Imitate, recite, and/or dramatize simple poetry, rhymes, songs, and skits.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to:
 Copy/write the greetings based on the time of day.
 Copy/write the question and answers that ask/answer how someone is feeling.
 Copy/write words and phrases used to say good-bye
 Converse in a brief exchange with a partner demonstrating understanding of
greetings and leave-takings in Spanish.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, worksheet
Summative (Culminating): checklist for oral assessment
Other Evidence: Greetings outside of the classroom
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Greeting song to open every class
 Good-bye song to close every class
 Ask selected students to answer the question “¿Cómo estás?” after the initial lesson.
 Use Total Physical Response (TPR) to teach phrases
 Match phrases to pictures
Story sequencing using pictures and phrases
Play charades with TPR actions
Short skits
Buenos días
Buenas tardes
Buenas noches
¿Cómo estás?
Hasta luego
Hasta mañana
Hasta pronto
Blairstown Elementary School
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: At the Museum (K.2)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.B.4, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1.NM.C.3,
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can identify colors.
 I can identify shapes
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can follow directions.
 Why is it important for me to learn
 I can describe pictures.
another language?
 I can describe shapes in terms of
 I can name famous
Spanish/Hispanic artists.
Knowledge and Skills:
Students will be able to:
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Present information from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials
orally or in writing.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to:
 Sing the color song.
 Name the basic shapes.
 Color specific shapes as directed.
 Describe shapes in terms of color and size.
 Examine culturally appropriate, authentic works of art and answer questions about
the color and shapes used.
 Connect the artist to the work of art.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, worksheet
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence: Perform the color song during the Kindergarten Moving Up ceremony
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Have students examine their crayons for different languages
 Introduce a few colors each lesson in combination with shapes
 Sing the color song
 Play “I Spy”
 Give directions to color certain shapes different shapes of varying sizes
 Sort attribute blocks
 Take a virtual field trip to the Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain
 Use Smart Notebook to create an interactive display Spanish/Hispanic works of art
and artists. Students can describe what they see.
 Let students create their own works of art using only shapes and primary colors to
imitate Joan Miró (
 Students can then describe the shapes and colors they used
 Heads up, 7 up with vocabulary to replace names
Blairstown Elementary School
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: At the Market (K.3)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.B.2,
7.1.NM.B.3, 7.1.NM.B.4, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can count to 15.
 I can identify produce.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can describe produce.
 Why is it important for me to learn
 I can ask how much something
another language?
 I can pay for items purchased.
 I can state my preference for
different fruits and vegetables.
Knowledge and Skills:
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Imitate appropriate gestures and intonation of the target culture(s)/language
during greetings, leave-takings, and daily interactions.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to:
 Count up to 15
Name at least 10 different fruits and vegetables
Identify two produce items that are unique to some Spanish-speaking countries
(yucca and guanábana)
Describe the produce in terms of color and size
Express preference for various fruits and vegetables
Request the price for a particular item and pay using the correct number of pesos
Take part in a mock-market activity, asking prices and purchasing produce
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, worksheet
Summative (Culminating): Checklist, rubric for final task
Other Evidence: Perform the color song during the Kindergarten Moving Up ceremony
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Heads up, 7 up with vocabulary to replace names
 Flashcards (traditional or digital) to introduce
 Bring in produce and have students label each item
 Create a worksheet that allows them to count the fruit/vegetables
 Use counting chips or mock pesos to count to 15
 Popcorn questions (Students pop-up and answer me gusta when the teacher calls
out a fruit/vegetable they like. You can tally answers and have them count the
 Use pictures with prices on the back and hold a mock-market. Students can earn
pesos for naming different items correctly.
 Use a word web/graphic organizer to describe a particular fruit/vegetable
 Play ¿Quién soy?- Riddle game for the students to be the detectives and guess the
hidden item
 View videos of Mexican markets (
Los vegetales
Las frutas
La zanahoria
Los frijoles
La papa
El guisante
La habichuela
La yuca
La manzana
La naranja
El plátano
El limón
La uva
La guanábana
Me gusta
No me gusta
¿Cuánto cuesta?
Blairstown Elementary School
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: On the Farm (K.4)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.A.5 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1NM.C.2, 7.1.NM.C.3
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can identify farm animals
 I can compare animal sounds in
 How is Spanish different from English?
English and Spanish.
 Why is it important for me to learn
 I can describe animals.
another language?
 I can classify animals.
 I can sing a traditional children’s
song “Los Pollitos.”
Knowledge and Skills:
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and
level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Imitate, recite, and/or dramatize simple poetry, rhymes, songs, and skits.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to:
 Name at least 5 different farm animals.
 Describe the color of different farm animals.
 Sort animals into different categories based on the characteristics of each.
 Compare and contrast the animal sounds as well as the phonetic representation in
both languages.
 Sing and perform “Los Pollitos.”
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, worksheet
Summative (Culminating): Checklist, rubric for final task
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Heads up, 7 up with vocabulary to replace names
 Flashcards (traditional or digital) to introduce
 Show pictures have students label each item or perform TPR activities with them
 Create a worksheet that allows them to label
 Popcorn questions (Which animal says miau?)
 Use a word web/graphic organizer to describe a particular animal
 Play ¿Quién soy?- Riddle game for the students to be the detectives and guess the
hidden item
 View Clic, Clac, Muu on Discovery Education and have students make the animal
sound when they hear the name of the animal
 View videos of Los Pollitos (
El perro
El caballo
El gato
La gallina
El pollito
La oveja
La vaca
El pato
Guau, guau
Coc coc co
Cuac, cuac
Pío, pío
1st Grade
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 1
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: All About Me (1.1)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.5, 7.1.NM.B.1, 7.1.NM.B.3,
7.1.NM.B.4, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1NM.C.3
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can state my name.
 I can state my age.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can say the date of my birthday.
 Why is it important for me to learn
 I can name my favorite color.
another language?
 I can tell people where I am from.
Knowledge and Skills:
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and
level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
 Use digital tools to exchange basic information at the word and memorized-phrase
level related to self and targeted themes.
