Professional and Career Development Loans (PCDL) Form B – Change to Learning Provider Details and Course Registration This form must be used by learning providers to notify the Skills Funding Agency of any changes to the organisation’s details, to amend course details currently held, and to register additional or new courses. Learning providers must notify the Skills Funding Agency of changes to their details within one month of the change. Changes include: change of organisation’s contact details changes to the named contact for the purposes of PCDL changes to the organisation, such as trading name amend course information include additional courses. For changes relating to legal status, for example, from a sole trader or partnership to a limited company, providers must submit a new Form A - Application for Inclusion on the Learning Provider List. Once complete, please save this form and then email it, with any required documentation, to If you require any information or further advice regarding PCDL, or changes to registration, you can email or telephone 0300 303 8610. Please note: If you are a Public UK learning provider and you want to add new courses or amend courses, you do not need to complete this form. If you need to make changes please contact us using the above details. Please be aware that we will undertake the checks outlined in the Professional and Career Development Loans Learning Provider List - Requirements for Inclusion document when assessing any amendment to provider details or course registration. Section 1: Learning Provider Information PCDL Registration number Name of organisation Trading name (if different to above) Registered address Telephone Email address Please Note: Where no change is required please record Not Applicable (N/A) where appropriate and go to the next section. Legal Status please 3 as appropriate Limited Company Non-Limited Company (Partnership, Sole Trader) Companies House number (if appropriate) Charity Commission Registration number (if appropriate) Named contact (for the purposes of PCDL) Postal address (if different from above) Daytime contact number Email Website address SkillsFundingAgency-P-130138-B Public UK Public EU Section 2: Course Registration and Learner Information Please list below information about the course(s) you wish to register. Please note: The first registered course, included on Form A, must have successfully run to completion before a subsequent course can be added. The course(s) must be eligible for PCDL support; and must be intended to lead into employment in the UK, EU or EEA; and must not be a course which leads into further learning. Course name (include indication of level where appropriate) Length of time your organisation has delivered the course MSc Human Resource Management 3 years Mode of delivery (p/t, f/t, distance learning) Example f/t Course length Course Cost* £ New Course (NC)/ Amended Course ( AC) 12 months £XXX.XX NC £ £ Note: When registering a course, the duration should be considered when establishing the mode of delivery. Generally, a full-time course will be 16 hours or more a week, and part-time will be less than 16 hours per week. Please list below the names and contact details of prospective learners who have expressed an interest in using PCDL to fund a course with your organisation. Name and address of learner Course name Name/addr ess MSc Human Resource Management Anticipated course start/end date Example 06/09/XX 30/06/XX Telephone number Email address 0121 123 6789 Note: Learners may be contacted for confirmation. If unpaid work experience is included in the course, please state the length of time and frequency of occurrence. SkillsFundingAgency-P-130138-B * If course fees include costs for food, travel or accommodation, please supply a breakdown showing the cost for each element. Course Fees Food Travel Accommodation Equipment Section 3: Learning Programme Information Is the course(s) or qualification(s) included on this form accredited? Please select 'Yes'/'No': If ‘Yes’, please give details of the awarding or accrediting organisation(s) and supply a copy of your up-to-date accreditation authorisation. Please confirm that your organisation is assessing an individual’s suitability for the course they have expressed an interest in. This typically takes the form of stating prerequisite qualifications or skills which are required for the course or a pre-course assessment test. Course brochure: You will need to supply a course brochure and information that will confirm course details including course prices, duration and delivery methodology (for example, full-time, part-time). Alternatively you can include a hyperlink to the required course details in the space below. Please note: Franchise elements of any learning programme or Career Counselling or Job Search Courses cannot be supported using a PCDL. Do any of the courses you are registering have any franchise arrangement? Please select 'Yes'/'No': If yes, please call 0300 303 8610 or email for further information. SkillsFundingAgency-P-130138-B Section 4: Additional Information or Change Additional Information or Change Section 5: Required Supporting Documentation Have you attached copies of? Public EU 3 Public UK 3 Non-Ltd Company 3 Ltd Company 3 Supporting Evidence/Documentation Course brochure - or hyperlink to specific course details Proof of accreditation - copy of your up-to-date accreditation authorisation. Statutory financial statement – not-for-profit and non-limited companies must include their most recent accounts. Letter from accountant - non-limited companies must supply an accountant’s letter that confirms your organisation’s legal status and trading history Not-for-Profit Companies An Experian credit check report is used to assess the financial health of organisations requesting changes to their registration which takes into account profit levels for private companies. If you are a not-for-profit company, the lack of profit will affect the outcome of this report and you may fail the check as a result. Please let us know if you are a not-for-profit company and we can take this into account when assessing your financial health. We may request your latest year-end statutory financial statements; abbreviated accounts will not be acceptable. SkillsFundingAgency-P-130138-B Section 6: Learning Provider Declaration I confirm that the information provided on this form regarding my organisation’s details, or to amend courses, or include new courses on the register, is complete and accurate. I confirm that the new contact named above (if indicated as a change) has read and understood the Professional and Career Development Loans Learning Provider List - Requirements for Inclusion guidance document. I understand that failure to disclose all relevant information may result in my organisation’s removal from the PCDL Learning Provider List. Signed: (Authorised to sign) Date: Print name: Position in the organisation: Note: Who is authorised to sign? The nominated contact on Form A - Application for Inclusion on the Learning Provider List or, Public Providers: Financial Director or equivalents All Other Providers: Company Director or Designated Member SkillsFundingAgency-P-130138-B