Professional and career development loans: form A


Professional and Career Development Loans (PCDL)

Form A – Application for Inclusion on the Learning Provider List

This form must be used by learning providers applying to the Skills Funding Agency for inclusion on the PCDL Learning Providers List (LP List).

Learning providers must ensure that they have enclosed copies of all the supporting material and evidence requested with Form A.

Once complete, please save this form and then email it, with all required documentation, to

If you require any information or further advice regarding PCDL or the registration process, you can email

or telephone 0300 303 8610.

The Skills Funding Agency will respond to applications within 30 working days.

Section 1: Learning Provider Information

All providers MUST complete this section

Name of organisation

Trading name (if different to above)

Registered address


Email address

Legal Status please 3 as appropriate

Limited Company Non-Limited Company

(Partnership, Sole Trader)

Public UK Public EU

Please note:

If you are an overseas organisation or you cannot identify your company’s legal status using one of the above categories, please call 0300 303 8610 or email

for further information.

Companies House number (if appropriate)

Charity Commission Registration number (if appropriate)

Named contact (for the purposes of


Postal address (if different from above)

Daytime contact number


Website address

Has your organisation been previously included on the PCDL LP List?

Please select 'Yes'/'No':


If ‘Yes’, please provide the Registration

Number (if known)

Will course fees be paid directly to the organisation named in Section 1

Please select 'Yes'/'No':

If ‘No’, please give the name of the organisation that will be receiving course fees.

Private providers only

(UK Public Funded Providers – go to Section 2)

Names and date of birth of all company directors or designated members





If necessary, please continue in Section 5 Additional Information.

Is your organisation linked to any other organisation? Please select 'Yes'/'No':


‘Yes’, please give their Companies House number or state briefly how the companies are linked.

Companies House number (if applicable)

If the course (or courses, if more than one is being registered), is delivered at a different address to the addresses given above, please enter the contact name and address details below.


The application for inclusion on the LP List must be from the learning provider that is actually delivering the learning. Applications will be declined if they are from an organisation that intends to subcontract training delivery to another provider.


Overseas organisations should contact the Agency direct as some information included above may not be required.


Section 2: Financial and Funding Information

All providers MUST complete this section

To help establish that your organisation is not reliant on PCDL for funding and that you would be financially viable if your organisation ’s income from PCDL supported learners was removed. Please state your organisation ’s annual turnover as recorded on the latest year-end statutory financial statements.


Financial Year

How many learners in total are enrolled with your organisation at this time?

Does your organisation receive funding from the Skills Funding Agency?

Please select 'Yes'/'No':

If ‘Yes’,please complete the details below.

Agency contact name

Email address

Not-for-Profit Companies

An Experian credit check report is used to assess the financial health of organisations, which takes into account profit levels for private companies. If you are a not-for-profit company, the lack of profit will affect the outcome of this report and you may fail the check as a result.

Please let us know if you are a not-for-profit company and we can take this into account when assessing your financial health. We may request your latest year-end statutory financial statements; abbreviated accounts will not be acceptable.


Section 3: Learning Programme Information

Private providers only

How long has your organisation been operating as a learning provider?





All providers MUST complete this section

Is the course(s) or qualification(s) included on this form accredited?

Please select 'Yes'/'No':

If ‘Yes’, please give details of the awarding or accrediting organisation(s) and supply a copy of your up-to-date accreditation authorisation.

Please confirm that your organisation is assessing an individual’s suitability for the course they have expressed an interest in. This typically takes the form of stating prerequisite qualifications or skills which are required for the course or a pre-course assessment test.

Please note :

Franchise elements of any learning programme or Career Counselling or Job Search

Courses cannot be supported using a PCDL.

Do any of the courses you are registering have any franchise arrangement? If yes, please call 0300 303 8610 or email

for further information.


Section 4: Course Registration and Learner Information

All providers MUST complete this section

Please list below information about the course(s) you wish to register.

Please note : The course(s) must be eligible for PCDL support; and must be intended to lead into employment in the UK, EU or EEA; and must not be a course which leads into further learning.

Course name (include indication of level where appropriate)

Length of time your organisation has delivered the course

Mode of delivery

(p/t, f/t, distance learning)

Course length


Cost* £


MSc Human Resource


3 years f/t 12 months




Note : When registering a course, the duration should be considered when establishing the mode of delivery. Generally, a full-time course will be 16 hours or more a week, and part-time will be less than 16 hours per week.

Please list below the names and contact details of prospective learners who have expressed an interest in using PCDL to fund a course with your organisation.

Telephone number

Email address Name and address of learner

Name/address MSc Human


Course name Anticipated course start and end date





0121 123


Note: Learners may be contacted for confirmation.

If any unpaid work experience is included in the course, please state the length of time and frequency of occurrence.

* If course fees include costs for food, travel or accommodation, please supply a breakdown showing the cost for each element.


Course fees Food Travel Accommodation Equipment

Section 5: Additional Information

All providers MUST complete this section

Refund policy : Your refund policy must apply to all learners, not just those looking to be supported by PCDL. Briefly state how this is communicated to all learners.

Complaints policy : Your complaints policy must apply to all learners, not just those looking to be supported by PCDL. Briefly state how this is communicated to all learners.

Course brochure: You will need to supply a course brochure and information that will confirm course details including course prices, duration and delivery methodology (for example full-time, part-time). Alternatively you can include a hyperlink to the required course details in the space below.

Additional Information


Section 6: Required Supporting Documentation

Have you attached copies of?

Supporting Evidence/Documentation

Learning Agreement

As a minimum, the example agreement should include: learners details; course details; costs; start and end date and general terms and conditions.

It must include a space for signatures by both parties and be available to all learners (not just those looking to be supported by a PCDL).

The agreement may be described by another name, or may use a number of separate documents to fulfil this purpose. If so, the Agency must be supplied with copies of all documents which together comprise the Learning Agreement.

Refund policy

Complaints policy

Course brochure or hyperlink to specific course details

Proof of accreditation copy of your up-to-date accreditation authorisation

Statutory financial statement – not-for-profit and non-limited companies must include their most recent accounts.

Letter from accountant non-limited companies must supply an accountant ’s letter that confirms your organisation’s legal status and trading history


Section 7: Learning Provider Declaration

I confirm that the information provided on this form, including the supporting documentation, is complete and accurate.

I confirm that I (and the contact named in section 1 of this form, if different) have read and understood the Professional and Career Development Loans Learning

Provider List - Requirements for Inclusion guidance document.

I understand that if my application for inclusion is successful, my organisation must continue to adhere to the requirements, including any updated requirements implemented by the Skills Funding Agency. I understand that any breach of the requirements for inclusion may result in my organisation’s removal from the Learning

Provider List.

I declare that none of the Directors or Senior Managers of my organisation has previously been involved with any organisation registered with Professional and

Career Development Loans (or Career Development Loans) which ceased trading, impacting on learners or which has been removed from the Learning Provider List (or the Register of Learning Providers).

I confirm that my organisation’s business is not reliant on Professional and Career

Development Loans for funding and it would continue to be financially viable if its income from Professional and Career Development Loan supported learners was removed.

I understand that failure to disclose all relevant information may result in my organisation’s application for inclusion on the Professional and Career Development

Loan Learning Provider List being declined.



Print name:

(Authorised to sign)

Position in the organisation:

Note: Who is authorised to sign?

Public Providers: Financial Director or equivalents

All Other Providers: Company Director or Designated Member