 Imitate appropriate gestures and intonation of the target culture(s)/language
during greetings, leave-takings, and daily interactions.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to:
 State his/her name
 State his/her age
 Say the date of his/her birthday
 Name his/her favorite color
 Tell people where he/she is from
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, Rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational Rubric for speech
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Students can match questions and answers
 Survey each other for most popular birth month, age, favorite color, etc. to tie into
math lesson
 Practice Q&A with a partner
 Find five people with an assigned favorite color by asking questions
 Create a class poster with survey results
 Create a word cloud online with the class’s information
 Use cue cards/index cards to build speech
 Fill in the blank sentences
 Read “Me Gusto Como Soy” (Author)
 Soy
 Tengo
 Años
 Cumpleaños
 Mi
 Favorito
 Es
 De
 1-31
 Months of the year
 Me llamo
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 1
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: My Family (1.2)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.B.4, 7.1.NM.B.5,
7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can state basic personal
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can name the members of a
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can describe people.
Knowledge and Skills:
Students will be able to:
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to:
 Provide basic personal information including: name, age, and birthday.
 List and label family members with the Spanish vocabulary word and name.
 Describe the people in his/her family using an adjective.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
Copy/write worksheets
Heads-up, 7-up with vocabulary
Matching game
TPR activity with vocabulary cards
Go Fish card game
Guess Who?
Riddles as interpersonal activities
Create a poster to label family members with vocabulary, name, and adjective.
 Mamá/madre
 Papá/padre
 Hermano
 Hermana
 Abuelo
 Abuela
 Madrastra
 Padrastro
 Alto
 Bajo
 Gordo
 Flaco
 Chistoso
 Serio
 Amable
 Bonita
 Guapo
 Es
 Se llama
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 1
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: My House (1.3)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.5, 7.1.NM.B.1,
7.1.NM.B.2, 7.1.NM.C.1, 7.1.NM.C.4, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can name rooms of a house.
 I can write the names of the rooms.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can describe unique features of
 Why is it important for me to learn
houses in other countries.
another language?
Knowledge and Skills:
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and
level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
 Use digital tools to exchange basic information at the word and memorized-phrase
level related to self and targeted themes.
 Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Use basic information at the word and memorized-phrase level to create a
multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared virtually with a
target language audience.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to:
 Name and label rooms of a house.
 Compare and contrast houses from different countries.
 Create a floor plan of a house.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Explore houses of different countries
 Practice vocabulary using TPR and other games
 Use Smart Notebook to create an interactive matching game
 View Discovery Education Video “I Want to Know: House Building”
 Use blue construction paper and chalk to create floor plans
 Use computer-drawing programs to create floor plans
 Pin the room on the house game
 SWAT vocabulary with floor plan
 La casa
 El dormitorio
 La sala
 La cocina
 El baño
 El comedor
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 1
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Table Manners (1.4)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.B.1,
7.1.NM.B.2, 7.1.NM.B.3, 7.1.NM.B.4, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1.NM.C.1, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can name items used to set the
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can compare and contrast table
manners in different countries.
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can set the table correctly
according to Hispanic custom.
 I can demonstrate proper table
 I can ask for items at the table.
Knowledge and Skills:
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Use digital tools to exchange basic information at the word and memorized-phrase
level related to self and targeted themes.
 Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Imitate appropriate gestures and intonation of the target culture(s)/language
during greetings, leave-takings, and daily interactions.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to:
 Name at least five different items used to set the table.
 View a video and discuss table manners.
 Compare and contrast table manners in different countries.
 Set the table correctly.
 Ask for missing utensils needed to set the table.
 Demonstrate proper table manners as demonstrated in the Hispanic culture.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence: Setting the table
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Smart notebook activity to uncover the utensils
 Worksheet and other vocabulary games
 Discovery Education video: “Elementary Spanish: Grades 01-02: Unit 04, Lesson 07”
 Use plastic utensils to have students locate what they need
 Have students set an actual table
 Glue plastic utensils to a large piece of construction paper/placemat and label the
 Por favor
 Gracias
 De nada
 Necesito
 El plato
 El tenedor
 El cuchillo
 El vaso
 La cuchara
 La servilleta
 La mesa
2nd Grade
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 2
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: At School (2.1)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.B.1, 7.1.NM.B.3, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can identify various school
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can count up to 20.
 Why is it important for me to learn
 I can ask and answer requests for
another language?
additional supplies.
 I can perform basic addition and
subtraction operations.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Follow directions to gather a specific quantity of school supplies.
 Name and Identify school supplies.
 Ask for additional school supplies.
 Add and subtract quantities of school supplies.
 State the remainder of school supplies.
 State the total number of school supplies distributed.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Vocabulary activities.
 Touch and feel box to guess the school supply inside.
 Worksheet to match term to item.
 Label actual school supplies.
 TPR activities with supplies.
 Distribute, add, and subtract supplies.
 El escritorio
 El pupitre
 El libro
 El cuaderno
 El lápiz
 La goma
 Las tijeras
 La regla
 El pegamento
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 2
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Geography and Science (2.2)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.B.1, 7.1.NM.B.4, 7.1.NM.B.5,
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can describe different types of
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can name the countries of Latin
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can name geographical features
located in Latin America.
 I can express a preference.
 I can locate pictures of a country in
Latin America.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Use digital tools to exchange basic information at the word and memorized-phrase
level related to self and targeted themes.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Discuss the weather in Latin America.
 Name different geographical features of Latin America.
 Name different cities and countries of Latin America and place them on a map.
 Express a preference for a specific location.
 Locate and print at least 3 pictures of a chosen country.
 State the weather and temperature of a specific country.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Use National Geographic Map-making software.
 View videos on Discovery Education website about weather and different
geographical features of Latin America.
 Match pictures to the name of the geographical feature or weather.
 Perform TPR actions to practice weather vocabulary.
 Discuss the best time to visit each of the countries and how weather varies like in
the United States.
 Use the Weather Channel website in Spanish to research current conditions and
temperatures (
 Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America
 La pampa
 La montaña
 El río
 La selva
 La playa
 El desierto
 Hace calor
 Hace frío
 Hace viento
 Llueve
 Nieva
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 2
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Math (2.3)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.B.2,
7.1.NM.B.4, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.4
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can count up to 100.
 I can use and recognize vocabulary
 How is Spanish different from English?
for basic math operations.
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Present information from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials
orally or in writing.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Recite and write the numbers from 1-15.
 Recognize the pattern for the number series 16-19, 20-29, and 30-100.
 Count up to 100.
 Perform the basic mathematical operations of addition and subtraction orally and in
 Solve short word problems using the terms more, less, add, subtract and equals.
 Create a study guide that contains rules for counting up to 100 in Spanish as well as
a word bank for mathematical terms.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Solve basic word problem sentence.
