Appendix S2: Analysis of sensitivity of utilization distributions to sampling interval and cell spacing, and schematic of philopatry calculation While the continuous-time correlated random walk (CTCRW) model described by Johnson et al. (2008a; 2008b) is continuous in both time and space, to develop utilization distributions from these models in practice requires discrete sampling in both dimensions. To ensure that these discrete representations accurately represented the continuous process, we assessed the sensitivity of our analysis to variation in the time between predicted animal locations and the size of the grid over which we estimated the utilization distribution. We chose the overlap in consecutive year's ranges as the metric over which we would assess sensitivity. We first chose 100 animal locations from two separate years that were broadly overlapping in space. We fit the CTCRW model (Johnson et al. 2008a) to both datasets and estimated locations at every 2.5 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes. We then predicted the probability of being at any point on a grid of points spaced 5 meters apart, calculated the overlap between the two years of data and examined the difference in the overlap value across time scales (Fig. 1). Using only 100 locations the computer time required to create the utilization distributions was substantial at the finer time scales (several hours at 2.5 seconds between locations). Thus, we attempted to balance computer time with accuracy of the representation of the utilization distribution and selected the 1 minute time scale to use in further assessment of the sensitivity of the utilization distributions to the size of the grid over which they were calculated (Fig. 1). To assess the sensitivity of the utilization distributions to the size of the grid over which they were calculated, we next estimated the utilization distributions over grids with varying distances between points (0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20 and 30 meters). This analysis showed that at a grid size of 5 m or less there was less than a 5% difference between the overlap values (Table 1). To further assess the sensitivity of the utilization distributions to the size of the grid we estimated utilization distributions for two full winter seasons for a single deer. We fit the CTCRW model as above and estimated locations every minute. We then attempted to estimate the utilization distribution over the same grid sizes as above. At grid sizes of less than 1 m the computation time became prohibitive (greater than 1 day). Thus we assessed the sensitivity of the overlap in utilization distributions to a reduced set of grid sizes (Table 2). The results of the above analyses allowed us to make a decision concerning the trade-off between computation time and accuracy of the approximation of the continuous process. We decided that predicting locations every minute and estimating the utilization distribution over a 5 m grid was the optimal set of conditions. We note that these conditions still required substantial computational time. To fit all models and estimate all utilization distributions required over 1 month of processing time on the Colorado State University ISTeC Cray High Performance Computing System, a supercomputer housed at Colorado State University. Table S2.1. Grid cell size, resulting overlap value and the percent difference between the calculated overlap value and that calculated on the grid with the smallest cell size for utilization distributions calculated for 100 locations from consecutive years of mule deer data in the Piceance Basin Northwest Colorado. Cell size Overlap value Percent difference from smallest grid 0.05 0.194 0 0.1 0.194 <0.001 0.5 0.194 0.002 1 0.195 0.006 2 0.196 0.01 3 0.198 0.021 4 0.2 0.031 5 0.202 0.043 10 0.213 0.09 20 0.269 0.281 30 0.311 0.378 Table S2.2. Grid cell size, resulting overlap value and percent difference between the calculated overlap value and that calculated on the grid with the smallest cell size for utilization distributions calculated for two complete winter seasons from consecutive years of mule deer data in the Piceance Basin Northwest Colorado. Cell size Overlap value Percent difference from smallest grid 1 0.373 0 2 0.378 0.014 5 0.384 0.028 10 0.384 0.028 20 0.387 0.036 30 0.367 -0.017 Figure S2.1. Results of analysis assessing sensitivity of overlap in utilization distributions to the time between predicted animal locations assessed using the continuous time correlated random walk model. Figure S2.2. Schematic detailing calculation of overlap between utilization distributions used in analyses of mule deer range overlap. References Johnson DS, London JM, Lea MA, Durban JW (2008a) Continuous-time correlated random walk model for animal telemetry data. Ecology 89:1208-1215. doi: Doi 10.1890/07-1032.1 Johnson DS, Thomas DL, Hoef JMV, Christ A (2008b) A general framework for the analysis of animal resource selection from telemetry data. Biometrics 64:968-976. doi: DOI 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2007.00943.x