 Use vocabulary reinforcement activities for numbers by tens and 1-15 such as TPR,
games from,, and
 Use to generate math problems and have the students match the correct
Spanish terminology or read the problem aloud.
 Worksheet that uses words in place of numerals in addition and subtraction
problems from
 Jump places on a number line.
 Count objects in the room.
 Count money.
 Word scramble puzzles, crossword puzzles, and word searches to practice spelling.
 Set spell check language to Spanish if students use the computers to type out the
study guide.
 1-100
 Más
 Menos
 Sumar
 Restar
 Son, igual
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 2
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Summer Vacation (2.4)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.A.5, 7.1.NM.B.1,
7.1.NM.B.4, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.4, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can explore the climate and
weather of a Latin American
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can name clothing appropriate to
 Why is it important for me to learn
a destination’s weather/season.
another language?
 I can recommend a particular
destination based on the activities
available and preference.
 I can use the verb “voy” to show
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and
level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
 Use digital tools to exchange basic information at the word and memorized-phrase
level related to self and targeted themes.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Present information from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials
orally or in writing.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Research the season, climate, weather, and available recreational activities of a
chosen/assigned country in Latin America.
Name and choose clothing that is appropriate for the particular
season/weather/activities of the country.
Label all clothing vocabulary.
Use the verb “voy” in a sentence to state where they are choosing to go.
State a preference using “me gusta” to provide a reason for going to the chosen
State the season and weather for a given month for the destination.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Use the Weather Channel website in Spanish to research current conditions and
temperatures (
 Have students create a paper suitcase for them to draw or cut and paste pictures of
clothing and label them. Write destination and weather information in the suitcase.
 Students can make flashcards of clothing vocabulary on index cards and “pack” them
into their “suitcases.”
 Bring in actual oversized clothing for a TPR activity.
 Dress paper dolls for different countries.
 Name different places in town and use create “voy” sentences.
 Have the students create a survey about the different recreational activities they like
to do.
 Create word webs of the information gathered about each country.
 Convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Centigrade.
 Centígrados
 El verano
 El invierno
 El otoño
 La primavera
 La maleta
 La ropa
 Empacar
 La camisa
 La camiseta
 Los pantalones
 Los pantalones cortos
 La chaqueta
La bufanda
El suéter
Las botas
El abrigo
Los guantes
El sombrero
Los zapatos
Las sandalias
El traje de baño
3rd Grade
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 3
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Houses of Mexico (3.1)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.B.2, 7.1.NM.B.4,
7.1.NM.C.1, 7.1.NM.C.2 7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.4, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can name at least five rooms of
the house.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can name different parts of the
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can give location using the verb
 I can ask and answer questions
about location within a house.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Name at least five rooms of the house.
 Name different parts of the house.
 Name at least one object from each room.
 Give location using the verb “estar.”
 Ask and answer questions about location within a house.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Play “La Escondida” outside, if weather allows, following the guidelines
 Recall the rooms of the house learned in 1st grade.
 Play various vocabulary games to introduce new vocabulary.
 Introduce the verb “estar” to show location.
 Practice questions and answers with pictures of objects found in the house, by
placing them on an image of a floor plan. (E.g. ¿Dónde está la cama? Está en el
 Play charades and let the students mime actions for each room. Encourage them to
guess by telling the person where he/she is pretending to be. (E.g. Marisol está en la
 Create a floor plan and have the students place images of their classmates or other
children on the floor plan. Each student will write 5 sentences about the location of
each of the 5 children.
 Está
 Escondido
 En
 El ático
 El sótano
 El garaje
 El jardín
 La oficina
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 3
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Life in Mexico (3.2)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.5, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1.NM.C.1,
7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.4, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can name sports and activities
unique to Mexico.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can research and present
information using print and non Why is it important for me to learn
print sources.
another language?
 I can discuss information about the
sports and activities of Mexico.
 I can present information about
sports and activities of Mexico in
writing using
 I can compare and contrast sports
and activities of Mexico with those
in other countries.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and
level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Use basic information at the word and memorized-phrase level to create a
multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared virtually with a
target language audience.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Present information from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials
orally or in writing.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Name at least three sports and activities unique to Mexico such as Lucha Libre, Jai
Alai, Charreada, or swim with a whale shark.
Research the chosen sports/activities using books from a library, textbooks, or the
Exchange information orally and survey classmates to find out which activity the
most students would like to try.
Discuss information about the sports and activities of Mexico orally with classmates.
Present information about the sports and activities of Mexico in writing using
pictures/photographs using Microsoft Word or Publisher.
Compare and contrast sports and activities of Mexico with those in other countries
using a Venn diagram.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Read about sports in Mexico (
 Visit “Actividades México” (
 Perform a Google image search the different sports and activities and save safe
images on the shared student drive.
 Create surveys either on paper or using the Smart Response clickers.
 Predict which sport will be the most popular.
 Learn vocabulary specific to each sport/activity to expand knowledge.
 List other sports played in Mexico that are more commonplace.
 Play vocabulary games.
 Create a flier featuring three sports or activities with information and pictures to
attract tourists to Mexico using Microsoft Word or Publisher.
 El fútbol
 Corrida de toros
 Béisbol
 El boxeo - lucha libre
 El basquetbol
 Charrería
 Surf
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 3
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Food of Mexico(3.3)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.A.5, 7.1.NM.B.1,
7.1.NM.B.2, 7.1.NM.B.4, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can identify Mexican foods.
 I can categorize foods into
 How is Spanish different from English?
different groups.
 Why is it important for me to learn
 I can identify foods based on short
another language?
written and oral descriptions.
 I can express preference for
different Mexican foods.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and
level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
 Use digital tools to exchange basic information at the word and memorized-phrase
level related to self and targeted themes.
 Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Identify Mexican foods included in the vocabulary list by name and picture.
 Categorize the foods into different groups that would be part of a menu (E.g.
appetizer, main dish, dessert, beverage, etc.).
 Identify the foods based on short written and oral descriptions from a real menu or
recipe book.
Express preference for different Mexican foods using “Me gusta…” or “No me
gusta…” through a poll taking program (Poll Daddy, Weebly) online.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Explore Mexican food menus in Spanish and English
 Explore recipes (
 Use Smart Notebook to drag and drop food names/pictures into different menu
 Translate recipes into English.
 Make a list of cognates (taco, burrito, quesadilla, etc.) that are used in the United
 Learn the names of special ingredients like habaneros, chiles, poblano, etc.
 Watch a video of Traditional Mexican Cuisine from UNESCO (
 Use Poll Daddy or the poll feature of Weebly websites to gather information about
student preferences and to facilitate the exchange of information digitally.
 Taco
 Quesadilla
 Tamales
 Sopapilla
 Nopalito
 Burrito
 Chile relleno
 Mole
 Churros
 Ceviche
 Téjamaica
 Chocolate caliente
 Guacamole
 Ensalada
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 3
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: People of Mexico (3.4)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.B.1,
7.1.NM.B.2, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1.NM.C.1, 7.1.NM.C.2, 7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.4, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can use the formal command of
the verb “enviar.”
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can name the different regions of
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can describe the climates of the
different regions of Mexico.
 I can identify clothing that people
wear in the different regions of
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when
participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Imitate, recite, and/or dramatize simple poetry, rhymes, songs, and skits.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Use the formal command of the verb “enviar,” “envie” to indicate where to send
certain clothes depending on the region and climate of the destination orally.
 Name the different regions of Mexico.
 Describe the climates of the different regions of Mexico using weather vocabulary
learned in previous units.
Identify clothing that people wear in the different regions of Mexico such as
ponchos, huaraches, sombreros, rebozos, etc.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Examine maps of Mexico, including topographical, regional, political, etc.
 Learn about the history and materials used to make certain types of clothing Mexico.
 Explore the seven climate regions of Mexico (
 Practice cardinal directions
 Name, list, and place the regions of Mexico on a map.
 Discuss the types of weather and the climate of each region and how it impacts the
people that live there.
 Assign students different regions and ask them to indicate the clothing they would
 Envíe
 El estado
 Norte
 Este
 Oeste
 Sur
 Noreste
 Noroeste
 Sureste
 Suroeste
 Norte central
 Sur central
 Poncho
 Huaraches
 Rebozo
 Sarape
4th Grade
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 4
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Hispanic Heritage (4.1)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.A.5, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1NM.C.3,
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can discuss the importance of
Hispanic Heritage month.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can research a famous Hispanic
using the Internet and books.
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can describe a famous Hispanic.
 I can discuss the contributions of a
famous Hispanic.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and
level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Present information from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials
orally or in writing.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Discuss the importance of celebrating Hispanic Heritage month and compare it to
other cultural holidays such as Black History month.
 Identify at least one famous Hispanic and name his/her contribution to Hispanic
culture based on research.
 Describe a famous Hispanic using one to two adjectives based on his/her
 Provide basic personal information about a famous Hispanic such as date of birth,
death, and where he/she lived or is from.
 Present information about a famous Hispanic to the class including pictures of the
person or pictures related to their contribution.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Research famous Hispanics (,,,28757,2008201,00.html,
 Use Quizlet to practice adjectives that are used to describe people
 Use a biography graphic organizer
 Create a presentation on poster board or using digital tools (Microsoft Word,
PowerPoint, or Prezi).
 Locate places important to the person on a map.
 Compare and contrast people researched.
 Students can mock-interview each other, taking on the persona of the Hispanic
he/she researched.
 Create a Time magazine cover for the person researched with the facts included on
the front or back.
 Su
 Es de
 Se falleció
 List of famous Hispanic Americans
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 4
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Poetry (4.2)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.1, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.A.5, 7.1.NM.B.5 7.1.NM.C.1,
7.1.NM.C.2 7.1NM.C.3, 7.1.NM.C.4, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can write a diamante poem using
different parts of speech about a
famous Hispanic.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can distinguish between nouns,
 Why is it important for me to learn
verbs, and adjectives.
another language?
 I can conjugate verbs into the
present progressive tense.
 I can research a famous Hispanic
using print and non-print sources.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally
authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes.
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and
level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Imitate, recite, and/or dramatize simple poetry, rhymes, songs, and skits.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Write a diamante poem using different parts of speech about a famous Hispanic.
 Sort words into the categories of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
 Conjugate simple -ar, -er, and -ir verbs into the present progressive tense (E.g.
pintar ->pintando).
 Research a famous Hispanic using print and non-print sources in order to find
nouns, verbs, and adjective to use in a diamante poem.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Explore samples of diamante poems in Spanish
 Translate novice level diamante poems from Spanish to English
 Create diamantes based one’s self.
 Diamante mad-libs by pulling words out of a hat.
 Around the world game with two-sided verb cards. (Each card has one green and
one red word. Students listen for their green word and call out their red words. Red
words match green words. Verbs on the cards are in infinitive form and the students
conjugate them as they go, aloud.)
 Worksheets to practice conjugation.
 Interactive Smart Board lesson to allow students to physically remove the ending of
the verb and add the new ending.
 Host a poetry slam for the students to present their poems.
 Encourage students to act out verbs.
 Research famous Hispanics (,,,28757,2008201,00.html,
 Use Quizlet to practice adjectives that are used to describe people
 Gracioso
 Cómico
 Serio
 Ambicioso
 Perezoso
 Bueno
 Fantástico
 Tímido
 Sincero
 Honesto
 Generoso
 Simpático
 Joven
 Viejo
 Anciano
 Trabajador
 Valiente
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 4
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: In a Café (4.3)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.2, 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.4, 7.1.NM.B.3, 7.1.NM.B.4,
7.1.NM.C.4, 7.1.NM.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can order food from a menu.
 I can identify a variety of food based
 How is Spanish different from
on description.
 I can express preference for a
 Why is it important for me to learn
variety of foods.
another language?
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands, and
requests through appropriate physical response.
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written
 Imitate appropriate gestures and intonation of the target culture(s)/language
during greetings, leave-takings, and daily interactions.
 Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using
memorized words and phrases.
 Present information from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials
orally or in writing.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Order food from an authentic menu.
 Identify a variety of food based on descriptions.
 Express preference for a variety of foods.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 View “There’s No Food Like My Food: Antonio in Spain” on Discovery Education.
 Explore authentic Spanish menus
 Examine a recipe for paella and discuss preferences.
 Vocabulary activities for new words.
 Perform a skit about ordering food from a restaurant.
 Make paella for the students to sample and comment on. Extend the lesson by
teaching colloquial sayings to discuss likes and dislikes. (E.g. ¡Está riquísimo!, ¡Que
 View videos of authentic Spanish dishes being prepared (
 Discuss variations in cuisine based on the region.
 Comer
 Beber
 Pedir
 Ordenar
 Pagar
 El mesero
 El camarero
 El menú
 El orden
 La cuenta
 Libre
 Ocupado
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 4
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Future Plans (4.4)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NM.A.3, 7.1.NM.A.5, 7.1.NM.B.3, 7.1.NM.B.5, 7.1NM.C.3,
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can tell others about future
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can speak using strings of
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can invite others to join in future
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target
 Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age- and
level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics.
 Imitate appropriate gestures and intonation of the target culture(s)/language
during greetings, leave-takings, and daily interactions.
 Exchange information using words, phrases, and short sentences practiced in class
on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas.
 Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics.
 Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the
target culture(s).
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Tell others about plans for the immediate future using “voy a.”
 Speak using strings of sentences to discuss plans for the immediate future and about
the current situation.
 Invite others to join in future plans using simple questions.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
Review and practice vocabulary.
Record (teacher) and listen(students) to a dialogue about friends discussing what
they will do next.
CLOZE activity with the dialogue to improve listening skills.
Comprehension questions about dialogue to check understanding.
Illustrate a series of events to show past, present, and future.
Teach use of “ir+a+infinitive” to express plans for the immediate future.
Discuss what students their age normally do in their free time.
View a video about “Being Spanish” on Discovery Education to learn more about the
daily routines of Spanish children.
Role-play asking friends to join you for an activity that will take place in the
immediate future.
 Lleno
 Voy a
 Quiero
 Ir
 Correr
 Ver
 Mirar
 Caminar
 Ir de compras
 Jugar
 Escuchar
 Cantar
 Llamar
5th Grade
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 5
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Life in Spain (5.1)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NH.A.1, 7.1.NH.A.3, 7.1.NH.A.4, 7.1.NH.B.1, 7.1.NH.B.5
7.1.NH.C.1, 7.1.NH.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can research a sporting event,
hobby, or cultural practice of Spain
using the Internet.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can write a short paragraph using
 Why is it important for me to learn
information based on research.
another language?
 I can create a slide or video clip to
be used in a digital presentation.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar words and phrases, understand the main idea, and infer the
meaning of some highly contextualized, unfamiliar spoken or written words
contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources
related to targeted themes.
 Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target
 Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written
 Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words,
phrases, and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes.
 Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas.
 Recombine basic information at the word and sentence level related to self and
targeted themes to create a multimedia-rich presentation to be shared virtually with
a target language audience.
 Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and
simulate common cultural practices.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Research a sporting event, hobby, or cultural practice of Spain using the Internet.
 Write a short paragraph using information based on research about a sporting
event, hobby, or cultural practice of Spain.
 Create a slide or video clip to be used in a digital presentation put together by the
entire class.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 View Discovery Education video on “Northern Spain.” (Caution: This video shows
clips from a bullfight where the bull dies. Educate students about the bullfight
before and provide them with the option to view it.)
 Four-corners debate ( about bullfighting as a sport.
 Discuss other sports and activities as well as compare and contrast them with those
of the United States.
 Students create mini-vocab lessons for other students to complete based on each
activity chosen.
 Research sports and activities in Spain. Use
 Teacher resource (
 Create a slide using Prezi or PowerPoint as a collaborative project. Combine slides
to form one presentation about the sports and activities of Spain.
 El ciclismo
 El patinaje
 El esquí
 La natación
 El tenis
 El estadio
 El espectador
 El campo
 La cancha
 El partido
 El jugador
 El equipo
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 5
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Traditions and Holidays of Spain (5.2)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NH.A.3, 7.1.NH.A.4, 7.1.NH.B.4, 7.1.NH.C.2
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can explore the regions and
traditions of Spain.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can write a postcard including
details about a cultural experience.
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can use regular verbs in the past
 I can express preference in the past
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target
 Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written
 Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various
social situations.
 Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays
using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Explore the regions and traditions of Spain by viewing videos and clips about Spain,
reading stories or informational material, and researching on the Internet.
 Write a postcard including details about a cultural experience based on the
information they have researched.
 Conjugate and use regular verbs in the simple past tense.
 Express preference in the past tense.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
Research and/or print out readings about Spanish festivals/traditions from
Review festivals that they saw in the previously viewed video “Northern Spain.”
Visit webpages dedicated to particular traditions (,
Use and videos from Discovery Education to
introduce preterit tense.
Play vocabulary and conjugation games.
Present postcards to students from someone who recently participated in a cultural
activity in Spain and have them answer questions about it.
Provide conversational guides and questions for the students to answer about the
cultural activities.
Use real post cards from Spain ( for the students to write on or let them make their own.
Match pictures to the activity studied.
Compare and contrast different activities of various countries.
Discuss how they would or would not like to participate in some of the cultural
 Fiesta de San Fermín
 Ratoncito Pérez
 Tapas
 Bailar
 Flamenco
 Siesta
 La Tomatina
 La Semana Santa
 La Navidad
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 5
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Careers (5.3)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NH.A.1, 7.1.NH.A.5, 7.1.NH.B.5, 7.1.NH.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can research three careers and
discuss the skills required for each.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can write the skills required for
different careers.
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can use simple subjunctive verbs.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize familiar words and phrases, understand the main idea, and infer the
meaning of some highly contextualized, unfamiliar spoken or written words
contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources
related to targeted themes.
 Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on
familiar topics.
 Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas.
 Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and
simulate common cultural practices.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Research three careers and discuss the skills required for each.
 Write about the skills required for different careers.
 Use simple subjunctive verbs to create a help wanted ad.
 Discuss how languages can help follow certain career paths.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Classroom discussions
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Brainstorm careers that the students are interested in.
 Name ways that knowing more than one language can improve different careers.
 Examine help wanted ad in Spanish language newspapers
Hold mock-interviews for a job.
Discuss use of subjunctive and how it is used in English and Spanish.
Practice conjugation of verbs in the subjunctive tense that are used for help wanted
Research different careers using the Internet.
Type out help wanted ads for three careers using the subjunctive tense in Microsoft
 Profesión
 El doctor
 El policía
 El profesor
 El abogado
 El cajero
 El cocinero
 El bombero
 El enfermero
 El reportero
 El veterinario
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 5
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Translator (5.4)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NH.A.4, 7.1.NH.A.5, 7.1.NH.A.6, 7.1.NH.B.1, 7.1.NH.C.4
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can discuss the role/job of a
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can use a Spanish-English
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can discuss the differences of
Spanish and English.
 I can translate a short excerpt from
a children’s book.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written
 Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on
familiar topics.
 Identify the main idea and other significant ideas in readings from age- and levelappropriate, culturally authentic materials.
 Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words,
phrases, and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes.
 Tell or retell stories from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials
orally or in writing.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Discuss the role/job of a translator.
 Use a Spanish-English dictionary in either a print or non-print form.
 Discuss the differences of Spanish and English and how it presents a challenge for a
 Translate a short excerpt from a children’s book.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Explore a sample job description of a translator (
 Explain the difference between interpretation and translation
 Read an English picture book and then the same book in Spanish (“The Very Hungry
Caterpillar” by Eric Carle) to compare them.
 Practice translating short phrases.
 Practice using a Spanish-English dictionary. A non-print example would be
 Libro
 Autor
 Escribir
 Traducir
 Por
6th Grade
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 6
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Doctor (6.1)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NH.A.2, 7.1.NH.A.4, 7.1.NH.A.5, 7.1.NH.B.2, 7.1.NH.B.5,
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can identify parts of the body.
 I can ask questions about what ails
 How is Spanish different from English?
 Why is it important for me to learn
 I can tell others about my ailments.
another language?
 I can make recommendations to
others regarding their health.
 I can report about the health
conditions of others.
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral and written directions, commands,
and requests through appropriate physical response.
 Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written
 Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on
familiar topics.
 Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for
participating in age- and level- appropriate classroom and cultural activities.
 Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various
social situations.
 Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays
using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Identify parts of the body.
 Ask questions about what ails others.
 Tell others about my ailments.
 Make recommendations to others regarding their health.
 Write a report about the health conditions of others.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Practice vocabulary for new body parts learned.
 Explore use of the verb doler combined with indirect object pronouns.
 Half of the students draw cards that tell what ailment they have. The other half has a
patient list and must question the patients to find out what ailment they have.
Students switch roles after one round.
 Report about the patients seen. Report must include ailment and recommendation
to feel better.
 El brazo
 La cabeza
 La rodilla
 La barba
 La oreja
 El cuello
 La garganta
 Los dientes
 La lengua
 El tobillo
 La pierna
 El codo
 El dedo
 El hombro
 El estómago
 La espalda
 La frente
 La nariz
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 6
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Police Officer (6.2)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NH.A.2, 7.1.NH.A.4, 7.1.NH.B.4, 7.1NH.C.3
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can report past events.
 I can describe a person in detail.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can tell about a person’s
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Demonstrate comprehension of a series of oral and written directions, commands,
and requests through appropriate physical response.
 Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written
 Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various
social situations.
 Describe in writing people and things from the home and school environment.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Report past events about a rule or law that has been broken.
 Describe the offending person in detail (Hair color, eye color, height, and clothes
 Tell about a person’s likes/dislikes (Food, activities, pets, etc.).
 Ask questions to obtain information about someone’s likes, dislikes, and basic
personal information.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Se Busca poster lesson/activity
Practice vocabulary related to the unit.
Play Guess Who board game to practice question and answer.
Use riddles that contain information about classmates for them to identify each
other based on descriptions. Each student can write his/her own clues.
Activities from NJCCCS Standards in Action
 Sospechar
 Tiene
 Buscar
 Crimen
 Ladrón
 Hombre
 Mujer
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 6
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Professional Athlete (6.3)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NH.A.3, 7.1.NH.A.4, 7.1.NH.A.5, 7.1.NH.B.4, 7.1.NH.B.5,
7.1.NH.C.2, 7.1.NH.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can provide details about myself.
 I can answer questions about past
 How is Spanish different from English?
 Why is it important for me to learn
 I can present information orally.
another language?
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target
 Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written
 Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on
familiar topics.
 Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various
social situations.
 Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas.
 Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays
using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing.
 Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and
simulate common cultural practices.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Provide details about one’s self such as age, date of birth, and likes.
 Answer questions about past actions related to a sporting event.
 Present information orally by answering questions in a mock-interview.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
Conjugate verbs in the preterit or imperfect tense to convey past actions related to
sporting events.
Review vocabulary associated with sports learned in previous units and add new
Read interviews of athletes (
Activity ideas for interviewing athletes
Students takes on personas of athletes and provide personal details and about a
major sporting event to an interviewer.
 Correr
 Ganar
 Entrar
 Marcar un tanto
 Tirar/lanzar
 Rebotar
 Bloquear
 Quedar empatado
 Meter
 Empezar
 Jugar
 Perder
 Poder
Blairstown Elementary School
Grade 6
Stage 1: Desired Results
Unit: Travel Agent (6.4)
Corresponding NJCCCS: 7.1.NH.A.3, 7.1.NH.A.4, 7.1.NH.B.1, 7.1.NH.B.4, 7.1.NH.B.5,
7.1.NH.C.2, 7.1.NH.C.5
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
 Why do people speak different
 I can explore various Spanishlanguages?
speaking locations.
 How is Spanish different from English?
 I can discuss modes of
transportation using “por.”
 Why is it important for me to learn
another language?
 I can provide reasons for travelling
to different places using “para.”
 I can exchange information
Knowledge and Skills: (Focus of Instruction - Standards)
Students will be able to:
 Recognize some common gestures and cultural practices associated with target
 Identify people, places, objects, and activities in daily life based on oral or written
 Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words,
phrases, and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes.
 Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences in various
social situations.
 Converse on a variety of familiar topics and/or topics studied in other content areas.
 Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays
using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing.
 Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and
simulate common cultural practices.
Stage 2: Evidence of Understanding
Benchmark: (Do or Say)
Students will be able to:
 Explore various Spanish-speaking locations using the Internet and other resources,
such as books or travel brochures.
 Discuss modes of transportation using “por.”
 Provide reasons for travelling to different places using “para.”
 Exchange information digitally by sending a mock email using the shared
documents folder on the server.
Assessment Methods:
Formative (On-going): Teacher observation, rubrics
Summative (Culminating): Presentational rubric
Other Evidence:
Stage 3: Learning Plan
The following suggested learning experiences will help students explore the big ideas and
essential questions:
 Explore extended vocabulary (
 Read and translate a dialogue from a travel agency (
 Locate and identify Spanish-speaking countries on a map.
 Discuss modes of transportation that are popular in various countries.
 Conjugate the irregular verb “ir.”
 Compare and contrast the basic uses of the prepositions “por” and “para.”
 Examine emails composed in Spanish and create one using Microsoft Word
following the proper cultural etiquette
 Students will role-play agents in a travel agency and provide details about the trips
they have booked for other people.
 Carro
 Camión
 Motocicleta
 Bus
 A caballo
 A pie
 Helicóptero
 Avión
 Barco
 Bicicleta
 Por
 Va
Performance Based
Task K.1
Greetings and Leave-takings
There is a new student in your class. The student is from Spain and only speaks Spanish.
Since you know a little Spanish the teacher asks you to talk to him/her.
 Greet the student.
 Say your name.
 Ask how he/she is.
 Tell him/her how you are.
 Say good-bye.
Task K.2
At the Museum
The Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, Spain just announced a major art contest. Each entry
has to look like artwork created by Joan Miró and needs to have a description attached.
Your whole class is going to enter the contest.
 Create a picture using the shapes and colors you learned about in Spanish class in
the style of Miró.
 Write a list of the shapes and colors you used.
 Sign your name on your picture like an artist does.
Task K.3
At the Market
Your family is on vacation in Mexico and everyone is hungry. Your mom wants to buy fruit
and your dad wants to buy some vegetables. The problem is they don’t speak Spanish. Help
your mom and dad buy the items on their list.
 Count the pesos your parents give you.
 Ask the prices of the fruits and vegetable you need to buy.
 Buy the items on your list.
Task K.4
On the Farm
You’ve got talent! You and your class are going to audition for the Spanish version of You’ve
Got Talent! Your teacher has the perfect act picked out for you and your classmates to
 Perform “Los Pollitos.”
Task 1.1
All About Me
Your family just moved to Mexico. You are nervous about going to school and having to tell
the class about yourself. In order to be prepared, you decide to write down and practice a
short speech.
 State your name.
 State your age.
 Tell when your birthday is
 Tell what your favorite color is
 Tell where you are from.
Task 1.2
My Family
You are doing great at your new school in Mexico! You are doing so well that you were
chosen as the Student of the Month. The teacher has instructed you to make poster about
yourself and your family.
 Include your name, age, and birthday.
 Draw and label each family member that you wish to include. Don’t forget the
 Include one describing word for each member of your family.
 Decorate it!
 Present the poster to your teacher and classmates.
Task 1.3
My House
You have the incredible opportunity to design a new house for your family. The architect
only speaks Spanish. Make a diagram of your new dream home for the architect.
 Include at least four different rooms.
 Draw the floor plan. (Blue paper with chalk)
 Label each room in Spanish.
Task 1.4
Table Manners
Now that your dream house is complete, it’s time to have a dinner party. Brush up on your
table manners from Spanish-speaking countries and learn how to set the table.
 Name the utensils and items needed to set a proper table for dinner.
 Set the table correctly.
 Sit at the table and show good table manners while you wait for the party to begin!
Task 2.1
At School
At the end of summer vacation, you stopped in to visit your new teacher. You volunteer to
help her set up your classroom. She gives you a list of items that need to be placed in each
desk. Before you start, she asks you to do one as an example. Prepare the example desk for
her so you can finish setting up.
 Gather the items on your list.
 Check to make sure you have the right number of each item.
 Place the items in the desk.
 Have the teacher check your example.
Task 2.2
Geography and Science
You just learned about the geography, weather, and seasons of Latin America. Your family
wants to take a vacation and go somewhere they can ski. You know just the place! Prepare
a one-page flyer to wow your family.
 Include the city and country.
 Include at least one geographical feature.
 Include the current weather and temperature.
 Use at least three pictures from your chosen destination.
Task 2.3
You are in a school in Costa Rica. A new student has arrived from the United States and
needs help learning his numbers up to 100 and some math vocabulary. Since you are also
from the United States, you decide to help. Make your friend a study guide that includes all
of the things the teacher wants him to know.
 Numbers 1-15
 16-19; 20-29
 Count by 10’s up to 100
 Pattern for numbers like 31, 32…. 41,42…
 Vocabulary for add, subtract, equals, more, less
Task 2.4
Summer Vacation
Your parents have surprised you with a big trip to _______________! They tell you to research
your destination and pack appropriate clothing. Using the Internet, research your
destination to find out about the weather and activities you can do while you are there.
Pack your suitcase and write about what you discovered online.
 Use the verb voy to show destination.
 Write about the temperature and season.
 Draw and label the items you will pack.
Task 3.1
Houses of Mexico
You are playing a game of hide and seek also known as escondidas. You were just found
and your friend, the seeker, needs help to find everyone else. Draw and label a floor plan of
the house, then write a complete sentence about each of your five friends and where they
are in the house.
 Draw and label a floor plan.
 Write 5 complete sentences that give the location of each friend within the house.
 Tell your friend where the others are hiding based on your sentences.
Task 3.2
Life in Mexico
You are a tour guide in Mexico and your boss has just asked you to create a new flyer to
attract new tourists. Your boss wants you to include at least three activities or sports
tourists can do. It needs to have pictures and information about the activities. They should
also be things that are unique to Mexico. Make sure your flier looks good, too. You want to
attract as many tourists as you can!
 Three sports/activities unique to Mexico.
 Pictures for each sport/activity.
 Description and information for each sport/activity.
Task 3.3
Food of Mexico
A famous chef is opening a new restaurant in the United States. She wants to cook only
traditional Mexican food. She started writing the menu but it is all out of order. Help her
put it in order of appetizers, entrees, desserts, and beverages. She also needs help matching
the descriptions of each dish to the title. You can include pictures of some dishes as well.
Once you fix the menu, present it to her.
 Items match the description.
 Items are in the correct category.
Task 3.4
People of Mexico
New stores are opening up all over Mexico, but the clothing orders got shipped to the
wrong stores. Give directions to the shipping company as to where each order goes. Be
careful that the order matches the region. You don’t want parkas going to the desert!
 Use formal command “envie.”
 Clothing order is appropriate for the region.
 Speak clearly to avoid confusion.
Task 4.1
Hispanic Heritage
You are creating a presentation about a famous Hispanic for Hispanic Heritage month.
Include basic facts about the person as well as his/her contribution to Hispanic heritage.
You should include pictures and adjectives that describe the person. When you are done,
present your findings to your class.
 Include name, birthdate, where he/she is from, age or date of passing.
 Includes pictures.
 Contributions to the Hispanic world.
Task 4.2
The local Spanish newspaper is looking for new submissions. Since you are really good at
poetry, you decide to write a piece to submit that shows off your knowledge of parts of
speech in Spanish. Write a diamante poem about a famous Hispanic.
 Poem is in form of diamante.
 Includes 6 nouns, 6 gerunds, and 4 adjectives.
Task 4.3
In a Café
Congratulations on winning an award for your incredible poem! You received a gift
certificate for an authentic Spanish restaurant and decide to treat yourself and your friends
to a nice meal out. Use your best manners and order food in the restaurant, tell the server
how you like your meal, and take leave.
 Re-enact a realistic restaurant scenario using manners.
 Order a beverage and main meal.
 Tell the server if you like your food or not.
 Take leave.
Task 4.4
Future Plans
You and your friends are stuffed after such a great meal! You decide that you are not ready
to go home and want to have some fun. Discuss your plans with your friends and ask if they
would like to join you.
 Prepare a short monologue to present to your friends about your future plans for
the evening.
 Ask if they would like to join you at the end.
Task 5.1
Life in Spain
Your class is producing a video tour about Life in Spain as part of a new documentary.
Research and write a short paragraph about a sporting event, hobby, or cultural practice.
Use that information to create a slide or short video clip for the video tour.
Task 5.2
Traditions and Holidays of Spain
While on vacation in Spain, you decided to take part in a special tradition. Write a postcard
to tell your friends back home about your experience. Make sure you include details of your
experience and how you liked it.
Task 5.3
The local newspaper needs a new columnist. They want you to write three help wanted ads
as a sample of your work. Choose three careers and write two to three sentences about the
requirements of each job.
Task 5.4
A children’s book publisher is looking to hire an English-Spanish translator. Translate a few
pages from a children’s book to show them your work.
Task 6.1
It was a busy day in your office. You finally have time to update the patients’ charts. Write
1-2 sentences on each patient’s chart about his/her ailments and what your
recommendation was.
Task 6.2
Police Officer
A crime has just been committed! You interviewed the eyewitnesses and have to create a
wanted poster based on the facts you received. Create a wanted poster, complete with a
sketch and description of the criminal.
Task 6.3
Professional Athlete
During the World Cup, you were voted MVP. Every newspaper wants an interview, so your
agent has collected the questions for you to answer. Prepare your answers and sit down for
a face-to-face interview.
Task 6.4
Travel Agent
You work at one of the busiest online travel agencies in New Jersey. You have just booked
five new vacations. Send an email to your boss that gives the date of departure, method of
transportation, and destination for each trip.
Novice-Mid Interpretive Rubric
Can I understand
what I heard or read?
What strategies do I
use to help me
understand what I
heard or read?
Can I identify the main
If there is a message
beyond the literal one,
can I understand it?
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
My answers are
relevant and accurate
and show that I
understood what I
heard or read.
Most of my answers
are relevant and
accurate and show
that, for the most part,
I understood what I
heard or read.
My answers are
irrelevant and/or
inaccurate and show
that I really didn’t
understand what I
heard or read.
I accurately identify
most vocabulary
words that I have
already been taught
I cannot accurately
identify many
vocabulary words that
I have already been
I accurately identify
vocabulary words that
I have already been
taught, and I can
figure out new words
based on the context
of what I heard or
I can identify the main idea
I can sometimes
successfully interpret
between the lines
when necessary
I attempt to interpret
between the lines
when necessary
I cannot identify the
main idea
I cannot interpret
between the lines.
Novice-mid Interpersonal Rubric
Does the teacher
understand me?
Do I understand the
How well do I use
the Spanish
Does Not Meet
The teacher
me without
The teacher
understands me
with occasional
The teacher
understands me
only with much
I understand
the teacher
I understand the
teacher but
sometimes I
need repetition
or restatement.
Most of the time I
don’t understand
the teacher.
I am mostly
correct when
I attempt to
(Vocabulary Use &
Language Control)
How well do I keep
the conversation
I recognize and
use vocabulary
with ease.
I begin to
language to ask
for repetition
I am mostly
correct with
language. I am
less correct
when I try to
create language.
I recognize and
use most of the
I use memorized
chunks of
language to:
-Ask for
-State that I don’t
I can only
communicate at
the word level.
I use a limited
number of words /
I cannot keep the
Novice-mid: Presentational Rubric
(Language Control
& Vocabulary Use)
How Well do you
organize the
How well do you act
like a native
Does not Meet
The audience
me without
The audience
me. I may have
hesitations or
I am not clearly
understood. I
have frequent
hesitations and
I am mostly
correct with
I am correct
only at the
word level.
My vocabulary
reveals basic
My vocabulary
is limited
I am mostly
correct when
presentation is
rich in
I use gestures,
visuals and
tone of voice to
My main ideas
are supported
with examples.
I use some
gestures and
visuals to
attention. My
tone of voice is
has a
middle, and
I make no effort
to maintain
I present
I demonstrate
awareness of
Novice-Mid Presentational RubricWriting
Do we understand  The reader
me without
How well do I use
the language?
(Language Control
& Vocabulary Use)
How well do I
capture and
maintain my
How well do I
organize the
I am mostly
correct when
sentences and
make errors
when creating
with the
My writing is
rich in
My writing is
engaging and
shows effort to
appeal to the
My main ideas
are supported
with examples.
I demonstrate
awareness of
How well would I
pass for a native
Meets Expectations
The reader
me with
I am mostly
correct with
Does Not Meet
 The reader
does not clearly
understand me.
I am correct
only at the
word level.
My vocabulary
is limited
My vocabulary
reveals basic
I make some
effort to
I make no effort
to maintain
My writing has
a beginning,
middle, and
I present
Novice-mid Presentational Rubric
Can the audience
understand me?
How well do I use
the language?
(Language Control &
Vocabulary Use)
How well do I
capture and
maintain my
How well do I
organize the
How well would I
pass for a native
Exceeds expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
The audience
understands me
without difficulty even
though I may have
some hesitation when I
The audience
understands me. I
may have some
hesitations or
unnatural pauses
when I speak.
I am not clearly
understood. I have
frequent hesitations
and many
unnatural pauses.
I am correct with
memorized language
but as I begin to create
(produce simple
sentences) with the
language, I have
difficulty being correct.
My presentation is rich
in appropriate
I use gestures, visuals
and tone of voice to
maintain my audience’s
My presentation has a
beginning, middle, and
My main ideas are
supported with
I demonstrate some
awareness of cultural
Appropriate use
of formal vs.
informal language.
Use of
languagespecific “fillers.”
- Use of gestures.
I am mostly correct
with memorized
I am correct only at
the word level.
I accurately use
vocabulary that I
have been taught.
My vocabulary is
limited and/or
I use some gestures
and visuals to
maintain my
I make no effort to
maintain my
My presentation
has a beginning,
middle, and end.
I present